W41K3R5 J01N || the beginning

By xwalkergirlx

22.8K 1.3K 412

The world is in chaos. According to the governments, already in 1997 aliens have landed in Norway. Everyone k... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourtheen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twentyone
Chapter Twentytwo
Chapter Twentythree
Chapter Twentyfour
Chapter Twentyfive
Chapter Twentysix
Chapter Twentyseven
Chapter Twentyeight
Chapter Twentynine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirtyone
Chapter Thirtytwo
Chapter Thirtythree
Chapter Thirtyfour
Chapter Thirtyfive
Chapter Thirtysix
Chapter Thirtyseven
Chapter Thirtyeight
Chapter Thirtynine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourtyone
Chapter Fourtytwo
Chapter Fourtythree
Chapter Fourtyfour
Chapter Fourtyfive

Chapter Two

642 40 21
By xwalkergirlx

I looked around nervously as soon as we entered the tent slowly and hesitating. The rest of our group closely behind me.

"What the hell is happening here?" I muttered anxiously and wanted to walk towards the guards to ask them the very same question, but Aldi held me back before I even got close to them.

"Stop it, it won't work anyways." He whispered, his brown eyes dark from fear. Shanty tried to collect our group around her, but it was unnecessary, because all of us were already around her, standing and looking around, quietly muttering.

"Okay, follow us!" A red haired man raised his voice and nodded towards some desks, standing behind a temporary wall ahead of us.

We all grabbed our backpacks and moved forward, followed by nearly twenty other people, who had arrived in the meantime. The guards were making sure that nobody was left behind when we entered the smaller part of the tent.

"Get in line, put your bags and your jackets on the desks, and do what you are told." A guard pointed at Shanty, Aldi and another random guy who wasn't part of our group.

They walked forward, lifted their bags on the light gray plastic desks and were led forward after a few minutes of some guys checking the bags through, to a thing which kinda looked like a metal detector. They passed it by quickly and had a blood test taken. Shanty grabbed Aldi's hand and looked over to us, her blue eyes widened in fear.

"What the hell are they doing here?" Jani whispered quietly, standing next to me.

I grabbed my backpack. "I have not a single idea.." I answered as quiet as her, trying not to catch the attention of the guards, which, I have to say, didn't look too happy with their job.

Or they were just cold, stone-hearted people who lived to see people suffer.

The next three people, who were next, had to go through the same procedure as everyone before. It took a while, then Kathi, Jani and Cleo had to go. I hugged Kathi tightly.

"See you on the other side." I muttered and was glad that she smiled, despite the situation we had caught ourselves in.

"Nothing will happen, right?" She asked in a worried tone and I shook my head to say no.

My best friend touched my hand slightly before getting pushed forward. I looked after her, worried whether something would actually happen. But nothing, like for everyone before, happened. Then the black haired man pointed at Miki, Nic and I as we were almost the last people of our big group.

"Put your bag on here." My opponents voice was monotone and almost sounded as if she had come out of the womb ordering people around, when I approached to her desk.

I lifted my quite heavy bag as well as my camera onto the dirty, light gray plastic desk and had to watch a person open it and search through it, while the camera was immediately taken away. I turned my head away to hide my anger about how we were being treated.

As soon as the woman who had searched through the backpack gasped, I turned my head back to her. The guard behind her looked at her as she pointed at something in my bag and he pulled the bag closer to him to see what it was. In the same moment, as I remembered Alan Walker's logo inside, I was grabbed and roughly pushed through the metal detector.

"Hey!" I yelled, trying to free myself terrified of what was happening. But the detector kept being quiet when I stumbled through, getting picked up on the other side from another soldier.

The guard ignored me, pulling me towards the blood testing station. The man stationed there told me to roll up my sleeve, and I did, because I didn't want to cause any more trouble.

Something went wrong - everyone who was there knew it. As soon as they were able to see my arm, I heard several guns clicking.

"Alright calm down, mates." I muttered, while everyone was staring at the logo Kathi had drawn with a marker on my arm while being bored on the train.

"Can someone tell me what's wrong?" I asked, looking around and facing many guns. My eyes widened. "Guys put these down, I'm not a criminal!" I yelled in fear, turning around over and over again.

"Turn around and do that damn blood test." The black haired guard said with a voice as cold as ice and pointed his hand gun directly at my heart. I stepped one little step back.

"Calm down!" I whispered, turning around slowly and feeling the gun in my back.

The young man in front of me took a needle out, took some blood and turned around to a strange looking machine while I was forced down to the wet stone floor. I stopped saying anything, then nobody said anything in these few minutes, just staring at me with mixed emotions. Slowly the footsteps from the man came closer.

"Yes, Sir?" Someone asked to break through the silence.


"What the...?" I asked in disbelief, ignoring the fact that I was laying on the ground, held down by five armoured guards with full force.

"Confirm: positive?" A new cold voice asked quietly and sounding like it was coming from far away.

"Confirmed positive, Sir." Another voice answered, which I identified as the voice from the black haired man who originally dragged me down.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" I screamed terrified, trying to free myself another time, failing again.

"Commando three." I stopped fighting against the men and was forced to stand up, what I did, my legs feeling like they weren't able to stand my weight. My eyes met the cold blue eyes from the black haired man. But suddenly something, I think it was pity, flickered through them and the man turned his head away, trying to hide his tears.

I tried catching his eye another time but I was pushed forward roughly towards the exit of the tent, passing my group and everyone else being brought outside the fence. All eyes were on me, when I moved forward slowly, trying to get behind what they meant with 'positive' and 'commando three'.

What's going to happen now? What am I supposed to do?

My arms were crossed behind my back and pulled up so I could barely move. We left the tent to a free place, surrounded with gates and people behind it, curious what was happening.

My eyes met the fearful brown eyes from my best friend Kathi, I looked next to her, Aldi on her right, Shanti on the other side. On my left side, was Tobi, who held the camera right in my direction. I could barely see a guard behind him, pointing a gun at his back. I looked right in front of me, still getting shoved forward, towards the middle of the place.

Something or I better say someone right in front of me, caught my attention. Just casually leaning against the fence as something totally normal is happening and staring in my direction, his smile was hidden underneath the black mask covering half of his face in a familiar way.

He gave me a thumbs up, his eyes sparkling with amusement before he climbed over the fence, completely being ignored by the soldiers. I was still stumbling forwards, my eyes caught by his ice blue eyes.

My jaw dropped open when he suddenly disappeared, like he was blown away by the slight breeze, particles raining down to the wet ground.

Suddenly, I lost control over my own body. I stepped forward quickly and threw up my legs. Because of the sudden movement, my arms were freed and as soon as I landed, I kicked the guards legs aways with force and swept them from their rigid stance.

Ignoring the reaction of the crowd, I turned around quickly, jumping over one guard's shoulder in front of me, knocking him and another guard behind him down to the ground. I focused on Black Hair and whoever or whatever had taken control over me grinned slightly. My feet hit the ground faster and faster as I sprinted towards him. It was almost as if I was moving in slow motion as I jumped into the air and my feet hitting his chest with my full weight behind it.

Quietly I landed on the ground after a backflip to compensate my momentum from the kick, three of my fingers touching the wet stones, Black Head collapsing with a stifled sound. The crowd was completely silent. I stood up, realising what happened within seconds of looking around me.

My eyes met the brown eyes of Kathi again, her eyes wide in fear, shock and heaps of other emotions.

Suddenly I felt two big and sweaty hands on the side of my head, the fingernails digging into my cheeks with no mercy. Panic shot through my body, adrenaline rushing into every muscle, but it was too late already.

I heard the surprisingly quiet and yet terrifying cracking sound.

The one thing I realised before everything fell apart was that I had forgotten to knock out one guard.

And that this guard had broke my neck.

My legs gave way.

The last thing I felt was how my body hit the ground, knees first.
The last thing I heard was how Kathi was screaming my name insanely loud and shocked.
The last thing I saw was the blue-eyed guy from a few minutes ago, who sat down next to me, grabbing my hand and nodding with a sad smile.

My vision went black.

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