Attack On Titan: War of Titans

بواسطة _JaydenSky_

450 87 13

Jay and Jane are best friends in this crazy universe that Isayama makes us all suffer in. Though these girls... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 9

16 3 0
بواسطة _JaydenSky_

Hey, look, another chapter. I know ur all super excited- yaaaaaay (Editor~Chan- Your sarcasm is breaking the website, Author~Senpai) Ya I know. People probably hate this story. I said we shouldn't put it on Wattpad because it sucks. (Editor~Chan- It doesn't suck.) Yes, yes it does.

The titan was huge! She resembled the Armored Titan so much except for the armor being rose gold and the eyes and hair a light pink. She stomped past the trees to the open field where they were. All the titans surrounding them looked up to see her approaching. She let out a loud roar as she kicked and picked up titans from around the humans. Some stamped towards her and attacked. Levi grabbed Jane and held her in his arms. She held Jace towards her chest which was pressed against Levi. She could hear his heartbeat beating fast. She put Jace in his arms and pushed through the people. Levi looked around and couldn't see her and were she disappeared to, "Jane!" He shouted. He was too short to see over the other people. (Editor~Chan: Hey Jane does it apply to both him and down there? Author~Senpai: EDITOR~CHAN THAT'S NOT YOUR BUSINESS! ) But Jane knew she could get close, the connection Jane felt, the coincidence, and the pink hair and eyes. It had to be Jay, but no one else seemed to think that. Jane could get close, not in human form but in wolf form.

Jay sat on the blanket laying on the grass. She laid her head down next to Jane's head. They looked at each other and smiled. (Editor~Chan: NOW KITH Author~Senpai: stop, we already know that's the gonna be the biggest ship because its gay) Jane felt a warm tingle inside. Jane couldn't live without Jay.

Jacklyn saw Jane running towards the titan. Jacklyn dodged people and went to tackle Jane to stop her. One of the titans saw Jacklyn holding onto the wolf. They had been breaking out of the circular formation. The titan grabbed Jacklyn. He looked her in the eyes. He could see the fear running through her. The Titan was only a three meter. Jacklyn started to cry. She didn't want to die. She always complained about how bad her life was, even though it wasn't. She had lived in Wall Sina and wanted to be in the military police. She wasn't in the top ten and the Garrison Regiment was full so she had to be in the Scouts. She also was in love with Eren, but Mikasa would not let her talk to him. "Jacklyn!" Eren yelled. "Eren!" She yelled back. Then the crunch of bones in a titan's mouth shut Eren up.

Jean walked behind Jane. Jane held something in her hand, a wedding ring. "My only question is why her right hand, I mean, why was her ring on the right hand?" Jane looked back at the hand. Levi nodded in agreement, "Wouldn't be her left hand." Jean walked up beside Jane, "Ever since Farlan's death, that's all I know."

Jane knew that this new Titan wasn't going to get all of the regular titans in time before they had killed most of the Scouts. This new armored titan was large and strong. She crushed the other titans. It wasn't long before she had crushed all the titans making Jane rethink what she had said earlier. The Female Armored titan bent her knee down to them. Jace looked at her. He started to laugh. His baby talk silenced the crowd. Jane looked at him with a warm smile. So did Levi and most of the Scouts. After a few Goo's and Gaa's Jace said something. Yes, an actual word! His first at that! It shocked Jane. A shiver ran down her spine. Jace said his first word, his cute little voice had actually spoken "Jay!"

Jane walked through the rubble left by those titans. There was nothing, but Jay's severed hand, bitten off by the titan that ate her.

The female armored titan got back on her feet and ran away. Jane looked to Levi, hoping he would help her understand. But he was just as confused. They decided to keep walking to the walls right away. They didn't need another attack. It took almost an hour to get back in the safety of Wall Rose. Once they got there, crowds formed around the gate. This would always happen when the Scouts would get back from a mission. This time the townspeople looked confused. Word had not spread about the attack at their base. One middle-aged man looked at Jane and yelled in anger, "They mistreated this woman! She has a baby and they let her still be out there!" (Editor~Chan: Well u asshole, last time I checked dear Jane was pregnant when she left and gave birth where she was born, So It WaS pReTtY mUcH My DeCiSIoN) A mother holding a five-year-old ran up to Levi, "Where is my daughter! Where is Jacklyn!" Her Husband ran up behind her, "Where is our baby girl!" Levi tried to hush them, "I'm truly sorry, but your daughter was eaten by titans." (Editor~Chan: Honey, you sound like you don't care 10/10 for that one) The woman held the five-year-old close and cried bitter agony. The father grabbed Levi's shirt, "You let her die!" He let go, spitting at the ground near Levi's feet and put his arm around his wife and they walked out of the crowd. Levi grabbed a cloth out of his back pocket and wiped his shirt clean where the man had grabbed him.

Jean laid his head in the grass. It was a nice day off after training. Jay laid her head next to him. "Are we ever going to tell them we are dating?" jean asked turning to look at Jay. She looked at him with her loving pink eyes. He felt the same love he felt on his first day as a scout. Jay turned back to look at the clouds rolling across the light blue sky. "Someday.....One day.... when the frowns turn to smiles and the rain brings a rainbow," Jay rolled into his arms, "when all the pain goes away....."

Levi put his arm around Jane and they went farther into the city. After a while, the Scouts went to their homes and the crowds have gone back to their daily lives. Jane looked around. There weren't many Scouts that lived in this area and many people had hated them at the moment. Jace's cries pierced their ears in a sudden roar. They had been tired from all the walking. Jane was about to collapse. It was growing dark now and may people went inside their homes to sleep. They were currently in the Trost district. An older woman tapped Levi's shoulder. "Come with me." She had a dark reddish brown hair and comfortably plump. Jane and Levi complied hesitantly. She walked them to a house on a corner street. They walked in and the woman walked them upstairs to a room. The room was smaller than Levi and Jane's older room but it would do. Jane laid Jace down, changed his diaper made of a cloth that Jane's mom had made, and put him in a crib the woman had put out so very kindly. They left Jace to fall asleep in the room. Levi and Jane walked downstairs. The woman gave them some bread and warm food. Jane went downstairs to the basement to use the restroom. As she got down a man was working at a table. He turned around to see Jane. At her sight, he smiled a warm smile. He was as old as the woman with blonde hair. When Jane went back upstairs after using the restroom, Levi looked at her with a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I know why the woman took us in." He looked at her, she had tears running down her face but still tried to smile. The woman handed Jane a picture. A tear streaked down Jane's face too. The picture was one that had hung on the house wall. A picture on Hanji and Jayden as little kids.

There is another risk to humanity. The Female Armored Titan. This was her first appearance. The only big question there is, is this new titan associated with the Colossal and Armored Titan. 

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