Engraved | Taehyung & Jungkook

By Mikaotic25

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[Book #3 of the FIRE Trilogy] [Paraquel and Sequel to Deranged | Jimin] [On hold] engraved › to be cut or c... More

Prologue: Vicissitude
Jungkook - Bait
Jungkook - Tease
Taehyung - Yearning
Jungkook - Clash


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By Mikaotic25

"It's time for your first solo mission," said Seokjin after getting off the phone. It was three weeks after the incident with Taehyung happened and I still hadn't talked to him since. In the meantime, I went on a few outings with Seokjin and honestly it wasn't as bad as I though it would be. The criminals we treated were usually respectful, maybe due to the fact that Seokjin was a widely respected underground doctor. But I had yet to encounter an real issue with this job.

"Where to?" I asked.

"I got words an assassin was sent to kill a Bludhood remnant but he was hurt in the process. He has already taken out the target so it should be safe." Seokjin then told me how to get to the person.

I nodded. "How do I tell who is it when I get there?"

Seokjin said with a small smile, "You will know when you see him."

"Alright." I went to grab the bag of medical tools and went outside to get into the car Seokjin provided for me. I kickstarted the engine and proceeded to drive to the address Seokjin gave me.

It wasn't too far from his clinic. I got to a run down building and went to the roof floor. After huffing and puffing my way up the stairs, I pushed open the rusted metal door at the end. I was on a roof top with a tin house that sheltered the stairs.

My eyes located a man in a suit that was leaning against some concrete railing at the edge. I huffed when I saw who it was.

"Sulli," Jungkook acknowledged as I walked towards him. He was holding his calf and blood was sleeping out between his fingers.

"Jungkook," I said and I knelt down next to him to begin checking his wound.

"How have you been?" he asked staring at me.

"Good." I lifted his leg and saw that there was indeed a cut of some sort to the side of his calf. "Really? You called me out here for a scratch?"

"A bullet scrapped it," Jungkook said. "when that guy tried to kill me." He nodded to somewhere behind me.

I yelped when I turned around and saw a dead body lying on the ground to the left of the tin house. I turned back around and silently started treating his wound, completely ignoring his intense gaze.

"What's wrong, Sulli? Why aren't you looking at me?" He asked.

"Because I am concentrating on your wound. Or would you like this," I met his gaze and then purposefully squeeze his wound a little, "to happen?"

He grunted and smiled. "Of course not."

I huffed and went back to work. To be honest I was taking out a bit of my anger on him. He was one of the reasons why I rejected Taehyung and I kind of regret it now.

After a while of silence, I said, "I thought you said you were going to call me."

"I was. But something came up."

"Yea right. You have been so busy for three weeks you didn't even have a minute to call me."

"It's not that. It's because... I spoke to Taehyung."

My head snapped up. "You did?"

He nodded. "He confronted me the day we had sex."

"Oh my god..."

"We are cool now."


"We agreed there would be no hard feelings, whoever gets you."

I got a bit angry at that. "I'm not just some... thing you can toss between you two and 'get'. Have you considered what I might think? What if I don't like you both? What if I go and get another boyfriend? What would you do then? Would you stop your little game where I'm the prize and have 'no hard feelings'?"

Jungkook seemed surprised as he didn't say anything.

"Anyway, what's Taehyung doing now?" I asked.

"He's still in Goyang."

"Is he ok?"

"Yes, physically. But emotionally... I'm not sure."

My brows furrowed as my concern grew. "Why? What happened there?"

"He'll be back soon. You should go see him."

"But t-"

All of a sudden, we heard a bunch of loud footsteps coming from the stairs. Jungkook immediately pulled out a gun I didn't realised he had in his hand and pushed himself off the floor.

"Fuck, there's more," Jungkook muttered.

"W-What is happening?" I whispered and stood up in a defensive stance.

"The guy must have called for backup." Jungkook put an arm around me and we ran to the back of the tin house, the only place out of sight of the stairs.

"Stay here, and do not make a sound." Jungkook ordered. Then he went around the tin house. I couldn't tell what was happening and I tried my best to stay quiet through gun shots and grunts. It suddenly became quiet. Oh god, was Jungkook dead? I slowly peaked around the corner only to see Jungkook and another man both pointing their guns at the other person.

"Jeon Jungkook, so it has come to to this moment, huh?" The man, whose face I could not see as he was facing away from me, said.

"I guess it has," Jungkook said, his face void from emotion.

"You know, the first time I met you in the late Leader Kim's house, I knew you were going to become a menace. I never liked you."

"That's a shame," Jungkook said. "I liked you."

"Too bad. So will you pull the trigger? If your finger even moves the in slightest I will shoot. Are you so loyal to that pathetic excuse of a human called Min Yoongi that you will give up your life for him?"

I looked down and saw the dead body was just a few feet away from me. He had a gun in his hand. I quietly bent down to get it.

"What about you? Is Kim Namjoon so convincing that you believe he is any better than Min Yoongi?" Jungkook said.

"Yes, yes he is. That's why I am willing to give my life f-"

The man fell to the floor, dead. Crimson blood gushed out of a hole on his back. I dropped the gun I had just fired. The shot was louder than I expected it to be.

"Sulli..." Jungkook was shocked and he rushed to hold me up.

"I just killed someone..." I stated in a state of utter disbelief. All these years I trained to save, yet I just did the exact opposite. I just aimed, pulled the trigger, and took a life with my own hands. I had upheld the law for so long yet I had just broken it the worst way possible. I felt like a monster

"Sulli, I'm sorry you have to-"

Jungkook was interrupted by me suddenly bursting into laughter.

"Sulli... are you alright?" Jungkook asked with absolute worry in his voice.

"Yea, I'm great!" I said sarcastically. "I just fucking killed someone for you!"

Jungkook evidently didn't know how to react as he just stared at me in shock.

"I killed someone. I killed someone." I reiterated just so that reality would set in. "Hey Jungkook, you know what that means?"


"How am I any better than the Busan Killer now?"

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