Desired Beauty

By kaylababe__

243K 8K 731

Kennedy Clark is a heavy girl. Trying to live day to day in this cruel world. When she meets the the largest... More

Desired Beauty
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 20

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By kaylababe__

Drew ' s POV

This shit didn't feel real . It can't be real son. 

My day one niggah turned on me.

And my baby so fucked up in the head it feels like I lost her. I know she's still mines.


When Big Ke told her to leave shit got real and his whole squad was obliterated.  They knew better not to fuck with us.

The dead body count was ridiculous.  It was beginning to be 4 in the morning and police sirens were blaring. 

We quickly hopped in the Tahoe and drove to big Ke house. 

I was praying Kenn went to my house and not to her dad's because I didn't need anymore stress at the time. 

We crashed til 6 am. And headed to the condo.  We both had a lot of explaining to do. 

When we got to the crib i jogged up the stairs checking our bedroom. She wasn't there. So I knew she had to be in the guest room. 

I pointed to the guest room and Big Ke took the lead he turned the knob and I sighed with laughter . Her slick ass locked the door. 

Big Ke ' s voice soften when he asked "Kenn it's daddy open up" .

It caught me off guard only Kenn could bring out the sweet side in him.

Ke played around with the door some more and it finally opened. 

And there her sexy ass was criss cross applesauce with a fine ass mug I loved.


She sat wearing a white beater with no bra and some Booty shorts.

Mann she was turning me on. But I had to push that aside because her daddy was right by me.

We just stood there quite both me and Ke unaware of how to approach anything .

"Soooooo, yall ain't gone say shit ? Aight I'm out. " she finally said.

God I love her she mean as a pit bull, but sweet like candy .

Ke got back in his killa mode

"Hey ! Sit down" he yelled as he firmly gripped her arm.

She snatched her hand away but made sure to sit down.

She was making it so hard to make things right. 

Almost every word she said was a cuss word.

Ke had finally had enough! She had called him her sperm donor. 

I knew and she knew it would set him off.

Yeah what he did last night was fucked up but he has always been a father to her.

What she said was mad disrespectful. 

I anticipated a lunge and sure enough Ke was ready to choke her ass. I held him down before he made a huge mistake that he'd regret.

"Ohh so now you wanna defend me huh ? You couldn't defend me when he had a gun pointed to my head could you" she yelled trying to sound tough but only sounding weak.  She was hurt. And we needed to put everything out in the open.

I told her ass to sit down and she sat .

I called my self tryna be slick sitting next to her. She'd move away and I'd move closer.

Big Ke let it all out. From his drug lord past to how he met her mother and so on.

Then things turned on me. And she asked "how was it so easy to give the business to me"

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach . Me and Big Ke promised to never tell Kenn. We knew it would just arise more confusion.  But if she had to know I would prefer for the time to be now. 

When Ke asked if he remembered Me , Andy. 

Her eyes brightened .

Similar to how it did when she would see me or Ke.

I , Andy , knew I was special to her but not that special. 

When Ke said I was Andy her whole demeanor changed. She immediately gave me a hug. I knew she was remenicing .But after a few seconds she jerked back.

She remembered I was still Drew. And Drew hurt her.

She was even more hurt that I left , stayed in contact with her dad , and that we kept all of this from her.

"Ma Dukes decided to move to N.O. for a niggah. And it worked out for a while but not long . We were barely getting by and your dad gave me his number in case we ever needed something.  I tried reaching out you Kenn-edy. I wrote to you. But you never wrote back. So eventually I stopped" I said in a stressed tone.

Her defensive mode began to click in. ,

" I never got one letter from you. I felt you had forgotten all about me. "


"He wrote you faithfully for a few years but I would always keep them.  I didn't want you to get hurt. He was so far away.  And ... I just don't know" Ke admitted. 

"How could you play God with my life. I had NO one. No friends.  I was alone.  You were always gone. How could you keep my closest and dearest friend away from me . That's mad low" she cut her eyes at him.

Ke admitted why he never relayed my messages.   Hell I wanted to know why too.

He was scared that we would become more than friends. Well his fear came true because we were. 

His words had truly ticked her off for like the 20th time.

We just let her leave. She needed this time ALONE.

And Lil mama just going through . But she won't even let me be there for her.

I should've stood up for her. But I was put in between a rock and a hard place.

Kennedy's POV

My angry girl persona quickly falter . And I was back at the age of 6 being the innocent girl I once knew.

I sat and looked. Words couldn't form in my mouth. The only thing that came were tears , tears of joy. Not angry, saddened tears.

My mommie was here in my presence. It wasn't real. Was she real ? Was I so upset that I was hallucinating?

No . This infact was her. She gently lifted up her arm to touch my chocolate cheek. I put my hand on her long outstretched hand. And looked into her brown eyes that favored mines so much.

My mouth opened but words had still yet to come out.

She smiled with her flawless pearly whites . And put her finger on my lips silencing me.

"Kenney - pie " she started. 

I broke down into full on sobs. I NEVER thought that I'd ever get to hear her voice again.

"Shh , shh baby its ok. I can say nothing more than I am sorry. These past few years that I've been absent I was on some ME stuff. It was all about what fit Karmen at the time. Drugs were more important than my baby girl. " she shook her head slowly trying to contain her tears.

"Baby that was the ugly truth . And I have to live my truth. I can't keep hiding . Like I've hid from you all these years. I can truly say I am so proud of you and the strong woman of God you have become. I am so disappointed that I will never be able to say I was the one who trained you in the way you should've went"

"I'm here now and I know I will NEVER get those years back. But I want to at least make new memories and be there for the steps I've missed" She stopped and awaited my response. 

I always wondered what I'd do or say if I was reunited with my mother.

But here was my moment and yes she left but she was here NOW. and at that moment I felt I had NO ONE. I didn't have energy to push anyone else away.

So I embraced her. We held each other for minutes which seemed like lightyears. We cried literally soaking each others tee-shirt.

"I've missed - missed you soooo much" I frantically wiped my tears and tried to control my abnormal breathing. 

"Does dad know you're here?" I asked skeptical

"No Kenney - pie  He doesn't " she chuckled.  "But I will say that I've been keeping an eye out on you for a while now , trying to find the best ways to re-enter your life. I saw you down and out on the swing and couldn't stand by any longer" she smiled wiping the constant tears that I didn't even know we're still flowing.

It just feels like I have soo much on me. So much pain and uncertainty about who I really am and what my present life is becoming. 

That void in my heart that I've been longing to get filled is finally full. But other places in my heart are now empty.

I get ahead 2 steps and fall back 5 .

I know that with time and eventually me and Drew, well Andy will get back on the right track.

But as far as my father. I'm not too sure. The people that are the closest to you hurt you the most. I think it will take a while to let my wounds heal. Every time I try to go back and lick my wounds. I can't . The memory is too painful. My own father put a gun to my head and I know without a shadow of a doubt that he wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger.

What hurts the most is that through his whole explanation he had yet to say.  "I'm sorry". Could he not humble himself that much ?

I know the game will get people acting crazy but not that crazy.

I guess my deep thought worried my mother. So she spoke "Baby girl are you ok"? She asked with concern in her eyes

Before I found respond my eyes shifted to the voice yelling "Kenn, Kenn Where YOU at ? I'm not letting you walk out my life again".

My eyes darted back to my mom's . I didn't want to deal with him nor my father at the time.

I guess my mom could sense my worriedness.

"Is everything OK ? Do you know this guy ? " My mom asked in a concerned tone. 

When Drew spotted me he quickly approached. 

"Excuse me ma'am but do you mind giving me and my lady some space" he asked politely

My mom looked me in the eyes to see if I was ok with her leaving. 

I shook my head and answered , " yes mom it's ok" .

Drew looked at me strangely "Mom ?" He questioned.

I just shook my head yes.

In .2 second Andy wrapped his arms around my mom startling her.

"Ms. Karmen ? " He asked overjoyed.

She looked at him for a few seconds trying to recognize him.

When it set in for her, her face glowed.

"Andy , my boy Andy. I've missed you bud " she said as she ruffed up his head like he was still the 6 year old Andy. 

"Yes ma'am it's me " He smiled.  "Is it really YOU " He asked as he twirled her around.

Jealousy creeped near me. She was getting MY attention.

I must admit after all the drugs her body was STILL banging.

The spoiled brat in me was coming out in full effect. 

I quickly checked myself when I realized that he wasn't just Drew he is Andy TOO. And who would I be to break up the reunification of someone Andy looked at as a mother figure.

I didn't want to intrude on their bonding time.

It's funny how I just woke up not too long ago and yet I'm still tired . Not sleepy tired just mentally drained. 

I let Ma and Andy know I was heading back to the condo. 

I prayed my dad wasn't still there.

Luckily he wasnt.

I went back to the guest room to reflect on everything and later I soon drifted to a sleep.

During my sleep I heard the lights flick on and the bright light shine on my eye lids.

I groaned , turned over  and threw the covers over my face. I was highly pissed cutting on the lights is a sure way to piss me off.

I'm continually getting shook.

I felt it all but I refused to get my body out of the bed. My mind wouldn't allow I needed rest.

Whoever was trying to wake me were going to desperate measures to wake me.

They even flung the covers off of me.

"Ok , you wanna play" I heard Andy say.

He rapidly rubbed my hot treasure.

"Okkk stop " I responded salty. A little nub rub wasn't going to fix our problems. 

In one quick motion my shorts and under ware were off.

He didn't even give me time to protest . That's how much work he was putting in.

My moans filled the rooom.

"You want me to stop now " he asked as he looked up with a smirk.

I looked down at him , mugged and slapped the shit outta him.

This felt too good . I didn't need to hear shit talking.

Right when my climax approached he stopped.

I quickly hopped up livid. He was playing games buddy. And I honestly didn't have time.

If he couldn't get me off, someone else would. 

Okayy guys ! I know it's been a while.  But i had to be confident of this chapter before I let you guys read. And now I finally am!

-What does Kennedy mean by she will have to find someone else to get her off?

- Will she find someone else?

Give me your input guys

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