My Over Protective Brothers

By KKPRO2543

51.9K 844 104

Alison Stevens is sorta your average girl. She's pretty, a straight-A student, and plays many sports. She can... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author's note
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Hey guys!

Chapter 22

1K 17 5
By KKPRO2543

"Alison, give him a chance," Bella said.

"Bella, it's kind of hard to give the new boy a chance, when he's already been with 20 girls in three days," Arden said.

I skipped school after lunch, my brothers were worried but I told them I was fine. Last thing I needed was for them to beat up Cole. I texted Arden and Bella, they left after school to come and cheer me up and talk to me. We were currently sitting in my room, surrounded by junk food that they brought. They were upset that I told Zac that I liked Cole before I them, but they laughed about it in the end. In about an hour we had to go back to school to watch the game, I also had to face Zac. And Cole...

"But," they looked towards me. "Could he really like me? I mean he yelled at Claire for me, and all the stuff he's done for me too, like punch that kid."

"I say talk to him and hear him out," Arden said.

"I agree," said Bella.

"Okay then, after the game I'll talk to him," I said. "But, you guys have to keep my brothers occupied, they'll loose their shit," I said while rolling my eyes and we all laughed. The front door opened and I heard Alec yell out my name. We quickly hid all the junk food, cause Alec isn't stupid and he knows what a shit load of junk means. I opened my door and walked downstairs with Arden and Bella following behind.

"Hey Ali," he said and gave me a hug. "Hey girls," he gave them both hugs. Unlike all the other girls at my school, my friends think of my brothers like their own brothers.

"So when is dad coming?"

"He has a bit more work to do before he can go," Alec said and I frowned. "Don't worry, he'll be there by warm-ups. We just have to and save him a seat," he said letting out a small laugh.

"Okay, we're gonna finish getting ready," Bella said and dragged us upstairs to my room again. I went towards my window as I heard a car lock and saw Zac getting out, he looked... sad? I felt bad knowing that it was probably my fault.

"Guys," I said and they looked at me. "I need to apologize to a certain someone." They came towards my window and saw who I was referring too. I grabbed my phone from my bed to text Zac.

Me: Hey

Zac: Hey

Me: Can you go to Cole's room and open the window?

Zac: Okay?

He appeared in Cole's room and opened the window as I climbed through mine to get to Cole's room. It was easy, thanks to the help from Zac. I got into the room and immediately hugged him.

"I'm sorry," I said as he hugged me back.

"No, I'm sorry," Zac said. "yesterday when Cole came home, I..." he trailed off and looked at me before continuing. "I yelled at him, and while I was yelling at him it slipped out that you like him. Please give him a chance, he really isn't a bad guy." I nodded.

"I was actually going to talk to him after the game," his face lit up but it went away quickly.

"I don't want to pressure you, but I think you should talk to him before," Zac said.


"Because last I saw, he was sad. Really sad, and when he's like this god knows what he'll do," he said with worry. I pull out my phone from my pocket and call him, it goes to voicemail. I text him.

Me: Cole, we need to talk. I want to talk... about us.

I got no response, so I let it be and quickly made my way back to my room, I had to talk to him before the game. I turned to Zac, "get ready and meet us down in five." I turned to my best friends, "we have to hurry." We grabbed all our stuff, including Mikey's jersey. Dad wears the eldest sons jersey, then switches off between his sons in order, today he wore Sam's, Alec is wearing Toby's, and I'm wearing Mikey's. Arden was downstairs telling Alec why we had to go early, and even though he's sounding pissed as we leave, we all make it to my car and speed towards school.

I quickly park and we all get out looking for Cole. I searched all over the field and when I couldn't find him, I heard him.

"Stupid, stupid Cole. 'She likes you,' yea right, what a load of shit," I see him behind the bleachers as he lifts up what looks like a flask. He's been drinking.

"Cole!" I yell as I ran to him and his head looks up to me. He starts to lift up the flask to his mouth, but I get to him and tear it out of his hands.

"I was drinking that," he mumbled. "What are you doing here, the game isn't for another two hours."

"I came for you," he looked up in shock. "After school Bella and Arden came and we talked, then I saw Zac and I apologized for being pissed and he did too for telling you how I felt. When he told me how you were sad and the things you could do, I-I got scared," I whispered out the last part. "I'm done trying to hide my feelings or move on, I like you Cole Jacobs," I said looking up at him.

"Y-you do?" He said as if he didn't believe it and I nodded. A big genuine smile was on his face as he cupped my face and leaned in slowly looking into my eyes for approval. When he saw I didn't back away, he smashed his lips on mine and my arms went around his waist. The kiss was sweet and gentle and it felt right. He slowly pulled away and rested his forehead on mine, "I like you too, Alison Stevens."

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