Straya 801- Planet of Total M...

Galing kay orangecaramel05

96.4K 4.3K 15K

'Welcome on Straya 801.' The first time they heard these words, they were kids. Now, they are Stray kids. ... Higit pa

Chapter 1: Gorgeous.
Chapter 2 - Palis...
Chapter 3 - Part I: Pale Blue Feather...
Chapter 3 - Part II: Feather Pale Blue...
Chapter 4: Glowing Promises...
CHAPTER 5: Once upon a time...
Chapter 6: Starry Night...
Chapter 8: The Greatest Day...
Chapter 9: Green Violets - Beyond Love...
TAG TIME 2.0 - '+=+'
Chapter 10: Dear heart...
Chapter 11 - Part I: Rêverie...
CHAPTER 11 - Part II: Réalité...
CHAPTER 12: I Love You...
CHAPTER 13: Forever & Ever...
Announcement + New Fanfic's Teaser
CHAPTER 14: Appassionata...
Chapter 15: One Day, Waiting Between Worlds...
Chapter 16: Into the Light...
Chapter 17: For You...
CHAPTER 18: For-ever...
Last Chapter. 19: Last Journey - Planet of Total Madness...

Chapter 7: Euphoria...

4.9K 193 1.4K
Galing kay orangecaramel05


(Disclaimer: Original pic is not mine [If the owner wants me to remove it, I will]. However the editing is mine. Also, this is not a fanart, just some editing and filters made by me on my computer.)


A/N: Hellooooo guys~ I'm back!

And I'm back with a monster lol (13k words) don't hate me, I know, it's long but I hope you'll stick around till the end T.T Hopefully you'll like it~

Anyways, so far this is my favorite chapter ever! I had so much fun writing it so I think you'll see that when you read it ahahaha. Also, Changlix is finally getting here guys woohoo!

ALSO: Huge thanks to you all for the 3k+ reads T.T I'm so happy that so many of you liked my baby, and I still fail to register that it met such success. I'm deeply grateful for that. So thank you, really, thank you. Because without you, this story wouldn't be complete <3

Well, apart from the fact that for once I'm on time, I don't see anything else to add, so without further ado: Enjoy~

----------------------- (Crossposted on Ao3.)


  Jisung moaned softly (A/N: Let's see where my fellow dirty minded readers are~) when a soft gust of wind brushed past his close eyelids, tickling his cheeks and stroking his parted lips. Frowning at the cold sensation he shifted slightly under the covers, his left arm reaching out for warmth. But it only met the coldness of silk-like sheets.

Fluttering his eyes open, he frowned. Next to him the bed was empty. So Minho left already.

He sighed internally, he couldn't believe he slept next to the leader. To be honest, as much as he wished to have someone to cuddle with, the truth was that he would have never asked the Stray if it wasn't for the coldness of the night. Yesterday would have seriously ended him, if not for Minho's warmth. Now that he thought of it, it must have been pretty awkward for the Stray to have him, a 'stranger', snuggled against him in his sleep. Heck, if you would have told him a few weeks ago that he was going to sleep next to the man who threw him out on day one, he would have laughed at your face. And yet, here he was.

Humming in tiredness, he shifted fully on his side and curled against the free pillow. He had no idea of what time it was in the day, but judging by the lack of light in the bedroom, it must still be pretty early. What was Minho doing up at this time? Maybe leaders had to check on their territory every morning? Or maybe he left in the night to meet someone? A smirk made its way on the scientist's lips. He could perfectly picture the leader climbing a tree to secretly meet a beautiful Stray girl, surrounded by the bioluminescent nature of the night and then kissing- oh god, that would be so thrilling and romantic! At his inner romanticist-self's thoughts, Jisung giggled in his pillow – well, Minho's pillow if he were to judge by the pine scent it held.

Opening his eyes slowly but fully this time, he took in the bedroom state. It was really pretty. The bed was in it's center, with the headboard made of intertwined tree branches with pale red leaves. The red bed sheets were silky under the touch and the same colored pillows were so soft he could drown in it. At the foot of the bed was a teal fluffy rug, which got Jisung wondering if it was from real fur. On both bedsides were small nightstands, and next to the left one a closet, as well as a hanging chair made of straw, on which was laying a purple plaid. On the other hand, the ceiling was covered in dangling twigs that meddled with delicate white and tea green colored flowers. It was stunning. However, in his current position, he couldn't see the other part of the room. So he turned around.

And gasped.

Leaning against a large tree branch serving as a railing for an archway shaped window hole was Minho, seemingly deep in thoughts while reading a crumpled paper, so deep that he failed to notice Jisung's shuffling and gasp.

Startled, Jisung pressed himself further into the covers, but heaved a sigh, relieved when nothing happened. The man looked terrible if he were to honest; still gorgeous, yes, but terrible nevertheless. He had messy dry curls going every directions on his head – the worst bed hair ever seen after Chan's – droopy eyes, dark circles that would make Changbin proud, and cracked lips. Clearly, someone has been neglecting themselves lately. This last fact made him frown; hopefully their sudden arrivals in his life wasn't the cause of it...

Looking behind the man, his lips pressed in a thin line. The weather was changing, lilac and bluish gray clouds were covering the still dark horizon. And he decided here and then that it was way too early in the morning and way too cold to be up. 

'Leader's secret huh?' he blurted out, his voice slicing into the silence of the room.

Minho jumped on the spot, muttering a small 'Ji' under his breath as he glared at the younger. Jisung waved at him lazily, not giving a toad about his glare. Minho simply sighed at this, and wordlessly walked toward the bed, where he sat on.

'You could say that.' he muttered as he crumpled back the paper and pulled it under his pillow.

Jisung watched his action with curious eyes. What was written on it that could make him sacrifice precious hours of sleep... Deciding to respect the older's secrecy, however, he let the matter go. Instead, he slumped on his back and cuddle further into the blankets.

'Ugh it's still cold, don't you have a spare blanket left?' he asked, teeth clattering and Minho frowned. He looked around the bedroom and stood up wordlessly. Jisung watched his every moves cautiously, until he couldn't turn his head further and slumped lazily against the mattress, waiting for the boy. However, a small smile edged itself on his lips when something soft was laid over his shoulders. Looking down he smiled at the purple plaid the Stray had pick up from the hanging chair, and snuggled in it. It smelled of pine.

'Sorry, that's all I've left. Your friends needed covers too.' Minho explained as he sat back on the bed, slightly looming over the human. Jisung simply smiled and shook his head.

'Thanks, that's more than enough.' the scientist yawned, his eyes partially closing, letting his chestnut locks fall over his eyes. Minho resisted the urge to push them away. It was not alright to do that so soon with a human, right? Strays don't care, and never have actually. For them skinship was a natural thing, a necessary one even. It was a way of bonding and forming connection, and most importantly, spreading energy. But he knew perfectly well that for humans it was nothing like that, and that they don't allow forms of close skinship until they knew and liked each others to a certain extent. It was odd in his opinion, but he respected it nevertheless. Hence why he didn't get why the human had asked for them to sleep together yesterday. It had surprised him greatly. He got why Jisung disliked it when he picked him up; the boy can't stand to be helpless and useless. So he wouldn't put those instances in the 'I am human and I dislike skinship' category. But yesterday, what he had asked for... he had no reason to do that, and Minho could see that it hadn't been out of pity. Maybe out of guilt for taking his bed, but that wasn't all. So if humans didn't allow skinship until a certain stage, then why had Jisung asked for it yesterday? It made no sense at all, and he had to know why.

'Why... did you agree to sleep next to me last night? Humans don't allow skinship so fast usually.' he blurted out, frowning.

The question threw Jisung off guard, and he snapped his eyes open. Looking up at Minho, he opened his mouth only to close it. How was he going to explain...

Sitting up against the headboard, he wrapped the blanket tighter against his shoulders, the wind sipping through the room brushing away unruly curls from his eyes, the very first rays of Glow lightning up a bit the silent room in a gray morning hue.

'You'd be surprised to know that not all of us are unresponsive to skinship. Actually many of us like it. It's just that, between humans there is this invisible layer of 'what to dos' and 'what's not'. That doesn't mean we don't want skinship, it's just that we... don't know if it is okay with the other.' he tried explaining, hoping he doesn't sound like a confusing mess at the moment. But Minho nodded in understanding.

'So that's why you don't mind skinship with me? Because you know Strays are okay with it?' he stated more than asked, looking at Jisung for approval.

'Yes. Well, no, I mean it's... I'm not one of those who mind skinship, if I trust the person. Only if I trust them. Otherwise, I'm not at ease with it. There's no special reason behind it, it's just like that.' he provided with a shrug, looking everywhere but at Minho. This man's gaze was way too deep and intense for him to handle this early in the morning- screw that, for him to simply handle, full stop.

'So... do you trust me? I mean, humans don't give trust that easily...' he mumbled, looking out the window hole, clearly confused. Jisung resisted the urge to laugh at the cuteness of the leader's pout. Stray males really did master the art of being both cute and manly at the same time. He liked that, this carelessness, with no one to judge you or tell you how to behave like depending on your gender. He really liked it.

'Well, I trust you. But maybe not to the point of allowing you to touch me. Sorry, it's really not against you or anything really, I mean you've done so much for us , so-'


'-it would be- Yes?'

'You're rambling.' Minho stated with a smile and Jisung flustered. Rubbing his neck, he adverted his gaze to the wall, under Minho's soft chuckles. 'That's okay Jisung. You don't have to justify yourself. You are free to be as you wish to be, here.'

Jisung looked at him with wide eyes and bit back a smile. He failed to, miserably. He really liked it here.

'Now, tell me why you allowed me to sleep next to you. You really raised my curiosity.' Minho smiled and looked at him with a raised brow, fingers silently drumming against the covers as he patiently waited for the boy to form an answer.

'It's just that, I'm a military scientist, you know, and as such, you get to train as a soldier too. And there are times when you need to survive, so you allow one to stay close with you. Yesterday's weather was harsh on us, and if you wouldn't have been here, I would have probably died of hypothermia. That's why. That's why I asked.' he explained, playing with a loose thread of the purple cover. What he said was true, it was actually the main reason. But, yes, there had been a bit of guilt for taking someone's bed in their own house, but there was no need to mention that. And no, he wasn't going to mention that he wanted a cuddle buddy, and that Minho had seemed to be a great choice, taking into account that Chan and Changbin were already busy with their own boys. And yes, sometimes, when the dude is hot and looks comfy, Jisung can make exception to his own rule of no skinship with 'strangers'. So, kindly let him look proud in front of the man, please.

'So thank you for that.' he concluded, looking up with a grateful smile, which Minho returned with a nod.

'I see. Well, no problem. Plus, my bed is way more comfier than the couch, so I guess I should also thank you.' he laughed, rising from his spot. 'Go back to sleep, it's 4 in the morning.'

'Whaaaat? And it's already so bright?' Jisung looked at Minho shocked. He thought it was six or something. True the sky was still dark, but not the usual type of of 4am night sky dark.

Minho looked at him with an amused smirk and grabbed a human black hoodie. 'We're not on Earth. Here, stuffs work differently.'

'Right. Need to stop comparing.'

'That's okay, you have time.' he laughed and made his way to the door. 'All of this is new. Now, go back to sleep.'

'Where are you going? You said so yourself, it's early. Why leaving so soon?'

Minho only shrugged and turned around to face Jisung, leaning against the door. 'Can't sleep. Might as well do something productive.'

'Oh.' Jisung deadpanned looking at him, finding himself agreeing with the man, but yet, finding himself wanting his warmth back. Even though he was himself a human, he couldn't help but think that humans being were really odd at times.

'Go back to sleep. I'll go take a walk.' the leader whispered, hand reaching out to grab the handle. Jisung saw that and found himself crawling to the edge of the bed, before he could stop himself.

'Can I come?'

Jisung didn't know why he blurted that out, he just... couldn't let Minho go?

'You need to-'

'I can walk. I'm not made out of china Minho.' he cut in, now standing. He held the elder's gaze defiantly, chin high, almost daring the Stray to say otherwise.

Minho was surprised to see such determination and certainty in his gaze. He didn't expect this kind of look, but then again, what did he really expect? Humans were unpredictable in his opinion. Breaking off the staring contest with an exasperated sigh he let go of the handle.

'... Alright. But, if you feel pain in your feet, don't come crying.'

Jisung grinned and grabbed a random pair of shoes that was laying on the ground, looking at the leader with a smirk.

'I won't.'

– – – – – – 

Woojin felt the warmth of the Glow tickle his face and sighed in contentment, rolling over in his bed, like the elegant man that he was. Opening his eyes, he noticed the empty spot beside himself and smiled remembering the man who had laid there just mere hours ago.

  Snuggling further into his bed, he stiffened a yawn. He was dead tired. He didn't get too much sleep last night, but he didn't regret it one bit. Last night was really amazing. He had never felt more alive and he wasn't even with one of his own. How weird was that, a human making him feel like that...

Him and Chan had talked all night long, till the Glowrise. They had laid under his baby blue blanket, giggling like kids at each others' stories and trying to get a better understanding of each others' languages and customs, resulting in the both of them only getting a few hours of sleep. But he had learned so much about the other boy, like the fact that he came from the same country as Felix's mother, Australia! He also learned that the boy really liked the color black and blamed Changbin for it, but had always had a soft spot for the color blue, because it reminded him of the sea that he woke up to every morning in Australia, when he was young. He also discovered that, back on Earth, he had a 'dog', and Chan had laughed because Woojin absolutely had no idea what a dog was.

Woojin smiled in remembrance of the boy's laugh and the dimples that had surfaced on his cheeks. It looked really cute, which contrasted deeply with the strong muscles that were hidden underneath the boy's black hoodie. It was fascinating in his opinion that as a human, whom he had remembered as being so categorizing, Chan was able to pull off so many aspects of a personality. The boy has proved to be so far cute, then strong and charismatic, and then a funny idiot. How was that even possible for a human? The ones he had met so far had never been like that.

But he liked it.

Woojin snuggled deeper into his covers, eyes falling over the white flower next to the wall. White, like the name of Chan's aunt. Chan had told him that it was not her real name, but everyone called her doctor White because of this white lipstick she always wore. She was famous in the human world for her many achievements, and was the reason why Chan wanted to be a scientist. But one day she had died, no one knew how, the human had told him, but he wanted to honor her memory. And so he become a scientist. Woojin thought that it was beautiful. Chan was truly someone good. And Woojin would miss having someone that good in his life when, in five years, the human will go back on Earth.


The wild laughter, seemingly coming from the main room, echoed in his silent room, effectively interrupting his trail of thoughts.

'What the Jae is going on...' he grumbled, pushing away his covers.

Upon arriving in the living room however, he had to do a double take and found himself having trouble breathing.

'What-' Woojin couldn't even finish his own sentence as he choked on an incredulous laughter, arms wrapping on his sides and leaning against the doorway. The human – 'Changbin', if he recalled well – was tackling Jeongin on the green rug on the ground, and was tickling him mercilessly, under his cries and laughter.

Woojin couldn't believe it.

Jeongin, the oh so mighty Fox, was pinned by a human? Who had found his weakness faster than any of his opponents? And Jeongin was struggling to fight back? Well, that was unexpected.

On the other hand, Seungmin was sitting on the couch laughing his ass off too, while Hyunjin was chocking on his Gyujaks by the table. Woojin decided to join the latter, highfiving Seungmin on the way and, of course, ignoring Jeongin's pleas.

'Nope Jeonginie, you're on your own.' he singsonged, laughing, as he just wanted to see the kid suffer a bit longer.

Upon reaching the table, he patted Hyunjin's shoulder and grabbed some Gyujak fruits and Honuk, a soft spongy cake that he knew Hyunjin's sister had made for them. Landing his ass on a stool, he tsked at Hyunjin who just stared at him dumbly. Woojin rolled his eyes and reached a thumb to wipe off some of the fruit juice trickling down his chin. Hyunjin just smiled at him sheepishly, and before he could open his mouth to thank him, Woojin took him in a headlock.

'Ah-ah Woowoo, let me go!' he whined, half chocking on his own laughter.

Woojin laughed at him and rubbed his scalp strongly.

'Not before you learn to eat correctly, you Yeshihk- and tell me what's going on with those two.' he demanded, loosening his hold.

Hyunjin tried to breath again but failed when Changbin tickled Jeongin harder, making his best friend squirm harder. On the other hand Seungmin was pretty much passed out on the couch from laughing too hard and Woojin was trying, and ultimately failing, to swallow his fucking bite of Honuk.

' Jeongin he-' Hyunjin broke down giggling. ' He entered the room to tell Changbin that his two friends were not here anymore- Chan went to talk with their boss about their flat by the way, but I don't know about the other.' he provided with a wiggle of eyebrows, that made Woojin want to shove his face down his plate.

'Go on before I let my mind take control over my actions Jinie~'  he said with an overly sweet voice, and even though Hyunjin wanted to cooed at the voice, he knew better than to provoke the older.

'Yeah, so he entered the bedroom and saw the two holding hands in their sleep~' he provided with a smile, and Woojin 'awwwed'. 'But he cooed a bit too loud thinking that Changbin was still sleeping. And when Changbin snapped his eyes open, he guessed why Jeongin was cooing, and so he ran after our friend here, faking anger. Of course, all the while Jeongin was screaming aloud what he had witnessed in the bedroom for us all to hear. In our language of course, because if Changbin had understand what he said, he would probably be dead by now. So, here they are now.' he concluded with a grin.

Woojin was dying of laughter, that was official. Jeongin, oh Jae, did he loved this boy. Thanks to him, he now had something to tease Felix with.

'I like Changbin, that's official.' Hyunjin stated, clapping at the human for not having any mercy one his best friend.

Woojin simply shook his head and enjoyed the show.

'Yeah. I like him too.' he approved, smiling as he bit in his Honuk, finally succeeding in swallowing it.

Today was going to be a great day, he could feel it.

– – – – – – 

Jisung gnawed at his pencil as he stared dreamily at the rising Glow over the horizon, hoodie's hood almost falling over his eyes. It was really peaceful here, he liked it.

Minho had taken them on a morning stroll, walking through the silent village as the Glow had yet to fully rose in the sky, casting a gray and foggy ambiance over the place. It had felt eerie but fascinating. And the leader had led them to the jungle's border, where the turquoise palms filled trees were turning into golden yellow palms filled ones, and where animals chirping could finally be heard. Minho had settled against a tree and Jisung had followed suit, climbing and laying down on a boulder. They had bathed in a comfortable silence at first, both taking in the beautiful scenery before their eyes; night sky turning indigo, then gray, and how the animals' chirping had suddenly became louder. But then Minho had began talking about how every morning he witnessed the sky changing as he take strolls, and how fascinating that was. And so Jisung had began talking about how gorgeous space was. And from there on, both had started talking about life on Earth & Straya, their differences and common features. By the time they were done, they could perfectly see the outlines of each others' faces and guess the colors they were made of.

  When the Stray had told the human he played music, Jisung had requested to hear it. So Minho had ended up playing of a sort of flute, that honestly looked like the exact replica of a human harmonica. And so, here they both were now, Minho playing a beautiful melody in the peaceful morning, and Jisung listening to it, getting lost in the gorgeous sound and taking out his beloved notebook from his sweater pocket, not resisting the urge to scribble sketches of the man.

He was so focused on getting the eyes done perfectly that he never took notice of the silence that had settled in the air. Only when he heard a neighing sound coming from somewhere in front of them did he realize that Minho was done playing. Looking up, he was startled to find a Minho up and nuzzling an animal's neck.

No, not any animal's neck, that was a Pali's neck.

'Oh my god...' he whispered under his breath as he sit up. Kneeling on the boulder, he was left at word loss at the sight before him.

This was the first time he saw a Pali in real life, the other times were in textbooks back in JYP Nation's basement on Earth. But it was nothing compared to how gorgeous they were in real life. And if he were to believe what he learned about them, he was one hundred percents positive that this was Minho's partner. And just like its master, it was beautiful.

Jisung took in every details he could, going from its black coat that was stripped with a darker black shade and his piercing red eyes, to the strong muscles of its legs. It was beautifully proportioned and tall, two heads taller than Minho. Jisung also noticed that it looked really proud, even though the way he nuzzled Minho's hands showed the soft spot it had for him. Jisung laughed at that. How could two opposite beings match so perfectly?

Suddenly, red eyes locked on his and Jisung let his notebook drop in surprise, the leather colliding in a thud with the boulder. He was frozen on the spot, unable to look away. His hands were shaking and a lump was forming in his throat. But not out of fright.

Out of fascination.

He crawled to the end of the boulder, settling there as he observed the Pali. Jisung could feel Minho's gaze burning holes in his skull, but at the moment he couldn't care less. He always thought he would be scared of looking at a Pali in the eyes, if he ever were to meet one. But no, instead all he could feel was a smile stretching his lips. The creature was so ethereal and beautiful. It looked noble as it bathed into the morning light of Glow. Tears prickled in his eyes, and he wiped them off hastily, breaking the eye contact with the animal. Holly hell, he never thought he would be alive to meet one, that was... that was amazing.

Minho, seeing that, smiled and let go of his Pali with a last brush against his nuzzle, before walking to the front of Jisung's perch. He smiled even more at the curious glance Jisung sent him and extended his hand.

'Come over.' he softly offered, voice a bit rasp after playing of the harmonica-like instrument for so long.

'WH-why? No, no, no it's going to snarl at me.' Jisung finally panicked, and backed away. Minho simply blinked and laughed at that.

'Wh- no it won't.'

'But I read that Pali won't let someone else than their partners touch them.'

'Yes that's true. But you can come closer if he lets you. Only if he lets you'

'Really?' Jisung looked so hopeful at that moment, that Minho wished to always bring that kind of feeling to the boy. So he nodded.

'Yes, really.'

Jisung carefully approached the edge of his bolder, but he wasn't scared. He was just careful. Grasping Minho's hands after a small second of hesitation, he felt a shiver run down his arm, but it was soon replaced with a warmth, and so, he let himself jump down. Minho caught him, and they stayed there for a few seconds, before the leader stepped back. Jisung gulped, still flustered, but silently thanked the older with a nod, and took took a few steps closer, wary on how the animal would react. But the Pali simply watched him, before it turned its attention on Minho who had returned to his spot, nuzzling its neck lovingly. Jisung beamed, biting his lips to restrain a smile as he sat a meter away from them.

'It's beautiful.' he finally said, looking at Minho with pure joy in his eyes. The Stray glanced at him and nodded.

  'He is.'

'It's a male then. What's his name?'


'Wow, that's... wait, that's our language. It's Earthian.' the scientist gasped, looking at Minho with wide confused and surprised eyes.

  'Yeah.' Minho laughed breathlessly, hugging Midnight's neck. 'It was my brother's favorite word when he learned Earthian. I named this boy here 'Midnight' in remembrance of him.'

'You mean Jeongin?' Jisung frowned, confused.

  'No, another one.' he stated, a small smile dancing on his face as he looked up at the now pale blue sky.

'You have an other brother?' Jisung wondered out loud, even more confused.

'Had. Jeongin and I had another brother, younger than me but older than Jeongin. His name was Donghyuck but everyone called him Haechan. (A/N: Look at who felt the need to add a NCT cameo~ I have no regret though aha.) He was loved by everyone. Haechan was the one supposed to be our leader. But he died in the war.'

'O-oh. I'm sorry.' Jisung muttered and gulped, looking down at the ground. He shouldn't have asked, Jisung was bad at comforting people with words. He was better with actions. But he couldn't suddenly stand up and comfort the boy with a hug, they were not close enough yet. So he was left with letting an uncomfortable silence settle in the air. He hated these kinds of situation.

'Don't.' Minho's voice cut his thoughts. 'It's not your fault.'

'I know. But still, it's sad.' he admitted, drawing patterns in the mud with his index finger. Minho sighed but a smile appeared on his lips as he looked at the sky. It wasn't a sad one though, it was a happy one.

'Yes. But he died happy.'

'What do you mean?'

'He protected his best friend but was shot in the knee in doing so. We don't know what happened next because his best friend passed out. But we... we never found his body. It probably laid among the thousands of other corpses on the battlefield. And now, his soul is resting in peace with Jae. But Haechan protected his loved ones as he always did. That was what he lived for- well, along with sassing everyone in town.' he laughed at the memory, and looked back at a flabbergasted Jisung. 'His best friend survived and he is now a leader, like me. But he was so devastated by Haechan's death that he cut all ties with my clan. It became too hard for him to see Jeongin and I, and so was seeing me being the leader.' he ended with a bittersweet smile.

The last action made Jisung frown. Yes, maybe Minho wasn't supposed to be a leader, but he was an amazing one. He built back their clan and didn't screw up the relationship they had with humans. Heck, he even took morning scrolls to check on his territory, if this isn't devotion! He shouldn't be so bitter about being a leader.

So Jisung stood up and walked to his side, before putting his hand on Minho's shoulder. The boy looked up with furrowed eyebrows.

  'Your brother would be proud, you know? Of both you and Jeongin. And you make an amazing leader, trust me.' he admitted, squeezing the boy's shoulder.

'You really think so?' His voice was soft and faint, and Jisung squeezed his shoulder firmer, eyes set on his with certainty.

'Yes.' he assured, voice steady and sure. But it was soon replaced with mischief and a smirk. 'After all, without you, I wouldn't be here today, would I?'

Minho blinked rapidly, brain failing to register the words for a moment, before he laughed out loud and punched his arm playfully. This human was really something... And when Jisung grinned at him, he could only smile back with one single thought on his mind:

'Yeah. I guess he would be proud.'

– – – – – – 

  'Yah! Woowie stop, it's going to poke my eyes!'

Felix complaint was followed by Woojin's laughter as both boys bathed in the good warmth of the Glow sipping though the huge window hole of older's bedroom.

'Well, stop squirming and maybe the soap won't get in your eyes?' he teased, rubbing Felix's scalp harder.

'Well, if you'd stop rubbing so hard then maybe I could stop squir.ming!' he answered, half laughing as he squirmed harder on his spot on the ground, between Woojin's legs, when the older rubbed harder.

Woojin waved his own freshly light blond dyed curly hair out of his face with a huff, looking at his now mustard yellow fingers due to the fresh dye that he was currently applying on Felix's brown hair. And let's say that if Chan were there he would have stared, because Woojin looked more than fine with his freshly dyed light blond curly hair, ear piercings shinning and tan skin glowing a healthy shade of gold under the Glowlight, making his white shirt – from which pocked a tattoo – stand out. Oh, and have I mentioned yet about those ripped jeans that hugged his fit thighs? You got it, Woojin was hot like that, period. Chan was really missing out on something right now.

At his brother's whines, Woojin resumed his massage – which had Felix humming in delight – and yawned.

'Rough night Woowie?' Felix teased, turning his head slightly to make his wiggling eyebrows visible to the older. Woojin simply grabbed his jaw and put back his head in place.

'Ah ah ah, very funny Fe. We just talked the whole night, that's all. Jae, you're such a perverted kid.' he huffed in exasperation.

'I'm not. I'm just thinking what everyone would be thinking in this situation. I'm actually a pure boy~' he singsonged of his deep voice, earning himself a snort and a slap on the skull.

'Yeah sure Fe, whatever helps you sleep at night.' Woojin rolled eyes and checked on the boy's hair. 'C'mon I think it's ready, let's rinse it.' he stated, standing up and stretching his sore legs.

'Already?' Felix turned around and looked at his older brother with big doe eyes.

'Well, yes, unless you want your hair to turn into a human mustard color, I suggest we go wash it now.'

Felix had never dashed to the door so quickly.

Woojin ran after him with a laugh, and found him with his head already stuck in a large bucket of water. Chuckling at the extra boy, he bent over and helped him wash the dye out of his curls. Felix emerged a few moments later, looking like a wet puppy.

'Oh my. Thanks Jae you're human boy doesn't see you in that state. That would ruin all your chances.' he fake gasped, eyes crinkling as Felix punched him. 'C'mon, let's get you all pretty for your human boy~'

'Woowie!!!' Felix whined as his brother dried his now pale light blond hair with a towel. 'Stop teasing me like this!'

'Why? You don't like him?' Woojin asked, hands stilling in surprise.

'Wha- Woowie, have you seen him? How could I not appreciate that? He is hot, there's no denying that.' he laughed, taking Woojin's hands in his own to resume the hair drying.

'Oh. So I was right, you do like him.'

'Well, it's maybe a bit early to talk about like, don't you think? But yes, physically speaking, I can't deny I'm liking what I'm seeing so far.'

'Awww, our Felix is growing up~' he cooed, ruffling his hair with affection. Felix pocked his head out of the towel.



  Felix looked up at him with seriousness written all over his face.

'He is my hero.'

Both blinked at each others, before Felix broke into a stupid grin and cackled like hyena, Woojin following suit, as he dropped the towel on the floor, clutching his ribs.

'Oh my Jae, Fe, why do you have to be so extra. My ribs are about to break.' Woojin blurted out, trying to catch his breath.

'Sorry- it was too tempting.' he breathed out, leaning in the older's laps. 'Your face was priceless!' 

'Oh shut it, you Yeshihk and come here!' he ordered, a smile on his features as he took in Felix's new looks. 'Let me see what you... look... like... wow Felix.' his voice died down as he starred at him with wide eyes and parted lips.

Felix was gorgeous. Fuck that, he was ethereal.

His white skin was bathing into the bright golden light of the Glow, looking flawless. His black sweater and ripped black jeans were making him look.. well, hot, let's say it. But his face, with those freckles, full lips and warm brown eyes looked even more gorgeous now that they were surrounded by fucking pale light blond curls of silky hair. Ethereal.

'Huh... Woowie? Why are you tearing up?'

'Come here you beautiful little Yeshihk, I'm so proud of you.' Woojin dramatically declared as he wiped fake tears, wrapping the boy in a bear hug. 'You've grown up into a beautiful man Fe, I'm so proud of my little brother!'

Felix only laughed at that, answering the hug. 'Oh my Jae, Woowie, you're the extra one-'

'Hum, sorry guys, but do you know where- fuck.' Changbin's voice resonated in the air, startling the two boys, Felix gulping as he felt his stare on him. Oh Jae...

Changbin had stopped in his track and stared. Real hard. He also had to grip the door harder. Did his vision deceive him, or was that Felix? And what the- was that blond hair? Nah, that must have been a trick of the light, he decided as he blinked- oh fuck, that wasn't.

Swearing internally, he bit his lips at the sight. Couldn't God have mercy on him for once? He already found Felix attractive on both their first encounter and in his shitty state, so this current state was like a boss state. He fucking looked like a god. There was no other possible comparison. And how was a weak mortal human like Changbin supposed to handle such perfection? – Yes, dramatic much, he knew, and actually blamed Jisung for rubbing off on him.

Little did he know that the same thoughts had been stuck in Felix's mind for a while now.

He and Woojin stood frozen in their spots. Felix untangled himself from his brother but never broke eye contact with the human. He bit his lips unconsciously, wondering what Changbin was thinking about his new state. But the scientist only gripped the door harder, clearly gulping. Well, that was unexpected. And so was his flustered state.

Seeing that, Felix felt a burst of warmth explode in his chest. So the boy didn't find him ugly... Well, Felix had always known he was handsome, but only by Stray standards. So he had been doubting about Changbin finding him attractive for a while now, and let's say that the shitty state he was in lately hadn't help his confidence. But now, judging by the way the boy's eyes literally eat him up, he was sure of it; Changbin did find him attractive. And Felix felt his confidence spring back to life. Heck, he even felt confident enough to run to him and wrap himself around him if he wanted.

Which he wanted. And so, he did.

Changbin stood dumbfounded and motionless as a pair of warm arms secured themselves around his shoulders, but breathed again when giggles tickled his neck. Reluctantly, he wrapped his arms around the boy's middle, ans pulled him closer, making him beam.

'Thank you so much Changbinie!' he squealed, snuggling further into the human's embrace, enjoying it while it lasted.

'What for?' he asked in English, accent thick, but sexy, at least in Felix's opinion.

'You said I could take part in the Ordeals! I'm so happy!'

Oh. That.

Yesterday Minho had explained him the whole Ordeals thingy and had asked him if Felix would be able to fly. Of course, with the rate at which his body was healing, the scientist had assured him that the Stray would be able to fly in no time. But he never thought it would bring so much joy to the boy. Was this thing really that important to him?

So he shrugged with a smile. 'Well, yeah, I mean you're healed, which is incredible by the way, but nevermind. You can fly now.'

'Yeah!' Finally separating himself from the human and grinning at him- can one go blind because of a smile? – he jumped on his spot happily, making the two other males smile.

'Nice hair by the way guys.' he said, grinning at them.

'Thanks. You would benefit from a new haircut too, you know? Your color is growing out.' Woojin joked in English so that everyone would understand him.

'Aha, no that's okay-' Changbin began, gulping and backing away, but he was interrupted by someone pushing him in the room and taking his place in the doorway.

'Hello everyone!' a cheerful voice chimed in, in a way more smooth English than his, but voice still heavy with an accent. 'Changbinie binie~ I'm back!'

'Welcome back, Ji. Mind giving me my spot back? And where were you?' he wondered, giving up in trying to retrieve his spot, instead opting on leaning on the wall.

'I was taking a morning stroll with Minho. Why? Missed me?' he teased, wiggling his eyebrows.

Changbin snorted. 'You wish. Where's Chan?'

'No idea.'

'He is seeing your boss, for your door problem.' Woojin provided, leaning down to grab the towel, completely unaware of the humans' smirk and Felix's eyebrows wiggling.

'Oh I see.' Jisung finally nodded when Woojin looked up. But suddenly, he turned to Felix with an evil smile. 'Now, where were we at Felix?' he singsonged dangerously approaching Changbin, Felix grinning back equally evilly at him. Changbin's eyes widened and he straightened. Oh shit...

And that's how, in no time, Felix and Jisung got him sitting down between Woojin's legs, hair dye of an unknown color being massaged into his scalp.

'For fuck sake, someone save me...' he grunted but sat still when he saw Felix's blinding grin. That's official, he was whipped.

Woojin looked at through the window hole as he massaged the human's scalp, smiling at the sight of a green Young Wing flying in the sky.

Indeed, today was a great day.

– – – – – –

'Hiya c'mon Fayre, faster my beauty!' Seungmin yelled as he and his Pali dashed through the jungle.

Today was a training day for the Pali riders of the Trashee clan, some sort of role-playing of the actual Ordeal consisting in Strays own version of a relay race. Of course, Seungmin and Minho were a team, and actually they were pretty much foreseen as potential winners. Both were confident and good in what they were doing, Fayre being fierce when it came to competition, and Midnight being the fastest Pali out there. Adding to that that Minho and Seungmin were both fast runners, they really were a force to be reckoned with.

Right now, a team was trailing behind them, but that wouldn't last long.

'C'mon Fayre, show them what you can do...' he murmured with a smirk as he began to see Minho waiting for him with Midnight. 'And, what do you say we have a bit of fun while we're at it, hum? Minho!'

Minho looked up with a smirk, and when Seungmin reached him, he handed him the red cloth before jumping up from Fayre onto a tree branch. Midnight began to dash through the jungle, Fayre moving onto another path leading to their next meeting point. Running and jumping from trees to trees above Minho, he let himself smirk. Now was the time to have fun...

'I know you like the human Min!' He screamed as he finally jumped down, straight onto Fayre's back. 'Hello there, beauty~'

Minho only rolled his eyes, already up on a branch, Midnight long gone by now.

'Am not.' he stated, voice resonating into the jungle, as he ran faster, thigh muscles tensed under his black sweatpants and muscled torso glistening with sweat, tribal tattoo poking out from his waistband.

'Stop lying and keep running!' Seungmin teased as Fayre accelerated.

'Can't hear you!' Minho's voice was faint now, and Seungmin only giggled at his best friend, opting to concentrate on the task at hand for now. After a while, however, Midnight came in view and Seungmin readied himself.

Minho, on the other hand, saw Midnight too and, without looking, reached a hand out as his other one grabbed a tree branch, letting himself dive down. His outstretched hand met Seungmin's and he hauled the boy up from his Pali.

'Then why did you allow him to stay?' his best friend asked, genuinely curious, as Minho swung him up on a tree while he jumped down onto Midnight.

  Rolling his eyes, Minho dashed forward, hearing branches crack under Seungmin's bare feet. 

'Because it's time to change things. And he proved his worth.' he explained, and heard Seungmin snort above him.

'Whatever helps you sleep at night Min. I know you like him at least a bit.'

Together they reached the jungle's border and Minho reached out blindly, meeting Seungmin's hand halfway. The boy then proceeded to haul him up, Midnight running off, and together they ran from trees to trees, reaching the last tree before the cliff that separated the jungle in two. Below was a river that lead to the sea. Seungmin turned to him with a smug smile, arm crossed over his bare glistening lightly tan chest, the tribal tattoo on his arm now emphasized by the tensed muscle. Minho only rolled his arm as he stepped back and reach for a creeper.

'Okay. I might like him, he is nice. But that ends here.' he admitted, tying the creeper around his palm, peeking at Seungmin with unimpressed eyes. Seungmin only laughed and grabbed a creeper too, doing the same thing as him.

'Yeah, but you're gonna learn to know him, right?'

Minho finished tying his own and contemplated the sky a bit. 'Yes. And from there on, we'll see how it goes.'

Seungmin grinned at that, glad his best friend finally had the gut to tell him that.

'Can't wait.' he laughed, and patted him slightly on the shoulder. They both stepped back and looking at each others with huge grins, they dashed forward.

Feet leaving the tree, they both screamed like kids as they jumped over the cliff. Letting go of their creepers midways, they both were brought back to the time when they were children, and how they would sneak out from school to just jump down cliffs and role down hills, racing each others and spying on Palis, wondering which one would be theirs when they'll grow older. Minho smiled at the memory. These times were great times. He heard Seungmin laugh beside him, and figured the boy must have remembered those times too. Yeah, these times were really great times...

There feet made contact with the rough bark of a tree on the other side, and they grinned at each others, like the dummies they were, before they broke into a run, finally leaping down on their awaiting Palis.

'Let's gooooo!' Minho screamed and Seungmin screamed in return, the two Palis excitingly galloping through the jungle.

After a while, Seungmin noticed the judges waiting on their left, and waved Minho forward. Both boys accelerated, and Seungmin reached an arm toward Minho, red cloth in his hand waving in the air. Minho smirked as he saw the red cloth from the corner of his eyes and grabbed it's other end, tugging it toward him, making Seungmin lose his balance a bit.

'Hey you Yeshihk stop that!' he chuckled and tugged back the cloth toward himself, screaming in joy when they reached the end line.

'Congratulation boys, you are the first one!' The instructors congratulate them, patting their shoulders and praising their Palis. Both boys got done from their Palis under the cheering of the Strays who were seated in the area to look at the training and embraced each others happily.

'We did it Seungmin!' Minho cheered, looking like his ten year old self again.

Seungmin laughed at that and jumped on his spot, secretly happy to see the leader so free and happy once more.

'Yeah we did! We are the best after all~' he bragged, wiggling his eyebrows, which made Minho do it too. Both boys broke into laughter and hugged each others once more. They were thrilled and couldn't wait for the actual Ordeal to take place.

'I'm sure you'll win!' someone said and both boys chuckled, hoping this would be the case on the d-day.

'Goodbye my beauty, you were the best...' Seungmin muttered against Fayre's snout and freed her, while Minho patted Midnight and hugged his neck before he let him go too. 'C'mon Min, let's go home.'

The boys wrapped their arms around each others and walked in a comfortable silence. It had been so long since they had been so happy, it's crazy how one action can bring back so many memories.

'We should that more often.' Minho stated suddenly, and Seungmin looked at him confused. 'I mean, jumping from cliffs or simply doing stupid stuffs around the jungle. I miss it.'

Seungmin stopped in his track and look at Minho with wide eyes, tears prickling on the corner of his eyes. And before Minho could react he pulled the man in his arms.

'Seungie? What's wrong?' Minho asked worriedly, as he hug the kid back, brushing his chestnut hair gently. Seungmin only sniffed harder, and buried his head in his neck, smelling in the comforting scent of pine.

'It's just that.. since you've become a lea-leader we never got the chance to hang out as of-often as before, and I... I mi-missed you, and I thought maybe you didn't like me anymore, and-' he was cut by lips crushing on his forehead, pressing hard, and hands cupping his cheeks.

Minho leaned back, tears falling from his own eyes, as he wiped away Seungmin's. 'What bullshit is that Seungie? Of course I love you!' he hiccuped, pulling the younger male against himself once more, and proceeded to rub their noses together. 'I'm so sorry I made you feel that way... I won't leave you alone anymore. I missed you too Seungie.'

Seungmin tearfully laughed and pulled Minho into a hug, punching his arm weakly. 'You better you Yeshihk!'

Minho laughed and pulled away, wiping his own tears. 'Ah, Jae, this is turning too sentimental for me...' he muttered, wrapping his hand around Seungmin's one.

'You're a sap Minho, you like sentimental.' Seungmin teased as they walked home in a lighter atmosphere, both happy to have found each other's back.

'Min.' he suddenly interrupted and the older looked up with a smile.

'Yeah Seung- ouf!' he huffed when Seungmin suddenly hugged him – more like tackled him – out of nowhere.

'Whatever you do Min, I'll be with you. Don't fear. Just follow your heart. And I'll be there for you too, I promise' he swore, knowing Minho would get the underlying message under his words. And he smiled, knowing he was right, when he felt arms wrapped around his middle with a thankful squeeze. Minho needed to hear these words.

And as he hugged his best friend, a flash of this morning appeared before his eyes and a thought lingered in his mind: Your brother would be proud of you.

'Yes. I will. Thank you Seungmin.'

– – – – – – 

'Congrats Jeongin, you won. You can go rest a bit.'

Jeongin groaned and stretched his sore limbs. The training for the Ordeal were intense but he truly loved it. It was so thrilling and a way for him to exteriorize all his energy. Pulling off his soaked t shirt, he laid against a boulder and grabbed a fruit shell full of fresh juice. Sipping it peacefully, he decided to watch his best friend's fight. Hyunjin fighting against a girl, who was clearly no joke, one just needed to look at her strong arms and fit abs to know that. But the ferocious glint in her eyes was enough to tell Jeongin that Hyunjin had a strong opponent.

Speaking of which, the girl was about to get pinned by Hyunjin, having miss her hit by just a few centimeters. Jeongin smirked. Time to make this fight a bit more interesting...

'Soooo... I heard Seungmin slept at yours yesterday?' he teased, fingers drumming against the fruit shell and eyes squinted.

However, Hyunjin didn't show any reaction and pinned the girl as planned. Jeongin sighed, but of course that wasn't enough to deter him. The girl kneed his best friend in the guts and flipped herself over him with a grunt, making Jeongin cheer and Hyunjin send him a fake look of betrayal. She tried pinning him for the ten required seconds but Hyunjin was already about to get up in not even three seconds. Even though she was strong, Hyunjin's strength was no joke.

And so, Jeongin chose to mess with him again.

'You two seems awfully close these days~' he singsonged, but Hyunjin only flipped the girl over, knocking the air out of her lungs and looked up at him with a smirk.

'So what? You jealous?'

Jeongin rolled his eyes playfully and put his hand on his chest.

'A great deal.' he said gravely and Hyunjin looked up, stunned. That wasn't the expected answer. Was Jeongin serious or...

  But Jeongin suddenly burst out laughing, doubling over, making Hyunjin breath in relief and laugh as well. Sadly for him, the girl used this moment to flip them over and straddle him, punching her hands on his torso to knock his breath out.

'Oh Jae, guys, the rule is to hold your opponent ten second on the ground, not to kill each others.' Jeongin exclaimed, face palming with a chuckle. This girl was really ferocious, he liked her. 'And Hyun, my only wish in life is to see you end up with Seungmin- Only three seconds left.'

With a chocked laughter at his friends words, Hyunjin kicked the girl in the shin, sending her flying on the sandy ground. Wasting no time he stood, making the girl grunt and hold up an arm in defeat the moment she saw he was back on feet.

'Hyunjin you won, congrats. You can go rest a bit.' An instructor praised him with a smile making Hyunjin smile in return. And Jeongin role his eyes, because of course the instructor would blush. 

Hyunjin went to his opponent and helped her up, before hugging her. 'Good job and congrats. You were the first one who managed to pin me for so long.' he admitted, ruffling her sweaty hair affectionately. She beamed and waved to the two of them as she walked away to her group of friend.

Hyunjin only chuckled and took of his wet shirt to wipe off the sweat of his face, revealing his shinning muscled torso. Jeongin waved at his own face, pretending to be flustered by his friend's state, laughing when Hyunjin punched his arm playfully. Said boy sat next to him on the boulder and grunted at the cold sensation of the rock against his warm skin, muscled clenching and releasing.

'Careful, your fan club is about to die because of your hotness.' he teased and Hyunjin rolled his eyes with a smile.

'Aha very funny Innie.' he fake laughed, closing his eyes. 'But you know, your wish might come true.' he said suddenly, making Jeongin turn to him with furrowed eyebrows.

'Dream? What dre-' Jeongin suddenly chocked on his juice. 'WHAT?!'

'Don't scream you Yeshihk!' he chastised but smiled nonetheless.

'Wait, wait, wait! We're talking about my dream of you and Seungmin ending up together right?!' he squealed, looking at the older expectantly.

' Yes we are. I see the way he looks at me, I may be a bit dense but I'm not stupid Innie.' he chuckled, staring at the sky with dreamy eyes.

'And how does he looks at you?'

'With love.'

'Oh my Jae, Hwang Hyunjin you sap!' he blurted out, legit fangirling while hitting his friend with his fists, making Hyunjin laugh as well and curl on himself to protect his body from Jeongin's strong hit. 'I'm gonna punch your guts for making me fart sparkles!'

'You guys are so refined.' a woman's voice suddenly interrupted.

They both turned around with sheepish smiles, expecting to see one of their instructors. But both froze the moment they realized who was in front of them. And Jeongin froze, eyes locked on one of the two newcomers. Oh shit...

They stood up hastily and bowed, Hyunjin looking at his frozen constipated friend weirdly. But he chose to let the matter go, after all Jeongin was weird on a daily basis, and instead smiled at the two newcomers.

'Oh, hi CL and uh...' he trailed off, unsure of who this silver haired boy was.

'That's Yedam.' she explained.

Oh. So that was Yedam~

Said boy bowed slightly but never stopped on looking at Jeongin with an amused smile. Jeongin looked ready to die on the spot. And maybe punch Hyunjin if he didn't stop smirking soon. Jae, he never expected to see the boy again so soon, and not in this disheveled state... Yedam, as always, was looking fine and fresh as hell, especially with this hair color, and here he was, all sweaty, with greasy black curls pulled away from his face and gross sweaty torso, probably smelling of perspiration. Why did they kept on meeting in awkward situation?

'Oh. I see. Can we help you?' Hyunjin asked CL who nodded with a warm smile.

'Yes. We are looking for Minho. Do you know were I can find him?'

'I have no idea. Jeongin?' he turned to the dazed boy with a grin.



'Huh?! Oh huh Minho, yeah-' he laughed awkwardly, finally breaking eye contact to throw a glare at Hyunjin and shoot daggers at a laughing Yedam. '-he is training with Seungmin by the cliff. But by the time you'll get there, he'll probably already be home, so might as well wait for him there.' he concluded with a sweet smile, making CL melt on the spot. If there was one thing she liked about the Lee siblings, it was their binding cute smiles.

  'Great. Thank you.' She smiled at the two of them and began to walk away. But when they brushed past them, Yedam suddenly backtracked, making Jeongin freeze on the spot. Once in front of the elder, he pointed his finger at him with a frown.

'Blue right?' he asked and Jeongin frowned.

'Sorry, what?' He was confused. Boy Yedam was weird...

'The color you seek for the other day. It was blue wasn't it?' he clarified with a chuckle and Jeongin looked at him chocked.

'Yes. How did you-'

'Cool. See you around.' he cut in, waving with a grin. And with that he jogged to CL, leaving a stunned Jeongin behind.

What in the world just happened?

Suddenly, Hyunjin and him heard CL whine and Yedam hiss with a laugh as she slap his arm. 'Seriously, grow up faster Yed, I have enough of all these leader's duties.'

Hyunjin and Jeongin watched the two walk away, stunned at their interaction, and ended up laughing out loud when they looked at each others with wide eyes. But it all quieted down the moment Hyunjin wiggled his eyebrows at him playfully.

'So, Yedam, huh?'

Jeongin growled, and threw his fruit shell on the muddy ground, cracking his knuckles.

'That's it Hyunjin, I'm murdering you today. Say goodbye to Seungmin.'

– – – – – – 

'Changbin, dude, wow.' Jisung breathed out in English as he stepped back, arm around a blushing Felix.

Changbin raised a brow, clearly not sure about that reaction. Woojin walked around and wrapped an arm around Jisung, nodding in approval.

'I'm proud of my work. You look good Changbin. Really good.' he stated with a proud smile and Jisung clapped, resisting the urge to smirk at the flustered Felix. Changbin looked at the three with curious eyes and stood up, stretching his arms. The action made Felix look away and Jisung and Woojin exchanged a smirk. This was becoming interesting...

Changbin walked toward the mirror and almost stop in his tracks. Damn. He looked good. His hair were now raven black, with an undercut, and it seriously made him look more charismatic. He liked it. A lot actually.

'Well, if you weren't already smitten with your Stray boy here, I would have definitely made a move on you. Dude, you're hot.' Jisung suddenly said in Earthian, making Changbin fluster and resulting in him hitting him, under Woojin's laugh. All the while however Felix looked lost, being the only one not understanding Earthian. So Changbin cleared his throat when he saw his confused looks.

'He complimented me.' he explained in English and elbowed Jisung when he laughed out loud at this one.

'He looks hot right?' Jisung asked in English as he turned to Felix with a grin.

Changbin gritted out a frustrated 'Jisung' and cracked his knuckles. Felix laughed at that and nodded, flustering even more Changbin. The human was not expecting this answer or this surge of confidence from the younger!

'C'mon Lix you can't say stuffs like that!' he whined, rubbing a hand on his face.

'Why not?' Felix asked clearly amused.

'It's embarrassing man.' he muttered, pouting a bit, and Felix melted on the spot.

  'Oh my god- Changbin are you shy? I'm only stating the truth, c'mon, be proud mate! You are hot man ahaha!' he laughed, teasing the older boy. He liked the fact that he could make the human feel like that.

'He is not shy, it's because it's yo-'

'Shut up Han Jisung, or me and Minho will have a small talk about your guilty pleasure.' Changbin threatened, slapping his hand over his friend's mouth. Jisung paled.

  'Oh lord! Please don't Binie.'

'I won't if you shut up.' Jisung gestured to his close mouth and Changbin ruffled his hair with a small smile. His baby brother was really too easy to fool. Like he would ever say Jisung's secrets to Minho.

Well, maybe he would, but nevermind.

  Felix and Woojin exchanged a glance and smirked.

'Say Jisung, what do you say about a hairdo?' Woojin asked with a smile but Jisung only sighed.

  'I would have gladly say yes my friends but I can't.'

'Why?' Changbin frowned, looking confused as hell.

'You deepshit did you already forget? We made this bet about JYP sleeping habits and I lost. Rings a bell?' Jisung deadpanned and Changbin clasped his fingers in realization.

'Oh true! And now you have to dye your hair pink.'

'Yup.' Jisung nodded, turning to the two Strays with an apologetic smile. 'So sorry guys, I would have loved to, but I'm a man of words, so no 'hair whatever' till I've dyed them pink.'

'Did you just say... pink?' Felix blurted out with wide eyes.

'Yes why?'

'Oh. Nothing, nothing. Nevermind then!' He said with a small smile, exchanging an all knowing look with Woojin who smirked in return. Tonight was going to be fun...

  'C'mon Felix, we gotta train, now that you can move.' Woojin suddenly interrupted, and Felix jumped on his spot.

'Oh my Jae yes that's true I can fly again!!!'

'Do you guys want to come?' the oldest proposed to the two humans with a cute grin.

'Hum... I thinks it's too early for me to see a Young Wing again. I'll roam a bit in the jungle if you don't mind.' Jisung explained, rubbing his nape anxiously, but Woojin and Felix only smiled warmly at him.

'No, of course you can! And you Changbin?' Felix asked, looking at him expectantly.

'Huh...' Changbin was unsure. Spending time with Felix was tempting, it really was, but it was also very dangerous for his heart when the boy looked so beautiful.

'C'mon, you'll meet Dabby!' the blond sunshine excitedly squealed with a grin, hands latching on his arm and looking at him with bright doe expectant eyes. But Changbin only looked back at him confused.

'Who is Dabby?'

– – –

A gust of wind in his face and a thrilling screech greeted his face.

'She is Dabby.'

Changbin was stunned. So 'Dabby' was a Young Wing? Felix's Young Wing?

Felix snuggled against Dabby while facing Changbin with a grin.

'She is beautiful.' he blurted out, his eyes wide and hands trembling. True she was intimidating to look at, but she was gorgeous. Her eyes were deep black orbs, and her skin was of a pinkish pale chestnut color, the edges of her wings hued in beet. But the most stunning part were the beet and dark orange colored spots dotting her skull and jaw, looking like freckles. The Young Wing had freckles. Like her partner. Okay this was too much for him, the creature was gorgeous.

'Thanks.' Felix grinned and nuzzled her face.

'She is a bit... reckless, though?' he pointed out as he watched the Young Wing loop upside down a tree branch, like a koala, except that she was mastering the art better than an actual koala. Her claws cracked the bark of the tree and she hissed at a lilac colored one who was approaching the zone, making him hiss back but fly away. Changbin stiffened at that. Beautiful, but fierce, that's noted.

Felix laughed at her however and nuzzled her face with his own fondly.

'Yeah, yeah she is. Like her partner, right Dab'? I've missed you baby.' he whined, hugging her neck tightly. The Young Wing only screeched in answer and Felix rubbed her neck affectionately. And suddenly Changbin was brought back to their first encounter.



'That day... the day we met. You protected me right?' Felix stilled and looked taken aback. That was enough of an answer for Changbin. 'Why? Why allow me to stay when it put the both of us in danger?' he asked, looking at the other boy with curiosity in eyes.

'I... My mom was a scientist. She told me humans have always wished to witness the jungle glow at night. So when I saw you, a scientist, a human, it reminded me of her... of a part of myself I had lost with her. The human part of myself.' he trailed off, his eyes raising to meet Changbin's, and the human was taken aback by the genuine glint they held. 'You brought it back to life Changbin, in mere fucking seconds. That's why I didn't want to let you go. So I let you stay. I knew it would work. And yes, I protected you from night animals, but nothing much. That was... just a small price to pay in exchange for rediscovering what being a human is like. Here you go. Now you know why.'

Felix let out a breath at the end of his confession, and nuzzled of his knuckles Dabby's jaw absentmindedly. His eyes roamed over the yellow grass, a veil of uncertainty enveloping him. Was the human going to think he'd used him? He really didn't meant it... And he liked the human boy's presence, he didn't want him to think that. Changbin kept on looking down, lost in his thoughts and Felix let him, sighing dejectedly, and turning around to brush his Young Wing's beak instead.

'Nice one Felix, way to go...' he thought bitterly, hugging Dabby tighter.

Suddenly an arm wrapped itself around his shoulder from behind, and a body pressed against his back, making him gasp and let go of Dabby, as a warm breath brushed his neck.

'Then I'll gladly help you remember what being human feels like.'

Felix heart missed a bit and he bit his lower lip. Changbin. Changbin didn't push him away. The Stray blinked away tears, and wrapped his fingers around Changbin's forearm tentatively. Then he out a laughter and hastily turned around to wrap his arms around the human's shoulder as well, burying his head in his shoulder.

'Thank you Binie! Thank you so much.' he earnestly said, squeezing the life out of the scientist, who just laughed and patted his shoulder.

Honestly, he had been really touched by the Felix's speech. And, to know that he reached the boy's feelings to such an extent had really touched him. To know that he was able to achieve something so great... he couldn't let it go to waste could he? So he would help this boy out, because he was a ball of sunshine that deserved to know what happiness felt like. That's what he had decided.

Felix detached himself and both men grinned at each others. Suddenly a spark ignite itself in Felix's eyes and he whistled. Changbin looked at the boy in confusion. What was going on?

But Felix only gave his arm a squeeze and suddenly, he was dashing toward the cliff- wait, what?

'Felix what the-' he yelled, running after the boy in panic. When he said he'd helped him feel more human that didn't mean to jump off a cliff! 'No wait, Felix!'

Too late, the boy had already dived down the waterfall by the cliff, scaring the shit out of Changbin. 

'Fuck Felix, seriously man?' he gritted out, face palming and looking down the waterfall in hope to see the boy emerge. But when nothing happened for a moment he really contemplated diving down. 'Fuck, fuck, fuck... c'mon Felix come out...' he muttered, clutching the grass. These Strays were really too daring at times.


Suddenly, Felix emerged on Dabby, screaming happily along with her screeches as they flew upward along the rocky cliff torpedo style, grazing past his face in a mere second, before they dived into the bright blue shinny sky. Changbin screamed and fell back on his ass.

He blinked.

What the fuck just happened? He stared in front of him dumbly, and a laugh escaped from his lips. This boy was... he was fucking unbelievable.

Changbin looked up, hand shielding his eyes, a small smile playing on his lips. There might be a huge star shining bright in the sky at the moment, but Felix? He shone ten times brighter.

  Diving clouds from clouds, Felix clutched Dabby's neck tightly, laughing loudly as she went straight though an orange one.

'Lix!' a voice suddenly called him and he turned around to see a green Young Wing fly toward him.

'Catch me Woowie!' he yelled and cackled like hyena afterward, diving down another cloud, happy cheers echoing behind himself. Woojin looked at him shocked, not comprehending a thing. It's been so long since Felix had been like that, so ecstatic, so... alive? The boy had never seemed so euphoric.

The older glanced down. He smiled.

'Of course...' he muttered and laughed out loud as he dived to join Felix, the two messing around in the bright sky, their laughter echoing in the valley, under the blazing light of the Glow.

Changbin. He was the cause of his euphoria.

– – – – – – 

Chan wiped off the sweat of his brows and stretched with a smile. This late afternoon was a beautiful one. The jungle's plants were vivid under the orange Glow's light and a warm scent of nature had settled in the air, mixed with the tang of sand and mud soils. It was comforting in a way.

JYP had sadly told him that the door wouldn't be repaired until two days, resulting in them having to stay overnight at the Stray's once more. So he had packed their stuffs in duffel bags all day long and had taken a stroll in the jungle. Though, he was beginning to get hungry...

'Ah, I should have eat a sandwich at the base.' he whined outloud, before putting the three duffel bags on the ground. It was way too hot in there. So he grabbed his white shirt edges and pulled over his head. 'Ah, way better- oh fuck!' he screamed, throwing his shirt at the upside down head that shot out of nowhere in front of him.

The face made a disgusted noise before it laughed and Chan squinted his eyes.

'Jeongin?' he wondered out loud, laughing when the boy nodded, still hanging upside down from a tree branch. Chan blinked and laughed out loud. Damn, the kid had scared him!

In the blink of an eye, Jeongin jumped down and hugged him out of nowhere.

'Wow, hey there...' he exclaimed, laughing but hugging him back, because god knows how much he is a softy when it comes to cute stuffs. A soft thud was heard on his left and he turned his head to see Hyunjin loop down from a tree branch as well and wave at him. Chan let go of Jeongin and waved back at Hyunjin. Both boys then exchanged a look, and Chan looked at them confuse. What was happening?

Wordlessly but with smiles, they picked up his stuffs and started to walk ahead, to what Chan could only assume was home. So he smiled at them and picked up his shirt, planning on following them. However, as he bent down, both boys stopped. Chan looked up with surprise, and, suddenly, they shot him smirks before quickly jumping on trees.

Wait what?

Chan blinked and looked up at the two boys. They were now running away on tree branches, laughing out loud as they looked back at him, waving the bags and backpack around.

'Oh. So that's how you wanna play, huh.' he whispered, chuckling as he cracked his knuckles.

He settled looked at them, smirking and not moving. Tapping his foot on the ground, he waited good five seconds. And the moment they stopped looking back, he dashed forward and clutch a tree branch. Hauling his body up, he landed perfectly on a solid large branch.

'Let the fun begin~' he singsonged with a smirk, as he ran after them.

Oh, did he forgot to mention he knew how to climb trees?

Chan had learned it back when he was a kid and lived in Australia. When he went to South Korea he taught his two friends. And honestly? He was proud to say he was no jokes when it came to tree running and climbing.

So when the two Strays heard branch crackings and turned around in shock, Chan had to refrain from laughing outloud at their bewildered faces.

Actually, fuck it, he'll laugh outloud.

And so, he darted past them, laughing his ass off, and grabbed back his backpack, leaving them blinking at each others.

'Did you just see what I saw Innie?' Hyunjin slowly asked, brain still proceeding what happened. But Jeongin only shook his head with a laugh and shook his head, grabbing Hyunjin's arm as they ran after the human.

These humans were definitely surprising.

– – – – – – – 

Changbin was beaming.

After his little trip with Felix and Woojin, they had came back to the tree house, reuniting with Jisung, Minho and Seungmin, when Minho and Woojin had asked him if he wanted to come along to the cooking house. Since Seungmin and Jisung were too engrossed in a conversation in English – Changbin had learned that Seungmin surprisingly spoke English as he learned with Felix's mom – he had agreed, thinking it would be a great way to learn more about their world. And so, together they went, talking about random stuffs along the way. And here they were now.

'That's... that's amazing.' he exclaimed, looking around at the place. It was like an indoor market, except in a large cottage with plants pocking here and there, and colorful cloths hanging from twigs to twigs. The place was drown into a salmon light thanks to the Glow slowly stetting, making it seems warmer. There were row of stands for each kinds of colorful foods. And the smell was unbelievable; it was a mix of sweet, sour and spicy. Changbin was left amazed by the place.

However, people had all stopped their activities to stare at him, making him gulp. What if they were still scared? Was he even welcomed here-

His panic was cut short when a girl approached him with a basket filled with spongy looking cake. And soon, all of them approached him, obviously wanting for him to try their products.

'Huh Minho?' he desperately asked, not knowing what to do.

'Go ahead. We don't have the money system here. If they offer it to you, you can take it.' he explained with a smile and Changbin nodded, gladly accepting the spongy cake from earlier with a smile. And his eyes widened.

'Oh my god this so good.' he blurted out.

And so it went on, with Changbin tasting, drawing, and commenting the food and how different or similar they wee to the one on Earth while Minho and Woojin translated it to the people, to their utmost delight. Changbin on the other hand was left amazed by Strays' kindness. These people were really warm and charitable.

So when they had to leave the place, Changbin couldn't help but feel saddened by it. Reluctantly he waved goodbye to the people, and swore to come back after two kids had made him promise to do so.

Little did they know that a surprise was waiting for them back home...

'Thank you so much for taking me there Min- Minho?' Changbin asked again when he saw the other male frozen in his spot, looking in front of him with an astounded look. Woojin and him followed his gaze, and gasped.

'Oh Jae.' Woojin breathed out, dropping his basket of fruit and paling.

Coming back from the cooking house, he hadn't expect to find that. At all.

In front of them, were Chan, Hyunjin and Jeongin fighting and laughing for and over a backpack as they jumped down from a tree. And was that Jisung pushing down a bent, huge, large and long tree root a wheelchair in which was seated Felix with Seungmin on his laps? Oh yes, it was. All the boy screamed in delight as they rolled down the root, unaware of the three mini heart attack occurring a few meters away.

'What the fu-' Changbin began muttering, looking at his two friends like they were strangers. However, lady luck wasn't on his side it seems, as he never got the chance to finish his sentence.

It all happened in a blur; the wheelchair met a root sending the three culprits flying, Seungmin straight into Woojin, who caught Minho's shirt, who himself caught Changbin's arm, falling together domino style and sending the basket he was holding flying Jae knows were. In the meantime, Felix luckily got caught in time by Jisung. But Jisung being Jisung, the clumsy human that he was got his foot stuck in a root and fell over, sending the two of them tumbling over, like the graceful bears that they were, straight into Jeongin who was currently griping Chan's shirt, who himself was holding onto Hyunjin's arm as he was trying to take back the bag from him.

Which resulted of course in a huge tangled mess on the ground, butts meeting faces, and toes getting stuck in the air, with missing shoes and all the other good stuffs.

A moment of pure silence took place, in which all the boy tried to figure out what the hell happened and if the arm they were seeing was theirs.

Minho turned to look at Chan, who was seated on top of him, both palms flat on his bare chest.

'What the hell.' Minho stated, punching him off. And that was all it took for them to break down into laughter. 

' Well, a-at least the fruits are saved.' Jeongin managed to say between laughs, as he pointed to a tree where a basket full of fruit was hanging, the others cheering in joy at the sight.


'Oh, well. At least now we've got jam.'

~~~~~~~~> To be continued.


A/N: Soooo, did you like it?


I hope you did ahaha. I had so much fun writing it, and I'm so happy because I can finally write about Changlix a bit more! So as you guessed it, there is more of them coming up next chapter!

Also, huge special thanks to my Broke Duo's other half and little dongsaeng _moanbin , the gorgeous emilythomas2000 and her gf (Edit: I'm so sorry I don't know why I forgot to include you, I'm the worst T.T Your the best thanks!) the extra felix_changbin , the devoted thetommos_ONEMIX , my fellow 'I have no imagination when it comes to names' jisung1 , and my savior blueplayergirl34 for helping me out by chosing the Palis & Young Wings names <3 You guys are the real boss!

(Also, if you read this: Hello fam #CoolMom LoveKillerSonYeo & #PreciousLittleSister Mimicchi~ Thanks for giving me motivation to write!)

And so, comming next is: -Actual Jeongdam~

-More Changlix

- Beautiful Woochan scene *.*

-Seungjin mwouhahaha~

- Palis are back full force!

- More hair dying...

- Probably more...

As always, subscribe, save in your libraries, comment, vote or do nothing, from the moment it makes you happy, then it makes me happy~

See you soon & Lots of Love – Orange.

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