The Letter I Wrote To The Duk...

By mrscuteness

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I have edited the first couple of chapters so far. There are going to be mature scenes in this book because i... More

The Letter I Wrote To The Duke
Chapter 1: Writing The Letter
Chapter 2: Meeting The Duke
Chapter 3: The Duke's Decision
Chapter 4: New Feelings
About My Next Chapter
Chapter 5: A Special Dinner
Chapter 6: Acting On Feelings
Chapter 8: Time For Thinking
Chapter 9: Dinner With Duke Charles
Chapter 10: My True Feelings
Chapter 11: The Visitor
Chapter 12: Exploding
Chapter 13: Forgiveness
Chapter 14: Market Day
Chapter 15: Restoring The Land
Chapter 16: The Big Reveal
Chapter 17: Earning Trust
Chapter 18: A New Beginning
Chapter 19: We All Make Mistakes
Chapter 20: Some Dreams Come True
Chapter 21: Trouble In Paradise
Chapter 22: How Did It Happen?
Chapter 23: The Proposal Preparation
Chapter 24: The Proposal
Chapter 25: Before The Wedding
Chapter 26: Wedding Day

Chapter 7: What Is Happening!

148 3 2
By mrscuteness

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter too. I'm really enjoying writing it and I send a big thank you to the people who have commented and given me feedback on my writing. It really does help a lot  I'll make sure to write those comments down so that I can keep them in my mind when I start to edit. 

 I would like yo present to you a very special person participating in my writing life. She is very special to me and undeniably encouraging. MYSTERYGIRL613 she has never allowed me to stop writing this book. Thank you very much mysterygirl613, when and if you read this, the finishing of this book, will be all because of you, never letting me stop, never letting me rest until it is done.

Chapter 7: What Is Happening!


 The sun is shining and there is a slight warm breeze. The grass and tree leaves are blowing in the breeze. The sun feels so warm on my uncovered skin. The breeze makes the weather comfortable to be out in, it keeps me warm, but not too warm that I need to remove any clothes. Together we walk toward his stables where he must keep his horses and maybe some livestock if he has any, although I can't imagine Charles as a farmer. He just doesn't seem like that kind of man.

He squeezes my hand and that's when I realize that he's still holding it and feelings start to spread through me. Why am I feeling like this? I mean the feelings are nice, but I can't I just can't. I can't let myself get to close to this man. Why is he the only man to make me feel this way? Well, I haven't exactly met or been very close to many men, but still. Why should he be making me feel this way? 

I pull my hand out of his and start walking in front of him toward the stable. I pull hard on the big wooden door and it swings open and bangs back against the side of the stable. I walk inside and look around. The smell of rotting wood is present, however not strong, which I am very thankful for. I walk down the little hallway, passing by each of the stable stalls. In the last two there are two horses. One white and one a dark maroon colour. 

I walk up the the stall that holds the white one hostage in it. I reach out my hand to touch the beautiful horse. I wonder if it's a mare or a stallion. As I stroke the horse's mane and snout, I think about the kiss that Charles and I shared back there in his house before coming out here. Why did he kiss me and why did I kiss him back? I don't understand any of this, why do I feel like this? Why didn't some other female feel this way about Charles, someone older or more beautiful or someone who knows more than me about all of this. I just don't understand, I need time to think. 

Charles walks in and stands next to me stroking the horse's legs and shoulders. "This here, is Lucky, he's my lucky horse. He's gotten me through every tough time I've been through since I got him." Well, now I know that it's a stallion, I wonder how he tamed it or if he caught it himself or bought it from a farmer. Charles reaches over and takes my hand in his. I start to step away from him to put some distance between us, but he doesn't allow me to, he pulls my hand toward him and where else is my body going to go besides to follow my hand. 

"What is wrong, Emalia? Have I upset you? Did I do something wrong? Did I do something you did't like? Please, Emalia, tell me. Tell me so that I can correct that mistake and make you feel at home and at ease here in my home and with me."

I shake my head and try hard to pull my hand free of his, but it's no use, he has my hand bound in his and is not going to let up until he gets what he wants. "I can't I'm sorry. I am confused, I do not understand my own feelings about you or your kindness towards me. I need time to think, to try and sort out my thoughts about you and about myself; about my feelings. If you allow me the time I need to think and to rid myself of my confused mind, then I promise, I will tell you what it is you desire to know. I cannot however, answer you now because even I do not know now what I am thinking or feeling, for I am thinking and feeling too many things to understand those things I am thinking and feeling."

Slowly he look up into my eyes and just stares into them for what have been the world's longest moment in history. Then he simply nods his head, yes. "Okay, Charles thank you so much. I really need this time and I will use it wisely. The only other thing I ask, is that during this time of my thinking and figuring out of my feelings and thoughts, that you do not interrupt it. I will need every second I am being given to think about all of this."

"I agree, only if you still promise not to miss a single dinner with me. Because I told you before that is one of my rules in this house, if you are staying then you will join me for dinner."

"I promise I will not miss a single dinner with you. I will be present for every dinner, every day, before the food is brought to the table. So, you have decided that I do get my time to think and understand everything that is happening and has happened? How much time will you give me to think about it?"

 "I'll make you a deal here Princess, if you still eat dinner with me every night and are there before the food is brought out. I will give you as much time as you need to think things through, to understand your feelings and yourself. Does that sound fair?"

 "Yes, Charles, it sounds very fair. Thank you for this very generous offer, you are a very kind man. I appreciate it gratefully. I promise that I will hold up my end of this bargain, I will meet you in the dinning room every evening for dinner." I smile at him and walk out of the stables. Charles isn't too far behind me, he gently places his hand on the small of my back, guiding me toward the fenced in areas where I'm guessing his horses graze and mate.

"This way, Cherié. Toward the fences, the grazing grounds for the horses, my mare and stallion. And the other fenced area is there breeding pen and even they know that. That area is where all of their colts have been conceived, every last one. He's quite the stallion, controlling his mare and future mares the way he does with his mare now. Don't you think?"

"Well, I don't think he should control them, I mean they do need to be straightened out somethings, but never controlled. That could lead to something worse then a upset mare. It could lead a a rebellion from all the mares. Or at least that's what I would do if I were in that position. I swear, no man will ever control me, I am my own person, I am not an object or property, therefore, I cannot be owned."

He stares at me shocked and blinks a few times, saying nothing while his mouth hangs open. "So, Emalia, you are saying that you do not wish for a man to lead you and take care of you? I have never in my life, heard a woman say that she didn't want a man to rule over her and make decisions for her because we all know what would happen if a woman was allowed to make decisions on her own. The world would become s terrible place, there would be no good ruling system in place."

"You are wrong, Charles. I speak for all women that feel crowded in the company of a man deciding for her, of a man who tells her what she can and cannot do. Us women, we are just like you men, so why should we be treated differently then you are treated? Why should a woman have to stand in the shadow of a man, any man, or her husband? After all, she married him either by force or because she loved or loves him, but that doesn't mean that she signed up for being leaded and pushed around and told what she can and cannot do."

He smiles at me, "You know, I think you'd make a good lawyer, if you'd had more schooling, that is. But why would a woman reject the help and support of a man?"

"Well, I don't know about all the other women in this world or even in this town, but I do know that if I ever marry, that man, that I hope I will love when the time comes, will not lead me or control me, but he will work with me as an equal, as a team. The man of my dreams, will care about me and will support what I feel and what I wish to do with my life because that's what it is, mine, my life not his. Just because I get married to him, does not mean that I am giving up my life to him, that I am surrendering myself to him. There is no man on this earth, that will ever control me and my God help any man who tries!"

"Wow, feisty are we? Calm down, you are quite the negotiator aren't you, Cheré."

"And you, Charles, seem to be on the wrong side of this battle. So, you are telling me that you think a woman should pretty much be a slave to a man, to her husband because that's the way that things are here and now. Men in this world don't treat women the way that they should be treating them, with kindness and trust, actual trust and actual love without beatings or one-way decision making. I think that it's time the world changed for the better. That men let their women be who they are and who they are meant to be, allow them to explore the world too. Allow them to come out of their hiding shells. I will be the first woman to reject a mans offering of help when it is not needed. I an more then capable of handling myself and my business on my own."

"Hahaha, okay Emalia, you really are a strong negotiator, but how would you like to see the little stream that runs through my property?" He smiles, his smile so wide and it makes him look cute and makes me want to smile, but I try hard to make sure that I don't. It's time to tease him and see what I can make him do for the next little while. 

"Yes, that sounds lovely, Charles. Let us go then, to the stream. Now, tell me, have you ever bathed in it?" I try to make myself sound convincing that it's just an innocent question asked by silly girl, but I must not have come across quite how I wanted to.

"Oh, yes I have Emalia, thank you for asking. It was luxurious and the water was nice, it was cool, yet warm and felt good on my skin and muscles. I think you'd really enjoy the water, if given the time to test the water and time to adjust to it's temperature. I'm sure you'd find the water quite calming and enjoyable." He winks at me and flashes me the devil's smile.

"Oh? Like I would enjoy you kissing me without my consent? Is that how I would enjoy the water? Hmmmm? I want an answer, Charles."

"No, that's not what I was thinking. I was also not implying that you'd feel the same way about the water as you did our kiss and I didn't even mean to kiss you. I was just as surprised as you that I did. I guess my feelings just got out of hand a little and I wasn't able to control them the way I have been. You are driving me crazy, you should just know that, Emalia. You drive me mad with lust and love and whatever else I am feeling for you. You have no idea how hard it is to stay away from you, how hard I must push myself away from you just to keep myself from breaking down your bedroom door at night and ravishing you. You are some woman, Emalia, if you can do this to me because I am one of very few men who never find themselves in love with any woman, but I do now."

I just stare at him, my eyes wide and my mouth open, probably wide enough to start catching flies in it. "I had no idea that you felt this way about me, Charles. But why do you feel this way for me? And why does it seem that I feel the same way about you? I just don't understand any of this, not at all. I really need time to think. I'm sorry, Charles, but would it be okay if we reschedule this tour? If that is at all possible, I would really like it." I smile shyly at him, not knowing what else to do in that moment. 

He smiles a gentle smile back at me and nods his head, a sad look in his eye, but he's agreeing. He really is a strong man, the strongest. Even though he feels this way about me and it's so hard for him to stay away from me, he's still trying and he's trying for me. "Yes, we can, Emalia, if that is what you wish to do. Then, I will make it happen. I will make anything you wish happen, if I can, but I will always try. If you wanted me to make the clouds in the sky go away because you wanted to see the sun, I would try my very best to make that happen according to your wishes."

"Oh, well, you'd never have to do that, no one can control the weather and I know that. I would never ask you to do anything that extreme for me. All I ask is for patience and kindness and respect for my wishes and what I want for myself, that's all. I ask one more thing besides those few I listed. I ask that you not try to control me or my wishes because it will never happen."

"I agree to respect you in every meaning of the word, Emalia, you are unlike any other and I will never ever, even think about doing anything that would chase you away. If you want your say in what happens around here, then go right ahead and say your opinion and what you want done about it; if you want anything at any time, just say the words and it is all for you. Whatever you want will be given to you, by either me or Rosie, I promise you, I will never do anything to make you leave, but you will have to give me more than one chance, I mess up quite a bit. It happens when I try so hard." He blushes and looks at the ground. 

"Charles, I do not ask for everything or for the world in my hands. I just ask to be a part of everything that goes on here in my new home. I do thank you for wanting to give me everything I need or would like to have though, that is very kind of you. I will be going up to my room after dinner tonight, Charles. To start my thinking, I have a lot of it to do and I hope to finish all my thinking in as little time as possible. I don't want to keep you waiting too long." I blush and turn around. 

He takes my hand in his and starts walking down the hill back to the house with me. "Okay, you will have dinner with me tonight though?"

I nod my head, "Yes, Charles, I will be having dinner with you tonight. I told you that I would follow your one and only household rule. I will come down from my room each evening to dine with you at the dinner table for an evening meal."

"Okay, I am glad that you haven't decided to scrap that promise. I will be, I am very grateful that you will be doing even that. It will make me overjoyed each evening to be dinning with you and talking. I do wish though, that each evening you will talk to me or answer any questions I have about your day of thinking to the best you are able."

I smile gently at him. "I will do my very best to share my days events with you, Charles. That I can promise you."

I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!!!!!! I am so excited about this book!!!!!! I am getting so far along and it is making me so happy to be getting closer and closer to my goal of finishing this book. A very big thank you again, to one particular person on wattpad that has constantly encouraged me to write this book and to finish it. This person is very special to me and to my writing and never lets me gave up.

MYSTERYGIRL613 thank you for everything!!!!!!!! you are so amazing!!!!!!!

Happy reading everyone!!!!!! The next chapter will be up soon I hope. Just bare with me for a little bit guys, my family and I just moved into our new house so we have to get everything unpacked and organized.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING, I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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