Darkness Awakens ( Darkness S...

By Starrynite1uk

283 14 0

Young witch Rosalie Cross soon finds her whole world blown apart when secrets and lies from the past blow up... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Two

23 1 0
By Starrynite1uk

Pain brings me back from the abyss.

I struggle to open my eyes the lids feeling like they've been glued shut, I slowly crack them open and try and focus on the unfamiliar surroundings but the pain in my arms that are currently chained above me make it difficult to concentrate.

Sucking in a shaky breath as my eyes rove my surroundings I realise I'm kneeling in the middle of a large four poster bed, surrounded by black gauzy drapes and silky sheets in nothing but my underwear. Heart racing, I pull frantically at the chain not caring that the cuffs where cutting into my wrists but I was stuck tight. I knew there was no point trying to reach for my magic as I hadn't felt the familiar pulse since I woke up. Dropping my head in defeat the events from last night came rushing back the alley way, the Demons, Luc and the coven... Goddess please let Luc be safe!

"Kali me ra Rosa..." A deep voice drawls as the drapes are pulled aside and I come face to face with the silver eyed Demon from last night, his molten gaze flicks slowly over my near naked form a small smile playing about his lips. "You really are a pretty little thing aren't you?"

"Fuck...You..." I manage to grit out while he stands there looking like the cat that got the cream.

"Hmmm... a very tempting offer sweetheart but I think we should get to know each other a little better first." I look at him with hate filled eyes as he prowls closer and perches himself on the bed those strange eyes almost glowing with power as he continues to watch me.

"You are one arrogant son of a bitch! You want to talk? I have nothing to say to you dickhead! You kidnap me, chain me to a bed, take my clothes and you bit me!!" I swing towards him anger bubbling through my veins, the chain snaps me back by the wrists and I stumble, his deep masculine chuckle fills the room as I gape up at him, Goddess he's infuriating.

"Oh angel that's nothing, you want to see me when I'm really in the mood." I bite my lip as I fight the shiver his words evoke hating myself for feeling anything but hatred for him. What the hell is wrong with me? The guy has kidnapped and trussed me up like a prize pig and I actually feel a slow bloom of desire flare down below, I must have been hit in the head harder than I thought.

"Who...who are you? Why am I here?" I manage to stutter out as he runs a finger thoughtfully over his bottom lip.

"I am Lord Erebus but you may call me Dante and to the reason you're here... well that's just plain fucking complicated. You see I was under the impression that I was hunting a Witch with hunter ideals and was ready to kill you so you can imagine my surprise when you broke free of the binding sphere and hit not just me but twenty Demons with one spell." He stops pacing and rubs a hand over his stubbled jaw then turns his head to look at me stormy eyes, a shiver of dread crawls up my spine as I look at him.

"But then I tasted your blood and let me tell you I was very surprised... you are not what you say you are Miss Rosalie Cross." He moves suddenly and in the time it took me to blink he was kneeling in front of me, fingers grasping my chin he pulls my head up to look at him.

"I wonder if you even know what you are?" He whispers inches from my lips as I fight the strong pull of attraction." I doubt the great Coven of Hecate would have been able to resist using you, filling your head with lies to mold you into their loyal little pet, sucking you dry of your power for their own gain-"

Anger bubbles through me and without thinking I fling my head forward and crack against his face, blood pours from his busted lip as I try and swing myself further away from him torn between fierce satisfaction and fear at what he was going to do now. A low growl escapes him and he raises his eyes, power and heat burning within them as he watches me as a hunter watches its prey, his tongue slowly slips out swiping the blood from the corner of his mouth a small smile playing around his lips.

He moved faster than the time it took me to blink slamming into me so that I fell on to the bed with him pinning me down, his face mere inches from my own. The snap of the heavy chains nearly makes me weep with relief until I realise that I'm just as trapped. Heart racing, I raise my eyes and glare at him wishing that he didn't have my hands pinned as I would love to scratch his pretty eyes out, trying to buck him off I wriggle underneath him then freeze when he lets out a groan and heavy lidded quicksilver eyes burn into mine.

" Skata! If you don't want me to fuck you senseless I'd advise you to keep fucking still!" He growls out and I feel a blush bloom over my cheeks, releasing my hands he trails gentle fingers down my arms until he reaches my shoulders, I bite my lip to stop a gasp of pleasure escaping as his fingers skim over the top of my breasts those predatory eyes watching my face intently. I struggle with myself hating the fact that my traitorous body was enjoying his touch a slight smile on his lips suggested he knew it too.

"Now then kitten sheathe your claws, I was only telling you the truth whether you want to hear it or not, the Coven of Hecate is using you and you will come to realise that pretty soon I'm sure." His warm breath trails a path down my neck and I tense as he inhales my scent, a shudder runs through him and he sighs as he sits up leaving me staring wide eyed up at him.

"Omorfi..." He runs a hand through his thick dark hair and gives me a hooded look as he stands. "There is a bathroom behind the door over there, freshen up I will have clothes and food sent up to you. I will send for you later as we have a lot to talk about but Rose... Do not try anything, you cannot use any magic here as I'm sure you have already figured out, there are guards outside your door and believe me when I say they are not as nice as I am."

"Lord Erebus... please... just let me go." I manage to stutter and he freezes, placing a hand on the door frame turning his head towards me a cold look crossing his features.

"Miss Cross that is something that is never going to happen, you'd better make yourself comfortable because you won't be going anywhere anytime soon." And with that he stalks out the room slamming the door behind him as I sit there feeling like a fool for even asking, tears blinding me as I realise that he wouldn't let me go, not while he thought I was something he could use.

I pull myself up using one of the bed posts as support and walk on trembling legs towards the door that his Lordship pointed out trying not to look around in awe at the opulent bedroom, silver and black décor surrounds me with a large dressing table with a velvet covered high back chair, matching wardrobe and bed side tables and a beautiful silver gilded mirror which covers the wall facing the bed.

As I push the bathroom door my mouth drops open at the large stone bathtub that sits in the centre of the room, another large mirror hangs against the back wall, this guy sure likes his mirrors. I walk closer to the bath and notice the large shower that hangs above it and strip my underwear off and step into the tub and sigh as the water above comes flooding down like my very own private waterfall. Moaning in pleasure as the warm water works its magic on my tired and aching body I try and think of what the hell Dante Erebos was up too and why I was reluctant to find out. What he said about the Coven couldn't be true... could it?

They took me in when I was eight years old the same night my parents were killed, they told me that I had blocked my own memories of that night and the previous eight years due to trauma but lately I had been getting flashes of memories seeping through the cracks I'd built in my mind. A feeling of dread creeps upon me and I shiver knowing that my world as I know it was about to be blown apart and wonder if I would be strong enough to get through it.

Stepping out of the shower I wrap a large bath towel around myself and walk over to the mirror and bite my lip as I see a large purple bruise running from my temple to jaw, my dark hair hangs wetly just past my breasts, my skin looks deathly pale but hey at least I'm still alive. I straighten my shoulders and walk back into the bedroom and my eyes widen in surprise as a tray laden with fresh coffee and bagels where set on the table my stomach rumbles in appreciation and I pour myself a cup of the liquid ambrosia when I notice clothes have been laid out on the bed, jeez are these Demons freaking ninjas? I don the underwear slightly disturbed at how they were the correct size and try not to admire the sensuous feel of the dove grey silk dress that slides down my body, satisfied that I am now dressed I sit down and munch on the bagels and down the coffee and try to put my jumbled thoughts together.

The bedroom door is flung open crashing against the wall, a stunning red haired woman marches in, anger stamped all over her face while a brow beaten Alika trails in behind her.

"Please my Lady! Lord Erebus will not like this-" My mouth drops open as a resounding crack fills the room, Alikas head snapping back from the force of the petite woman's slap.

"Vlákas!" She mutters as she looks at his crestfallen face making me feel a little bit sorry for him. Turning her gaze back to me she looks at me intently, her flashing topaz eyes absorbing every little detail when Dante storms in behind her power oozing from him in waves.

"Lilly, why are you here?"

"Dante do you have any idea the shit you have caused? Her Coven is talking war if she isn't returned! If you used your brain for once instead of your dick-" Her eyes widen as power surges through the room, a low growl escapes him as he takes a threatening step towards her.

"No! Dante listen to me; I don't know why you kept her but you need to release her now! We cannot afford a war with the Witches you know that! There are a million other women you can have what's so special about this one?" Those beautiful topaz eyes plead up at him, worry clear in her face, he walks over to her wrapping his arms around her slim figure.

" You worry too much little sister, I have everything under control the Witches are right to be worried I've found out there little secret, the one they have been hiding for almost eighteen years... from me." Her face pales at his words, placing a trembling hand to her mouth she turns glistening eyes on to me tracing my features slowly a single tear rolling down her cheeks. "She doesn't know anything Lilly but the awakening has already begun can't you scent it?"

Feeling uncomfortable under the weight of her stare I struggle to my feet, I gasp out as sharp stabbing pains slice through my head and a wave of dizziness hits me. My brain feels like a million tiny needles are jabbing into it at the same time, tears blur my vision as the pain intensifies and I feel myself weakening rapidly. What's happening to me?

"Ugh... Some...things...wrong-" Lilly's head swings round towards me and her eyes widen in shock.

"Dante they've spelled her! They're trying to kill her!"

"I fucking hate Witches! Call Alika, NOW!"

"Skata!" Dante shouts as I crumple catching me in his strong arms he looks down at me with worried eyes, he places me gently on the bed a soft hand stroking my face as I feel myself slipping away into oblivion.

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