South Park One-Shots

By Perks-of-being-evil

389K 6.4K 5.6K

Come on down to South Park, let me ship you with: Kenny, Cartman, Stan, Kyle, Butters, and everyone else who... More

Let It Go - Craig Tucker
It Girl - Kenny McCormick
Chasing Cars - Christophe De'Lorne
She Will Be Loved - Stan Marsh
Pumped Up Kicks - Tweek Tweak
Love Story - Kyle Broflovski
Battle Scars - Pete
Crazy Girl - Kenny McCormick
I Love You - Mike Makowski
Am I Wrong? - Eric Cartman
I Am Woman - South Park Girls
Stay With Me - Damien Thorne
The Haunting - Butters Stotch
All You Need Is Butters - Butters Stotch
All Mine - Kenny McCormick
IM Love - Craig Tucker
Death of a Bachelor - Kenny McCormick
South Park Tango - South Park Girls
If These Sheets Were States - Craig Tucker
A Child's Favorite Bedtime Story - Mysterion
Last Minutes - Scott Malkinson
Happy Life - Clyde Donovan
Never Been Kissed - Eric Cartman
SleepScapades - Wendy Testaburger and Stan Marsh
Question of the Day: January 2nd, 2018
Question of the Day: January 3rd, 2018
Secret Identities - Clyde Donovan
I Play To Win - Craig Tucker
Question of the Day: January 9th, 2018
You're Welcome - Christophe De'Lorne
Jealous - Kyley-B
LEMON - Bet - Token Black
Hitman's Night Off - Kyley-B Broflovski
Content - Bebe Stevens
He's Like Art. Terrible Art, But Still Art - Clyde Donovan
The Red String of Fate - Eric Cartman
An Angel - Gregory of Yardale
Standing Up For Yourself - Trent Boyette
Tragedy - Trent Boyette
The Theatre Kid - Michael
A Fight - Michael
It's A.... - Wendy Testaburger
The Powerful Queen - Kyle Broflovski
If Only - Tweek Tweak
Dead Girl Walking - Clyde Donovan
Domestic - Kyle Broflovski
100 Prompts - 2. Kenny McCormick
100 Prompts - 4. Stan Marsh
100 Prompts - 5. Christophe De'Lorne
Question Of The Day : July 16th, 2019
100 Prompts - 6. Token Black
Three Days - Craig Tucker
Finally - Stan Marsh
Phone Call - Clyde Donovan
Hats - Craig Tucker

Broken Wing - Stan Marsh

44.7K 356 640
By Perks-of-being-evil

Ok, forgot to add something on the first page. All of the chapters will be titled by a song, and I advise you to listen to that song while reading this. You might have to replay it, or you can listen to a different song afterwards, but it helps set the mood. 

Stan Marsh x Reader

Song: Broken Wing by Martina McBride

Stan Marsh looked out the window of the small bus, the yellow paint had began to chip off back when they were in preschool. But now, in high school, the paint was no longer paint, but flakes of faded color. Kyle Broflovski, his best friend, sat next to him, rambling on about the scientific theory. He noticed that his friend was paying no attention to his words, so he decided to poke him. "Stan. Hey Stan." But Stan payed no attention to the redhead, as his eyes were adverted to the couple on the street, Y/n and Clyde. 

Clyde Donavan had been the bravest out of the guys to ask out the pretty new girl with shining (e/c) eyes. He walked right up to her and said, "You wanna go on a date with this hottie?" She was a bit flustered, but nodded. He then walked back to the guys, bragging about his plans. Right now, they were hand in hand, their linked arms swinging back and forth. Clyde smiled and poked Y/n's nose, making her laugh. Stan huffed, he wanted to be the one to make her laugh. 

"STAN!" Kyle finally shouted, tired of his friend's oblivion. Stan actually looked at him this time, a sad look on his face. Kyle looked out the window quickly and saw Y/n and Clyde. He rolled his eyes, "Dude, you can tell they're happy together. I think you should just give up. Besides, you have Wendy." 

Stan scoffed, "You mean the off-on girlfriend? Kyle, I actually love Y/n. Wendy is just a girlfriend. Y/n, well, I could make her my wife on the spot." He looked back to the couple and sighed, his blue eyes holding back tears. Kyle, on the other hand, was taken aback. Stan loved Y/n? He knew Stan liked her, but love? He decided to watch the couple, trying to find a way to break them. If he could, maybe Stan could have a chance with Y/n. 

*Y/n's POV* 

The day Clyde asked me out, I was immediately happy. The hottest boy in school liked me? Oh boy. My heart was about to jump through my chest and do a happy dance. But I stayed calm, looking at him while blushing. I obviously agreed, and we went on our date. It was wonderful. He asked me to be his girlfriend, and I gladly accepted. Then the trouble started.......

When out in public, he would be sweet, and kind, and nice. But behind closed doors, he'd slam my face into doors, making me cry out in pain. He'd actually laugh when I got hurt, the sick fuck. I finally couldn't take it anymore. I stood up to him. Then, he slapped me for the first time. Before, it was just shoving. But now, he slapped me. I had held my face in fear as he hissed, "Now, Y/n, you're the hottest girl in school, so you're gunna stay with me, got it?" I nodded shakily, slumping to the ground. 

But here we were, walking down the street, hand in hand. I saw Stan and Kyle on the bus and wanted to wave to them, but Clyde HATES it when I talk or even look at a guy. He even got pissed at my brother, Y/B/N (your brother's name). But that was before I told him it was just my brother. When we got to the school, I instantly smiled and clung to Clyde. He hummed and wrapped an arm around me. 

"Y/n!" A voice behind me shouted. I turned to see none other than Kyle Broflovski. I smiled at him, but didn't wave. He walked up to me, panting. "How's it going?" 

I looked at Clyde and he nodded. I turned back to Kyle, "Good. Me and Clyde get along really well, and he's so nice!" I hoped he would see through the lie, but he didn't. God only knows that no one did. I looked over to where Stan and the gang stood, laughing. I used to be accepted, I used to be able to hang out with them. But then Clyde came in, and now, I can't do anything. Not that I hate it. I love Clyde, I just wish that he was nicer to me. But if he likes it this way, who am I to refuse?

(Time Skip to the end of the day) 

Clyde and I walked home, laughing and talking. We got to my house and walked right past it. "Uh, Clyde? Where are we going?" He glared at me under his eyelashes, but kept walking. I figured we were going to his house as no one was ever there. When we did get to Clyde's, he opened the door for me. 

"My lady." He said sweetly. I walked in gingerly, my boots squeaking on the hardwood floor. "How dare you!" He suddenly shouted, shoving me to the ground. "You looked at Stan! You slut!" He kicked my stomach, making me gasp. I cried out in pain as he punched my eye, making it instantly swell. I felt the previous make-up rub off as I wiped away my tears. I sat there for the next hour, crying out in pain as he punched, kicked, and slapped me. 

I knew the neighbors wouldn't come for me, they never did. They'd seen the bruises, and heard the cries, but just ignored it and went back to their happier lives. Clyde finally walked away and I sat up, spitting blood. I crawled to the bathroom, looking in the mirror. My hair was a mess, blood slowly coming out of my lip. My (e/c) eyes filled with tears, and I tried to wipe them away, but they didn't work. 

Someone knocked on the house door and I whimpered, tossing a (f/c) hoodie on. It covered my face, but my (h/c) hair still fell out of the hood in clumps around my head. I walked, well, limped out to the door. I looked through peephole and saw Stan and Kyle. I sighed and opened the door, "Hello?"

*3rd POV, 1 hour ago* 

Stan and Kyle walked down Clyde's street, prepared to go to Tweek's Coffee. They were going to study for the exams that were in a few weeks. Kyle knew that his best friend would bomb the excruciating hard test otherwise. They looked around, seeing all of the pretty houses and their bright white doors. 

They were walking past Clyde's house when they heard a loud shriek of pain. They paused and looked at each other. What the fuck? Was that Y/n? Stan walked up to the door, about ready to go save his love when Kyle held him back. "What if she's just hurt herself on accident? Tell you what, we'll hide in a near-by bush, and when Clyde leaves, we'll check on Y/n. Okay?" 

Stan huffed, glaring at the door. "Fine." He growled. They both snuck over to the nearest shrub and climbed in, waiting for Clyde to leave. He'd probably go to Taco Bell, and then Stan and Kyle could go see Y/n. Stan's heart fluttered whenever he thought of the (h/c). The way her (e/c) gems sparkled and shined when she was passionate about something. Any of these things made Stan want to kill Clyde if he hurt his angel, and dream. Kyle saw the look of anger on Stan's face and sighed, Y/n had to be okay.

*Same POV, Present time.*

"Hello?" Y/n asked, her eyes darting this way and that. Clyde had left ten minutes ago, but Stan and Kyle thought it to be better if they waited a little longer, just in case he came back. He didn't, but you could hear someone crying inside. Stan looked at Y/n and she gave a weak smile to him, he couldn't know she was unhappy. "What are you guys doing here?" 

Kyle saw her discreetly tug on her hood, trying to hide her face. "Y/n, what's wrong?" He asked, trying to grab at her hood. She shrieked and fell back, shielding herself. Stan gave her a look of panic and kneeled down next to her, wrapping his arms around her in a hug. She tried to pull away, but Kyle soon sat on the other side of her and wrapped his hands around her. "Y/n, you aren't moving until you tell us what happened." Kyle started. He already knew what happened, he just wanted her to say it, to confirm it. 

"Yeah, and we want to know whose sorry ass we gotta beat." Stan followed, hugging her tighter. She sobbed silently into Stan's shirt and he gave a faint smile, she was close to him. 

"C-C-Clyde d-did i-it." Y/n whispered, hiding her face. Stan growled, but she continued talking, "He hit m-me. F-for a w-while." Kyle's eyebrows stitched together, this was confusing. Why did Clyde do it? He thought they were happy, and going to go very far in their relationship. 

"Why, Y/n, why did Clyde hit you?" Kyle asked softly. He pulled away from the girl he saw as his little sister and inspected her (e/c) eyes. Y/n looked at the ground and then, realizing who she was hugging, tore away from Stan. His eyes widened and she fell back onto the couch. "Y/n?"

She took a shaky hand and pointed at Stan, "Because I l-looked at S-S-Stan." Stan's heart practically dropped, it was his fault she was abused? He didn't want this to happen. "Clyde says I can't look at any guy, and I looked at you guys because you were having fun. So when we got home, he threw me down. And then...and then.....and then..." She bursted out in tears, hiccuping. 

"I didn't mean for you to cry, Y/n. I'm sorry I brought it up. Let's just get your wounds cleaned up, okay?" Y/n nodded and let them lead her to the bathroom. She sat down on the closed toilet while they got an ice packet and some band aids. They did their best, covering up the bruises with make-up. But they all knew it wouldn't get better until they left. Or better yet, Y/n left Clyde. "Hey Y/n, why don't you break up with Clyde? I bet there are hundreds of guys at our school just dying to date you." Kyle cooed. 

Y/n shook her head, "Sorry Kyle, but it isn't that simple. Clyde threatened me last time I stood up to him. That was when the beatings started. I can't leave him. And besides, it's my fault he hit me. I shouldn't have looked at you, Stan." Stan glared down at the ground, why was the rule so cruel to him? "Now, you guys should go home, Clyde will be here soon." Y/n pushed them toward the door lightly, and although they begged her to go with them, she declined. 

*Y/n's POV* 

Clyde came home a little while later, smelling like tacos. I sat as still as a statue on the couch, looking forward. "Hey babe~" He cooed, giving me a kiss. I kissed back, and he sat next to me, turning on the tv. He began to watch Terrance and Phillip, laughing at their immature fart jokes. "Y/n! Isn't this hilarious?" He questioned, looking at me. 

I nodded, my brains clouded in thought. Maybe it's time to talk to Clyde. I sighed and turned to face him. "Clyde." He gave me a quick look and nodded, making me extremely nervous. Just remember what Kyle and Stan said, you have to leave, Y/n. I coughed and looked at my hands, "So, uh, Clyde. Have you every gone to New York?" 

He nodded again, "Yeah, worst mistake of my life. Why, you planning on going there?" 

I nodded, "Yes, so I could be a-"

"Bwahahaha!" He laughed, holding his stomach. "You? In New York?" He laughed again, and I saw my plan shrivel up in smoke, along with my dreams. "Please, you wouldn't last five minutes. You'd come crawling back, whining, 'Oh, Clyde! You were right, all along!' And then I'll give you a punishment for going off in the first place." I looked down, I didn't want a punishment. Lord only knows I won't be able to take another one. 

I sighed and stood up, "Well, then I'm going to bed, okay?" He nodded and went back to his show. I kissed his cheek and walked up the stairs, silent tears falling on every step. As I laid down in our bed, looking out the window, an idea came into my mind. I knew what I was going to do.

*The Next Day= 3rd POV*

Clyde walked up the stairs of his old house, he'd had it passed down to him from his dad, and him from his dad. Clyde yawned, he had fallen asleep watching the best show ever. He had no clue why Y/n didn't like it, it was hilarious. He checked his watch, it was already 7:00 am. Shouldn't Y/n be up by now? She didn't like being late for school. He walked up into his room and saw the bed, neatly made with a perfect white envelope on the top. It had some people's names on it: Eric Cartman, Kenneth McCormick, Kyle Broflovski, Clyde Donavan, and Stanley Marsh. Why was all of these guys' names on it. But, since it did have their names on it, he decided to call up the boys and have them come over, to read the note with him.

Twenty minutes later, they were there. Stan pushed past Clyde and took the note out of his hand. "It's Y/n's handwriting, alright." He said, inspecting the letter. Kenny huffed, shrugging off his hood. Cartman sat on the couch, looking at all of their faces. Kyle held out his hand to the card and Stan reluctantly handed it to him. He tore it open neatly, and five letters fell out. Each had one of the boys' names on it, and they each grabbed their own. "Hey! These have numbers on the corner." Stan said. They all inspected the letters. Sure enough, each one had a number one thought five. 

"Maybe they were meant to go in order? Like we each read ours in order of number?" Cartman suggested. They all nodded and Cartman coughed, "Well, I guess I'm first. Ah-hem, here it goes." He then began to read the careful writing Y/n had scrawled onto the page, 

Dear Eric Cartman, 
        I am pleased to know you figured out in which way to read these letters. While writing this, I was worried that you might not understand my thinking, but being around me for so long, I knew you'd guess. I just wanted to tell you, I am very sorry for what I've called you, and while we never had the chance to become the best of friends, I am glad we did hang out. Please, consul the others, as this may be harder on them than yourself.I'm not going to tell you what I mean by that, I just hope you can figure it out as you read the other letters. Just know that I was always happy to be around you, and loved you like a sister would her brother. 
                                                                                                                Love, Y/n

Tears began to form in the large boy's eyes, but he finished his letter and allowed the next person to read. That person just happened to be Kenny. Kenny opened his note, and wads of money came tumbling out. He stared at the money and gulped, there was a lot there. He cleared his throat and read the lines out loud, as Cartman had done.

Dear Kenneth McCormick,
        You are next, I believe, in my list of family members. The money you found is for you to take care of Karen. You'll have to do it, as I know your parents aren't capable. There should be over five thousand dollars there, enough to get you by until you can get a decent job. I have saved it up since I was young, but I know you'll put it to a better use than I ever would. Please tell Karen I love her, and that I always will count her as one of my dearest sisters. And don't forget to be a kid every once in a while, even if it is by wearing your Mysterion costume. 
                                                                                                                Love, Y/n

Kyle stared at his own letter, scared to see what it contained. But he knew it would do him no good to just gape, so he dove in to his own letter. 

Dear Kyle Brofloski, 
        I thank you and Stan both dearly for the pleasure you have brought to my day yesterday. I was happier than I think I have ever been, and I am so very greatful. You would be my following brother, one of the more close ones. It isn't everyday you get accepted into a major college, so enjoy the offer I sent you in the mail. It should be arriving later this week. Tell Ike I was so happy to have him as a younger brother. Please promise me you'll spend more time with him? He needs it more than you may think. I can't wait to imagine what you'll look like in the future, but I hope you love what you do.
                                                                                                                Love, Y/n 

Clyde looked at the redhead, who shook quietly as he stood in place. His own letter had been sprayed with some sort of smell, and when he smelt it, it smelt like tacos. He beamed and opened his letter, letting the words fall off of his tongue. 

Dear Clyde Donavan, 
        I hope you liked the letter, it was something I saw and thought of you with. I loved you more than words can say, and I still do, but things happen, and sometimes love is switched to a more, brotherly love. I know you will find your true love, and I hope you treat her nicely. I can't wait to see what your babies look like, whether they look like you or their mother. I know it'll be beautiful none the less. Give the gang a lot of love for me, they'll need it. Oh, and please, no more harming the girlfriends? It may lead to worse things than this, and I know you would love to have your family dreams come true, just like I did. I hope that you and the others all get along. But for some reason, I know you will.
                                                                                                                Love, Y/n

 The final person was Stan. His name was written on the page in beautiful calligraphy, and he smiled. Y/n had drawn a football, and a heart on the page. He opened his page and began into the letter.

Dear Stanley Marsh, 
        You are the final member of my family, but I have found something in you that made me realize you were not just a brother, as the others were. No, you were my lover, my dream, my soul. I know you may never know, but I often imagined the two of us growing old together. But now, here we are, me confessing my honestly to you all. Okay, ask Cartman this. Did you figure out what I did? 

The group looked at Cartman, who was turning very pale. He nodded, and Stan went back to the letter. 

Good, I figured you would. But to shed some light on the rest of you, I threw myself out of the window. Tossed out, like the unwanted person I am. I know I'll never make it in this world, so thank you Clyde, for reminding me. But, I'm not so sure what will happen, as I haven't thrown myself yet. Obviously, I had to write these before I die, right? But, once you finish this, and go up into our room, you won't be able to find me. But, just so you know Stanley Marsh, I loved you more than words can form. Please, stay with Wendy, and live the happy and good life I know you will. 
                                                                                                                Love, Y/n 

Kyle's eyes flew to the stairs, as did the others. They bolted up, each shedding tears. They made it to the neat room, the bed still untouched. The curtains blew around, messing up the boys' hair. Stan looked out the window, but saw no body. He looked at the others, confused, but they shrugged. He placed his hands on the window and felt something soft. He bent down to inspect it and gasped, it was a feather. Not a bird feather, but a silky, white angelic feather. The boys looked at each other with knowing eyes and hugged one another, sobbing loudly as they fully realized what had happened to the poor girl. Unknowist to them however, was the angel, with silky (h/c) hair and dazzling (e/c) watching them with a smile on her lips. 

With a broken wing

She carries her dreams

Man you ought to see her fly................................


Okay! First chapter, done! Please comment what you think, as this took me forever to write! - Boondock

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