Expressing Thoughts-J.D

By boritobabe

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This is the sequel to Repressing Thoughts so I would read that one first! Sage and Josh have just reconciled... More



957 29 12
By boritobabe

"You look beautiful" Lillie comforted me as I hyperventilated in my dress. She had done my make up beautifully, my dress had been steamed and prepped all for me. Lillie had also done my hair in a curled half up half down do. Needless to say, I did look beautiful.

"Josh loves me, I love him. Nothing is going to go wrong, no one is going to back out" I said to myself, all my fears surfacing at once. Lillie's face dropped, she must've thought I was having second thoughts.

"This is going to be your perfect day. This is all about you and Josh and how much you love each other, which is a lot by the way" she reassured me. I took in a deep breath and nodded. No doubts for me today.

"Is everyone ready?" I asked, she nodded confidently before holding out my hand for me to take. I stared at it for a long time before finally taking it.

"Are you ready?" She raised her eyebrows. I took in a deep breath and nodded. I was ready to spend the rest of my life with one man, because that one man was Josh and he was perfect.

"Okay! Let's get you a husband" she grinned. Josh was gonna be my husband, that alone made me grin.

I walked out into the main room where all my bridesmaids were. I had Jenna, Sarah, Jess, Abbie, Ashley and of course Lillie. They all squealed as I walked out and crowded around me. They all looked stunning in their dark blue dresses, all in different styles suited to their body.

Jenna had been freaking out that she wasn't going to fit because she was going to be showing, her being 5 months pregnant and all. Although considering she had only just started to show, her dress had to be altered only a little bit.

"Okay okay, we get it I'm beautiful. Let's go, we are already running late" I laughed, they all exited except Sarah who went to get my bouquet.

"You really deserve this" she said as she gave me the bouquet. I gave her a warm smile to show that I appreciated her and that I agree. I did deserve to be happy with Josh.

"Stop you're gonna make me cry" I giggled, I gave her a quick hug before following her out the door.

"Okay, everyone are we ready?" Lillie asked. I watched my dad's face as I walked towards him, he looked so proud I could describe it.

"My baby girl" he grinned as I intertwined our arms. "It's okay if this is not your last" he whispered which made me roar out with laughter.

"It's not okay to me" I said which made him chuckle. The music started to play, my heart started racing so I squeezed my dads hand.

All the bridesmaids stood in front of me and left one by one while I waited impatiently with my dad.

"Okay, you ready?" He squeezed my hand as Sarah, the final bridesmaid, walked through the doors.

"I'm so ready" I grinned, he mirrored my expression and we started to walk.

I turned the corner to walk through the doors and that's when I saw everyone. All the people sat in the pews were just a blur to me, I had tunnel vision for Josh, who stood at the end of the aisle with his blue hair. I tried desperately not to step on my dress or trip or anything.

Next to Josh we're his men. They included Jordan, Tyler, Shane, Brendon and Mark. They all looked very smart and handsome as I walked down the aisle. I caught Brendon's eye while I looked around, he was smiling like he had just seen a unicorn which almost made me laugh half way down the aisle.

I watched Josh's face as he saw me, he looked as if he were going to cry which gave me mixed feelings. What if he was regretting this? What if he was going to say I don't? That would be the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to me. Surely God won't allow me to get ditched on two weddings?

My dad gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving me at the end to walk up to Josh. I took one step in front of the other before I was finally standing in front of him. My Josh. He held his hands in mine as we began.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Sage Rose Urie and Joshua William Dun in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace" the vicar spoke while Josh and I just stared at each other, smiling like mad. I prayed that no ex, or uninvited guest spoke up because that would just be the cherry on the cake.

Then we had to say our vows, Josh and I decided to write our own ones even if it was the hardest thing to do in my life.

"I, Sage Rose Urie, take thee Joshua William Dun to be my lawfully wedded husband." I repeated after the vicar, then he motioned that I should continue by myself. "Josh, I vow to love you unconditionally, I vow to love you even when we hate each other and even when you don't unload the dishwasher" there were a hum of laughed while Josh grinned at me. "I promise with all my heart that if you feel you are doing the right thing, I will be right there beside you. I promise that if I know you are doing the wrong thing, I will fight you until you know. I promise that whatever goal you want to achieve, I will be there to support you. In sickness and in heath, through the bad and the good. I will be there because I love you." I choked up towards the end, all the emotions hit me at once.

I couldn't wipe my stray tears since my veil was in the way. I took the ring from Lillie and pushed it onto Josh's finger. I watched him stare at it for a moment before looking at me in amazement.

Then it was Josh's turn.

"I, Joshua William Dun, take thee Sage Rose Urie to be my lawful wedded wife." The vicar gave him the same nod so he continued. "Sage, there aren't enough words to describe how I feel when I'm around you. I feel as I could conquer the world with you by my side. I vow to support you in any life decision, I vow to hold you in times of need and I promise with every fibre in my body that you will never feel alone for as long as I live. Today, I am not only giving you a ring, I'm giving you my heart and everything I have because I love you and I want to share my world with you. I want to show you the world and give it to you all at once. I vow to be there through sickness and health, the bad and the good and all while making you breakfast in the morning." I took in a deep breath and let tears pour out of me. Josh was trying not to cry as well but I could tell everyone in the crowd was crying at what he had said.

He took my hand and slid the ring onto my finger, I stared at the band and the place it was on my finger. It sat right next to my engagement ring, which's diamond never failed to catch the light.

"I love you" I mouthed to him but I saw that it pissed the vicar off. We were supposed to wait to say that apparently, we were also supposed to wait to have sex but we didn't get that memo either.

"By the power vested in me by the state of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride" he said, my eyes widened as I realised what had just happened.

Josh pulled my veil and threw it over my head, I couldn't wait to kiss him. He licked his lips and took a step forwards before gently grabbing my head and kissing me hard. We had established not to go too far since our whole families were watching so we stayed together for a while before Josh pulled away.

We walked back down the aisle, arms linked together as people threw confetti at us. I waved to everyone before we exited through the doors. My bridesmaids and Josh's groomsmen followed us into a room where we waited to sign everything. I took off my veil completely and handed it to Lillie.

"Joshua Dun. My husband. Who'd of thought" I wrapped my arms around my husband who was grinning at me constantly.

"Sage Dun. That's you now" I leant up to kiss him once more, giddy with happiness.

"Okay everyone, let's sign all the legal stuff so you can go and celebrate." An official man of sorts said.

People took photos of Josh and I signing everything so we were all legal and actually married. I signed the form that changed my name and Lillie and Jenna signed to witness everything along with Tyler and Shane.

"Okay wife, let's go and eat" Josh put an arm around my waist as we finished.

"Hmm" I hummed as I kissed him, I never wanted to stop kissing him. Today was about our love and boy was I feeling the love.

There was a car waiting for us outside to take us to the the reception area, to be honest I was starving and couldn't wait to eat. Josh and I piled into the back while everyone waved us off.

"Hey wife?" Josh said while I waved to everyone who were slowly turning into dots.

"Yes husband?" I placed a hand on his cheek so I could just look at him. A cheeky grin broke out on his face before he spoke.

"Wanna make out?" I let out a laugh before nodding.

"Absolutely" I said before shuffling closer to him and pressing our lips together. He moved a hand to the side of my leg and gently rubbed it. I didn't want to mess his hair up but I loved pulling it when we made out.

"Ahem, excuse me but we are here" the driver said. I giggled as we pulled away from each other, making sure Josh's hair was presentable and my lipstick wasn't all over his face and mine.

"Welcome, Mr and Mrs Dun" Tyler grinned as he opened the door for us to step out.

Everyone was there, my friends, my family, Josh's friends and family. They were all there to celebrate us.

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