An Explicit Encounter- A Perc...

By SuperwholockPJO

763K 16.2K 18.7K

Percico story. It gotz smut. Collab. ALL WE'VE GOT TO SAY More

An Explicit Encounter- A Percico Story
Chapter 2 (Anna)
Chapter 3 (Angela)
Chapter 4 (Anna)
Chapter 5 (Angela)
Chapter 6 (Anna)
Chapter 7 (Angela)
Chapter 8 (Anna)
Chapter 9 (Angela)
Chapter 10 (Anna)
Chapter 11 (Angela)
Chapter 11 and 1/2
Chapter 12 (Anna)
Chapter 13 (Angela)
Chapter 14 (Anna)
Chapter 15 (Angela)
Chapter 16 (Anna)
Chapter 17 (Anna)
Chapter 17 1/2
Chapter 18 (Angela)
Chapter 19 (Anna)
Anna Note
Chapter 20 (Angela)
Chapter 21 (Anna)
Chapter 22 (Angela)
Chapter 23 (Anna)
Epilouge (Angela)

Chapter 1 (Angela)

62.1K 1.1K 2.2K
By SuperwholockPJO

Percy's POV

I woke up on another morning after another fight with Annabeth. Its been constant lately. I couldn't take it anymore. I'm tired of fighting with her. I walked out and knocked on her cabin door.

"Oh hey Percy," one of Annabeth's half brothers said. "I'll get Annabeth."

I nodded as he went inside. She came out a minute later.

"What is it?" she snapped.

I took a deep breath. "I'm breaking up with you. I refuse to go on bickering like this anymore."

"What!?! After all we've been through?"

"All we've done lately is fight. I'm done."

Tears streamed down her face and she ran back inside. I sighed and walked towards the beach. I like going where the beach and the forest meet, there is a huge rock that sits right over the waves. Like a cliff or something. I usually just sit there to think but sometimes use it as a diving board. But today I wanna think. So I sat down right on the edge with my feet hanging off, and I thought.

"AAHHHHHH GETTT AWAYYY!" I heard a familiar voice scream.


I stood up and saw he was being chased by three Aphrodite girls. He looked back for a second and crashed right into me. We went toppling off the edge into the water below. He clung to me as we fell. We hit the water and I created an air bubble for us. Instead of going back up, we sat in our bubble at the bottom of the lake.


"Nah, its ok. What was that about though?"

His face went bright red. "They wanted to give me a makeover to um... impress someone."

"Oooooo Nico has a crush?"

"Yeah..." his face turned redder if that was possible. "For a really long time now."

"You gonna tell me who? You can trust me not to tell."

"Okay. But promise me one thing. You won't judge me about it."

"I promise."


He walked up to me. I don't know why he didn't just say it instead of having to whisper. I guess he forgot we were at the bottom of the lake. But his closeness made me feel all tingly. I liked it. He had this mysterious vibe to him. It was kinda hot. Wait. What? I don't know what that was. Then all of a sudden something cold touched my lips, snapping me out of my thoughts. I realized Nico was kissing me. I don't know why but I liked it. A lot. I kissed back after a second and pulled him closer to me. We kissed until we needed air.

"Nico..." I breathed.

"I-Im s-sorry. I d-dont know wh-why I-"



I kissed him again. "Shut up."


I willed the water to bring the bubble up. When we reached the surface I kept willing the waves up to take us to the cliff. The Aphrodite girls were gone so we sat in peace. I let myself get sucked into my thoughts again.

He kissed you. You kissed back. You liked it. He's hot. Screw hot, he's sexy. Where were these thoughts coming from? Or were they there but I couldn't see them? Was I blinded? I don't know. What's going on now. We're sitting in a cliff over the water. Our fingers are intertwined. I wanna tell him I love him. I wanna call him mine. Why did I want this so badly? Why do I have so many unanswered questions?


I snapped back into reality. "Hm?"

"You ok? You zoned out for a bit."

"Oh sorry... Um Nico?"


"Are we like, together?"

"I don't know... if you want to..."

"Yeah. I'd like that. And one thing."


"I love you."

His eyes widened. "I-I love you too."

Awww yay.
I know this is a smut story but I needed an exposition. And I wanted to put a bit of fluff before we get... into it.

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