Pretty Boy (Jin X BTS)

By Araxis222

928K 42.5K 16.3K

Getting kidnapped by six gangsters wasn't on Jin's to-do list | Cover by TheOneandOnly | Highest Ranking: #1... More

The Gang
The Sequel: Bad Boy - Please Read!
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By Araxis222

Jin didn't sleep that night. He cried until there were no more tears that would fall. He screamed until his voice gave out entirely. He was hurt, cold and hungry and all he wanted was to be back in his warm bed and have his friends come over with some warm food like they used to do. Jin's heart clenched as he realized he might never get to see those friends again. If he had been able to cry anymore, he would have at that thought.

His lips were dry and cracking and his stomach didn't stop making noise until early into the morning. At least Jin assumed it was morning. He had no way to tell time even though he could still feel his cell phone tucked away in his back pocket. If he could only get his hands free he might be able to call someone for help. It was an oddity that the gang members hadn't searched his pockets but Jin wasn't going to complain. He was thankful and for the worst night of his life it gave him a small sliver of hope for tomorrow.

Jin's arms hurt as well. They were twisted unnaturally behind his back and secured to the chair, pushing his fingers against the metal of the back of the seat. He knew he'd be a mess if he ever made it out as he had struggled so much he ended up rubbing his wrists raw. He knew they would blister soon with or without any kind of treatment and they stung. If only he could wash them and bandage them...

He could also feel the cramps starting in his legs from the lack of movement. Jin was normally a very busy man and he moved a lot. It not only kept him in shape but happy and free of leg pain. The shooting and aching sensations had already started, leaking into his skin and bones, completely unwanted and frustrating.

He stayed there, shivering and trying his best to swallow despite having no moisture left in his mouth. His eyes immediately landed on the stairs as he heard the door open. Something like hope pooled hot in his stomach and he prayed that whoever was coming down the stairs had come to save him or would at least help him. Had someone found him? Had the gang members been caught?

Jin's hopes were dashed to dust when he saw a man walking down with a bandana wrapped securely around his nose and mouth. Jin couldn't recognize him from his face or hair but he knew it was either one of the men who had taken him or a lackey of those men. His eyes flitted down to whatever the mysterious man held in his hands. It looked like a bowl and washcloth and Jin's excitement launched once gain as he thought that maybe they were going to let him try and clean up his raw wrists.

The man moved to the table covered with the cloth over all the weapons. Jin's heart sank again as he started guessing what horror this man had in store for him. He was surprised when the man didn't take the cloth off the knives but instead shoved them to the size without even bothering to uncover them and move them neatly. A few of the knives clattered loudly onto the floor but it didn't seem to bother the man.

"I heard them talking, they're only gonna keep you for about a month or two and they'll probably let you go after that." He set about a rather slow task of dunking the washcloth and then wringing it out a few times until he was satisfied.

"A month?" Jin exclaimed. It was barely any kind of exclamation, however, judging by how torn his throat was from his screaming. He tried to get a grip on his voice to speak more clearly. However, a month of being a hostage was far preferable to death.

The other shrugged, looking apologetic, "Or two..."

His hair was jet black and stuck up in a few different directions – it was messy but not entirely bad looking. The man wore a black bandana that covered the majority of his face but left his eyes and forehead open to see. His eyes were glittering as he made his way over to Jin. He had left the washcloth on the side of the bowl he had brought with him and made his way until he was directly behind Jin. Jin tried to jump up or turn around but he knew he couldn't. He hissed as he scraped his raw flesh on the ropes once more.

"Calm down, I've got you...." The man's voice was soothing and Jin found himself relax a bit. His wrists were freed a few moments later and he rubbed at the gently, hissing and making faces as they stung a burned.

"We're going to need to wash them and disinfect them before bandaging them." The man said, moving back over to the bowl. He didn't seem too terribly concerned about how Jin was free and whether he would try and overpower him or not. Jin figured the door must have been locked behind him at the top of the stairs and there was no way he could fight five other guys even if he did get through the door. He was still stuck. Except for his phone...

He dared not touch it, though. Not yet. He needed a moment where he could call in secret. If he was lucky, the man would leave him untied. Jin sighed but he was glad to be loose from the ropes that had held him down for so many hours.

"What's your name?" he asked gently. He felt if he pushed too hard or if his voice was too loud, this kind stranger would end up exactly like the other men had had talked with so far.

"I'm your Hope!" the man practically shouted, his voice a bit muffled and a toothy grin forming on his face under the mask as he cupped his chin in his hands, "I'm your angel!" he pretended his arms were wings and Jin found himself smiling despite the circumstances he was in, "I'm J-Hope!"

"Hi, J-Hope." He replied with a smile. He quite liked this man...

"My real name is Hoseok but I go by J-Hope. If you'd like, you can just call me Hoseok." Jin remembered when they had been in the van, one of them had shouted out for a Hoseok to start driving. This must have been the same. J-Hope was quick to return the question, "What's your name?"

Jin's smile faltered. He still didn't want to disclose his name. It was an odd feeling – one that if they knew his name they would somehow have more control over him. It was silly and ridiculous but it still made Jin think twice about giving his name out. He didn't answer Hoseok's question, looking at his feet instead.

"Is something wrong?" the bubbly individual asked. He brought the bowl over and knelt down in front of Jin, taking on of his arms gingerly into his hands and inspecting the skin. It was an angry red, swollen and painful and Hoseok whistled at the sight. It was going to hurt to clean it...

Jin shook his head, "My name isn't important." He smiled sadly.

"Why not?" Hoseok asked, a frown erasing the grin he had worn not even a minute ago. Even though Jin couldn't see his mouth he could most tell his expressions by the way his cheeks went up and down.

Jin didn't answer verbally. He shook his head again. He didn't want to give up his name. He tried yanking his arm back when Hoseok lightly went over it with the warm washcloth but the other man held his arm still, hushing him softly and telling him to stay still. When he was done cleaning that wrist he went to the other one, instructing Jin to hold his arm away from his body so it would dry.

The next few minutes were quite painful. Jin tried to stay still but ended up muttering curses under his breath and making small noises of discomfort and pain. It did feel good for his wrists to be clean, though. After Hoseok was sure they were washed well enough he took a roll of bandages out from his pocket along with a small, nondescript bottle of some clear liquid and a tube of what Jin assumed was cream for his arm. Hoseok was being quite nice and Jin felt indebted and he liked the man already despite the fact he was a gangster.

"This is going to sting..." Hoseok warned, taking the bottle and popping it open. He poured half the contents out onto Jin's wrist. Jin tried to jerk back, a burning sensation taking over his arm. The bottle had been filled with rubbing alcohol. As much as Jin knew he needed the raw flesh disinfected, he didn't like the way the alcohol burned as he watched the droplets drip from his arm and onto the floor below. Hoseok kept muttering apologies before moving on to Jin's other wrist. At least the man was prepared this time and bit down on his lip when the familiar, painful sensation washed over him. Hoseok let go of his arm after that, telling him to be still. The gangster tore of a long piece of his rolled up bandage and applied the cream to the cloth before wrapping it around Jin's wright wrist and then moving on and doing the same with the left.

When it was all done, Hoseok sat back on his feet and looked quite pleased, "Ta da!" he announced, picking up the smaller items to hide away on his person once more.

"Thank you," And Jin was truly thankful.

Hoseok nodded and waved the thought away, "If you tell me your name, I can get you something to eat and drink." Hoseok offered, "RM's orders, my friend."

At the mention of food Jin's stomach grumbled loudly. The tips of his ears tinged themselves red while his cheeks went a bright pink.

Hoseok only laughed, "Hungry?" he chuckled again when Jin nodded sullenly.

"I need a name then."

Jin took a deep breath, disgusted with himself. He had lasted so long with not giving up his name. But what did it really matter? Starve or let the men know a detail about himself. Hell, if he wanted he could make a name up. They would never know. Why was his name so important anyway?

Still, he caved, eyes wandering down to his shoes as he mumbled out, "Jin. My name is Jin."


This book has already gotten so much love thank all of you so much you're just the most amazing people omg!!!!

Let me know if you want me to update Pretty Boy more often, too :)

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