Lose My Mind (Nathan Sykes Fa...

By Jays_PissRocket

111K 1.2K 171

"Just leave me alone!" I try and storm away but a gentle, yet firm hand grabs my wrist forcing me to turn aro... More

Coming Home
Getting To Know You
Movie Night
New Friend
My Day with Nathan
That Was Unexpected
Meeting Logan Part 1
Sleeping With The Enemy
Red Carpet?
Girls Day
Not an Update
"I Found You"
"For The First Time"
A Good Day For Love To Die
You've Made Me Lose My Mind

Meeting Logan Part 2

4.2K 53 8
By Jays_PissRocket


 I woke up the next morning with a huge headache. I groan as I roll my limp body over to check my phone. '11:30 and two missed calls'. I click a few buttons. One of the missed calls was from Siva last night wondering if I was okay, the other was from Logan. I sit up quickly, I redial the number waiting for an answer. It rings three times before I groggy voice answers.

Logan: "Hey Rebbeca, thanks for calling back. I was hoping we could get together at around 12:30? I'll pick you up?"

I nod, then face palm realizing he can't see me. I hear him laugh on the other end of the phone. I laugh with him before I answer.

Me: "You heard me smacking me head huh?"

Logan: "Sure did, let me guess you nodded over the phone?"

Me: "Logan Lerman, are you stalking me?"

Logan: "Hahaha you wish!"

Me: "Don't threaten me with a good time. Hahaha. Yeah 12:30 sound's great! And if you could pick me up that'd be great. I'll see ya then"

I smile through the phone as he says goodbye. I flop myself on my bed and let out a small squeal of delight. I grab my phone again, dialing an all too familiar number of my two best friends.

Me: "Hello? Sam? Lauren?"

Sam/Lauren: "REBBECA!"

Me: "Okay, calm down! I just wanted to see if you guys found an ealier flight?"

I wanted them here so bad. I mean living in a house with these guys wasn't all bad, I just needed some girl time. The guys' girlfriends helped. I mean Alicia and I have become really close but, these two are my best friends for a reason.

Sam: "Yeah we have actually. For tomorrow, will that work for you?"

Me: "YES! Finally, I miss you guys so much."

Sam/Lauren: "WE MISS YOU TOO"

Me: "Alright, but hey I've got to get ready for a date."

As the words fall from my mouth, I wish I could take them back. I waited for earth shattering scream to come. As soon as I heard the intake of breath I moved the phone away from my head. I wait for about a minute for the screaming to stop. Once it ceases I move the phone slowly back to my head.

Lauren: "Who are you going with? Is it one of the band members?"

Me: "No Lauren, its with this guy Logan. But I've really got to go. I'll call and tell ya'll about it later. BYE LOVE YOU!"

Sam/Lauren: "LOVE YOU TOO."

I hang up the phone and throw it on my bed. I hop off of my bed, shuffling over to my closet for something cute for the day. I grab the perfect out, plus Logan's jacket. I lay them all on my bed, checking to make sure everything matches well enough before I skip over to my door. I grab the knob twisting and pulling opening the door to see a shirtless Nathan there waiting for me.


Nathans POV

'Ugh such a headache!' I flop over to my stomach. I reach my arm out to try and grab Rebbeca but, she's not there. 'Huh?' I open my eyes to see that her side of the bed is untouched. I use both of my arms to push myself up looking around the room. It's a mess as usual. I turn my head looking for my phone, I find it under an old bag of crisps. I click the home button to see it say 10:45. I push myself fully off of my bed, finding a random pair of jean on and make my way to the door.

I open the door slowly. I peek my head out looking for anyone. I see no one, and quickly make my way over to Rebbecas room. I'm about to knock, when I hear a conversation going on.

Rebbeca: "Alright, but hey I've got to get ready for a date.... No Lauren, its with this guy Logan. But I've really got to go. I'll call and tell ya'll about it later. BYE LOVE YOU!"

My heart stops mid beat. 'Date?' I mean we had a moment last night. I told her how I felt, I kissed her does that not mean anything to her? I kissed her twice! I rack my brain thinking of a reason why she wouldn't want to be my girlfriend. Suddenly two things hit me. 'I was drunk, and Max.' I don't have a chance to say anything when Rebbeca opens the door.


Rebbeca's POV

I keep my eyes on his, trying super hard to not look at his chest. Most people think that Nathan is just skin an bones. Those people are completely wrong, this kid has muscles. Most people also don't know how insecure the Gloucester boy is. 

Me: "Hey Nath, you alright? You look a bit hungover."

I spit the last word, showing him how upset I was about him being drunk last night. I see his eyes narrow me before he answers me. Venom in his own words.

Nathan: "Yeah I feel great, except for the fact that I kissed someone last night. Someone I thought felt the same way."

Nathan storms away back to his room. I stand there, mouth hanging open from what he just told me. 'He feels the same way?' He can't can he? I mean how he can he remember? He was completely wasted last night. I start walking over to the bathroom, on auto-pilot, thinking about what on earth just happened.


Nathan's POV

I storm into my room to find a shirt to wear and grab my phone. 'Two people can play at this game.' I pull up my contacts. I start scrolling through the thousands of number I have until I find one name that stands out. I hit the name, quickly putting the phone to my ear.

Me: "Hello? Chriss? Yeah it's Nath, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later. Yeah just come here and we can chill. Alright talk to you later."

I hang up the phone quickly before she starts talking more. I go over to my door, open it and make my way downstairs to make myself some toast. I hop down the steps, make a quick right, and saunter into the kitchen. 

When I arrive, Jay is already there curing his hangover with fruity pebbles and Mountain Dew. 'My best friend is so weird.' I don't look at him as I go over to make some coffee. I go over to the cabinet and begin digging through it trying to find the coffee. I start slamming things around, just trying to find the damn stuff.

I feel a firm hand grab my arm, pulling it away from the cabinets. Jay is my best friend for a reason, he can always tell when something is wrong with me. I get pulled away from the cabinets, over to the table. I slam myself into a chair. Jay sits gently opposite of me, waiting for me to begin. I take a few deep breaths, not wanting to talk.

Jay: "Well since you won't start, I will. I know about everything that happened. I was there in the bathroom during your little fight. Nathan, you can't seriously play her like that can you?"

I look at Jay, I sense I have hurt written all over my face. 'He thinks I'm playing her? Why would he think that?'

Me: "Play her? Where did you even get that from? I would never play her, she's too precious for that Jay. You know me better then anyone in this damn house! I would never do that!"

I stand up slamming my fists down on the table to get my point across. I look at Jay, seeing anger in his eyes also. My anger changes to shock, as Jay stands up towering over me. 

Jay: "Yes play her! Telling Jess that she's annoying and clingy, then hanging all over her! Make up your damn mind Nath. She's too good for that."

I stare at Jay trying to think back to when I said that. It comes to me slowly. I look up to Jay, in the corner of my eyes everyone is down here except Rebbeca.

Me: "No. No. No. I wasn't talking about Rebbeca. I was talking about Jess's friend Chrissy. She's a crazy fan that just wants to get with me. I would never do that to Rebbeca, I truly care about her."

I turn to Max during my last sentence. Max looks at me, and I see that he knows I'm telling the truth. I look at the others, I see the trust in their faces as well. I release a held in breath, slowly sinking back into the chair. 

Rebbeca: "What's with the yelling?"

We all put our attention on her, she looks gorgeous of course. Her hair is hanging in its controlled mess down her back. I check out her outfit, and am stunned seeing the Men's jacket she's wearing (external link).


Rebbeca's POV

I heard screaming, just after I finished with a last touch of blush. I grab my phone, sunglasses, and beanie before I scamper out of my room. I run down the steps, jumping off when there were four let. I landed with a soft thud, as I turn running into the kitchen. I look around, everyone is looking at Nathan, not even realizing I'm here.

Me: "What's with the yelling?"

I say nonchalantly looking around like they aren't interesting. I feel someone staring at me, I know its Nathan. Only his eyes can give me goosebumps like that. 

Tom: "Why are you all dressed up love?"

I turn my attention to Tom. Max and Siva move over to him, so that I'm answering all three of them. 'They're worse then my mother.' I take a deep breath as I lean against the door frame.

Me: "I have a date Mr. Parker"

I here small gasps out of all of them. 'Really?' I mean I'm fit, good looking, and have a great personality. Is it really that weird for me to get a date.

Me: "Oh thanks for making me feel horrendous guys."

Siva: "Sorry! We didn't mean it like that at all. We just didn't know you were talking with anyone. Who are you going to see?"

I look at Siva. I study him trying to figure him out, but he's wearing a very convincing mask. I then look to the others, all of the are also wearing the same look. Actual care about who I'm going to see, even Nathan. I look over at him, I give him a sad smile before turning my attention back to Siva.

Me: "Umm... Logan... Lerman"

I see Nathan get up quickly. I look at him, seeing the hurt in his eyes as he storms past me. I look down in shame as the others come over, telling me to have fun today. The last to come up to me is Max. He goes to hug me, but I move not wanting him to touch me.

Max: "Rebbeca, last night. I-I was drunk, I didn't mean anything I said. Especially about the divorce. I was wrong about everything, please forgive me."

I look up Max to see his face wet with tears. This is the first time I've seen him cry that didn't have to do with an animal dying since he was fourteen, when I moved. I keep looking into his eyes, slowly moving away from him. I see him start to break down.

Me: "Max, what you did last night hurt me more than you'll ever know. I'm not going to leave like I said, but for now... I-I don't want to be around you at all. It's going to take time for me to forgive you for that. The fact you were drunk makes it worse Max. And not about Nathan? He deserves a chance to Max."

I feel a buzzing in my pocket. I quickly pull out my phone to see a text message from Logan. I smile as I read the text, knowing it's from him.

Logan:) : Your Chariot has arrived, fair maiden. Hurry and we can make it Nandos before the lunch rush!! CHOP CHOP!

I shove the phone back into my pocket, quickly turning on my heel making my way towards the door. I walk past everyone as I make my way to the door. I listen closely. The roar of the fans is gone making me smile as I grab the handle. I stop before turning it. I turn to them, the warm door knob still in my grasp.

Me: "Just so you all know, this date really means nothing. We're just going to be friends. I'll probably see if he want's to come over later just to hang to prove my point."

I look directly at Nathan, whose gaze burns into me as I walk out of the door to the awaiting Logan.


I skip over to his car, which happens to be a brand new Audi. I smile as I see him get out of the car, making his way over to my side of the car. He beams an award winning smile at me as I finally reach him.

Me: "Hello captain! Are you ready for an amazing lunch?"

I mock salute him. Logan stands up straighter, tilting his head up and putting a stern look on his face. I finally realize what he's doing. He's getting into character.

Logan: "Very well sailor. Cast off, I'm starved and need some delicious chicken."

I poke him in the side, causing him to break out of character and into a fit of laughter. I start laughing with him, as he opens my door for me to slide in. I sit in the car, buckling before he gets in. I look around the car just taking everything in. 

Logan slides in next to me, puts the car in drive and pulls away from the apartment. I sit there awkwardly at first, he notices and puts on the radio. "Call Me Maybe" comes on. I start singing along, a smile slowly creeping on to my face. I look over to Logan who's lip singing like a complete dork. 

Me: "You know Logan, you're a real dork"

I laugh seeing the look of pure fake hate thrown at me. I could tell it was fake because I smile a firmly planted on his face. He starts dancing to "One Thing" by One Direction. I can't help but sing along as he dances. 'This has to be the best car ride ever.'


The ride to Nandos was super exciting. Logan an I took turns sing/dancing to every song that come on the radio. The best one was when "Somebody That I Used To Know" came on. We sang it as a duet, it was horribly out of tune but we didn't care. 

We got to Nandos around 1:00 just when the rush of lunch was over. Logan parked the car near the back so no one would see us. Once he turned the car off, he was out of it quickly running over to my side to open the door. I step out, give him a mock curtsy, making us both laugh.

We get to the door, which he hold open for me, and are seated right away at a back table. I slide into my seat, as I do this Logan is taking a picture with a random fan. I laugh as he finally makes his way back over to me, sitting down. 

Logan: "I'm sorry I can't disappoint the fans"

Me: "I'm used to it"

We smile at each other until our waitress arrives. I look up, breathing a sigh of relief to realize it's not Jess. We order what we want to eat and drink. We talk happily together until our food arrives. 'Pretty great date'


After eating all of his food, and the rest of mine, we're ready to go. We walk out of Nandos with a few pictures taken of us together. I start to worry whether or not he'll get hate for being with me. Once we make it into the car, I look at him. Logan looks back worried, knowing something is wrong. 'Are we really this close already?'

Me: "Logan, um....Are you going to.....Hm...... What I mean is. Damn. Are your fans going to hate you for being seen with me?"

Logan looks at me, amusement filling his eyes. He gives me a small smile, while pulling out his phone. He takes his attention away from me, gluing his eyes to his phone. I get a glance of twitter, before he puts it into my full view. I read the tweets, a smile appearing on my face. I see that people are starting to ship "Rogan". 

Me: "Great 'Rogan?' Nothing a little more clever?"

We both laugh, as he puts his phone back in his pocket. Logan starts the car, pulls out of Nandos, bringing me back home. 

We sit there for a few minutes enjoying each others company. I want to ask him over, I really do. Call me horrible but I want to show Nathan he doesn't rule my life. That Logan doesn't think I'm annoying or clingy.

We pull down the road to the apartment, that's when I break the silence by clearing my throat. Logan quickly glances to me, raising an eyebrow. I smile as I begin to speak.

Me: "Would you like to come over and hang out for a while? Like watch a movie or something?"

I see the smile immediately spread across his face. I smile back taking that smile as a yes. He parallel parks right in front. I jump out before he has time to come over to open it for me. I give him a cheeky grin once I see the pout on his face. 

Me: "Quit pouting and come on!" 

I rush around the car, grabbing his hand. We rush up to the door which seems to be a bit open. I push it the rest of the way open to everyone sitting quietly, now looking at the door. A sight that shocks me the most is Nathan, looking at me with someone in his lap. To be specific the girl who hates me more than anyone in this entire world.


I take a few deep breaths before walking all the way in with Logan's hand still laced with mine. He pokes me in the side, putting a smile on my face quickly. I turn quickly, playfully slapping him on the arm as he uses his other hand to poke me. Our moment is broken by the clearing or a nasally throat. We turn our attention to her.

Fan: "Oh look who it is! The whore found another guy to be all over. Good. Nathan's mine. Oh my name is Chrissy by the way."

I look over at Max, Jay, Tom, and Siva. They're all shooting daggers at her, Nathan just looks me. I feel Logan tense up next to me, putting me protectively behind him. He looks her over, then turns to look at me.

Logan: "You're way prettier babe."

Logan's British accent surprises me as he pulls me close to him. I tense under his touch not understanding what he's doing. He turns around to look at me, perking his eyebrow at me. I search his eyes, looking for the hidden meaning behind his actions. He gives me a wink, then descends his head, perking his lips. Before I can protest we're kissing, well stage kissing. I realize what he's doing, smiling as I make the kiss look more real. 

I wrap my arms around his neck, running my hand through his glossy hair. We pull away from each other, me planting an actual kiss on his lips, making him smile even more. I sneak a peek around Logan's shoulder. They're all looking at us, I turn my attention the the guys giving a little wink. They know Logan's an actor and finally catch on to what just happened.

I then turn my attention to Nathan. Chrissy is trying to kiss him, but to no avail. He only has eyes for me, as  he pushes Chrissy off him. Chrissy falls to the ground, and as if on command we all start laughing at her. I stay in Logan's arms as we laugh out butts off at the scene in front of us.

Chrissy: "Nathan babe, I thought we had something."

Nathan looks from her too me. I realize how this must look, me in the arms of some random celebrity. His arms around my waits, his head on top of mine, looking at the one I want to be with more than humanly possible. 

Nathan: "We do babe, sorry. I had a muscle spasm."

I look in horror as he goes over to help her up. Nathan uses all of his strength to lift her, holding his arms awkwardly about her waist. Chrissy wraps her grimy arms around his neck, pulling him into a sloppy kiss. Nathan kisses back, not fully, but enough to please the crude girl. I feel Logan tighten his grip on my waist.

Tom: "Why don't we..er.. Watch a movie?"

Logan/Jay: "Avatar it is!"

I start to laugh, as do they. Logan and I make our way over to the big couch. Jay and Tom hop to the floor, while Max heads off to his bedroom, saying he had to call Michelle. I let him leave without another word, I look over to Siva who has the remote. He smiles at me and presses play. Once the movie starts, I snuggle into Logan, glancing over at Nathan every once in a while. I see he's holding hands with Chrissy, but they aren't lacing their fingers.


I feel my hair being played with as I open my eyes slowly. The movie is over, the ending credits moving quickly across the screen. I look down to see Jay still watching like the movie is still on. I see Tom curled up in a ball on the floor with a blanket draped over him. I see the chair empty meaning that Siva must've went somewhere. I look over at the love seat to see Nathan sitting there, staring ahead as Chrissy laying across his lap, drool falling from her mouth. 

I feel a slight tug of hair. I quickly look up to see those sparkling blue eyes looking down at me. I smile up at him, while pointing to my wrist asking what time it was.

Logan: "I think like, five or six. I can't believe you fell asleep, that movie is the best."

Jay is at his side in a matter of second, his arm outstretched to receive a high five. Logan gives him an awkward high five because I'm still laying on him. I laugh as he finally gives Jay the high five, he returns his hand to it place at my hip. I look back up at him, he gives me a questioning look.

Me: "Logan, would you like me to cook you dinner while you get better acquainted with your new best friend?"

I ask poking him in the stomach while winking at him. He laughs loudly, waking up Tom from a peaceful slumber. I laugh as Tom looks around his surroundings trying to figure out what's going on.

Tom: "What's going on?"

Me: "I'm going to cook dinner! Go tell everyone!"

Tom is up quickly, running to the stairs, slipping on the tile in his socks. I laugh, slowly getting up from my comfortable position on Logan. I realize I was laying on top of him, as I sit on his legs. I grab his knee tickling him more, he starts to kick as I hop off into the kitchen. Once I'm in the kitchen, I feel the familiar gaze burning into my back. I turn quickly, my eyes meeting his dark green eyes.

Me: "Shouldn't you be making sure Chrissy doesn't choke on her own drool?"

I ask with a snort, which puts a smile on both of our faces. He moves closer, my breath catches in my throat as he reaches past me to grab something over the counter. I can see him fighting the urge to grab me and smash his lips onto my own.

Nathan: "I thought I'd help you cook. How about some yummy chicken Alfredo."

I smile at his offer as I make my way to the fridge grabbing the cheese and what not. Nathan goes to the cabinets, grabbing the pasta and pans. 'This should be fun'.


After two hours and four bags, two that ended up on the floor, we're finally done cooking. It was nice cooking with Nathan, it felt right. We laughed, joked, threw flour at each other. Something best friends would do. Then he'd grab my waist, I'd wrap my arms around his neck. Something lovers would do. I sighed as I made my way into the living room to see an amazing sight.

Five people were gathered around a sleeping figure on the love seat. I feel Nathan behind me as I start to make my way over to what they're doing. I remember to play the role, wrapping my arms around Logan's waist. I peek around him to see Chrissy with a huge penis drawing on her forehead. I feel Logan's hand go over my mouth to keep me from cracking up laughing. I look again seeing that there is a cute little message there too. 'The closest you'll ever get to Nathan's dick' I feel myself being carried away, because my laughter is starting to come out of Logan's hand. 

Logan drags me into the back room, where the guys play all of their video games at. He closes the door, releasing my mouth as I start laughing out loud. I bend over from laughing so hard. I laugh so hard my sides hurt, and I quickly have to sit down. I sit down on a bean bag chair, I look up at Logan patting a seat next to me. A large smile appears on his face as he jumps over on to the chair. I lean my head against his shoulder as he puts his arm around my shoulders.

Me: "Logan... I like you... But once Nathan get's rid of Chrissy, I.."

I'm cut off by a finger being pressed to my lips. I turn my gaze to Logan, his blue eyes sparkling more than ever. I can't help but smile, his care-free attitude just does that to you. He grins widely placing his forehead against mine.

Logan: "I know, but for now let's have fun with it. Let's make him want you more than anything."

Logan winks at me, as I laugh burying my head into his shoulder. I pushes me away, then quickly places a kiss on my lips. This isn't a stage kiss either, it was nice, gentle, and friendly. I smile behind it, slowly pulling away. I stand up, pulling him up after me. We head out into the dining room where everyone is sitting waiting for us.

Logan: "Sorry, we had to talk about our plans for tomorrow. Lets dig in?"

I sit next to Logan, as Max starts passing the food around. No one looks at Chrissy, not even Nathan, because the writing is still on her face. I smile as I feel Logan's hand lace with mine as we eat as a "Family."






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