Engraved | Taehyung & Jungkook

By Mikaotic25

16.9K 1K 853

[Book #3 of the FIRE Trilogy] [Paraquel and Sequel to Deranged | Jimin] [On hold] engraved › to be cut or c... More

Prologue: Vicissitude
Jungkook - Bait
Jungkook - Tease
Taehyung - Yearning
Jungkook - Clash


979 59 87
By Mikaotic25

"Really?" I exclaimed in surprise. I just got off the phone with Seokjin when I received this call from Jungkook saying that he had information on the Busan Killer.

"Yea," Jungkook said from the other side of the phone. "I asked around FIRE and found something."

"Thank you so much!" I said.

"We shouldn't do this over the phone. Let's meet up."

"Um, sure," I replied. "When?"

"Are you free now?"

"Yes, Seokjin just said I don't need to go to the clinic today," I replied. "Where should I meet you?"

"How about you come to Blaze's headquarter? Do you know where it is?"

"Yea, I'll come now."

"Perfect. Just ask the receptionist for me."

We go off the phone and I immediately started getting ready.


Stepping out of the taxi, I looked up at the skyscraper that towered in front of me. I had only seen this building briefly once before and I never thought I'd be visiting again.

I pushed open one of the glass doors and walked into the spacious front hall. My eyes located the reception and I went over.

The lady behind the counter stood up with a professional smile. "How may I help you?"

"My name is Kang Sulli, I'm here to see Jeon Jungkook."

The receptionist made a quick call then said, "Yes, Mr Jeon will see you now."

She got the attention of a man in a black suit that was also behind the counter and whispered something to him. The man walked out from the reception and gestured for me to follow him. He led me to a lift. A few people stepped in too. As the lift ascended, people got off at several floors until it was only us two left. We arrived at the top floor of the skyscraper and he left me in front of an office with an opaque glass door. The name tag on it said 'CAO - Jeon Jungkook'. I quickly glanced around and saw that the adjacent offices had the name tags 'COO - Oh Eunjung', and 'CEO - Min Yoongi' on. I took a deep breath before knocking on Jungkook's door.

"Come in," his voice said from inside. I pushed open the glass door. His office was bright and simple, with a white wooden desk atop the complementary grey carpet. Jungkook himself was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window that took up a whole wall of his office. His back was facing me, his hands tucked in his black suit trousers pockets. I trod further into his office, letting the door swing shut behind me.

"Jungkook?" I called out, trying not to stutter. "You have information on the Busan Killer for me?"

He slowly turned around, his shape gaze meeting mine. The pulsing of my heart automatically sped up.

"Yes," Jungkook said. "Take a seat, Sulli."

I was about to sit down on one of the two chairs in front of his desk when he started making his way to a black leather sofa parked to the side of the office, so I followed. He sat down on the sofa, his eyes never leaving me. I self-consciously sat myself down next to him, twisting my body around so that I was sort of facing him and putting my purse on my lap.

"I did some digging within the gang," Jungkook began, "and I found out that... the Busan Killer is indeed not Nam Seoyun."

A smile of excitement broke onto my face. "I knew it!" I exclaimed. "Do you know who it is?"

"Unfortunately, no," he answered. "However, there is something else I know... Something you will find interesting."

"What is it?" I asked. Why was he being so slow and deliberate?

"Guess," Jungkook said

My brows furrowed. "Okay... I don't know, you... have personal ties with the Busan Killer?"


"Um... Seokjin or Yoongi knows him?"


"The Busan Killer is a member of FIRE?"


"Really?" I leaned forward a little, wanting to know more. "Is he here?"

"I don't know. As I said, I don't know the identity of the Busan Killer, I only know that he is a member of the gang."

"How do you know that?"

"That I can't tell you," he replied. "You are not a member of FIRE. It's doesn't matter anyway, it won't help you on your search."

"Well do you know how I can find this person?"

"I know a way. I don't know if you are willing to do it though."

"Tell me," I demanded.

"Become a member of FIRE, then I can point you in the right way to look."

That surprised me so much I dropped my purse by accident. I bent down to pick it and so did Jungkook. I grabbed the top of it and Jungkook did the same, his hand holding a part of mine. He did not let go and put the purse back on my lap. I could've sworn he let go just a moment too late.

"So? Are you willing to become one of us?" Jungkook asked, bring my mind back to the present problem.

Become a gang member? I looked away as my brain ran through the scenario. Oh my god what was this.

Seeing my hesitation, Jungkook continued, "It's not that bad, really. I'll allow you to keep your job with Dr Kim. You will only be called in if you're needed."

"But... if I turn to a life of crime, how am I better than the Busan Killer then? I don't want to be a criminal..." looked back up into Jungkook eyes and suddenly realised I just said that to a gang member. "Oh my god, I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

I noticed that Jungkook quickly masked a trace of hurt on his face before saying, "It's alright. I understand some people might not want to do what I do. But if you get to know us, you would know not all of us are bad."

I sighed a breathe of relief, glad that Jungkook wasn't angry. "Yea, maybe I should. I know Taehyung is a gang member but he seems like nothing but nice so far."

Jungkook said while leaning slightly towards me, "What about me?"

I laughed to hide the sudden visceral reaction that he just evoked in me. "Haha... what do you mean?"

"I mean..." Jungkook shuffled closer to me on the sofa, "wouldn't you like to get to know me better?"

"I- I-" I physically could not string words together to form a coherent sentence as my heart rate just skyrocketed through the roof. I knew what he meant, and that idea was eliciting a whole load of oxytocin into my bloodstream.

Jungkook smirked seductively as he took a hold of my left wrist. He pulled me towards him and his other arm went around my waist. I could feel my own heartbeat resonating off his chest as he pressed me against him. The smell of musky cologne entered my nose, further melting me.

"I- Taehy-"

"Don't think about anything else," Jungkook commanded while holding me in a trance with his strong gaze. "Just me."

My mind could not be happier to comply as his lips smashed into mine. He leaned forward and I fell back onto the sofa. I was now deliciously trapped under him. My hands ran up his arms, feeling the bulge of muscles, and went into his hair. My lips tingled like crazy as he licked and bit lightly. It felt so good; he felt so good. I was only able to catch a break from our intense making out when his lips started traveling down to my neck. Wherever his lips touched, fire ignited.

Suddenly, the door to his office was opened. I quickly twisted my neck around to see that a middle-aged man stood in the doorway, in shock. I froze in embarrassment but Jungkook didn't seem to be fazed in the slightest.

"Did I say you could come in?" Jungkook growled, completely ignoring the questioning gaze he was giving us.

"No, but-"

"Get out." Jungkook never broke his gaze with the man.

The man looked away in shame and and embarrassment. He quickly exited the office. Jungkook looked back down at me and his alluring expression took over his handsome face once again. "Let's continue." And he leaned back down. His hands trailed up my curved from my waist to my chest. He pushed himself back up a little and stabled himself with one hand. His other went to the first button on my blouse that was done up.

I quickly grabbed his hand to stop him from undoing it. "I don't know if I want to go further," I stated.

With his smile never leaving his face, Jungkook said, "Continue or not, it's your choice. You are in complete control."

Was I though? It seemed like I couldn't even control my own thoughts at that moment, let alone making a rational decision.

"Fuck it," I muttered. I grabbed his collars and pulled him back down to me. I could feel him smirking into the kiss as he undid my buttons.

Never in my life did I think I'd be having office sex.

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