The Butler's Bride || jjk

By Proudy_ARMY

295K 13.3K 11.6K

"Don't worry. You'll be able to see me wearing the most stunning suit... on our wedding day." Highest Rank #3... More

JK's Birthday Special
The Butler Series on Youtube
Epilogue (Unabriged)


7.3K 354 503
By Proudy_ARMY

A/N: Before, prepare your hearteu. Now, prepare your brain ;)


A week has passed and your days went normal despite of your father being gone. You slowly accepted the fact that you'll never get to see him and never get to eat with him again. Your mom's support, your fiancè, and even Cloud helped you on moving through the pain.

You were invited to join the seniors' meeting at the agency. Namjoon sat on the aisle, on his either sides were Jin and Hoseok. Jungkook took a seat beside Hoseok while you sat across him, beside Jin. Jungkook gave you a questioning stare, expecting you to sit beside him but you teased him by sticking your tongue out.

"Okay, that's enough, kids." Namjoon spoke out, clearing his throat. "By the way, Y/N. I'm sorry if we ever disturbed you just to attend this meeting."

You waved your hands. "No no. It's okay. It wasn't a busy day for me in the office so I don't mind." You smiled at him in assurance.

"Nice." The head mumbled. "Well, if you can notice, this is supposed to be a senior's meeting but we called you since you have a big participation about this matter."

You just nodded, lending him your ears.

"Shall I deliver the good news first? Or the bad news?" Namjoon asked.

"Let's go with the good news first." Jin answered and Namjoon managed a small smile, looking at you.

"Kevin Woo is captured. His murder case is now filed and he's sentenced to life time imprisonment." He stated and your eyes sparkled.

"R-really?" You stammered, speechless.

Namjoon nodded with a wide smile.

You exhaled in relief. "Finally."

'Justice is served.' You thought, glad for your father that he could finally be in peace in the heaven.

You stood up and bowed at your co-agents.

"Thank you so much. You don't know how much it means to me." You uttered an appreciation but Jin gently pulled your arms to make you sit.

"It's our job. We're glad to help." Hoseok said, flashing his bright smile.

You turned to Jungkook and he already had his wide smile for you.

"I know how happy you are right now, Y/N. But --" Namjoon spoke, earning everyone's attention. "There's such a serious case we need to focus right now."

"Is it the bad news now?" Hoseok asked and Namjoon nodded.

The head stood up, posting a picture of a girl on the white board. Your eyes widened at the sight of it, Jungkook had the same expression as yours.

"Hirai Momo." Namjoon uttered. "The first girl that went missing and is still finding."

"She hasn't found yet?" You asked out.

"Do you know her, Y/N?" The head asked and you turned to Jungkook.

"Well, actually-- We fought with her the night she went missing." You said, your eyes at Jungkook.

"W-what? You fought with her?" Hoseok questioned in surprised. "Let me guess-- Jungkook has been cheating on you with that Momo girl, right?" He gossiped and Jungkook smacked his arm playfully.

"Yah! Hyung! I can't cheat! I've been a faithful fiancè to her. It's just that--" He then turned to Namjoon. "The night that we saw her, she said that she has been waiting for me."

Jin narrowed his eyes at the youngest. "Are you related to her?" He asked and Jungkook shook his head.

"It was really the first time I've seen her and yet she knows my name." He uttered.

"How did she know you then?" Namjoon asked, cocking his head as he crossed his arms against his chest.

Jungkook shrugged and you answered in his behalf. "That girl suspected me as Kookie's FuBu."

Hoseok's brows crossed at the word. "FuBu? What's that?"

"Fuck buddy." Jin answered to him and the younger just shrugged.

"Oh. Sorry, I don't know those terms. I'm still pure and innocent." Hoseok uttered, resting his back against the chair as Jin threw him a crumpled paper that hit his forehead.

"Did you have sex with that girl, Jungkook?" Namjoon asked the youngest in full authority, his voice intimidating but Jungkook defensed his innocence.

"No!" He answered right away. "I didn't have sex with anyone in my entire life, hyung! And I am only going to do that with my girl. I love her too much to cheat." He uttered as he turned to you.

You then lowered your head when you felt the heat crept up your cheeks.

"Okay. Okay. Calm down, Kook." Namjoon spoke, noticing his heavy breathing. "I'm sorry if it seemed like I doubted you but-- it just feels so odd that Hirai Momo knows you-- and it was the same night that she went missing, right?" He asked and you nodded.

"Well you guys, might get framed up." Jin uttered worriedly, glancing at you and Jungkook.

"If ever that happens, I'll fix that." The head stated. "The police always hands me down their prime suspects in every cases and if they finds out that Y/N and Jungkook were with Momo before she went missing, and suspect the both of you in fault, I'll just show them your ID's in the agency. They can't doubt my agents."

"That's good." Jin commented as the head then grabbed the other photos to post it on the board.

"Moving forward, these four other girls went missing in different days just this week." Namjoon stated, pointing at the four photos he posted. "The National Police believes that there's only one person behind this incident."

"From the look of the girls, it seems like the kidnapper only gets young and pretty girls." Hoseok commented, his fingers brushing his chin.

"That's right." Namjoon snapped at him. "In fact, these girls' ages are ranging from 18-25 years old."

You then earned their stares which made you uncomfortable.

"W-what's with the stares?" You stuttered. "Are you trying to say that I could be the next victim?"

"You don't have to worry about, baby. As long as I'm with you, no one can take you away." Jungkook uttered confidently as he winked at you.

"Are there reported deaths regarding the missing girls?" Jin asked suddenly.

"Fortunately none. The police believes that they are still alive." Namjoon stated. "And this is what we need to work on right now. Find out why they are missing, the possible suspects and at the same time protect Y/N."

You cooed. "Ehh. No need to put such an effort on me. I'm already your agent. I've passed your trainings so there's no way I couldn't protect myself."

Jungkook chuckled, leaning in the table to whisper to you. "You're still the stubborn brat I knew since day 1."

He giggled and you smacked his head making him groan.

"We just have to be double careful, Y/N." Namjoon spoke and you turned to him. "After what happened to Jimin, I need to take care of my agents more."


"Shall I drive you back to your office?" Jungkook asked when the both of you have exited the room after the meeting.

"Maybe later. I'll just find Cloud." You answered.

"Alright. I'll just be in the training field. Hyung wants me to judge a combat of the trainees."

"Okay." You smiled at him before you parted ways.

You then walked to the longue where you left Cloud with Taehyung. But before you could reach there, you met Taehyung midway.

"Oh. Tae, where's Cloud?" You asked him worriedly.

"Ah. Sorry, Y/N. Jin hyung called me for a training. But don't worry, Cloud's still in the longue with Jimin."

You sighed in relief. "Okay. Thank you."

Taehyung smiled back before dashing to the training field. You continued your way to the longue and peeked at it's glass door but didn't see anyone inside.

Unlocking the door, you went inside as you scanned the place.

"Jimin?" You called out but no one's responding. "Cloud?"

It took a minute before you exited the longue once again since there was no one. You frustratedly scratched your head.

You walked down the hallways while calling out Jimin and Cloud. Until you stopped when you heard a faint crying sound.

Your heart's pace increased, knowing that it isn't like a human's crying sound, but a dog.

You softly followed it till you pressed your ears to a door where you heard the crying clearer. You opened it and saw your puppy curled up as he cries, his small body shaking in fear.

"Oh my god." You muttered, reaching for the poor puppy.

You looked around you and noticed that it was a dark stockroom. Cloud had his leash tangled around his tiny body.

"Ohgod. Who did this to you, baby?" You cried out as you carried him and noticed his teary eyes that broke your heart.


"You are few steps away from becoming an agent, Tae." Jin reminded him as they both stood away from the ring where the two trainees were having a combat.

"Really?" Taehyung uttered with a wide smile.

The older turned to him with a smile.

"Well, you were a spy before so it has helped you a lot during your training. You just have to keep your name in the Top 3 trainees."

"So what's the training for today? A combat?" He asked, glancing at Jungkook below the ring who got a scrunched up face and a note on his hand.

"No. The combat's for the low rank trainees." Jin answered, turning to the younger. "While you, together with the top 10 trainees will have an exam."

"Oh. Okay."

"You have to get a high score for this, perfect is better. Because the result of the exam will highly affect your ranking so you have to be careful. If you fail and lose your rank, you'll have to do the trainings all over again--" He uttered, glancing back at the ring. "--including the combat."

"I wonder what the exam is about." Taehyung mumbled and Jin grinned at him.


Taehyung sat on the very first row, together with his ten other co-trainees who are seated far away from each other.

All of them held their breath for a second when the door was pushed open, revealing Seokjin who was bringing the test paper.

Standing by the table placed at the middle of the room, he dropped the papers and managed an assuring smile to relieve the tension that was growing.

"Good day, trainees!" He cheerfully greeted with a wide smile.

"Good day, sunbaenim." They greeted back.

"First of all, I would like to congratulate you for reaching this stage. Only few trainees can do that and you are just few steps away from becoming official agents." He stated, smiling. The trainees applaused. "So for today, you will be taking an exam and this will test your critical thinking ability. This exam contains 10 situational questions and you are required to answer it within one and a half hour."

Jin then handed them their papers before going back to the middle and spoke, "Goodluck, trainees." He smiled, glancing at Taehyung who was already focused at his paper before he finally left the room.

Taehyung, on the other hand, then quickly scribbled his name before flipping the pages of the paper to check the questions.

His brows crossed, realizing that the questions were getting harder till the last number. So he decided to answer the easiest one or rather-- the very first question.

'A man was found dead while he was hanging himself at the middle of his room. At the scene, there was found a bed by the corner and water under the dead man's feet. There was no stool or any kind of chairs. Question; How did he hang himself?'


The sun was setting when you hopped in Jungkook's car, together with Cloud in your arms.

"I don't want to go back in the office. Let's just go home." You uttered, looking down at Cloud who's body was still shivering.

"Why? Did something happen?" Jungkook worriedly said as he drove out of the headquarters.

"I found Cloud in the stockroom, he was crying and shivering in fear, his leash was all around his body. I don't know but maybe someone locked him there." You stated, gently running your fingers through the puppy's head to comfort him.

"What?" He muttered surprisingly. "Who will do that to a puppy?"

You shrugged. Jungkook sighed, glancing at Cloud who was drifting to sleep in your arms.

"I'll check the security cameras once I get back to the headquarters."


Once you stepped in the mansion, you saw your mom in the kitchen, preparing your dinner as usual.

"Oh dear, you're home." The woman welcomed you by a hug.

"Woah. Just by the smell of what you're cooking makes me hungry already." You chuckled at her.

"It'll be done in a minute. Take a seat, dear. Oh Jungkook--" She then turned to your fiancè. "Take a seat too. Have you eaten yet?"

Jungkook shook his head as he scratched the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry, Mom but I'm kind of in a hurry right now. I have workloads left in the headquarters so I must comeback quick." He uttered, turning to you. "Babe, I'm sorry if I can't join the dinner with you. I'll just eat later with hyungs."

"It's okay. Just make sure you get to eat." You reminded him and smiled, pecking your forehead.

He then bowed to your Mom before running out of the mansion in a rush.

You shared the dinner with your mom, taking also the chance to tell her about the suspect that killed your father being captured.

You saw how her tears were threatening to fall but she manages a smile to control it.

Bringing Cloud with you, you then climbed up to your room to prepare his food. You put the puppy down his kennel and expected him to run around the fence which he has used to but he didn't, Cloud ignored the food as he curled himself up again.

You worriedly looked down on him. His eyes were open but his body didn't stop on shaking. He was traumatized.

It made you agitated. You wanted to know how your puppy was treated badly so that you can make them pay back. Seeing your puppy scared and crying makes your heart torn into pieces.

'I hope Kookie catches who did this to Cloud.' You thought, your fists crumpling.

Just then, you heard a knock on the door so you stood up to open it, revealing your fiancè right in front of you.

"Oh. Kookie, I thought you went back to the headquarters? Did you forget something?" You asked but he went speechless for few seconds before he finally spoke.

"Ah-- Yes. I forget something." He chuckled and slammed his lips against yours which made you surprised.

However, you kissed him back as he pushed you inside your room so he could kick the door close.

"H-hey, Kookie--" You spoke when he dropped you on the bed with him hovering you. "Cloud--"

He cut you off. "Ahh. Right! I need to show you something in the headquarters. I need you to come with me."

"But what about Cloud? I'm sure he's hungry but he won't eat." You worriedly said, glancing at the poor curled up puppy.

"He's safer here. I'm sure your maids will look over him. We will be quick. I promise."

'I promise?'

You sighed, taking his hand to lift you up. Taking a last glance of your puppy, you then exited your room with Jungkook.

"Oh. Dear, are you going back to the headquarters?" Your mom asked when she has seen you from the living room.

"Yes, mom. Jungkook has something to show me." You wearily answered. "I left Cloud in my room. Please look after him, mom. He won't eat." You pouted, receiving an assuring smile from your mother.

"Sure. Have a safe ride."

Jungkook then took you out of the mansion, noticing that his car wasn't in the garage.

"Hey, are we commuting? Where's your car?" You asked as he continued walking to the gate.

"I left it in the headquarters. Is it okay for you to take a taxi instead?" He asked and you hesitantly nodded, receiving a mischievous smile from him.


"Jungkook?" Mrs. Joo surprisingly uttered, seeing your fiancè stormed in the mansion.

"Mom. Is Y/N asleep?" He asked which made your mother's face crease in confusion.

"Asleep? Didn't you take her out?"


"You came here just a while and took my daughter because you have something to show her in the headquarters?"

"Shit." He cursed silently as he stormed out of the mansion.


Jungkook was continuously tapping his foot as he waited for the stoplight to turn green.

His heart then skipped a beat, hearing his phone ringing. He grabbed it hastily and he hitched a breath seeing your name at his screen.

"Babe!" He worriedly spoke out.

"K-kookie--" You breathlessly said that made his heart race even more. "---help me." And the line went off.

He mentally cursed, drifting to the next road when the stoplight finally turned green.


"Hyung!" Jungkook breathlessly called out when he rushed down to Namjoon's office.

"Y/N's kidnapped!"

"What?!" He jolted up from his seat and exited his office, rushing down the hallways with Jungkook after him.

"I went back to the mansion since I thought I saw her somewhere but Mom said I went there just recently to pick her up when I didn't!" He uttered continuously and Namjoon stopped to face him.

"You didn't?" He queried, his forehead creasing as he tries to recollect his thought. "Don't tell me-- shit."

"Hyung! We need to hurry! Y/N called me while I was on my way here and she was asking for help!--"

"Asking for help? Me?"

Jungkook and Namjoon stopped as they heard the familiar voice. They turned back and saw you standing behind them.


A/N: The hanging question on Taehyung's exam is also for the readers to solve ;) I'm waiting for your answers because I won't be revealing it in the story ㅎㅎ

Btw, Bangtan will be having their comeback stage at the BBMAs! If you have read my notes from Book 1, I've said there how excited I was for Bangtan when they got nominated last year and now, this year, they get to perform!!! Wow, time flies so fast ㅠㅠ

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