Home// Scott McCall

By voidhales1242

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NEW STORY: Season 2


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By voidhales1242

Chapter 6: Perfect Form

Chapter Song: Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran

"I'm in love now. Kiss me like you wanna be loved. This feels like falling in love."

     Isabella knew her dad was a borderline stalker, but she never had seen it in action like she was currently. He had all the warning signs of a stalker in training and it honestly scared her...just a bit. Derek was currently staring out of the second floor window as Scott approached the Hale House. He had been released from jail when they found no finger prints on Laura's body but rather animal hair, they had no way to trace it him. If only they had known he was an animal, well part animal.

Neither Isabella or Derek could see him yet, but they definitely could smell his scent becoming stronger. He was getting closer and closer by the second. Isabella was sat on the ground eating an apple while she awaited Scott's arrival.

Isabella took a bite of the apple, it's juice slipped down the corners of her lips before she wiped it off ," So what do you plan on doing to him? Because I don't really feel like watching Scott get torn apart by you ."

Derek continued to stare out the window and replied emotionlessly, "Nothing."

Isabella looked at him with confusion as she continued to eat her apple. Isabella chuckled and said playfully, trying to get him to spill his plan to her, "Oh, come on. You're gonna do something."

Derek turned to his daughter and crossed his arms over his chest as he smirked, " No I'm not because you're gonna talk to him."

Isabella almost choked on her apple, " Um, what? Are you crazy? He's gonna think I'm weird if I talk to him about your plan. I don't know how to make him remember anything about the bus incident."

"No. He likes you too much. Plus, he trusts you, doesn't he? I've heard you talking to him about control. "

Isabella sighed and looked up to Derek with a pleading look, "Do I have to?"

Derek didn't respond and just turned back around to stare out the window. Isabella knew what that meant, it meant she had too.

Isabella was worried about talking about the bus with Scott, she was scared it would trigger her memories of the nightmare. She didn't want to relive it at all. She supposed she shouldn't complain though because Scott had experienced the same dream and he sure as hell would not like what her father had planned for him.

Scott's scent was getting stronger as he came closer and closer to the home, Isabella knew she couldn't avoid the situation her father was placing her in. With that in mind she got up with a heavy sigh and reluctantly started down the grand staircase. When Isabella reached the final step, Scott's scent invaded her nose intensely. His scent was right outside her house, he had finally arrived. Before walking outside, Isabella threw her apple in the trash can in the living room and then walked slowly to the front door.

" I know you can hear me. I need your help." Scott said with a tick of sadness in his voice from outside the door.

Isabella couldn't believe Scott had really thought he hurt the man on the bus. Apparently the victim on the bus had not died, but Scott still blamed himself. Personally, Isabella didn't think Scott was actually capable of that no matter what the dream had shown and she hoped Derek's plan worked, so he could see it too.

Isabella heard Scott's feet move against the creaking wood of the porch as she stood behind the door. She decided that it was the perfect time for her to exit the house.

Isabella opened the door and was met by a face of surprise from Scott, "Izzy?"

Isabella smiled softly and walked out on the porch with him, closing the front door softly behind her, "Hey Scott."

Scott raised an eyebrow at her with a curious expression taking over his face," Is your dad home?"

"Yeah, but he's still kind of mad at you for getting him arrested, basically alerting the hunters of our location, and assuming that he killed my aunt." Isabella said as she began leaning on a pillar.

Scott winced and shook his head as he held a face full of guilt, " Uh- Yeah, I'm sorry about all of that, but I need help to find out if I actually hurt the man on the bus. Izzy, it's eating me up inside."

" Scott, it wasn't you." Isabella gave Scott a firm look. She felt Scott was too pure at heart to do something as horrendous as that, even when losing control.

Scott couldn't believe her, not until he had proof that he hadn't done it. He shook his head again and looked down with the saddest expression Isabella had ever seen, " You don't know that. I could have. I need to know."

" Fine, since you insist on knowing the truth." Isabella sighed and rubbed her temples. Her head was beginning to hurt, " I can show you how to remember."

"Really?" Scott's head snapped up and he looked at Isabella with a new hope in his eyes.

"Yeah, go back to the bus. Go inside. See it, feel it. Let your senses -- your sight, smell, touch -- let them remember for you."

"That's it? Just - just go back?"

"Do you want to know what happened?"

"I just want to know if I hurt him."

Derek then walked out the front door without warning with a smug look on his face, " No, you don't. You want to know if you'll hurt her."

Derek pointed at Isabella, he knew that was really what Scott was worried about. He may have thought the boy was immature and childish, but he knew he cared for his daughter.

Scott immediately put his head down in shame, Derek was right. He cared more about the safety of Isabella than he really did about what he had possibly done to his former bus driver. All he cared about was her recently.

Isabella growled at her father angrily as she watched Scott's head fall again and pushed herself off the pillar to walk to Scott.

Isabella pushed his head up with her hands softly placed on his chin to look into his beautiful eyes as she asked sadly, "Is that true?"

Scott nodded slowly as he kept direct eye contact with Isabella and she immediately pulled him into a tight hug," Scott don't worry." she whispered into his ear," You'll never hurt me. I'm capable of protecting myself. I'll always be here. "

Isabella gently let him out of the hug and he looked at her skeptically, " You're sure? I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you."

Isabella smiled and extended her claws cockily before waving them playfully in his face, " I'm sure."

Scott looked at her clawed hands and laughed whole heartedly. Even though he knew she was like him he would never stop worrying, but it made him feel a bit better. He'd always worry about her though, she was his girl.

Isabella slowly retracted her claws before touching Scott's shoulder lightly and giving it a small shove," Well, you better get going if you want to find out what happened. "

Scott smiled at her before swiftly kissing her on the cheek and then proceeding to run down the porch steps.

Before Scott could get too far he stopped in his tracks and turned around nervously scratching his neck," Do you uh -- wanna come with me? I could use some help other than just Stiles. Someone with more information."

Isabella looked back at her dad to ask for permission to which he shook his head no. Isabella looked at him for a few more seconds as she tried to decide if she was going to listen to him or not. As she stared at him she realized that in the moment she really didn't care what he thought, so with a mischievous smile she shrugged her shoulders at him and ran down the steps over to Scott.

Derek wasn't happy that she had defied him, but he knew he couldn't stop her. He could see the love she had for the McCall boy, a love he had experienced too while in high school. He just hoped their love didn't end like his had. He didn't yell for her as he watched her run to Scott instead he just sighed sadly and walked back into the house.

When Isabella reached Scott she grabbed his hand tightly; gaining a smile from him in return. The two looked at each other lovingly before walking hand in hand through the woods.


Isabella was currently sitting in the back of Stiles' Jeep for the first time ever and she loved it. She had always been a fan of Jeeps and she wanted one desperately. She was content with the Camaro, but she wanted to have a car she didn't share with her dad. That day wasn't anytime soon, but when it did come she knew she'd want a Jeep. Maybe she'd get one as amazing as Stiles' someday.

Scott had filled Stiles in on what Isabella had told him and what the plan of action was for the night. The trio had just arrived outside the gate that surrounded the back of the school by the buses. Isabella felt a weird sensation run throughout her as she stared at the dark scary lot. She felt as if she was back in the dream, it had taken place right beyond that chain link fence. She could only imagine what Scott was feeling as he realized he actually had to go back and relive it, Isabella didn't think she'd be able to do it.

It wasn't just the back lot that was giving Isabella the creeps, the whole school looked creepy at night and she could only imagine what it looked like inside. She hoped she'd never find out.

Stiles parked the Jeep and both he and Scott began to climb out of their seats. Isabella had tried to follow, but Scott shook his head at her. Isabella looked sadly at him before slowly sinking back into her seat. She watched as the two boys walked up to the fence and wished that Scott had let her follow him, at least to the gate. Instead she was stuck in the car all by herself.

Isabella could hear the two boys perfectly from her seat as Scott began to raise his voice at Stiles when they neared the gate," Hey, no, just me. Someone needs to keep watch."

Stiles ignored Scott as he kept walking to the gate and put his hands on the metal fence, "How come I'm always the guy keeping watch?"

Stiles began to climb the fence as Scott watched him. He didn't want to hurt his best friend's feelings, but he had do to this... he had to do it alone. Stiles would just distract him from what he had to do.

" There's only two of us!" Scott shouted up at Stiles who was already a quarter of the way up the fence.

Stiles let go of the fence and dropped to his feet before turning to Scott, "Technically there's three of us. Izzy's right there, she can keep watch."

Scott looked over at Isabella briefly before shaking his head. He didn't want to leave her alone. He knew that she had experienced the dream too and didn't want her to have any flashbacks, after all she had been the one murdered in the dream.

Scott leaned into Stiles and bounced on his feet nervously as he whispered, "I don't want her alone."

Stiles bit his lip in frustration before throwing his hands up in exasperation, " Oh come on, Scott! She's a freaking werewolf, I think she will be okay."

" Just please stay with her." Scott said with a sigh as he looked to be pleading with Stiles.

Stiles looked at Scott with an aggravated expression as she pointed a finger right into Scott's chest, "Okay, why is it starting to feel like you're Batman and I'm Robin? I don't want to be Robin all the time."

" Nobody's Batman or Robin any of the time." Scott said as he shook his head and grabbed the metal fence preparing to climb over it.

Stiles then scrunched his eyebrows and whined, " Not even some of the time?"

"Just stay here!" Scott growled as he turned back to Stiles for a brief moment with anger before shaking it off and beginning to climb.

"Oh, my God! Fine." Stiles said stomping back to the jeep like a child as Scott climbed over the chain fence. Stiles yanked the door open and huffed as he sat down in the drivers seat, slamming the door.

Isabella bit her lip nervously and looked at Stiles sympathetically before sighing and touching his shoulder lightly," You know Stiles, if it makes you feel better I don't think you're Robin."

Stiles then whipped his head around so fast she had thought he would get whiplash. His eyes were wide and he began searching hers for any sign of a joke, he found none.

Stiles swallowed a lump in his throat before nervously stuttering out, "Really?"

Isabella chuckled softly and gave Stiles a genuine smile, "Yes really. I think you'd make a really good Batman, and I think someday your gonna be able to prove that to everyone."

With everything going on in their lives she had really meant it. There was bound to be a time where he'd have a chance to show his hero side and she couldn't wait to be there to see.

Stiles' face broke out into a toothy grin, "Thanks Izzy. That means a lot."

" Your wel- " Isabella stopped mid sentence as a bright light shone directly on her face from inside the parking lot. She covered her eyes with her hand and looked out the windshield in confusion.

Stiles noticed Isabella had stopped mid sentence and gave her a quizzical look, he was yet to notice the light shining into his Jeep, "Izzy? What's wrong?"

Isabella pointed out the window as she continued to cover her eyes. She had no idea what the light meant, but she assumed it wasn't good. Something seemed to click in Stiles' mind as Isabella pointed at the windshield. His eyes quickly widened as he turned around in his seat as he immediately began frantically honking the horn. He needed to warn Scott. The light meant trouble, it meant Scott would be caught if he didn't hurry.

Suddenly Scott came into view through the blinding light as he started to race towards the fence. Isabella was no longer concerned with the light in her eyes as she caught sight of Scott, her hand dropped from her eyes and she began to watch his every step.

She watched as he ran towards the hood of a car only to jump off of it and flip over the fence. Scott rolled onto the ground harshly, but picked himself up swiftly before sprinting towards the Jeep. Isabella was impressed with his skills, but she knew it wasn't the time to relish in his abilities, that would have to wait.

As Scott came closer to the car Stiles began to beat on the steering wheel anxiously yelling, " Come on - come on -"

Isabella leaned over the passenger seat as Scott approached the side door and threw it open for Scott. Without a second thought he barreled into the open door and began to shout at Stiles while slamming the door shut, "Go! Go! Go! Go!"

Stiles then whipped the car into reverse frantically sending Isabella flying against the backseat, banging her head on the back window of the Jeep. She had not been prepared for the ferocity with which Stiles had pulled away from the school. She immediately grabbed her head in pain, it didn't last for more than a second as it healed, but it still hurt like hell.

As Stiles slowed down and the injury on Isabella's head fully healed, she scooted up in her seat and stuck her head right between Scott and Stiles as she spoke, " Did it work? Did you remember?"

Scott looked right at Isabella and then to Stiles who was now waiting for an answer as well, "Yeah, I was there last night. And the blood - a lot of it was mine."

Isabella tilted her head sideways in confusion and was preparing to ask Scott another question, but Stiles beat her too it, " So did you attack him?"

Isabella turned her head to Scott again to await his answer. He sighed heavily and gave Isabella a look of remorse. He didn't want to say what he was going to, but it had to be said. He hoped she didn't take it offensively. He knew what he had seen and he knew she wouldn't like it.

"No. I saw glowing eyes in the bus, but they weren't mine. It was Derek."

Isabella's expression immediately grew sour and anger arose within her body. She could feel heat rising to her face and her heart beat increase. She didn't understand why every bad thing had to be something her father did. She was sick of it and she couldn't help but feel that Scott could start to throw her under the bus just like he did to her dad.

Scott and Stiles had been continuing their conversation but Isabella had not heard a word of it, Isabella was too angry to notice. She had to get out of there before she did something she would regret. Hurting Scott was one thing. He could heal, but Stiles...she would never forgive herself.

Isabella's heartbeat was hammering against her chest aggressively and she could not calm her breathing. She needed to get out and she needed out right then.

Isabella slammed her hands down on the edge of both Stiles and Scott's seats before breathing out angrily through her teeth," Stop the car."

Isabella felt her canines splitting through her gums and her claws began to puncture holes through the seats of Stiles and Scott as she curled her fingers into them.

Scott looked back at Isabella with a wildly concerned face, " Izzy, what's happening? Are you okay?"

Isabella's anger was rising with each word Scott spoke and she could barely stand the sound of his voice. His voice was usually calming to her but in the moment it annoyed the shit out of her.

"I said stop the car!" Isabella screamed as she snapped her canines at Scott and her eyes transitioned from her traditional blue to the crisp gold color.

Upon hearing Isabella yell, Stiles suddenly slammed his foot on the breaks aggressively. Isabella took this as her opportunity to make a run for it. Scott jumped out of his seat in a hurry as he watched Isabella fling herself out of the back of the car. He had barely enough time to exit the car before Isabella threw herself out of the passenger side and ran into the forest.

Isabella could hear Scott shouting her name in the distance but the animal inside of her didn't care. Her feet rapidly ran across dead leaves and the wind flew through her hair. She had given her werewolf side the reigns for the first time since she had gained control over it and it actually felt great. She felt free.


Isabella had been running through the woods for hours, she had no idea what she was doing. She had no control over her actions.

She had thought she would never stop running or gain control back but she was interrupted by someone slamming into her and taking her down. She immediately recovered from the impact and got on all fours as she snapped her head towards her attacker who had gotten off of her as quickly as they had hit her.

Isabella growled and snapped at the attacker, she didn't even register who or even what it was. All she saw was red.

Isabella began to lunge at them, but they let out an ear piercing roar that had Isabella instantly cowering against a tree with her hands covering her face, she had begun to slowly turn human again.

When Isabella looked up from her hands to see who had saved her from becoming a monster she saw her father standing over her. Derek reached his hand down to Isabella and she hesitantly took it, allowing him to help her up. She was ashamed for him to see her lose control and she felt as if she has let him down.

Derek slowly let go of her hand as soon as soon as she was situated on her feet and began to walk through the woods to their house. Isabella just stood there frozen in place, staring into nothingness.

Derek's footsteps ceased as he realized his daughter had not been following him," Bella? You coming?"

Derek's words had snapped Isabella out of her trance and she ran over to him to catch up.

" How'd you do that?" Isabella asked quietly as she walked by his side. She was deeply ashamed, but she was also relieved that he had been there.

"I'm the alpha." Derek said without so much as eye contact with Isabella. It took everything in Isabella not to scoff at his fantasy. He was no Alpha.

Instead she settled for letting out a small chuckle," No, you're not. You're a beta."

It was Derek's turn to laugh briefly as he looked at Isabella through the side of his eyes, "Beta or not, I'm still the alpha of you and I always will be."

Isabella smiled and continued walking next to Derek, hearing the leaves crunching under her feet.

Derek then turned to Isabella and nodded his head towards her, "So...tell me, what made you lose control?"

Isabella huffed angrily and rolled her eyes at the memory of Scott accusing her father of something he didn't do...again.

He couldn't have done it, she knew that for a fact. He had been there when she woke up from her nightmare, there was no way he could have been on that bus too.

" Scott accused you of being the one that hurt the man on the bus. I mean, maybe, he does have a point since your the only other werewolf in this town besides me and him but, still it doesn't give him the right."

" Technically I'm not the only one." Derek said as he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

Isabella looked at him with surprise, "What do you mean? Is there something you're not telling me?"

" Well remember when I got a call the other day from the hospital telling me that Peter was alive?"

The two had just reached the house and Isabella began to trudge up the porch stairs as she answered, " Yeah, so are you saying it's him?"

" No, He's pretty much out of commission, his whole body is burnt to a crisp and he's not healing, I doubt it's him."

" So if he's the only other werewolf in Beacon Hills and it's not him, then who?"

" I don't know. But I'm going to find out."

Derek rushed to open the door and led Isabella inside. As soon as she stepped a foot into the house she rushed upstairs and into her room . She shut the light off immediately and jumped into bed. She didn't even think about changing, she just wanted the day to end. She just wanted it to disappear.


Isabella lazily pulled her head off of her pillow as the familiar ringing of her cell phone rang throughout the room. She looked out the window to see that it was still dark outside and that her wish for the day to be over had not been granted as she slowly wiped the drool from her chin.

The ringing of her phone still rang in her ear annoyingly as she tried to become more aware of her surroundings, she was still very tired and not all there. The sound of her phone ringing stopped momentarily as it reached the end of the tone but it picked up again as the person calling her rang her phone once again.

Isabella groaned tiredly and rolled over onto her side to reach for her phone on the bedside table. She didn't look at the Caller ID and simply swiped the green phone symbol to the right.

" Hello?" Isabella asked groggily as she rubbed her tired eyes carefully with a yawn.

" Izzy, please tell me you've seen Scott." Stiles practically yelled through the phone with panic in his tone.

Isabella rubbed her forehead tenderly and shook her head, " No, I haven't seen him, Stiles. If you can't tell I was just sleeping."

Stiles sighed heavily, " Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, I thought it was worth a shot though."

" What even happened Stiles? I though Scott was with you. How did you lose him?" Isabella asked with annoyance as she threw her covers off her body and jumped out of bed to pace around the cold wood floor.

Stiles shook his head as he sat on his bed and sighed, "After you jumped out of the car, Scott began freaking out. I think he felt stupid for hurting you again and the thought of you hating him sent him over the edge. He jumped out of the car too. Thanks for that by the way, you both scared the shit out of me. At least I know you're okay."

Isabella shrugged her shoulders, " Yeah, I guess. Scott will come back too, he'll be okay. Just wait until he calms down, he'll text you soon."

" Yeah, I know. I'm just worried about him you know? He's my best friend." Stiles said sadly.

Isabella frowned and stopped pacing momentarily as she processed Stiles' words, she never thought about how all of this hurt Stiles. This couldn't have been easy for him to watch, to watch his best friend struggle so much. If it were Allison or Lydia she would feel just the same.

" Look, Stiles." Isabella said sympathetically, "It's going to be okay, alright? You're doing the best you can to help him and that's all you need to do. He just needs you there."

" Yeah, I guess you're right." Stiles sighed and paused for a moment before speaking again, "Anyway, you're not still mad at us for getting Derek arrested, right?"

Isabella rolled her eyes and scoffed, " Of course I am. It doesn't help that Scott is accusing him of something again. However, I can't seem to stay away from you guys so I guess I'll have to get over it."

" Once again I'm sorry for that but can you really blame us? Your dad is creepy and has murderer written all over him."

Isabella couldn't argue that Derek was the poster child of a murderer. He fit the dark and brooding persona, but that didn't mean she was going to let Stiles have the satisfaction of her agreeing with him.

" Whatever helps you sleep at night, Stiles. Speaking of sleep, I'm going back to bed. If I'm going to beat the shit out of Jackson tomorrow while bowling I need all the rest I can get."

Before Stiles could reply, Isabella hung up and placed her phone back on the nightstand face down as she slowly began to climb back into bed. She had made her way into the bed but she never got to lay down as her phone began ringing again.

Isabella growled under her breath before picking her phone up with annoyance and answering the phone, once again not looking at the caller ID. She just assumed it was Stiles again.

" Stiles! I told you I need to sleep. Please let me-"

" Izzy?" A soft voice entered Isabella's ears that changed her whole attitude. It wasn't Stiles, it was Scott.

Isabella furrowed her eyebrows and sat up taller in her bed, no longer wanting to lay down in that moment as she questioned with a whisper, "Scott?"

" Izzy, please. Please don't hate me." Scott pleaded through the phone. He sounded so hurt and it caused a deep pang to go through Isabella heart. She couldn't bare to hear the tone of his voice, it killed her.

" I don't hate you, Scott." She said softly into the phone, " You know I could never."

" You should hate me." Scott said softly.

" But I don't." Isabella sighed and ran her hands through her hair, "I just hate some of the decisions you make sometimes. They're really stupid and irrational. It seems as if you always go with the first thought that comes into your head without even thinking of the logistics of your accusations."

" I'm sorry..." Scott said weakly. He knew that he done things to upset her and he didn't want to do it, he just couldn't help it sometimes. He knew he couldn't never take back the fact that he literally got her father arrested, but he couldn't live with the fact that she might hate him either.

" I know you are."

" I promise I'll try harder. I really do...We're still on for tomorrow night right?" Scott asked hopefully, he knew he had hurt her again tonight and that he might have jeopardized everything.

He just hoped she still liked him enough to show up to their date tomorrow, he needed that first date to change her mind about him. To fix things with her.

" Yes, we're definitely still on for tomorrow. I wouldn't dream of cancelling. You may aggravate me sometimes, but I still really want to be with you despite it all. I can't seem to stay away from you, Scott McCall."


Isabella was at Allison's the following night getting ready for her double date. She really didn't want to go anymore, but she knew Lydia would never allow her to give them a rain check. Lydia wasn't really the main reason she was still going though. She had promised Scott that they were still on, she couldn't cancel on him. It would break his heart and she just couldn't have that.

Lydia and Isabella had convinced Allison to come bowling with them even though she had initially not been sure that she had wanted to. It had been agreed that she needed to be there to keep Isabella from punching Jackson in the face. Lydia felt as if Scott wouldn't hold her back because of the two boys' history so she elected Allison to come and keep the peace.

Isabella wanted her there for the sole purpose of distracting her from wanting to punch Jackson, she wanted to stay calm for Scott and enjoy their time together. With Allison being there she hoped she'd be able to keep her mind totally off of the Jackass who was going to be joining them.

Isabella had told Scott to invite Stiles, but he had immediately rejected the invitation due to the fact that he'd be watching Star Wars. Isabella didn't blame him for wanting to watch a movie rather than go bowling, she loved Star Wars too. They'd have to have a marathon sometime.

Isabella sat in the beanbag in the corner of Allison's room as Allison searched through her closet. She was trying to find something for Isabella to wear that night because apparently what she had worn wasn't what Lydia thought was attractive.

Isabella looked down at the sweater and leggings she was currently wearing and didn't see a problem with it. She didn't even understand why she had to change. She looked cute and felt comfortable, wasn't that enough?

Allison pulled a shirt off the hook before examining it. She nodded her head in satisfaction before turning around to Isabella and Lydia, holding it up to her chest. It was a brown shirt with lighter brown splotches on it and Isabella actually thought it was cute. Lydia on the other hand? Did not.

"Ummm...pass" She said picking at her finger nails as she gave Allison a disgusted look.

Allison sighed as she turned around and hung the shirt back up. She was happy to help Isabella look good for her date, but she didn't know why Lydia had to be the one to decide what she wore. She also didn't know why Isabella even had to change, she looked cute. Reluctantly though, Allison began searching through her closet once again, trying to find something up to "Lydia's standards".

Isabella put her head in her hand and sighed in boredom. She was annoyed that Lydia wouldn't let her pick her own outfit, not everything needed to be verified by the great Lydia Martin. Isabella was so bored as she sat in the bean bag that she actually thought she was going to slip into a coma.

After a few moments of searching, Allison once again turned around with a shirt in her hand. This time it was a cute tie-dye shirt. Once again Isabella has thought it was cute, but Lydia did not.

Lydia shook her head in disapproval, " Pass."

Lydia couldn't believe the selections Allison had shown her, nothing was right. She had do this herself or Isabella would never have an acceptable outfit for their double date.

Lydia abruptly got up and walked towards Allison's closet before pushing her aside," Let me see."

Allison rolled her eyes playfully before leaning against the wall and watching Lydia rummage through her closet silently.

Lydia looked at the first piece of clothing she touched, "Pass".

She threw the shirt on the ground without a second glance. Then she grabbed another and immediately threw it down, "Pass."

She grabbed one more shirt before sighing and throwing the shirt down in the small pile she had made on Allison's floor, "Pass on all of it."

Lydia turned to Allison and put her hand on her shoulder sympathetically, "Allison, my respect for your taste is, uh, dwindling by the second."

Isabella sighed with aggravation and took her hand out from under her chin as she stood up to walk over to her friends," Lydia? Can you just hurry up? We don't have all night."

Lydia ignored Isabella's comment and turned around right as the blonde girl reached the closet to search through it some more.

She finally pulled out a black shirt covered in sparkles and tilted her head in contemplation, "Huh."

Lydia turned around abruptly, accidentally hitting Isabella in the face with her hair in the process, and walked over to the bed with the shirt in satisfaction, "This."

Isabella wiped her face and sputtered as she tried to rid the pieces of Lydia's hair that hit her lips. Allison watches her struggle with a small chuckle which was responded to by a small playful glare from Isabella.

After recovering from Lydia's hair whip, Isabella walked over to Lydia and gently grabbed the shirt from her hands. Lydia gave her a smile of satisfaction before waving her over to the mirror.

Isabella walked over to the mirror and held it up to her body. She liked the shirt tremendously and she thought it was beautiful. She hated the process Lydia had taken to find it, but she was glad she did.

As Isabella admired Allison's shirt, Chris Argent walked into the room with a coat draped over his arm. Isabella's attention was immediately brought to him and she couldn't help the smile that came over her face. She liked Chris, he was a good dad.

Allison looked at him awkwardly. She felt weird having her father standing in her room when her friend had just been about to change. She dreaded the thought of him walking in a few minutes later than he had, she would have been mortified.

" Um, dad? Hello?"

Chris looked flustered as he stood in the middle of the room filled with teenage girls, but nonetheless began to slip on his jacket as he spoke," Right. I'm sorry." He pointed his finger back towards the door and chuckled, " I completely forgot to knock."

Lydia lazily flopped down on the bed, laying down and putting her hand on her hip, "Hi, Mr. Argent."

Isabella rolled her eyes at Lydia's behavior before going back to admiring herself in the mirror. She was ridiculous sometimes, but you couldn't help but love the girl. Lydia Martin was definitely something.

" Dad, do you need something?" Allison asked sweetly as she played with her fingers nervously.

"I wanted to tell you that you'll be staying in tonight." Chris said as he began to zip up his jacket.

Isabella turned towards him with a shocked expression before she looked at Allison sadly, so much for having Allison there to keep her from killing Jackass.

"What? I'm going out with my friends tonight." She said with a disappointed tone.

Isabella was feeling the same disappointment, she needed Allison with her. She wouldn't survive being around Jackson without her.

"Not when some animal out there is attacking people." Chris said sternly.

Isabella gulped in fear at Chris' words. She knew he was a hunter and a damn good one at that. She just hoped he didn't think her father was the so called animal that was killing people.

"Dad, dad, I'm—uh -" Allison stuttered out, trying to find an excuse for why her father should let her go out. Unfortunately, no words would come out. She had nothing to justify herself leaving.

" It's out of my hands. There's a curfew. No one's allowed out past 9:30 P.M."

Allison opened her mouth to attempt to argue with her father again, but was immediately shut down as he pointed at her with authority, " Hey, no more arguing."

Chris then walked out of the room leaving Lydia and Isabella with a very angry Allison. She had felt horrible that she couldn't stand up to her dad and that she couldn't go out with them because of some stupid curfew.

Isabella was quite angry too, although it was for more selfish reasons. All she had wanted was for her best friend to go out with them.... and to stop her from killing Jackson, but that was beyond the point.

Lydia stood up cockily and smirked at Allison as she said with a teasing voice, " Someone's daddy's little girl."

Allison began biting on her fingernails anxiously. Isabella could tell something was turning in Allison's head and she liked where it was going.

Allison abruptly stopped biting her nails and straightened herself up confidently, "Sometimes, but not tonight."

Allison proudly walked over to her desk, and grabbed a beanie while looking out her bedroom to door to make sure Chris wasn't coming in. She then walked over to the window and pulled aside the curtains. Allison pulled up the window slowly, trying to make as little noise as possible before perching herself delicately on the window sill.

Isabella knew what Allison was doing and it brought a smirk to her face. She threw down the shirt in her hand, she didn't need it anyway. She looked good enough for Scott. Isabella ran over to the window and stood behind Allison hoping to climb out after her.

Allison pushed herself out onto the roof and Isabella followed closely behind her without hesitation and with a smile on her face the whole time. Allison and Isabella walked to the very edge of the roof side by side as they prepared to sneak away from the Argent house.

Lydia poked her head out the window and looked at the two girls in horror, "What are you guys doing?!"

Allison and Isabella didn't bother to look back at Lydia before they turned to each other and shrugged their shoulders with smug looks across their faces. They then proceed to flip off of the edge of the roof in perfect sync, both landing squarely on their feet.

Lydia stuck her head out the window further as she stared down at her friends with wide eyes. She didn't know if they were crazy or suicidal, but she did know that she was grateful they had both survived.

" Eight years gymnastics." Allison said shrugging as if it was no big deal.

Lydia then looked at Isabella with wide eyes hoping for her explanation.

"Parkour? " Isabella said raising her eyebrows and shrugging her shoulders. She didn't want to reveal to Lydia that she was a werewolf, she had to say something. It had been the first thing that came to mind and it seemed reasonable for what she had just done.

Lydia sighed and shook her head at the stupidity of her two crazy friends. Sometimes she questioned why she had picked them, but she also knew they were keepers. She had chose friends who didn't like her just because she had money and was popular, they liked her for her.

" Are you coming?" Allison asked as she quietly shouted up to Lydia who still was hanging out the window.

"I'll take the stairs." Lydia huffed and pulled her head back in the room. Allison and Isabella looked at each other and laughed while they waited for Lydia to make her way down stairs.


Scott was watching Isabella as she picked out a bowling ball. She picked up a blue ball first but she didn't really like it, so she set it back down and began going through the rack to find a different one.

"You look like you know what you're doing." Scott said as he watched Isabella and admired her finesse in picking out a ball. He didn't even know how to throw the ball down the lane correctly.

Isabella picked up another and tilted her head at it as she observed," I used to bowl with my dad in Las Vegas. It's the only thing I could really do there as a minor. When was the last time you bowled?"

Isabella shook her head at the bowling ball in her hand and set it back down. She had to find the perfect one. She wanted to make Jackson eat his words and if Scott couldn't do it, she would.

" Uh, at a birthday party" Scott said nervously.

Isabella looked up at Scott and let out a small chuckle. She then bent down lower to look at the bottoms shelf, she had to find the perfect fit. Finally, her eyes fell onto a violet covered ball and a smug smile overtook her face. She pulled it off the shelf and rolled it around in her hand. She knew it was the one before she even touched it.

Isabella rose to her feet proudly and began to walk back to Lydia, Jackson, and Allison who already had their bowling balls and were starting the game. Scott quickly grabbed a random ball off of the shelf before following behind Isabella hurriedly.

As Isabella and Scott reached the lane they were playing on, Isabella immediately took notice that Lydia was up first. As Lydia was preparing to throw, Jackson came up behind her and grabbed her body. He began to slowly and seductively run his hands up and down her sides. Isabella cringed at the two of them as her body shook in disgust.

It wasn't that Isabella hated PDA, it was just something about Lydia and Jackson. Those two together made her want to puke all over the bowling lane. She just felt as if they were not right for each other and it made her very uncomfortable.

Isabella shook her head and tried to ignore Lydia and Jackson as she walked over to the ball retrieving machine and placed her ball down on it, Scott had followed and did the same. The two then walked back to where Allison was sat down hand in hand. Isabella took the seat closest to the alley and began to put on her bowling shoes with a look of disgust directed towards Jackson and Lydia.

She just wished Lydia would open her eyes and dump him for the real person who loved her. Stiles deserved her more than Jackson.

Jackson took Lydia's arm and helped her bowl, the ball went straight into the gutter. Isabella laughed lightly under her breath and shook her head as she tied her shoes. It funny that with his help she couldn't knock down a single pin. What a great shot at his ego.

Lydia hurriedly grabbed her ball off the machine as it came back and went for her second try, again with Jackson's help. This time the ball barely stayed on course and hit only two pins on the very left side.

Lydia had not been satisfied with her turn and she huffed with annoyance as she and Jackson walked back to their seat, "I'm so bad at this."

Lydia and Jackson sat together right by the control pad, Jackson immediately threw his arm around her shoulder.

Isabella sighed and stood up to retrieve her ball from the machine when she realized it was now her turn. She grabbed it and walked slowly to the front of their alley. She stood there briefly rolling the ball in the palm of her hand before she took a deep breath and released the ball. She watched it speed down the alley and when it connected with the pins they all fell, every single one.

Isabella was excited, she was well on her way to making Jackson shut his mouth. She was gonna beat him senseless. Isabella smiled to herself and turned around happily walking back to her seat.

Allison looked over at Isabella and smirked," Somebody brought their "A" game."

Isabella smiled at her and sat down next to Scott. Scott gave her a high five and gave her a proud smile, "Good job."

Jackson scoffed and stood up for his turn. Isabella rolled her eyes at him and she was hoping that he would trip and fall on his face on his way up. Unfortunately, it didn't happen much to Isabella's dismay.

Jackson stood facing their alley and in typical cocky jock fashion he threw his ball down the alley. When the ball left his hand the pose he landed in was enough to make Isabella's day. He stood facing the alley and in typical Jackson style; cockily threw his ball down the alley towards the pins waiting at the end.

His body was slanted slightly and he had one of his feet raised. Isabella knew that this was a standard way of ending in bowling but, honestly she thought it looked funny when Jackson did it. It really took away some of his macho masculinity. To her he kind of looked like a ballerina, it was amusing.

Unfortunately, he had gotten a strike just as Isabella did, but it didn't bother her. Isabella still knew she was gonna win, Jackson was bound to mess up at some point...she wouldn't.

Jackson sauntered back to his seat next to Lydia and cockily threw his arm back around her. She smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek to congratulate him for his strike.

Jackson looked over to Scott and Isabella in mockery and pointed to the alley while maintaining eye contact directly with Scott, " You're up, McCall."

Scott got up with a shaky breath and gave Isabella a sideways smile as he walked up to take his turn. Isabella could literally sense the anxiety and worry radiating off of him.

She had to calm him. She sat up straighter in her seat and said encouragingly to him," You can do it, Scott. "

He looked back and smiled at Isabella as he got into position. Obviously, her words hadn't worked because she could see his hands shaking as he held the ball and she could hear his heart beat thumping out of his chest. Isabella's face formed into a frown as she watched him. She just hoped he was gonna be okay.

Scott then took a deep breath and started his approach. He brought the ball back in a large open stance with his arms spread wide, like a softball pitcher in their windup.

Isabella shook her head and rolled her eyes playfully at him. He brought his arm down and threw the ball while almost falling flat on his face. His ball rolled right into the gutter.

Jackson immediately burst into laughter, holding his chest tightly. It was obnoxious and not necessary. It just proved how much of a Jackass he could be.

Isabella turned and gave him a deathly glare, "Jackson?"

He still hadn't stopped laughing but looked at Isabella with a questioning look.

" Mind shutting up?" Isabella said sassily while still glaring at him.

He laughed even more and hit his hand on the control panel out of laughter, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just flashing back to the words "I'm a great bowler."

Scott then walked over quietly and with a blank look on his face. He hadn't meant to embarrass Isabella like that, he should have never tired to act tough in front of Jackson. Allison looked over at Isabella with pity and tilted her head towards Scott.

Isabella flashed a fake smile at Jackson as she began to rub Scott's shoulder comfortingly, "Maybe he just needs a little warm-up."

Jackson burst into laughter again and scoffed, "Yeah, maybe he just needs the kiddy bumpers."

Lydia joined in on the laughing and Isabella just looked at them with disgust, she hated how Lydia could be so cruel around Jackson. It was almost hypocritical, it wasn't like Lydia did any better.

Allison then spoke up and said kindly as she leaned forward in her seat," Scott, just aim for the middle. You got it."

Isabella gave Allison a grateful look. She was thankful that she was there to help not only her but Scott too.

Jackson sneered at Scott, "How about you aim for anything except for the gutter?"

Isabella looked at Jackson and angrily huffed, "Let him concentrate, Jackass."

Jackson put his hands up in surrender and shut his mouth mockingly. Isabella huffed in relief, finally he had shut his mouth.

Scott then began to walk up again and Isabella watched him the whole time with hope. He grabbed his ball and looked at Isabella for reassurance, she immediately put two thumbs up and gave him a wide smile. Scott nodded his head and lined himself up with the alley.

Scott took a deep breath and started to whisper to himself, slightly bouncing the bowling ball in his hand," Come on, just one pin, please."

Isabella sighed, she knew how embarrassed he was and it hurt her heart. She knew he had felt bad for lying the day before and she knew he had done it to impress her. He was currently paying for his words and she couldn't feel worse for him.

Scott took one more deep breath and threw the ball down the alley. Scott had almost fell again but this time his ball had started down a straighter path. Isabella watched the ball with wide eyes and the hope rose higher in her. She stood up to run and hug him, but at the last moment the ball swerved and landed in the gutter...again.

Isabella sat back down in her seat sadly as Jackson began to laugh again. The mere sound of his laugh was angering Isabella deeply. Lydia had done just as bad as Scott and she hadn't been a dick to her. Isabella had expected nothing less from Jackson though, it was who he was.

"Great job, McCall. Man, you are a pro." Jackson said yet again breaking into a fit of laughter.

Isabella glared at him for what felt like the millionth time that night. She was really regretting the group date with Lydia and Jackson. She did not like spending time with them together for more than five minutes, she had learned that.

Scott sadly walked over and sat in his seat. Allison looked at him with sympathy and patted him on the back, " Don't worry. We only just started."

Isabella nodded her head in agreeance and put her hand into Scott's lovingly as Allison got up to take her turn, " Yeah, don't worry. You'll get it, we got this."

Isabella could only hope she'd be right.


Allison had just gotten a strike and the group had continued the rotation. Lydia had went and missed again. Then Isabella had went and got a spare. Not the best but it would do, as long as Jackson got one too.

Luckily, Jackson had also gotten a spare which made Isabella smile in satisfaction. The look on his face was enough to make her happy. Jackson was pissed and it was priceless.

It was currently Scott's turn again and he was just as nervous as before, Isabella could smell it and see it. She knew she needed to do something other than just encourage him, she needed to silence Jackson. She needed to be a little risky. It was something she had never done before but, she was willing to try for Scott.

Scott was just standing there bouncing the ball on his hand softly. Isabella had internally debated getting up and going through with her plan. She had almost got up but she sat back down, she was nervous to put herself out there like that.

Scott just stood there, still not attempting to even throw it. When more time seemed to pass by of him just standing alone, Isabella decided to counteract her choice of sitting down and got up to help Scott. Isabella heard Jackson huff in complaint to which she just rolled her eyes and continued to approach Scott.

Isabella stopped behind him and looked over his shoulder. Scott turned his head to look her in the eyes, " Scott, you're thinking too much."

Scott winced and looked at her as he moved the ball around on his hand nervously," I know, I'm sorry. I'm ruining this."

Isabella shook her head rapidly and spoke into his ear softly, " No, no, not at all, but I wouldn't mind shutting them up, so just clear your head and think about something else."

He looked forward and sighed, " Like what?"

Isabella smirked, it was time for her to try something new. Here was her plan and it was time for her to execute. She leaned closer to his ear as she stood on her tip toes and whispered seductively," Anything. Think about me...naked."

Isabella then ran away to her seat, leaving Scott all by himself to think of what she had just said to him. Scott's heartbeat rose in his chest and his breath became heavier, he could literally see the image in his head.

Isabella closed her lips tightly and tried to hold in a smile as she stared at his back. She could no longer smell nerves, she smelled lust and desire. It was exactly what she had wanted to put into his brain.

Scott remained frozen in place for a few moments as he blushed deeply to himself, Isabella's cheeks were the same color. His body began to slowly become unfrozen as he got in position with a new found confidence. He took a deep breath and then threw the ball with all he had.

It rolled steadily down the middle at a speed none of the other kids had seen before, including Isabella. It smashed right through the middle of the pins and sent them all down...Scott had gotten a strike.

Isabella laughed playfully, not believing that it had worked. Isabella covered her mouth with her hands and smiled with glee behind them. As she brought her hands down, she looked at Jackson who had a look of misbelief written all over his face. Isabella smirked at Jackson as she leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms. She had shut him up, they had shut him up.

Lydia looked at Isabella with shock, quietly shouting at her, "What did you say to him?"

Isabella turned her head slightly towards Scott as he took his seat next to her and smiled mischievously, "Uh, I just gave him something to think about."

Isabella sent a wink his way causing him to blush as Allison walked up to take her second turn. She hadn't said anything but she was proud of Scott and even more proud of her best friend who had helped him.

That night was really turning around for Isabella, now that Scott had shut Jackson the hell up.


"Oh my god! That is seriously amazing!"

Isabella stared at Scott in misbelief. He had just bowled his sixth strike in a row. Isabella couldn't believe how much the night had turned around now that Jackson wasn't saying stupid shit. Isabella could actually tolerate him when he didn't speak. She still enjoyed pissing him off though.

With a smirk Isabella swiveled around in her chair to face Jackson, " Uh, Jackson how many was that? "

Jackson looked at her with a glare as Scott walked back over with a huge grin and sat down. Jackson's gaze moved to Scott in envy as he growled out," It's six, in a row."

Allison got up and walked to retrieve her ball for her turn when Scott shrugged his shoulders, " Something just clicked, I guess."

Isabella smiled at him and grabbed his hand softly, "Maybe it's natural talent."

Lydia began sliding off her chair and stood with her arms crossed and a huge seductive smile on her face. Isabella stared at her with a questioning glance as she stood up staring at Scott and twirling her hair.

Allison was currently coming back from her turn and had no idea what Lydia was doing. Allison sat down cautiously looking straight at Isabella, tilting her head at Lydia with a confused face. Isabella just shrugged her shoulders and raised her eyebrows. She had no idea what Lydia was doing either.

Lydia then spoke and her smile got more flirty as she swayed slightly, " I could use some natural talent. You mind helping me out this time, Scott?" She pointed her finger towards the alley.

Isabella looked at her in bewilderment, what the hell was she doing? Isabella was going to kill Lydia if she was actually suggesting what Isabella thought she was. Scott was hers, Lydia had Jackson. She didn't need both.

Isabella's face contorted into anger. Isabella watched Scott out of the corner of her eye and saw him give her a look of worry as she shot daggers at Lydia. He immediately gave her hand a comforting squeeze, her stare broke and she looked at Scott.

Scott smiled at Lydia before giving Lydia a face of mock intent, "No, you're good. Go for it."

Lydia straightened her face and pulled her shirt down in a huff as she said with attitude, "Thanks for the vote of confidence."

Lydia then began walking up to get her ball with an amplified attitude while stomping her feet on the wood floor.

Jackson got up quickly and tried to follow Lydia up to the alley, "Hey. I'll help."

Isabella smiled at him for being a good boyfriend for once. Maybe, he's wasn't as bad for her as she thought. She still wanted her with Stiles though. Nothing would change her mind on that.

Lydia then turned around and with a smug face and said to Jackson while picking up her ball, "How about I just try this on my own? "

Jackson stood there for a little bit in shock, surprised that she turned him down but then slowly turned around and walked back to his seat with a sad look. Isabella actually felt a bit of sadness for him, just the smallest bit.

Lydia then abruptly turned around and stood straight up, securing her hold on the ball as she threw it. She landed in perfect form. To say Isabella was surprised was putting it lightly.

"What the fuck?!" Isabella shouted in outrage as something seemed to shift inside Lydia. She no longer looked like the ditzy girl who needed all the help from her boyfriend.

Allison leaned over Scott and slapped Isabella in the arm, she didn't even flinch. She was just watching the ball go down the alley towards the EXACT middle of the pins.

The ball hit the pins and sent every single one down. Lydia had gotten a strike and Isabella was dumbfounded.

Lydia turned around in a twirl with a smile on her face, "Yes!" She then sauntered over and sat back down in her seat, " I think I'm getting the hang of it."

"That was sorta perfect form." Isabella said while dumbfounded as she stared at Lydia with her mouth hung open in shock.

Lydia smiled at Isabella and shrugged. Isabella knew she couldn't have gotten that good in just a couple minutes since she last had her turn.

Unless...Isabella's shocked face turned to a look of sadness when she finally realized what had happened. Even though she had gotten mad at Lydia earlier it didn't mean she didn't care for her. She was still one of her best friends. Her realization saddened her to the core.

"Was it?" Lydia smirked at Isabella and leaned into her with a smile.

Isabella whispered in a saddened tone just so Lydia could hear and she leaned into her too, "Maybe you should stop pretending to suck just for his benefit."

Lydia leaned forward a bit more and whispered sassily, " Trust me, I do plenty of sucking just for his benefit."

Isabella scrunched her face in disgust at her, "Lydia, that's disgusting."

Isabella had tried to be there for her friend and that's what she had gotten in return. She then leaned back into her chair in disgust. She was grossed out and wanted to vomit. If she vomited she would would be sure to do it right on Lydia's black Doc Martens.


Scott and Isabella approached the front door of her house. Scott had ended up winning and beating everyone tremendously including herself. It made her a little sad, but she was happy for him at the same time. It really made her night to see him happy and prove Jackson wrong.

They both climbed up the crumbling porch steps, she with her hands in his coat pockets that he had given to her. The two stopped right outside the front door and turned to each other.

" So, uh, do you think we could hang out again soon?" Scott awkwardly bounced on his heels and looked at Isabella hopefully.

Isabella smiled at him widely, " Definitely."

Scott smiled back at Isabella, but she had more to say. She tilted her head and squinted her eyes at him as she confessed her feeling about the night, "But I have to admit something. Um, I'm not big on group dates. So next time, just the two of us."

"I could totally handle more of that." Scott said with a goofy smile littering his face.

Isabella smiled back and whispered as she got closer to him, preparing to plant a kiss on his lips," Great."

She slowly connected their lips before quickly pulling away and beginning to walk to the door. She was preparing herself mentally to walk into a house where her dad would be pestering her for the rest of the night. It was going to be a long night for her.

Before Isabella fully reached the door though Scott grabbed her hand, stopping her in her tracks, "Izzy?"

Isabella walked back over to him and gave him a questioning look. He smiled and leaned into her for another kiss. She smiled widely back and leaned in too.

When their lips connected fireworks went off like in the dream Isabella had once and boy did she love it just as much as in the dream. When she had pecked him just minutes before she felt a spark but nothing like that. Kissing him was amazing to her, she never wanted to stop, but she knew her dad would be waiting so she pulled away slowly. She rested her head on Scott's and laughed shortly to herself.

Isabella looked him straight in the eyes and whispered quietly as she tried to calm her breathing, " And I could handle more of that-"

Scott couldn't help but blush at Isabella's words. He was falling in deep for her, if he could even fall in deeper than he already was. He already knew he loved her, he really did. There was just something about Isabella Hale and to her there was just something about Scott McCall.

Isabella pecked his lips once more and then started back for the door to her house. She opened the door and walked in expecting to see her dad right behind the door, standing in the dark room, but he wasn't. She looked left and right in search of him, but she didn't see him. She then slowly closed the door and leaned her whole body against it, sighing happily.

Suddenly the lights turned on causing her to jump and shriek slightly.

Isabella turned her head towards the archway that led to living room to see Derek leaning against the wall, "So, how'd it go?"

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