Seto Kaiba X (afab!)Reader [U...


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Your dad is a gaming company CEO so, you're moving to Domino City for a buisness agreement with the CEO of Ka... More

Chapter Zero: Moving Day
Chapter Two: Phone Call
Chapter Three: The Next Day
Chapter Four: The Business Meeting (Weekend)
Chapter Five: Friends Again
Chapter Six: Trying to Take the Blame
Chapter Seven: Sleepover! Pt. 1 (A not so surprise visit)
Chapter Seven: Sleepover Pt.2 (Movie and Cupcakes)
Chapter Eight: AWWW CRAP!
Chapter Nine: More School
Chapter Ten: Mansion Date Pt.1
Chapter Ten: Mansion Date Pt.2
Chapter Eleven: G-grandfather?!
Chapter Twelve: The Son
Chapter Thirteen: Blue?!
Chapter Fourteen: EWWW!!!!!
Halloween Special!
Chapter Fifteen: I'm Done...
Chapter Sixteen: Broken Bones... and Hearts
Valentine's Day Special
Chapter Seventeen: Shell of Your Former Self
Chapter Eighteen: Learning to Remember

Chapter One: The Dreaded First Day

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     *BEEP* *BEEP*, *BEEP* *BEEP*

     The annoying sound of my alarm clock tears me from the dream that I immediately forgot the plot of. I lazily reach over, dismiss it, and let out a defeated groan. I force myself into a standing position and trudge over to a box with some of my clothes in it and rummage around to pick out something decent to wear.

     Once I've fully woken up and have gotten ready to go, I trude downstairs and see father eating eggs and bacon, "Good morning sweetheart."

"Morning dad." I yawn, still half asleep.  He gets up from his seat and ruffles my hair,  "Have a good day at school." He smiled.

"And you have a good day at work, mister" I giggle.

"Yes Ma'am!" He playfully acts as a soldier, saluting me before he heads out of our new house. I watch his luxurious car speed away until I can no longer see it. I sigh and make my way to the limo waiting to take me to school. 

     I step into the back of the limo, "Morning Ja-" I stop right there, ashamed that I still forgot we no longer had him working for us.

The driver looks behind and smiles warmly, "I'm Benjamin, but feel free to call me whatever you'd like."

"Umm... okay," I smile nervouly, "I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you." 

     I arrive at the school and everyone is staring at me or whispering about some unknown topic to their friends. One girl walks up to me. She has short, brown hair, and blue eyes. "Hey, you're the new girl right?" She asks. I nod my head, "Yes, that I am.., who are you?" "I'm Tea Gardener and I already know your name, but do you have a nickname or something I could call you by?" "Umm, you can call me (N/N)." "Okay, (N/N) fits you very nicely." She cutely grins. "Are you here to show me to my classes?" I ask. "Right, I almost forgot the whole reason I was here! Follow me." She nods he head in the direction she's headed.

     Tea tells me to wait outside the classroom until our homeroom teacher walks in. I glance at all the students in the classroom through the small window. I see a blonde, very obnoxious, boy, he seemed to be demanding something from Tea. There is a small tri-colored hair boy who looked exactly like another student, but the other was much taller. I saw the boy with the failed Dungeon Dice Monsters game. There was a boy next to the blonde with dark hair spiked to the front who seemed to hold the blonde off. I averted my gaze from the commotion and laid my eyes on a boy who was reading a book on the history of technology, but this was a English class. Who would read about technology in English? Maybe someone too smart. I looked to his features, he had dark chesnut hair and was very tall, but what was mesmerizing was his deep, sapphire eyes that seemed to have a glow in them.

     Someone behind me clears their throat, it was sensei. "I'm very sorry sir, i didn't realize you arrived." I apologize. He grins, "It's okay, it's only your first day." He enters the room and in a snap all the commotion is stopped and everyone has taken their seats. "Good morning class, as you all know, we have a new student, Her name is Miss (F/N)(L/N)." He greets the class. I step in and all eyes are on me, even that mysterious boy. "Hi, please call me (N/N). I would greatly appreciate it. I hope we can all become friends as well." I wave nervously. Sensei turns to me and points to where i'll be sitting, which happened to be right next to the blue-eyed boy.

    I set my books down and resist the urge to stare at him all day. I don't want him to think i'm creepy. I write down all the notes i can so i might have some chance to understand and get all my homework done. My mind wanders a bit, wondering what the CEO looked like and what classes he took, so i could meet him and talk to him about the business plan. The bell rings much later than i wanted them to, but i pack my things and  get ready for the next class' introduction.

    I never saw the sapphire eyed boy the entire rest of the day...

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