Had I known

By Aseeyaaleeyu

34.6K 4.5K 205

A story of a stepmom that loved the children but eventually tore the family apart, how? Follow as I tell you... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 9

984 161 3
By Aseeyaaleeyu

Dan ubanki ki fada mun waya miki cikin nan...Anty J shouted hitting her with her slippers. She's been hitting her right from the hospital and inside the car, Sauda tried to stop her but she ended up receiving a slap.

Dan tsohuwar data haife ki se kin fada...she continued shouting hitting her everywhere. She fell down on the floor but she couldn't cry, her mind was somewhere far away, and her heart ache like it's coming out of its rib cage.

What's happening here? Why are you hitting her Anty j? Khalid asked rushing to where Aydah was laying down.

Kaima zo nan dan uban ka, wayayi wa yarinyar nan ciki,tell me...she shouted and continued hitting Aydah while Sauda just closed her mouth with her palms crying her eyes out, she was confused, she knew Aydah only has one boyfriend in her life and he's even out of the country..

Ciki! Ya khalid thought and immediately, he felt like killing himself, he couldn't say anything, he couldn't move nor stop anty J from hitting her.

Dan uwarki da take kabari Tana shan wahala cikin kasa ki fada mun....she shouted again and slapped her real hard.

Khalid couldn't hold it anymore, she's suffering because of him. He raised his hands and slapped her his eyes already red.

Don't you...don't you ever try this nonsense ever again...he gritted his body shaking.

Khalid...she muttered holding her face.
You slapped me...she added

And if you try this nonsense again, I'll beat the hell out of you...he gritted pointing his finger to her.

Tab...she shouted
Ke kuma...she said snapping her finger on Aydah's face.
If your father comes, you'll explain this nonsense...she added and quickly walked to her room. Sauda quickly ran to her and hug her tightly crying.

Aydah what's wrong with you, you've not been yourself since the last 2 weeks,and now this,please tell me, who did this to you,...she cried out shaking her shoulders.

She raised her red eyes to look at khalid and their eyes locked, it was then she felt the tears running out of her eyes nonstop. He looked at her briefly and quickly looked away. It hurts! It hurts so much, seeing her tears, and the fact that he's the reason behind that tears.

Ya khalid why? She thought but she can't just voice it out,Sauda is right beside her.her heart hurts and she feels like she won't live for another day.

What's this? Why are you both quiet? Ya khalid do you know something? Sauda asked and rushed to where he was standing shaking him.
He looked at Aydah as if asking her for permission to tell Sauda or not, she quickly shook her head indicating that he shouldn't say anything and rushed to her room.

Ya khalid talk please, you know the person behind this, let's go and deal with him, your mon Sherrie is hurting, I know she won't do something bad as this, this must be a rape, please let's go and deal with that person...she cried out still shaking him.

He looked at her and a tear made it way down to his cheeks. "I'm sorry" he whispered to her and quietly removed her hands from his arms and rushed to his room.

She fell down on the floor crying her eyes out, just then, she remembered to call Khadija. She quickly dialed her number and she picked on the third ring.

Please come,come,come,com, this is terrible...she blurted out crying.

What's wrong Sauda?is it Aydah again? Khadija asked already panicking.

Yes it's her...she replied still crying.
Innalillahi wainnailaihi rajiun...she muttered,I'm on my way..she quickly said and hung up.

Ya khady...Aydah cried out and hug her tightly.
I'm so sorry, I'm sorry please, don't say anything and don't ask me anything, I can't take it anymore please...she added still crying.

But you know I must ask you Aydah,please tell me...Khadija cried.

It's...its...someone raped me...she stuttered.but please don't ask anything again,please...she added.

Innalillahi wainnailaihi rajiun...Aydah....she called out as tears continued to flow out of her eyes.
Allah ya isan ki, whoever he is...she added and hugged her tightly.
How I wish I can change everything, how I wish it would be someone else not ya khalid! She thought as more tears were flowing down.

Alhaji,your children will kill me, please come back home...Anty jiddu cried out.

Meya fari jiddu? He asked through the other end already panicking.

Just come home, you'll know whatever it is..she replied.
Ok, give me just 2 hours, I'll fly to Abuja right away...he replied and hung up.

She smirks..bye bye khalid and Aydah...she blurted out and flopped on her bed and started viewing status on whatsapp..

Lafiya? What's happening in this house? I was in an important meeting but I had to cut it off, jiddu what's the problem? Alhaji imran asked.

Gasu nan ai, duk 'yayan naka suna nan, let them explain...she said pointing at them.

Why are you keeping quiet, someone should talk...Alhaji imran shouted.

Hmm..they won't talk ai, they are all covering their sister, if you aren't ready to talk then I think I'll tell him everything....Anty J said glaring at them.
This girl...she said pointing at Aydah..
Wannan mara kunyar, ciki taje ta debo mana...she added still glaring at her while Aydah's head was low.

What! Alhaji imran shouted. Ciki? He added his eyes nearly popping out.
Innalillahi wainnailaihi rajiun...he muttered under his breath and removed his cap.

And she refused to tell us who's behind it...Anty j added.

Don't worry,she'll talk right now...alhaji imran said and stood up. He walked to his room their eyes were all on him.

He returned to the sitting room with a belt on his hand and they all gasped.

Tell me, he shouted and landed the belt on her.
Will you speak, I said tell me who's the dog behind this..he added still hitting her while she shouts.

Baba please sorry, wallah she'll talk, please stop hitting her..Khadija pleaded crying her eyes out.

Don't...he gritted, stay out of this...he added his eyes red already.

Khalid couldn't hold it anymore, after what she's going through he's still hurting her, it's all because of him, he's feeling too selfish, he could hold it anymore.

Baba I know who's behind this...he shouted and stood up his head low.
Alhaji imran stopped hitting her and looked at him.

No please, please ya khalid don't say anything please...she cried out. She rushed to where he was standing and fell down hugging his legs.

Please ya khalid, remember what I told you, please....she cried shaking his legs while all of them looked at them confused about everything, well except The mighty Anty J that was dancing inside her head.

No Aydah, I'm sorry but I must tell the truth, you're hurting, everyone is blaming you, you'll live with this stigma for the rest of your life, it's better I tell them the truth.he muttered tears rolling out of his eyes.

No please....she pleaded shaking his legs.

Will you stop all this drama and talk to me....Alhaji imran shouted.

Baba...he called out softly and closed his eyes.
I'm behind this...he said and gulped down tears flowing out of his eyes.

What? They all shouted and looked at him.

Wha..what do you mean? Alhaji imran asked and quickly sat down because his legs went limb,while Anty j just flashed them an evil smile.

I...I raped her....he blurted out and a sob escaped from his lips while Aydah face palmed herself muttering "Innalillahi wainnailaihi rajiun"...

Are...are you..try..trying to save your sister or...or you're telling the..the truth? Alhaji imran stunttured his heart beating rapidly against his chest.

It's...it..it's the truth...he muttered. Khalifa and Sauda started crying and confused about everything while Alhaji imran fainted...

Another one
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