Engraved | Taehyung & Jungkook

By Mikaotic25

16.9K 1K 853

[Book #3 of the FIRE Trilogy] [Paraquel and Sequel to Deranged | Jimin] [On hold] engraved › to be cut or c... More

Prologue: Vicissitude
Jungkook - Bait
Jungkook - Tease
Taehyung - Yearning
Jungkook - Clash


1.1K 80 92
By Mikaotic25

"Once again, thank you for taking care of Yoongi," Seokjin said as we neared my house. He offered to drive me from the Blaze headquarter.

"Taking care of the ill and injured is what I was trained to do," I said.

"Yes, I noticed that you are quite fluent in nursing."

I smiled cheerlessly. "What is the use though? I got fired before I even start my first day in the hospital because I took care Yoongi instead of going to my job. I guess it will be very hard to find another job from now on."

We stopped in front of my house and we got out. Seokjin was thinking about something, evident by the crease between his dark brows. He looked back up and suddenly said, "Will you be willing to work for me?"

I was taken by surprise. "You mean... work at your hospital?"

He shook his head with a smile. "No, I don't work at a hospital. My job is... different."

"How can I work you then? I don't have any experience."

"Where did you get your degree?"

"Seoul National University."

He huffed in surprise. "Then you definitely will qualify for the job. The line of work I'm in... a lot of the time we learn on the job anyway."

"But where do you work if not in a hospital?" I questioned.

"I will tell you more details if you are willing to consider my offer."

"Well, yes, of course I will consider."

"Great. Then get back in the car, I will drive you to my clinic."

I stood in place and said with doubt, "Please don't kidnap me and sell my organs."

Seokjin chuckled. "I'll try not to."


Turned out Seokjin's clinic was a few minutes away from the edge of the city. I thought that was quite strange considering most hospitals and clinics tended to be in the the city for convenience and to attract customers.

"Why did you choose to open you clinic here?" I voiced my question to the doctor as he led me into the two-storey high building.

"You will see," was all he said. I was starting to doubt this more and more. I looked Dr Kim Seokjin up on the internet the other day but could not find anything about him, not even his medical license. If I had to use a word to describe him, it would be 'shady'.

We went past a typical reception area, for which the actually reception was strangely empty. We walked around the back and stopped in front of a plain white door.

"Listen, Sulli, what I do is...particular. Remember, you are not under any pressure to accept the job."

I chuckled nervously. "What is it?"

Instead of replying, he just opened the door. From the tone of his voice, I was half-expecting se sort of gruesome torture chamber. However, it looked just like a normal clinic, which made me even more confused.

"Follow me," Seokjin said. We walked all the up the white corridor to the room at the end. He opened the door the only thing in there was a row of what looked like a body freezer.

He walked to the front of one of them and pulled it out. My eyes widened when I realised there was dead body of a woman in it. She had a large gash on her neck, presumably her cause of death. There was a few bruises on her face too. She must have suffered before her death.

"What is going on?" I asked accusingly.

"She was my previous assistant," the doctor answered. "I sent her to a client on her own, but I miscalculated."

"What are you on about?" I looked back at the body in disbelieve. "Your previous assistant was brutally murdered on the job and you want me to replace her!?"

"Well... yes. But it's different this time. I won't bring you to dangerous clients. You will be safe."

"Right, safe," I huffed sarcastically. "But with a chance of being murdered."

"It's not like this-"

"Who are you?" I questioned. "Why do you have 'dangerous clients'?"

"I am an underground doctor," Seokjin replied calmly. "I mainly treat those who can't go to the hospital because of various reasons."

"So criminals," I said.

He nodded.

My brain tried to make sense of the situation was in. So that's why I couldn't find his medical lisence. He was the first one Yoongi called when he was on the edge of death. Did that mean...

"Min Yoongi is a criminal?"

The doctor hesitated, "Well... let's just say there is more to him than the world knows."

"What about his girlfriend, and Jungkook, and Taehyung..."

Seokjin only offered a knowing smile.

I huffed again in disbelieve. What was happening to me? Just weeks ago my life was on track, and now it was completely derailed.

"You will be paid three times you would if you worked as a normal nurse," Seokjin said, evidently in an attempt to convince me.

"But you are asking me to go into the world of criminal, where I would be defenceless, and where that," I nodded towards the dead body, "could happen to me."

"I know it is a lot to take in, which is why I said you don't have to make the decision the now-"

"Actually, I'm in." I interrupted.

Seokjin was evidently surprised. "Oh, are you sure?"

I nodded. "Sounds cool to me."

"Alright great! I'm guessing you have time now for me to introduce you the the basics of everything here?"

"Yes, let's start," I said, putting on my best cheerful tone. But what I didn't tell Seokjin was the real reason I accepted the job.


Out of all the medical training I had had in my life, the one Seokjin was giving me was the strangest. He told me about a lot of unorthodox methods which would never be taught in a normal medical course. It was also one do the most interesting though.

I pulled myself out from my thoughts as the bus stopped. I got off and walked a few streets to the coffee shop I had in mind. As I approached, I could already see my date waiting there, looking around for me.

"Hey, Taehyung!" I jogged to him waving my hand.

A big smile appeared on his face and he cheerfully replied, "Hi Sulli!"

"You alright?" I asked.

"Yea! I've been really excited for this all week!"

My heart melted a little just now. He was the most adorable person. We went into the cafe as sat down after ordering our food and drinks. He eagerly helped me carry my tray, determined to be gentlemanly. I chuckled and took my tray back when he almost dropped my pistachio brownie. We sat down and began some small talks.

"So what do you parents do?" I asked.

"Oh... They are dead."

"I'm really sorry." This date did not go off to a good start.

"No it's fine. It happened so long ago I can't remember much anyway."

"So did you live in an orphanage?"

"Yes, for a while, until someone got me out."

"And who's that?"

"His name is Kim Namjoon. He's not that much older than me so I guess he has is my friend, rather than father."

"I see," I muttered. "So what does he do?"

"He is... he doesn't do much because he is paralysed below the waist."

"Oh, ok. Wow."

"Yea, he was already like that the first time I met him. He never told me why," Taehyung said. "What about your parents?"

I smiled sadly as I remembered, "They are dead too."

This time Taehyung was the one apologising. "I am so sorry!"

"Don't worry." I sighed. "Unlike you, I remember them very clearly, they only died a year and a half ago. They were amazing people. I wish there were still here. My father may not be the most gentlemanly person but he as a goodman. My mother was the strongest woman I knew. She was who I aspired to be. She was independent, beautiful, intelligent, and-"

I hadn't realised a tear was rolling down my checks until I felt Taehyung's hand, reaching across to gently wipe it away. I clasped my hand gratefully over his and he smiled warmly. His big and warm hand continued to supportively hold mine over the table as we continued the conversation.

With furrows brows, he said, "If you don't mind me asking, what happened?"

"The Busan Killer murdered them."

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