Pretty Boy (Jin X BTS)

By Araxis222

928K 42.5K 16.3K

Getting kidnapped by six gangsters wasn't on Jin's to-do list | Cover by TheOneandOnly | Highest Ranking: #1... More

The Gang
The Sequel: Bad Boy - Please Read!
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23.5K 1.1K 631
By Araxis222

When Jin woke up he was no longer in the van. He was actually laying on a couch in another basement. He briefly wondered how many basements there were in Korea for these men to already have two hideouts – both with basements to keep Jin locked in. This one was admittedly nicer than the last. There was actual furniture in there. Only a couch and some cushy chairs along with a study wooden table but it was something instead of the damp, cold and bare room that in had been tied in previously. It actually looked like a home instead of a concrete dungeon.

Jin's eyes wandered more and he sighed and smiled in relief when he saw Hoseok scrolling through his phone while sitting near the stairwell to the first level of the house. Jin shifted, the couched beneath him creaking slightly as he let his feet touch down on the hard, carpeted floor. Hoseok looked up from his phone but instead of smiling or bouncing around or showing his normal, happy persona, Hoseok seemed quite grim.

"You're in trouble..." His voice was sterner than Jin had ever heard before. It was still strong despite being somewhat muffled by his mask. Jin wished he would take the stupid thing off but before Jin could even think to reply, Hoseok was standing and walking back up the stairs.

"Hoseok?" Jin stood as well, noting that he still didn't have a shirt on.

Hoseok stopped, halfway to the top, eyes casting down to look at the man below him. Jin wasn't shaking or frightened. He looked confused and lost. Hoseok knew why. The man he saw as a friend was abandoning him. Hoseok couldn't fix that, though. His allegiance was strictly to his gang.

"RM told me to let him know when you woke up. Jimin is coming down when I tell them." Hoseok hated the way Jin's eyes widened and fear seeped into the brown orbs at his words. Jin did shiver at that. He decided he hated Jimin and wanted nothing to do with the man. Jin realized Namjoon must have said he could have his alone time with him.

Jin wanted an out. He didn't want to be punished or whatever kind of hell on earth that man could come up with, "But Hoseok-"

The gang member cut Jin off, his eyes apologetic but his voice showing no emotion, "I can't save you, Jin. I'm sorry. I'll be back later to help pick up the pieces." And with that, Jin's only hope had vanished.

He was left alone for another hour, he supposed. He was starting to get a bit chilled with nothing covering his top and his stomach was growling as well. Jin hadn't eaten since breakfast that morning and he was starving. It had to have been closer to the evening and Jin had missed lunch. He was used to eating in between meals as well and not eating was slowly becoming a torture of its own. Whenever he wasn't scared out of his mind he was hungry. He tried to pace to take his mind off of it. His footsteps became his only companion, his sneakers almost silent on the carpeted floor.

The door finally opened to the top of the stair well and Jin froze as he saw Jimin and Yoongi coming down the wooden stairs. Jimin's eyes locked with Jin's immediately and Jin shuddered as a smile spread out on Jimin's lips. It wasn't an unkind smile and it showed no hostility but Jin supposed that was what made it so scary.

Yoongi on the other hand was stoic and reserved. He didn't make eye contact with Jin, instead letting his eyes wander Jin's chest and stomach freely. There was something dark in his gaze and it made Jin shudder all over again with new found fear. He was carrying something in his hands. It was a case of some sort, leather and black. Jin knew it couldn't be anything good.

Nothing was said. No words were exchanged, only Jin's ragged breathing and the sound of Jimin's booted feet coming closer and closer to the older. There was something almost feral about Jimin. He had changed his clothes and combed his hair back from his forehead letting two of the larger locks fall down almost into his eyes. Gone was the mottled look and now Jin was met with a man dressed smartly. Jimin was wearing a long sleeve button up top, the color a rich red, darker than scarlet but not darker than blood. His slacks had been ironed recently, the crease prevalent in the black cloth and held up by a black belt with a silver buckle.

Yoongi was wearing different clothes as well. Dark grey camouflage styled pants and black combat boots. His grey shirt was a bit worn and tattered, covered in dark red and black spots that Jin prayed weren't dried and stained blood spots.

Jimin had come to stand almost chest to chest with Jin. The older found it very uncomfortable and started to back away. Jimin didn't let up, stepping forward for every one of Jin's steps backwards until he was locked into a corner with Jimin still standing in front, blocking his exit. Jin noticed over Jimin's shoulder that Yoongi had taken a seat on the bottom stair of the stair well. Yoongi had let his case fall to his feet, nudging it away with his boot ever so slightly.

Jin took a breath, trying to calm his racing heart as he shifted his eyes back to those of Jimin, "C-can I have my shirt back, please?"

"Oh, now you have manners," Jimin sneered, "Why would you need a shirt anyway? It's only going to be ruined." He let his eyes go down Jin's body once again. Jin's skin wasn't too sun kissed like Taehyung's and it wasn't too milky like Yoongi's. Jin's skin was the perfect tone, his flesh unblemished and smooth. He was thin with an ever so small layer of puppy fat on his belly. Jin wasn't ripped but in a way, Jimin liked that. Besides, who would want a man who looked more ripped that themselves? Not that anyone could beat Jimin's six pack...

Jin's eyes lowered to the ground, "I'm sorry about kicking-"

Jimin cut him off, eyes ablaze with anger, his mood shifting immediately, "Not as sorry as you will be."

"I didn't ask for this!" In a burst of frustration and self-pity, Jin broke and shouted at his captor, "I didn't ask to be kidnapped or any of this shit! I just wanted to go home and feed my sugar gliders and hug my mom at dinner and go out with my friends!" he didn't notice his eyes were full of tears until one trailed down his cheek. He wiped it away quickly, "I didn't ask for you to rob that bank and I didn't ask to be here!"

Jin hadn't realized he had even raised his voice until Jimin's mouth had fallen open.

"Did you just raise your voice to me?" Jimin's voice had gone deep and low, barely above a whisper and nothing but menacing.

Jin shrank back. Yelling had been a mistake. Jimin didn't seem the kind of man who was nearly as patient as his leader or nearly as kind as Hoseok. He was dangerous and he practically oozed an air of superiority and domination.

"I'm sorry," he whispered this time, eyes going anywhere but his captor standing tall and angrily before him. He was shorter than Yoongi and even shorter than Jin but for some reason Jin felt smaller than him. Jin was pushed to the floor, feeling even smaller as Jimin stood above him now.

"Maybe I should give you something to fill your big mouth up with, huh?" Jimin started playing with his belt buckle before crouching down to eye level with Jin, displeased how the man before him was avoiding eye contact. Jin tried to scramble back farther into his corner, tears burning his eyes and clouding his vision as he realized what was about to happen.

This time, Yoongi interjected with a loud scoff. He stood, striding over Jimin with a frown, "Leave him be."

Jimin immediately stood, his belt halfway off. He and Yoongi were around the same height. Yoongi might only have had a centimeter or two on the younger. They stared each other down, both with cold eyes and Jin was thankful for Yoongi's presence for once.

"He's not yours, Yoongi." Jimin growled, before rolling his eyes and spitting out, "God, you should have seen Taehyung with him."

Yoongi had no expression on his face. He merely tilted his head, "He could be mine."

Jimin stomped his foot a little. It was quite a juvenile show, "No one wants a sadist like you, Yoongi. Does he look like someone who likes pain? Look at him. He's practically curled up into a ball because of me already."

"I know. I like it." He let a soft smirk creep onto his face, "You're basically a sadist, too. You just won't admit it. And if anyone is going to punish him, it's going to be me."

Jimin scoffed, "Namjoon said I get to have thirty minutes with him... you just want him for yourself."

"And you don't?" it was Yoongi's turn to scoff, "We all noticed him when we stepped into that bank. We all wanted him when we stepped into that bank."

"You'd kill him just as well as look at him with that short fused temper of yours." Jimin pulled his belt completely from his waist, holding it together and snapping the leather. His focus drifted to Jin and he watched with dark eyes as the man flinched with every snap of his belt.

Yoongi didn't even try to deny that. He only shrugged, "Maybe so." He sighed, casting a somewhat pitied glance at a crying Jin, tears streaking down his face silently as he tried to control his hiccupping sobs, "But if you need to get off, go find Tae."

"You just want to have him first." Jimin countered.

Yoongi smiled that time. It wasn't a grin and it barely reached his eyes, "You're right. I do want him first."

And that was when Jin knew for sure that he was completely screwed.


In the next few chapter, I might have to change the rating to mature. It's gonna get steamy within the next 5 - 7 chapters, lovelies!

Comment and vote please! I love a lot of comments! You can comment on anything you want I love hearing it! you're all so sassy, too, it makes my day! :D   

Also, Pretty Boy has already surpassed Pick Up Lines in views - I'm screaming. It's also almost to 3K! So proud of this book! Thank you all so much for reading! I can't tell you how much it means to me!  

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