Natasha and Draco One shots

By NatashaDOstroph

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Cute one shot chapters of Draco and Natasha More

First Sight
5th Year Dragon's Bride Part 1
Sleeping Beauty Part 1
Sleeping Beauty Part 2
Sleeping Beauty part 3
Cold part 1
Cold Part 2
Cold Part 3
Cold Part 4
Christmas Kisses
Blast from the Future Part 1
Blast from the Future part 2
A Witch to Shag Part 1
A Witch To Shag Part 2
A Witch To Shag Part 3
A Witch To Shag Part 4
Truth or Dare Third Year Fall 1992
Three Weeks After Truth Or Dare Fall 1992
Train Sex 7th Year Repeat Year
Valentine's Day 1986 Before Hogwarts
Febuary 14th The Day After 1986
Celebrating 35 Together and 15 Years of Marriage
What? Part 1
What? Part 2
Natasha's Wishes
Draco's Wishes
Valentine's Day 1999 Repeat Year
Scorpius Age 7
February 15th 1999 The Day After
Natasha's Savior
May 3rd 1998
Sexual Advances Part 1
Sexual Advances Part 2
Saved By A Peacock
Draco's Girl Part 1
Draco's Girl Part 2
Draco's Girl Part 3
The Princess And The Dragon Part 1
The Princess and the Dragon Part 2
The Princess and the Dragon Part 3
Hot Kiss Part 1
Hot Kiss Part 2
Hot Kiss Part 3

Dragon's Bride Part 2 Summer

261 6 3
By NatashaDOstroph

Natasha's POV

It had been a month since Draco and I have bonded to each other. The next morning I noticed Draco and I had matching rings. I was freaked out when Draco told me that we had unintentionally bonded. The next morning I took the purple healing potion and the pink potion. I didn't know what the pink potion was for until my father told me. My father explained to Draco and I that he Lucius and Narcissa betrothed us when we were just little tykes. My father wanted the Malfoy and Snape families joined together cause he was friends with Lucius for a long time. My ring was beautiful though I can't deny that. It was a sterling silver ring with an orangish reddish stone in the middle like a dragon stone on the side of the ring was a flying dragon. I loved my ring and of course my real life dragon Draco.

Now that summer is in session Draco's been going to meetings daily. He got his mark last year around the Christmas holidays. My poor dragon. The meetings are held in the evening and last for two hours. While the meetings are being held I'm hanging out in Draco's library. I'm looking for wizarding fairytales. Draco promised me that after we officially graduate Hogwarts even if we have to repeat our final year he promised me we'd start having a family of our own. Draco left at five before the meeting started at six he said he had to get something it was ten minutes before six when a beautiful brown eagle owl showed up at the window. I let the owl inside it hooted at me it was a beautiful owl.

The owl had a small package tied to its leg I untied the package there was also a note I read it.

Darling I had this made for you for our one month anniversary of our bonding. I know you'll love it my dark angel. Happy One Month Anniversary my dark angel I love you so much. I'll see you after the meeting.
Love Dragon

The note said it made me smile. The package was a small black box with green and silver ribbon tied onto it. I untied the ribbon and slowly opened the box I gasped at what I saw. My eyes watered cause of the beautiful gift I just received. Inside the black box was a dragon necklace. The back was all white there was diamonds around the outline of the dragon it had grey diamond eyes like Draco's eyes. The diamonds on the outline remind me of the stars cause they sparkled. It was so beautiful and so thoughtful of him to think of me. I took the necklace out of the box and put it on I grabbed my compact mirror and looked at it around my neck.

It was so beautiful and it had to be highly expensive cause I've never seen anything like it before in my life. I closed my compact mirror and placed it back into my jeans pocket. I've never been so happy I've got my real life dragon who's gonna be home later on this evening. I found the wizard fairytales. Draco had lots of books in his library. I got out a copy of Tales of Beetle and the Bard. I sat down in the soft black leather chair and opened the book. The first story I read was The Tale Of Three Brothers. The tale was rather good I was intrigued with it. I read the next story witches and wizards do have an imagination engulfed in their fairytales just like muggles do.

I read another story after I was done with the tale of three brothers. When I read I tend to zone out and be engrossed into the story. I never notice time passing until someone points it out. Some time had passed I just don't know how much time passed. I was reading the tales of beetle and the bard when I noticed the familiar scent of green apples and minty toothpaste. Dragon is home from his meeting I felt his hands on my shoulders and he began massaging them for me. I was a little tense but I'm better now that dragons home I decided to speak to him.

"Welcome home dragon. I missed you." I told him he spoke to me.

"I missed you too my dark angel. I see you got my package I sent to you." Draco said to me I turned to face him so I can see his handsome face and look into his beautiful eyes I spoke to him.

"Yes dragon I did. It's so beautiful and it's really sweet that you thought of me." I told him honestly he cupped my apple like cheeks with his large hands and spoke to me.

"Darling my dark angel I'm always gonna think of you. You're my bride I love you so much I promise I'm gonna do my best to make you happy. Every marriage has trails and tribulations but I promise I will make you happy and try to be a good husband for you my dark angel I love you." Draco told me my eyes watered with what he said and he's right every couple has issues and troubles with marriage but we will try our best to make ours work I spoke to Draco.

"Is my daddy back yet Draco?" I asked filling the silence between us Draco sighed and answered me.

"My dark angel he told me to tell you he'd be along shortly. My mother and my Aunt Bella wanted a few words with him at Spinners End once he's done talking with them he's coming right over here. Fathers here and wants a few words with you and I but Snape wanted me to tell you that he loves you." Draco told me I gave a smile I'm the light in my daddy's life and his eyes. I hugged my husband I breathed in his wonderful scent. His scent smells nice I could never get tired of my husbands scent. I went shopping with my mother in law Narcissa earlier this week and bought two sexy teddy lingeries. They are nice and sexy teddies I couldn't deny that aspect of them they are both Slytherin green and have kinda a sheer shine to them.

One I'm leaving Slytherin green the other one I'm transfiguring it into a snake print pattern. Draco and I have made love four more times since the bonding but tonight's a special night it's our one month anniversary. I heard footsteps coming it was one set though it had to be my father in law Lucius Malfoy. The footsteps drew closer and closer and standing in front of us in plain view was Lucius Malfoy himself. His long blond hair was down shaping his face he was dressed in his black suit like Draco is. His grey eyes looked upon us and gave a little smile he had his signature cane with him it was a black cane with a silver snake on it he laid it in the corner by the doorway and came further into the room he sat down in the soft black leather chair. I got up from my chair so dragon can sit down. Dragon sat down and I sat down and settled into his lap Lucius cleared his throat and spoke to us.

"First off my dear I'm grateful that you are my daughter in law. You're beautiful and I've always liked you." Lucius told me I smiled at him and spoke to him.

"Thank you Lucius." I told him graciously Lucius gave me a smile he had a small black box in his hand and spoke to me.

"My dear I had this made for you when Severus Narcissa and I betrothed you and Draco." Lucius told me handing me the small box. I took it and opened the box inside was the Malfoy family ring. It was a beautiful ring the band was silver the stone in the middle was mother of pearl in the middle of the stone was a giant green M for Malfoy and on the sides was black and green dragons surrounding the M. I spoke to Lucius.

"Thank you Lucius it's a beautiful ring I promise to take good care of it." I told him Lucius nodded at me and spoke to me.

"That's the one thing Severus always wanted from you and that was to take care of your own belongings and you have done so. I know you'll live up to the promise my dear girl. Now Draco Severus never did spoil his own daughter like most fathers do. Now he told me that Natasha doesn't like it when you spend so much money on her cause Severus was teaching her the value of a galleon. So when you buy her something try not to go overboard with your spending my son she will appreciate it but will scold you for it. Now then son Natasha's feelings do get hurt easily so should you two ever have a fight or argument do try to be careful with your wording. Granted forgiveness helps heal but words can linger on forever. Severus learned that fact the hard way with the Evans girl so son try not to hurt her feelings hmm?" Lucius said to Draco. Draco nodded I do tend to get my feelings hurt easily my father says its because I'm too emotional for my own good Draco spoke to his father.

"I'll try not to hurt her feelings father I promise I love my dark angel. When we first started Hogwarts I had to push her away from me I didn't want her to be tainted with my hatred and my darkness. Now I realize it was foolish of me do that to her. I just felt like I wasn't worthy enough to be with her she was just so beautiful and innocent but my heart did worship her even though I had to be cruel towards her. Dark angel did I make you cry when I did that?" Draco asked me I had to answer him honestly so I spoke to him.

"Yes dragon you did. Sometimes life's unfair and we don't always get what we want from it the first two years you were cruel to me I cried for days at a time by the time third year rolled around I came to terms that's who you are and it didn't bother me as much. When I got upset with you I just read my books to zone out on what happened it took my mind off it the more I read the more I'd forgotten what you said so reading helped me. When I'm upset and crying I read my muggle fairytales they made me feel better. My mother bless her soul when she was alive bought me fairytales when she was pregnant with me. When I was a baby my father would read to me he did that up until I was old enough to read by myself. When I was older he would read to me when I was sick and not feeling well he still does that. I loved falling asleep listening to the sound of his voice. It was soothing and comforting to me." I told him honestly Draco looked at me with sorrow in his beautiful grey eyes and spoke to me.

"My dark angel I'm so sorry I hurt your feelings I promise I'll try not to do that anymore." Draco told me I knew he was sorry and I know why he did what he did I pecked his lips and I spoke to him.

"I know you're sorry dragon let's not dwell on it anymore ok?" I asked him Draco nodded at me and I caressed his cheek with my hand Lucius cleared his throat and spoke to us.

"You are just like your mother young lady very forgiving and understanding. But your snarky remarks and your sarcasticness well you got that from Severus. You are more like him than anyone else." Lucius told me and that made me smile I spoke to him.

"You met my mother Lucius?" I asked I didn't know my mom met my fathers wizarding friends Lucius nodded and answered me.

"Of I course I did. She was the love of Severus's life next to the Evans girl. Hmm that Evans girl left him a wound in his heart. He's still recovering from that wound but you my dear are the light in Severus's eyes and his life. You are changing him slowly but surely. Severus always thought the Evans girl was the only love of his life oh how he loved her cause she was different but she pushed him away cause he called her a mud well the M word. He's hated himself for it ever since. See dear girl his male pride was hurt the day James Potter used the levitation spell on him and lifted him up and revealed his underwear for the whole school to see. The Evans girl told James to put Severus down James laughed and the Evans girl begged him to put Severus down. Severus was put down and gathered his books the Evans girl helped him pick up his books he just snapped and told her he didn't need any help from a filthy muggle born. The Evans girl threw his books at him and stormed off crying in Gryffindor tower. Severus dashed after her to apologize but the girl didn't want his apology. After six years of friendship she pushed him out of her life and began forgetting all about Severus. Severus hated himself for that for years and began punishing himself he became cold and icy towards everyone he felt he can never find love again. Then one day he met your mother I saw the changes in Severus instantly then after six months of dating your mother was pregnant with you. She started buying you dresses and those muggle fairytales then when you were born you were the joy in Severus's life. After you were born your mother died apparently the childbirth was too much of a complication for her. Severus had you all checked out before the muggle doctors said he could take you home. He had an autopsy done on your mother. It appears she died of childbirth even in the wizarding world childbirths are complicated as well but there's potions for the women to take but your mother was muggle and he couldn't give her a potion. He would've been sent to Azkaban Prison for giving a muggle a potion to help her heal. After two days he was allowed to take you home. He had your room all done up for you. Before he took you home he introduced you to me you were only two days old Draco was already one month old at the time. Severus said he always wanted you to be taken care of. So the three of us betrothed you and Draco together and now here we are." Lucius said to us I was engrossed in his story I didn't hear my father walk in and he spoke to us.

"Yes here we are. Lucius telling my daughter my horrid past are you?" Daddy asked Lucius answered him.

"Come off of it Severus the girl did need to know some details about your past." Lucius said to my daddy. Daddy nodded and spoke to him.

"Yes yes she did yes I hope you refrained yourself from using that one word Lucius?" My daddy asked I spoke to daddy.

"Of course he did daddy. I love you so much daddy for everything you've done for me." I told him graciously hugging him as I got off of my husbands lap daddy spoke to me.

"You do?" Daddy questioned daddy always thought that no one loved him but I did and so did my mother I answered him.

"Obviously." I said sounding just like him daddy grunted a playful grunt and spoke to me.

"My dear I apologize for being later than expected. I had to have a word with Bella and Narcissa regarding Draco and the mission he's on for the dark lord." Daddy told me I shivered wondering what that monster has my dragon doing I spoke to my daddy.

"Daddy you are gonna help Draco with whatever task the dark lord assigned him aren't you? I'm already worried about him but I worry more about you cause I love you too." I told my daddy. Daddy heard the worry in my voice he nodded his head and spoke to me.

"Yes my love I will help Draco and keep myself safe for you." Daddy told me I let out a sigh of relief daddy spoke to me again. "Love I have two things for you for your one month anniversary of bonding with Draco." Daddy told me he hands me a small green box with a silver ribbon tied on it I undid the ribbon inside was a beautiful round silver locket it had a snake engraved on it the locket was on a 12' inch silver chain my eyes watered with emotion my daddy was always my sneaky sly old fox cunning and sneaky he spoke to me again. "Open the locket my love." He told me I had no idea the locket opened until he told me to open it. I opened the locket and saw a picture of my mother. Her round face just like mine auburn hair blueish green eyes like mine a voluptuous figure I smiled cause the person next to her was a younger version of my daddy. He was handsome at least in my eyes he was I spoke to him.

"Thank you daddy it's a beautiful locket and the picture inside of it is perfect." I told him appreciatively daddy nodded and spoke to me.

"I wanted you to have something of your mother and myself. You have more Slytherin in you than you think you do. You would've done well in Slytherin house. Everyone always says that a witch or wizard that's sorted into Slytherin goes bad some do like Salazaar Slytherin himself the dark lord Bellatrix people like them make all of us Slytherins look bad although even those snot rich brats sorted into Slytherin make the whole house look bad no offense Lucius." Daddy said to me I nodded understanding some Slytherins are just misunderstood like my daddy and my dragon Lucius spoke up.

"None taken old friend." Lucius said to my daddy. Daddy nodded at him and turned to face me again and handed me something else. The thing he handed me was a black velvet box it was a big box I opened it up inside was a beautiful necklace with purple diamond amethysts it was a beautiful necklace there was two rows of purple diamond amethysts it was also sparkly I gasped at the necklaces beauty daddy spoke to me.

"It belonged to my mother your grandmother its one of the many Prince family heirlooms. I have lots of them in my vault. I plan to give you one for each occasion birthday Christmas and of course your anniversary on your bonding to Draco. It was my mothers favorite piece she wore it on special occasions I know you'll take good care of it." Daddy told me my eyes teared up and I spoke to him.

"Thank you daddy I guess now I'm the Malfoy Princess or the dragons princess." I told him daddy chuckled at that Draco spoke up.

"I like the dragons princess much better than Malfoy princess." Draco said of course he'd like that one Narcissa spoke to me.

"Here you are dear. A small gift from me to you I am honored to call you my daughter." Narcissa told me I smiled at her she's really sweet and kind I open the small box she gave me inside was a pair of dragon earrings they were pretty silver dragon earrings with emerald stone eyes I looked up and spoke to her.

"Thank you mother they are really very pretty." I told her Narcissa gave me a smile and nodded Draco spoke to everyone.

"What no gifts for me?" Draco asked sounding jealous feeling left out I gave him my fathers signature smirk I turned and faced him and spoke to my husband.

"I've got something for you baby I think you'll appreciate it very and I mean very much." I told dragon emphasizing on the word very he smirked at me his grey eyes were mischievous and devious my husband spoke to me.

"Well now whatever could this present be that's for me my dark haired angel?" Draco asked his spirits perking up his grey eyes glittering with lust I spoke to my husband.

"Well dragon let us go on upstairs to our room and I can show you your present I got for you I know you'll just love it." I told him Draco playfully smirked at me his eyes glittering with lust I gathered up my presents I got from everyone I gave everyone a hug and a kiss goodnight and Draco and I headed to his room.

Draco's room is the master bedroom on the third floor of Malfoy manor. It was a nice spacious room he had posters of his favorite Quidditch team up The Bulgarians and of course Slytherin flag and banners. We walked into his room he had a king sized four poster bed with a silk comforter and silky bedsheets his pillows were soft they had goose feathers inside the linen. I placed my jewelry next to my jewelry box on the big black dresser Draco closed the door and locked it so we wouldn't be disturbed. After I put my jewelry on the dresser I turned to my husband and spoke to him.

"Now then dragon I have you all to myself." I told him in a sultry voice I spoke to him again. "Now then sexy dragon why don't you sit down while I get your gift ready I promise you that you won't be disappointed." I told him in a sexy voice Draco growled playfully in his chest and nodded I sashayed away from my husband and swung my hips as I walked out of the bedroom and into the bathroom. As I entered the bathroom I closed the door behind me I stripped naked and threw my clothes into the hamper for the house elves to do laundry.

I got into my sexy snake print teddy that was originally Slytherin green. I transfigured it into snake print. It felt smooth like actual snake skin and had a sheer shine to it once it hit the light. Dragons gonna growl at the sight of me in this. I got the matching sash and Draco's silky black bathrobe. I put on Draco's bathrobe and put the matching sash in my pocket. I tied the robe around my waist and tied it into a bow. I opened the bathroom door and turned the light out Draco was laying on his back in our bed when he heard the door creak open. I walked further into our room and I stood in front of my husband I have a little smirk on my face I have one hand into my pocket holding the sash in my hand I spoke to my husband.

"Dragon are you ready for your present?" I asked him my voice husky Draco smirked and spoke to me.

"Yes I am my dark angel. Where is it?" Dragon asked me I gave a coy smile and spoke to him.

"It's under your robe all you have to do is open it and take it off lover." I told him Draco smirked at me I have the sash in my hand in the robe pocket Draco untied the robe I was like a present for him to unwrap I took my hand holding the sash out of the robe pocket and put it behind my back. Draco opened up the robe and slowly took it off of my body. The black robe slid off my right shoulder once my right shoulder was out of the silky robe I put my right hand behind my back and put the sash in my right hand. He slowly took the robe off my left shoulder the robe fell to the ground it made no noise as it hit the floor. Draco took a step back and growled at the sight of me playfully in snake print pattern teddy I giggled in response to his growl I spoke to him.

"Like what you see my dragon?" I asked sexily Draco nodded and swallowed hard I brought my hands in front and showed him my matching sash I put the one cuff on my left arm I wrapped my arms around him and put the other cuff on my right hand I pulled Draco closer to me and I spoke to him.

"I saw this sexy teddy and thought of you I want you to spank me lover." I told him Draco swallowed hard and spoke to me.

"You know there's no going back my dark angel." He told me his voice husky I spoke to him.

"I know dragon now make me feel great lover boy and don't hold back we can test our waters." I told him Draco smirked rather naughtily I might add his eyes glittering with pure unadulterated lust I've heard girls from Slytherin and Ravenclaw talk about Draco's sexual advances for months I wanted to experience that from my dragon. Draco mmm'd as he traced his finger along my right arm causing me to have goosebumps Draco spoke to me.

"Mm baby this is a sexy teddy you are wearing my dark angel. Now let's get you out of it but keep the sash on my darling it makes you look helpless." Draco told me I nodded he took off my sexy teddy I took my arms off his neck. Once my sexy teddy was off dragon spoke to me.

"I want you to sit on the bed my dark angel and watch me strip naked. Goddamn baby you made my snake go completely hard in that teddy!" Draco told me I smirked at him and nodded understanding his direction Draco began stripping by loosening his black tie. Once his tie was off he placed it on the bed he started unbuttoning his blazer jacket one button by one button. Ugh my husbands such a tease he's stripping slow just to torture me but then again torture is being at the other end of Bella's wand and her shouting cruxio just to cause someone pain but this this is sexual torture. He slowly took off his black jacket his jacket hit the floor and he slowly pulled up his white dress shirt and slowly unbuttoned the buttons one by one.

Ugh why can't he strip himself fast like he does me? Probably wants me to appreciate his nicely toned chest and abs while he strips. Finally he got to the last button of his white dress shirt he slowly let the shirt fall off his shoulders. His arms are muscular no denying that his chest and six pack abs are perfect. He smirked at me and bent down and untied his shoe. Oh this is torture but at least Wormtail isn't shagging me. I shuddered at the mire thought of that if I got captured in a raid. Being shagged by Wormtail sent shivers down my spine also I might need muggle shots for that also Draco kicking his ass for shagging while I'm Draco's toy to play with well that just makes it easier. Draco's shoes were off now he was slowly taking off his black socks.

Once he had his socks off he came up with his signature smirk plastered on his equally handsome face I whimpered wanting him to hurry with his stripping hopping he could take the hint. Draco heard my whimper and looked deep into my blue green eyes and spoke to me.

"Getting a little impatient my dark angel?" Draco asked me cupping his large hands on my apple like cheeks Draco pecked my lips and spoke to me again. "Good things come to those who wait my dark angel." He told me I nodded at him hoping he'd finish. He unbuckled his belt buckle and unbuttoned the button on his black dress pants. He pulled his pants down and they fell to his feet he stepped out of his pants and kicked them across the room. He was in his all black boxer shorts. He slowly pulled down his boxers and they fell fast to his feet Draco stepped out of the and kicked them somewhere in the room. Draco's snake sprung free. He completely thick and 9 inches long you could say the boy was blessed with such a thick long snake. He walked up to me and spoke to me.

"Darling you are gonna be very proud of me I told the dark lord I have a muggle born witch as my new pet and I asked him if I can keep her. The dark lord asked me who my new pet was and I told him you I told him when I fuck your senseless that I love hearing you beg me to stop. The dark lord said I can keep you he said I can keep you for as long as you obey me and my every whim." Draco told me I smiled thankful that the dark lord allowed him to keep me I spoke to my husband.

"I'm glad for that my dragon now have sex with me." I told him he plastered a smirk on his face I laid flat on my back and he lined himself at my entrance going into my vagina he pushed hard and rough into me causing me to moan loud. My eyes closed shut cause the pain hurt he started his thrusts. His thrusts were hard and fast the pain receded and pure pleasure took over me. I moaned and thrashed underneath him he grunted and groaned I spoke.

"Yes Draco harder and faster my dragon harder harder!" I moaned out Draco began thrusting harder and faster he grunted and groaned and spoke to me.

"Dam darling you are still so tight on my snake! Gods it's amazing the women I've had sex with were never this tight they were way too loose. You are just perfectly tight my dark angel." Draco said between pants sweat was beginning to form on our bodies I felt the white hot sensation building up in my lower stomach gods this was better than my fingering session in the prefects bathroom by a long shot. Draco thrusted and thrusted harder and faster I ended speaking.

"Draco Draco Draco Draco." I moaned out it was like a chant but I didn't care I loved my husband. Draco grunted and groaned and spoke.

"I'm almost there baby I'm so close to coming." Draco grunted out my white hot sensation continued building up inside of me I could tell I was getting close as well I hope my dragon spanks me after this. I love this about our relationship the sex so incredible I moaned and groaned out finally I milked Draco's cock with my cum I called out Draco's name as I came Draco came shortly after me and called me angel he pecked my lips and spoke to me.

"My dark angel you were amazing tonight." He told me he pulled out of me he took my arms off from around his neck he took off the sash I sighed a content sigh and spoke to him.

"Dragon please spank me baby?" I pleaded Draco looked at me with a surprised look on his face and spoke to me.

"Dark angel are you sure?" Draco asked me his voice husky I answered him.

"Yes baby I'm sure." I told him with such confidence in my voice Draco nodded at my request and spoke to me.

"Darling lay across my lap with your back facing up." Draco told me I nodded and did as I was told I laid across his lap with my back facing up Draco ran his hand down my bum and spoke to me again. "Dark angel I'm gonna spank you 20 times I want you to count after each spank." Draco told me I nodded in response he traced his hand along my bum sending shivers down my spine he raised his hand and


It was more sound than anything my bum shook and I spoke.







































"20." I said the smacks stringed my butt but I loved this about my husband he traced his hand softly across my bum and spoke to me.

"Dark angel I'm sorry the smacks hurt you bum I got a little carried away." Draco told me apologetically I spoke to him.

"It's ok dragon. I meant what I said I wanted us to test the waters of our relationship. I've heard about your sexual advances before we did it the first time. As I heard the details from the Slytherin girls and Ravenclaw girls and I had hoped you would do to me what you did to them. What you did to them sounded hot and sexy." I told him I got up from laying across his lap and looked at my husbands beautiful grey eyes. They sparkled with lust and love I pecked his soft warm lips. I laid my head on his chest he wrapped his strong arms around me I breathed a content sigh Draco spoke to me.

"Dark angel I love you I always have and I always will." Draco told me I spoke to him.

"I love you too dragon very very much." I told him yawning Draco spoke to me.

"Sleep well tonight my dark angel. I promise once the war is over and Voldemort is gone for good and when we graduate from Hogwarts I solemnly promise we will start a family of our own." He told me yawning I spoke to him.

"Good night dragon I love you so much." I told him Draco spoke to me.

"Good night my dark angel I love you too with my heart and what's left of my soul." He told me Draco and I drifted off to sleep dreaming about our own little world.

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