Famous in Love


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Camila Cabello one of the worlds biggest stars meets a girl and the girls best friend loves Camila and has fo... More

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Final chapter

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Three weeks later

We had organised Camila's funeral and today was the day, the day we said our final goodbyes to the beautiful Camila Cabello. We had informed her fans that she had been a victim of the vehicle crash into the hotel and the support her family and us received was outstanding there were so many heartwarming and amazing messages, so many cute pictures and goofy videos her fans, they were heartbroken their idol was dead and it was hard to process.

We made our way to the church where the funeral would be held, her mother asked Normani, Shawn and I to say a few words and asked Ariana to sing Camila's favourite song One last Time it was the song Ariana wrote and showed Camila and Camila fell in love with it and now it's a popular song world wide, in every show Ariana has done she's payed tribute to Camila and told everyone Camila is the reason she is on this stage doing what she loved.

I still hadn't read the note but I was planning on after the service. I had took a few of Camila's books, a few hoodies and her guitar and her little teddy bear, and donated everything else to the charity Camila helped out at.

We were all sat in the church and Normani made her way to the stand to say a few words. Normani was still dealing with it pretty badly I mean we all were but Normani was different I know it's expected but it's hard to watch.

"Camila was a walking ball of positivity and sunshine, I remember when we were in Paris a bird pooped on Camila's favourite sweater and Camila never freaked out instead she went on about how it's good luck and she shouted Thankyou to the bird but I never believed in the good luck until we were putting out names on a lock and locking them on a bridge and Camila had left the lock in the car which had drove away and we decided to walk over the bride but before we crossed we found a lock in the packet and brand new, now our names are on a lock in Paris on a bridge. Camila had her fair share of bad luck also. There are so many words to describe Camila such as talented, friendly, goofy and hopeful, brave was never a word associated with Camila she was scared of a lot of things but now Camila can add brave to the list of words to describe her. Camila risked her own life and died to protect the one girl she loved with all of her heart, Camila had her heart on her sleeve she was a hopeless romantic but I never expected her to take a bullet or a bus for someone. She is a hero and she was definitely taken from us too soon" Normani said glancing at the coffin and smiling as a tear rolled down her cheek and she took her seat.

Shawn walked up to the stand and sighed as he looked at the coffin.

"Camila was the goofiest person I ever met she knew how to make me laugh if I was having a bad day. The public thought Camila and I were dating, management well my manager wanted my album to become popular and he saw this way was best and mentioned it to Roger. Roger didn't like the idea as Camila shouldn't have to do it but Camila told them she wanted to help me and wanted to do it and honestly she was the best fake girlfriend I had. She was smart, beautiful and so down to earth she was so passionate about her music and I admired that about her along with many other things. As we all know god takes the best people and turns them into angels and I know now Camila is probably in this hall sobbing watching us, either that or she's dancing about and smiling hearing all the good things we say about her. I love you kid wherever you are no matter what or who your doing" Shawn finished and people chuckled and I smiled at him as I walked up to say a few words.

"Camila she took her life and put it on the line to save mine, she was the bravest person I have met, she's also the nicest, and funniest. I was with Camila the day she died and she started off terrified but as the time wound down she accepted that she couldn't change what was happening. She told me death is on its own clock and she put her clock forwards and put mine back as she would rather be dead than me be dead. She said she couldn't live with the pain of me not being here, and now I'm living with the pain of her not being here but I soon realised that she is here, in spirit and in our hearts and in our memories, she was my angel, my one love, and my first love and I will treasure that until the day I join her, wherever she is I will wait for her because even though she's not here with us, my love will always be with her" I said with tears running down my face as I sat down. 

The service finished and I rushed home knowing the note was waiting for me in my house.

I reached my house and ran inside and opened the note.

Dear Lauren,

I am assuming you waited a few weeks to read this which is understandable. I hope your doing well, I remember we wrote each other because I never thought about giving you my number, I am sorry I'm not here with you in person but know I am always looking over you and protecting you from any bad things that may come your way. I hope you find your happiness and find your peace like I found mine, I love you with all my heart.

Hugs and kisses,

Camila Jauregui

P.S I know we aren't married but in my head we are so shhh you know who it's really from baby.

I liked the sound of Camila Jauregui it just broke my heart that it would never be that way and that she was always a Cabello.

Camila Cabello the love of my life
The one who had my heart
The one who saved my life
And the one who was my everything

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