YOU PROMISE? (A ChanBaek /Exo...


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Chanyeol is the new transfer student at SM High. Baekhyun has had a huge crush on Kris for over a year. Kris... More

Main Characters (EXO)
Author's Note!!!
CH.01: New Kid in School
CH.02: Summer Nights
CH.03: 10 Minutes
CH.04: I Saw Him Standing There
CH.05: Good Vibrations
CH.06: Stairway to Class
CH.07: Mental Breaker
CH.08: Story Time
CH.09: He's A Rainbow
CH.11: Love Letter
CH.12: With a Little Help From My Friends
CH.13: I Wanna Be Your Friend
CH.14: Get The Jinki
CH.15: Remember Jaehyo
CH.16: Dumb & Dumber
CH.17: No Kiss Today
CH.18: Rumour Has It
CH.19: First Love
CH.20: Monkey Magic
CH.21: Black Paradise
CH.22: Changes
CH.23: Just One Day
CH.24: Twenty Four
CH.25: We Like 2 Party
CH.26: Smells Like Teen Spirit
CH.27: Tattoo
CH.28: Back in Blonde
CH.29: Sentimental
CH.30: Satisfaction
CH.31: A Few Days Later
CH.32: The Diary Of Sehun
CH.33: Brotherly Love
CH.34: Take Me Now
CH.35: The Chase
CH.36: Ask Me WHY?
CH.38: The Kids Aren't Alright
CH.39: Still In Love
CH.40: Enter Tao
CH.41: Call Me Baekhee
CH.42: Sweet Child O'Mine
CH.43: Not Alright
CH.44: Imagine
CH.45: Critical Beauty
CH.46: Don't Flirt
CH.47: Psycho
CH.48: Without You
CH.49: Missing You
CH.50: Green Rain
CH.51: Janus
CH.52: Butterflies and Hurricanes
CH.53: This Is War
CH.54: P.S. I Love You

CH.10: Beautiful Baekhyun

116 5 17

Title Reference: "Beautiful Lady" by Kim Jonghyun.



I leave right when fifth period ends since Jongwoon doesn't have a class for sixth period. We both make our way to the staff parking lot.

"What are you going to do now?"

Jongwoon asks me.

"Imma go home and change clothes. Chanyeol asked me to hang out in the park to play soccer." I tell him.

"You guys are so cute. Anyway, about earlier today, Jinki. Who is that Yifan guy?"

"Oh right, right. He dated my cousin like a year ago."

"Oh, who's your cousin? Is he in any of our classes?"

"NO no um, my cousin is a senior now. Besides, he doesn't go here anymore." I tell him.

"Whoa was the break up that bad," Jongwoon asks me. I chuckle for a second before I remember what happened.

"I-I think so. My cousin, Jaehyo, would tell me about their fights. I even saw Jaehyo with a bruise once. I was scared for him. I told Jaehyo to leave him if all they did was fight but he wouldn't listen to me. Soon after, they did break up but Jaehyo was acting weird. He even started drinking during the day and ditching school. Soon after... he disappeared. The police went out looking for him. My aunt and uncle found some of his clothes and belongings missing so they concluded that he ran away... I know Jaehyo. He wouldn't just leave without telling anyone, plus he loved it here." I tell Jongwoon and he stays silent for a minute.

"I'm sorry, Jinki. But... if you don't think he ran away? Then, what do you think." Jongwoon finally breaks the silence.

I think for a second. I don't know if I should tell him, I haven't told anyone.

"I-I... I don't know. It all just happened to fast. One day, I was helping him with calculus since I was senior back then. Next thing I know, I lose all contact with him. He... He was very close to me. But even so, he would not tell me what happened between him and Yifan." I decide not to tell Jongwoon what had happened, at least not now. I'll just wait until we get closer. I hope he understands.

"Who knows, maybe he was embarrassed. If he really did run away, then there is a chance he'll come back. Just think positive." He tells me as he approaches his car and unlocks.

"Alright, Jinki. I'll see ya tomorrow. Drive safe."

"Bye and thank you for listening. See ya"

I enter my car. On my way home, I think about what happened earlier today.


When the bell rang at the end of lunch. I quickly went to the restroom before fifth period starts. On my way back to class. I see Yifan walking to Jongwoon's classroom.

"Yifan?" I call out to him.

He looks at me and thinks for a second.

"Jaehyo's cousin? Right."

"Yeah. Jinki" I tell him.

"It's great to meet you again... I'm sorry about what happened to Jaehyo. Believe it or not. I loved him. Our relationship was a wreck but that doesn't mean I didn't care about him."

"...he had bruises on his body," I tell him.

"I didn't lay a hand on him, believe me. He would go out to party and get drunk. He'd end up coming to my house beaten up. That's why we would fight a lot. I told him to stop but he wouldn't listen to me, so I broke up with him. The only thing I regret doing was leaving him, but I couldn't take it anymore. The drinking. Stressing me out. My final strike was when he cheated on me... I-I'm sorry Jinki... I know it's too late but I'm sorry"

Should I believe him?

Jaehyo did have a drinking problem and he was partying a lot too.

"Don't be sorry, Yifan-"

"Call me Kris." He tells me.

"Okay... Kris."


I don't know what to think now. What he said made sense. *Sigh* Jaehyo, where are you?

I miss you


Two minutes till the bell rings, my last period is Choir. We're just sitting in a circle since we were doing an exercise, but now we're just waiting for bell since Ms. Sunghee or Ms. Baba (as she told us to address her) is done with today's lesson.

I have Baekhyun is this class too, that makes three. I have three classes with him, YAY That's good enough for me. He's with Kyungsoo and Minseok. I would go over there but, Minseok kind of scares me, I don't know why?

"Hey" A girl approaches me, I've seen her in most of my classes.

"Hi," I say.

"You're Chanyeol, right? I think I have you in like five of my classes, including this one." I nod and smile at her because I don't know what to say.

"I'm Seungwan, but everyone calls me Wendy" She gives me a cute smile.

"Nice to meet you Wendy" the bell rings. We both stand up.

"Hey, not to bother you but do you know where B7 is?" I ask Wendy.

"Yeah, I can walk you there. Come on." She grabs my wrist and we leave together and I steal one last sneaky look at Baekhyun. He was looking at me. Should I have asked him?

Too late now.

I text Sehun that I'm on my way to his class and just wait for me there.

We reach B7, which was not too far from the auditorium. I wave at Sehun.

Sehun looks at Wendy then at me.

"Thank you so much, Wendy," I say as we approach Sehun.

"Anytime, Chanyeol." She winks at me then leave. Oh no, what have I done?

"What was that about?" Sehun asks me.

"I really don't know, I talked to her for less than five minutes." I'm puzzled.

"Girls are strange," Sehun says, and I nod, agreeing.

"Come on let's go. Minseok and Yixing are going to join us at the park at 5:00, do you have a curfew?"

"Uh... I don't know." I think about it. "I've never been out past 4:00 since I just stay home with Seunghyun... I'll just call later so my parents don't worry" I called Seunghyun during the first break telling him I was going to walk home today.

"Is Seunghyun your brother?" Sehun asks as we make our way to the gate.

"Nah, though that would be awesome though. He's my butler, and he is also like a really close friend to me."

Sehun just nods.

We continue walking in silence, I break the silence when I tell Sehun that I invited Jinki and ask if that was okay.

"Yeah sure."

We see Jinki, he changed his clothes from earlier. He's wearing an aqua t-shirt and black shorts. He runs to us like a little kid. So cute.

"Hey!" Jinki says.

"Hey Jinki, have you played soccer before?" Sehun asks.

"Yeah, I was in the soccer team for my sophomore and junior year," Jinki tells us.

"Okay, cool." Sehun nods.

We stay in a comfortable silence while walking.

"Sehun!" We hear someone calling Sehun from behind.

We all turn around, it's Baekhyun; running towards him with a big smile on his face. He catches up to us and then looks at me. His smile disappears when he looks at me and Jinki. What did I do now?

Behind him is Luhan, who I met during our first break.

"Guess what." Baekhyun turns his attention back to Sehun with a smile again.

"Ummm..." Sehun looks at Jinki and me then back to Baekhyun. "Chicken butt?"

Baekhyun rolls his eyes. "No, idiot... You know who is in my English class. I finally can talk to him. Isn't that great!" Baekhyun voice gets high by the end from the excitement. I know he is talking about that guy, Sehun's step-brother.

"What-no... Baekhyun I know you like him and- ugh... I was okay with that but-but that's as far as it should go." Sehun looks nervous and almost... scared?

All four of us look at Sehun confused, why is he being like this?

He obviously would know his step-brother more than any of us here, so he should be helping Baekhyun.

Wait, what am I saying? Keep going Sehun. Tell him not to see that guy.

"Sehun... We should help Baekhyun. You know he's had a crush on you know who since 9th grade, come on, help him. What does he like, so that they have something to talk about?" Luhan speaks, he looks mad. Am I missing something?


"Stay away from who?" Someone behind me says. I turn around and OH MY GOSH.

My eyes widen due to shock.

"Yifan?" I ask. I can't believe it's him.

He looks at me with a cold face.

"Only adults call me that. I prefer Kris. Who are you?" He asks.

Doesn't he remember me?

"Chanyeol. Remember? Middle school?"

His eyes widen.

"Oh wow... I didn't even recognize you without the glasses, braces, acne, and that dorky haircut you used to have."

I can feel my face heating up due to embarrassment, everyone looks at me. I look down and put my hands in my pocket. Jinki laughs and hugs me. I lean my head on his shoulder so the rest don't see my face so red.

He's right though. I had all that during middle school. I got my braces off during the summer before 9th grade.

I convinced my mom to take me to a dermatologist before 10th grade.

That same year I got a haircut, but this time I got is shorter than usual and started putting my hair up too.

And I just started wearing contacts 6 months ago.

"What the fuck... You know each other?" Sehun speaks breaking the silence.

"Ye-yeah we were best friends back in 8th grade," I tell Sehun.

"Well great, little reunion but Yifan, this has nothing to do with you so leave," Sehun tells Kris

"Stop calling me that, I hate it when you call that," Kris tells Sehun.

"Kris-whatever... I'm talking to Baekhyun so leave." Sehun points at Baekhyun.

Yifan looks at Baekhyun, I see that Baekhyun blushes and quickly looks away. He has a crush on Yifan?!

"Wait, Sehun is Yifan your step-brother?" I whisper to Sehun who looks furious right now.

He nods before turning back to Yifan.

"Whatever, let's go Minho," Yifan calls out to the guy who came with him; who I noticed was staring at either at Jinki or me.

Probably Jinki because he's so cute.

"Bye Kris" I wave at him with a smile.

He gives me a nod while the other guy just glares at me.

Okay? What was that? He used to be so nice, now he gives off a cold vibe.

"Please, Baekhyun... you don't know Yifan as I do. He used to fight with Jaehyo all the time, remember?" Sehun pleads to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun looks at me embarrassed.

"Great now they know," Baekhyun says as he looks at Jinki and me.

"Oh shit, I-I'm sorry," Sehun says as Baekhyun walks pass us.

He trips and drops his binder when he falls.

And here I thought Jinki was the only clumsy one.

"Baekhyun!" Luhan and I both say at the same time and go to Baekhyun's aid.

I get to him first and help him with him papers that fell off his binder.

"Aw shit," Baekhyun mutters

I look at him. His glasses must have fallen on his trip and he landed on them, they're broken.

"Hey, can you help me find my back up glasses they're in my backpack."

He takes off his backpack and puts it on his lap. I open it and find his glasses right away. As I grab and hand the glasses to Baekhyun, I look up to Jinki and Sehun.

They're looking at us with amusement. Then Jinki mouths to me talk to him. Sehun giggles but not loud enough for Baekhyun and me to hear, I can clearly see he is giggling. I see Luhan just staring at Jinki and Sehun, confused.

"Thanks, Chanyeol" Baekhyun says as he puts on his glasses.

What do I say?

"No-no problem... uhh y-yo-your eyes are beautiful, Baek," I tell him with a soft voice so Jinki and Sehun can't hear; I don't need them mocking me.

"Re-really" Baekhyun gives the most beautiful smile in the world, and I notice that he is blushing.

HE'S BLUSHING!!!! I have a chance!

"Yes, a-and your smile....... wow." That was all I can up with? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

"Baekhyun" Luhan kills my moment. Damn it. I was just on a roll.

We both look up at Luhan since we were still on our knees from grabbing Baekhyun's papers.

"Sorry, but we have to go... Before you get in trouble." Luhan makes a face, trying to tell Baekhyun something Jinki, Sehun, and I obviously can't know with his face and eyes.

"Right," Baekhyun tells Luhan.

"Thank you, Chanyeol" He smiles at me again. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"O-okay" We both stand up and just stare at each other for a second.

I can just stare into those eyes all day.

"Come on." Luhan walks between us and drags Baekhyun by the arm.

Baekhyun turns his head back and looks at me again, I watch them as they leave.

I can hear Jinki and Sehun approaching me, but I keep my focus on Baekhyun.

Jinki links his arm with mine.

"Come on, lover boy" Jinki coos.

"Did you see that guys? I think he likes me." I tell them. Jinki nods and Sehun just rolls his eyes.

We walk down the street to get bubble tea while we wait for Minseok and Yixing.


School is finally over for today. My last period was graphic design with Sehun, Jongdae, and Kris. I really had to pee so I was the first to leave.

I head upstairs after going to the restroom to get to my locker. As I'm walking down the hallway I see Junmyeon.

He's with Kris. Junmyeon looks upset. What are they talking about? Why are they arguing?

"Hey, guys. Everything okay?" I ask them both as I put my arm around Junmyeon.

"Yeah, I'll see you around Jun," Kris tells Junmyeon with a cold expression.

Once he leaves, I put my other hand oh his cheek and have him face me.

"Okay, for real. Is everything okay? You look upset. Did he do anything to you?"

Junmyeon avoids eye contact. "No, um he's just asking about um history class... because we're partners. Don't worry, Yixing. It's just a misunderstanding, we'll settle it tomorrow." He smiles at me and holds my hand that I had on his cheek.

"Okay... if you say so, Hermoso." I smile at him, and he chuckles.

"Hermoso?" He tilts his head, he's so cute.

"It's Spanish for Handsome." He laughs and nods, I thought it would be a cute nickname.

Guess not.

"Anyway... I have to go home right away. I have to go with my father to a meeting." He gets serious again.

"Do you want me to walk you home?"

"No, no, I'm getting picked up. Plus, you know my parents. After they saw us together last time. They don't want us together." He tells me while looking down.

"It was just kissing though. I'm sorry, I got you in trouble."

He looks at me. "It's not your fault, Yixing. You did nothing wrong. It's my parents... They just hate me... Because I'm gay." He looks down again, in shame. I hug him and rub his back.

"They don't hate you. How can anybody hate you? You're wonderful."

I walk Junmyeon to the front gate, where he's going to get picked up. I leave first, so his driver doesn't see me.

I decide to take a walk before heading to the park at five, when I'm supposed to meet Minseok, Sehun and the new kid, Chanyeol.

I think I walked too far?

Where am I?

Oh no, not again.

I decide to find and ask someone directions.

I stop my steps.

I look around.


"Hey, kid."

I look behind me. Nothing.

"Over here." I look to my right. Oh, it's just a boy about my age.

I walk over to him since he's in the alley.

"Hey there buddy, do you where the park is? I'm lost." I ask him as I get closer.

When I reach him, he grabs my arm and takes out a pocket knife.

"Give me your money, kid." That's when I realize.

Oh shit.

It's a girl.

I laugh, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry... I thought you were a boy." I continue to laugh but she just stays serious.

Damn someone is in a grumpy mood.

I like her.

"Did you not listen to me? I said give me your money." She waves the knife to my face.

"What's your name?" I ask her.

"What?" She asks.

"What your name?" I ask her once again while looking into her eyes.

She doesn't look happy. She sighs.

"Amber." Aw, pretty name.

"Okay, Amber. Put the knife away before you get hurt."

"Are you serious? The only one getting hurt today is you." She tells me.

"What? WHY?! "I ask her.


I frown at her.

"No," I tell her.

"Are you dumb? Bitch, I have a knife in front of you."

"Watch your mouth, don't use profanity," I tell her.

I can see she getting madder.

"You little piece of sh-", I cut her off.

"Why are you being like this... Say please"


"Yes," I nod at her.

"I will seriously cut your face, Dude."

"My name is Yixing," I tell her.

She just stares at me with her eye widen for a couple of seconds. She closes them.

"I don't fucking care." She's not yelling anymore, great.

"Are you hungry?" I ask her. Now she looks mad again.

"OH, MY G-UGH... no... I'm just... annoyed." She let's go of my arm and puts the knife away.

Was she trying to mug me?

"Leave... please," She says looks down.

"Oh, okay... I'll see you around then. Bye bye," I wave goodbye, turn around and start walking, then I stop.

"W-wait, do you know how to get to the park. I'm lost." I ask her.

She rolls her eyes and sighs.

"Yeah, come on."

She catches up to me then leads the way.


I made two new friends today, Chanyeol and Amber.

Kris' Ex aka my bias from Block B!!

Published: April 12th, 2018

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