World's Apart

By klutzy17

58.8K 1.5K 367

All Jack knew was that he loved her...and one day, any way he could, no matter what it took, he'd make it bac... More

Here In Your Arms
A Long Way From Home
In His Wake
Yesterday's Tomorrow
The Two Of Us
Together Again
For Old Times Sake
A Night To Remember
Farewell Kisses
The Wheel Keeps Turning
Back To Square One
Bye Bye Birdy
The Waiting Game
As The Snow Falls
Christmas Kisses
Winter Wishes
One More Good Day
Right Back At It
Auld Lang Syne (Part 1)
Auld Lang Syne (Part 2)
Yesterday's History
The Phone Call
Fools Gold
A Mother's Words
Through The Rain
I Will Love You
A Lesson in Love
The Last Time
Old Friend
Into War
Flight Of His Life
An Ocean Of Blue
Forgotten Shoes
Living Nightmare
No News is Good News
The Love Of Two Hearts
The Long Night
J Is For...
By And By
Jack II
Jack III
Love, Lies And Death
In Minds Eye
New Beginnings

Till Death Do Us Part

912 28 5
By klutzy17

Ali stared into the mirror on her vanity table. She was back in her old bedroom in Weymouth. Her blonde hair was curled and pinned into a low loose bun with strands of soft hair messily escaping it. She she fixed her eyes on her reflection she touched her fingertips to her cheek. He cheeks were rosy and he eyes looked bright set against the darker powder of her eye shadow, her lips a deep rouge colour. Her fingers trailed along her cheek and down her neck before her fingers fiddled with the neckline of the white lace dress.

Today was the day.

She and James were due to marry. Since he had asked her three weeks ago the plans had been quickly set in motion. They had decided to return to Dorset and marry in their small hometown, they had picked the local church and Jed the vicar happily agreed to marry them. The wedding rings had been bought, flowers picked out, bridesmaids chosen, everything had happened so fast. James had questioned the haste of it all time and time again but with the baby growing by the day, soon Ali wouldn't be able to hide the bump. Even now in her fitted wedding dress, Ali could feel the tightness of the material around her abdomen. Nobody knew about the baby, only James. They had both agreed to share the news a few weeks after the wedding, when they were back in London and away from prying eyes and gossiping locals, that way everyone would truly believe the baby was James's. 

As her eyes drank in the reflection in the mirror, her eyes cast across the old photograph tucked into the frame. It was her and Jack from that day at the creek, a day before any weddings, any babies and before any broken hearts. She had forgotten the photograph still existed. Ali reached out and un-tucked the picture from the mirror. She stared at it for a long moment, a small smile curling at her lips, before she pinched it between her fingers and tore the picture in half. She scattered the pieces into the basket beside her table and watched as they fell quietly into the bin.

A voice appearing in the doorway startles Ali.

"You look beautiful Ali," It was her sister, Katie.

Ali looked across to Katie and smiled "Thank you," 

Ali watched as her sister crossed the room. The powder blue knee length bridesmaid dress swished as her heeled shoes clicked against the wooden floor. Katie took a seat at the edge of the bed before she started to speak.

"Are you happy Ali?" 

Ali turns completely in the chair to face Katie, her eyes wide at her sisters question.

"Of course I am," Ali chuckles.

"I mean it Ali," Katie says with a seriousness to her tone "I want you to be happy, you deserve that," 

"I am happy Katie," Ali says as she stands from her seat. "James makes me happy," Ali walks slowly across the room before sitting beside Katie on the bed.

"I know it's only been a year since you met him but for what it's worth, I really like James," Katie bumps her shoulder against Ali's. 

"Me too," Ali bumps back.

Katie takes Ali's hands in hers and turns her body towards her sister "You will love him Ali," 

Ali pinches her eyebrows together as she regards her sister. She tries to pull her hands back but Katie holds them tight.

"No listen Ali," Katie pleads, her eyes softening "I know you still love Jack, I know the wounds he left behind are still hurting Ali but please listen when I tell you Ali that time heals all. You have a chance now, a real chance to be happy. You can be happy with James if you give him a chance," 

Tears prick in her eyes but Ali blinks them back before they have a chance to fall "I know," her voice cracks as she forces a smile at her sister "You're right," 

"He loves you Ali, he always will," Katie stands from the bed and holds her hands out to Ali. "So, shall we go get you married?"

Ali stared at her sister for a moment, wondering if her last words were about James or about Jack. She shook the thought from her head and grabbed a hold of Katie's hands. As she got to her feet, Katie pulled the long veil over Ali's head. The light airy material cascaded over Ali's face and down the front of her dress. The two of them left the bedroom and carefully descended the stairs to where Mrs Dawes and Emily were waiting.

"Oh you look so beautiful Ali," her mother gushed as she clasped her hands around her daughters shoulders "You're father would love to have been her darling, he dreamt about this day," 

Ali smiled up at her mother as her mother dabbed at her eyes with a cotton handkerchief. 

"Here," Emily stepped forward wearing the same powder blue dress as Katie "Your flowers," Katie handed the beautiful bouquet of white roses and calla lilies to Ali. 

They stepped outside, following Katie down the path towards the lane. A horse drawn carriage was waiting to take them to the church. Emily helped Ali into the carriage before sliding in beside her. Mrs Dawes and Katie sat opposite them as the carriage lurched forward. The clip clop of the horses feet against the hard surface of the road lulled Ali as she breathed in the scent of freshly mowed grass and poplar trees. The open top carriage allowed a gentle breeze to blow about her, a welcome relief from the sun beating down on her shoulders. As the carriage moved towards town, her mother, Katie and Emily conversed happily between themselves. A million thoughts whirled through Ali's mind as the green fields passed her by. Try as she might, her mind always reverted back to Jack and how, to her knowledge alone, there was a tiny human growing comfortably underneath her wedding dress.

Before long the carriage pulled up at the front of the church. As they walked up the path towards the entrance the breeze blew through the pink cherry blossom trees, sending a rain of pink petals down onto Ali. The door pushed open and Ali stepped into the church behind Katie and Emily.

"Are you ready?" Her mother looped her arm around Ali's and smiled as Ali nodded. The organ started to play and the choir started their song as Emily and Katie walked down the Aisle one by one. A few moments later Ali and her mother stepped from behind the wall and followed down the aisle.

Ali gripped her mother tightly as they took slow careful steps towards the altar. Ali couldn't bring herself to look at any of the guests. Her heart was beating double time and her palms began to sweat. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears as she felt an overwhelming sense of panic. She felt her mother squeeze her arm comfortingly and Ali inhaled sharply before snapping her head up. She was at the altar.

James stood before her and extended his hand towards her. His crisp white shirt looked sharp against the dark material of his suit. He wore a matching waistcoat and his tie matched the bridesmaids dresses. Ali placed her small hand in his and he pulled her towards him. The feeling of her hand in his calmed her immediately, she felt safe and she felt loved and in that moment there was no other place she'd rather be.

"Are you ready?" James whispered as he smiled at her. His blue grey eyes twinkled as he gazed upon her face.

Ali nodded and gave his hand a comforting squeeze "Always," 

The two of them turned towards the altar where Jed smiled at them before raising his arms "If you would all be seated..." he began.

A/N: Hello Hello Hello my lovely readers! Firstly my apologies for the delay in an update. I've had a busy few weeks, final 6 weeks of uni and just moved in with my bf into our first apartment, exciting times...Anyway thank you, thank you, thank you, 3k reads, you're all the best!! Please keep reading, voting and commenting...I love hearing your thoughts and knowing you're still enjoying the story means the world to me. I now know where I'm taking the storyline so hopefully there shall not be any delays!!                    R. 

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