Heart Of Stone

By LoriMandle

3.1K 101 29

An Avengers fanfic that will contain some language, but Cap will keep it to a minimum ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Book 2

Chapter 33

36 2 0
By LoriMandle

The week passes merrily. Loki and I read alone in peace first thing in the morning, then Thor joins us when he wakes, bringing breakfast with him. By noon, we eat lunch, but we never seem to return to reading as planned. Thor always has an idea and takes us to carry it out.

Horse riding (good at it when I'm not falling off the horse), hunting (good at it for clear reasons) and friendly combat against them and a few other Asgardians (I am equally matched against them with my barb if Thor does not use his hammer) to name a few.

Today is our last day on Asgard and still we have found nothing. The only reason I am still bothering to search is because that is why we are here and there is always hope for Asgardians. I have learned that during my stay here. They never give in, usually because there is always an Asgardian secret that they can use to their benefit. I need to find the Asgardian secret that is a charm that will reverse my curse.

Today Thor is leading us to our final activity, something I have not been told of just yet. I can't help but wonder what it is, but it appears that Loki has taught him how to block his thoughts, because I cannot reach into his mind.

I try Loki instead, but the same thing happens. Strange. I don't comment, instead putting my own walls up to keep them out. If I cannot see their thoughts, they cannot see mine. Loki frowns slightly, so I know he was reading my thoughts. I open my mind again, just long enough to think of the word Caught, then I shut it off again. His frown becomes a chuckle. "Indeed, my lady. Indeed."

Thor stops and looks to us, smiling widely. "This is something I intentionally saved until our final day," he announced to us. "Loki, not even you will know of what I am about to show you. It happened after you left last."

"What is it?" Loki asks curiously. Thor's smile only widens and he leads us to my room during our stay in Asgard. When he opens the door, I'm instantly knocked over by something, but it wasn't a human or an Asgardian as touching whatever it was had no effect. For that I was grateful.

"What is this?!" Loki asks, sounding shocked yet... pleased? I look up at what knocked me over and saw something that resembled a tiny wolf cub investigating me with a curious, playful nature.

"I did not expect a wolf cub," I remark. "Should I be worried?" "Not of the pups, but their parents are of a different matter," Thor states, scooping the cub up into his large arms, being careful not to touch me as he does so. "Though they will not harm you without reason."

"Freki and Geri are Odin's companions," Loki tells me as I stand up. "It appears they have produced offspring." He looked to Thor. "How many?"

"Five," Thor answered. "Three males, two females. They were birthed not long ago. Midgard would consider them two weeks of age." "Do they have names?" I ask, looking at the one in his arm. It's wriggling around excitedly, but Thor doesn't seem to find difficulty holding it.

"Not as of yet," Thor shook his head. "But they will have to be named soon. Due to their Asgardian nature, these wolves are a lot more playful than Midgardian ones, but they are also menacing and powerful when they want to be. They need names suitable for this."

I nod in understanding, then we're joined by more curious wolf pups. They're especially curious of me. Can they tell I'm not Asgardian, maybe?

"Let us show you Freki and Geri, mother and father to the pups," Thor opens the door, where two wolves are lounging on my bed, doting over one last pup, who seems to adore their parent's affection. The three Asgardian wolves look up when we enter and observe me carefully. Thor releases the pup that was in his arms and they hurry off with their siblings to join their parents on the bed. I'm glad I won't be using it tonight.

"They are lovely creatures, wolves," I say. "I see the similarities between Asgardian and Midgardian wolves; loyalty, intelligence, protective instincts... they are wonderful." All the wolves seem prideful at my words.

"You are vey fond of wolves," Loki deduces. "All animals are incredible creatures, but wolves are among my personal favourites," I confirm with a nod. "One pack helped to raise me, in a way. After my parents... were burned to death... I needed the wolf pack to help me understand how to survive on my own. I was too young then to really know anything."

Loki looks down guiltily. Thor glares at him for a moment before his eyes turn apologetic, redirected to me. "I apologise for my brother's actions, my lady." "You are not to blame, Thor," I say solemnly.

I feel something fluffy at my feet and look down. One of the wolf pups are nuzzling my leg, trying to cheer me up if their thoughts are anything to go by. I smile slightly and kneel down, petting their fluffy head. "Hello, there."

They lean into my touch, much to my amusement, then hop into my lap when they deem me safe. Their silky grey fur is soft and fine, perfect for petting. Their big, sparky eyes are a deep sea green. Their tail is wagging so much I fear it will fall off.

"She likes you," Thor and Loki are smirking, but they too have fuzz balls lined up at their feet; it seems like visitors are great fun to the pups. They all continue to alternate between us, so I get to play with each of them. Their parents seem pleased to have a break. I'm sure it must be tiring for them to handle five energetic pups all the time.

When we eventually leave, it is due to it being time to return to Midgard. Unfortunately it means one of the Asgardian brothers must hold me again in order for me to not fall from the Bifrost. Even worse, we did not find what we can for.

When we set down on Avenger's Tower again, Thor releases me. I wipe my tears away. "Thank you." Without saying anything else, I head off for my room.

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