Expressing Thoughts-J.D

נכתב על ידי boritobabe

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This is the sequel to Repressing Thoughts so I would read that one first! Sage and Josh have just reconciled... עוד



974 23 11
נכתב על ידי boritobabe

Everything was ready. The caterers were ready. The outfits were ready. The attendees were ready. I was ready. From the words of my maid of honour Lillie 'it's just a waiting game of what can go wrong first now'.

I had been getting stressed beyond the point of repair so Josh had to instruct Lillie over the phone to take over. Lillie, having been staying in a nearby hotel, was happy to oblige.

"Lillie" I called as I came down the stairs early on the Wednesday morning. She entered the room with a phone on her ear, she smiled towards me and ended the call.

"What's happening today Sage?" She grinned, knowing the answer.

"Josh comes home" I beamed happiness. A whole week without my boy was torture so I was glad he was returning.

"What time does his flight get in?" She checked her watch to see what time it was now.

"One. So we still have a while" I bit my lip, trying to think positively but my impatience was taking over. "How are we for Saturday?" I asked, she looked at her phone quickly before shrugging.

"The only thing you still need is your first dance song. Josh has booked someone called Rex Orange County for the singer? Who's he?" She said as she read the message off her phone.

A while back, I had stumbled upon Rex Orange County. His song 'happiness' made me feel so cute and happy. It made me think of Josh so I sent it to him, he loved it too and slowly we became obsessed with Rex.

"Rex is my wedding singer?" I almost choked. She nodded, still not looking up as she texted something to someone.

"Well tell them that his song 'Happiness' is our first dance." I told her, I couldn't stop smiling. Rex was Josh and I's little secret, our guilty pleasure and now he was coming to sing at my wedding. I felt giddy.

"Ok great. That's it then" she grinned up at me.

"Where's Shane?" I asked, usually he would turn up either with or close behind Lillie.

"Seeing some friends" she said bluntly before walking into the kitchen.

I sat on the couch for a while, stroking Jim and flicking in between channels. I was a sitting duck, I had nothing to do. No work since Jess is going through a divorce, no boyfriend since he's on a plane home and all my friends are stressing about making my wedding a dream come true.

I was saved by the bell, literally. My door bell went off just as I was about to cry out from boredom. I expected it to be Shane, since he was over here all the time but what I didn't expect was to see my fiancée stood behind him.

"Josh!" I screamed, he ran towards me and lifted me up so I could wrap my whole body around him. I squeezed him so tightly, never wanting to let go.

"Hey baby" he laughed as I almost strangled him with love. I pulled my head back so I was facing him and grinned so hard it hurt.

"Oh I missed you" my face hurt from happiness. I kissed him so hard, neither of us could breathe. Then Jim started barking. Josh put me down to say hi to him.

"I thought you weren't getting in until one" I placed a hand on his back, I couldn't stop touching him. I hadn't been able to for a week. He turned back to me after giving Jim a hug and lifted me up into a hug. I took in a deep smell of his hair and squeezed him tightly.

"I had to surprise my best girl" he said into my neck, his breath felt warm on my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I tangled my fingers in his hair and pushed his head close to me.

"Oh hey Joshua" Lillie's voice said out of the blue. He let go of me and turned towards Lillie. She held out her arms which he happily walked into.

"You're welcome" Shane muttered into my ear. I turned my head towards him, I couldn't stop grinning. I nudged my shoulder into his arm as we watched our other halves talk.

Josh came back to me while Shane joined Lillie in the kitchen. He held my face as I leant up against the back of our couch. I let out a deep breath, soaking up the moment.

"Happiness is our wedding song" I told him, he grinned immediately and gave me a short kiss.

"I'll be the one, that stays 'till the end" he recited the song. I giggled as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You are gem" i kissed him again, humming in happiness. He rested his forehead against mine and smiled.

"I need you to dye my hair for me again" I grinned at his request, I was excited for him to have colourful hair because it meant our wedding coming up.

"It needs to be blue because that's the colour scheme" I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled at it.

"I bought dye at the airport, it's like a dark blue." He placed himself in between my legs and pressed our bodies together. It was weirdly sexual, especially since we were having such a normal conversation.

"Okay, we can do it whenever. We have all day" I smiled, he raised his eyebrows and rubbed my back with his hands.

"Hmm, I missed you" he placed a small kiss on my lips. I moved my hands from his neck up his shirt to feel his abs.

"Should we dye your hair now?" I asked, he kissed me again. I couldn't keep myself from wanting to be so close to him.

"Then when Lillie and Shane leave..." he smirked like a little boy.

"Yes yes...lots of that" I brushed over his dick with my hand, causing him to take in a deep breath. "Where's the dye" he moved his body away from me and let out his breath.

"In my bag, I'll go wet my hair, meet me up there" he kissed me and moved away. I didn't let him move an inch before I slapped his butt and skidded towards his bag to find the dye.

I met Josh in the bathroom five minutes later, he was shirtless, hair dripping, body shining. I took all of my hair dyeing stuff out of the cupboard and set it all up. I was a trained hair dresser so it's not like I could mess this up.

"Have you heard from Jess?" He was texting someone on his phone, probably Tyler.

"No. Is it selfish that I can't stop thinking that this means I'm unemployed?" I turned to him as I stirred the concoction.

"Of course not. Maybe you should find another job, something better and more suited to your lifestyle" he suggested. He was loving that I didn't have a job which is kind of messed up.

"Oh come on you love that I'm not working. You want me to be a house wife so I can follow you all over the world" I started to paint the bleach into his hair fluff. He gasped dramatically.

"I want you to tour with me of course but I want you to work" I ran my fingers through his hair, pressing foil to it and clipping in places.

"I was thinking of starting my own make up line. Companies send me stuff all the time, maybe I could ask one of them if I could work with them" I told him while I was doing the back of my head so I couldn't see his expression.

"That sounds like a great idea" I glanced at his face in the mirror, he was grinning so I grinned too.

"Really? It'll mean I will have to be doing meetings a lot and working a bunch" I bit my lip but all he did was pull my waist onto his lap so I was straddling him.

"I know I haven't been the best with your work before but that sounds like a real job that you would be brilliant at" he smiled, I gave him a quick kiss before looking up at his hair.

"Okay, 10 minutes then we put in the dye"

I'm going 100 chapter because boy have I thought of a story line. Also, next chapter is the wedding chapter ;)

המשך קריאה

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