Writing Our Story (Complete)

By Monsi_Salcedo

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Demi Lovato & Harry Styles Demi Lovato moves into a new town after the death of her mother. Her dad wanting... More

Writing Our Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Thank You
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Fun Facts on Writing Our Story

Chapter 45

38 4 0
By Monsi_Salcedo

Perrie had already went in and now Demi was sitting down by herself with a bunch of strangers. She was moving her leg from how nervous she was as she kept on taking her eyes to the office where they were sending the students. So much time had pass by the time they called her name. Looking upwards as she saw the teacher looking for her. Standing up from her spot as she made her way into the office. Going into the room were she saw another kid coming out with tears stain on his cheeks. She couldn't tell if it was out of joy or sadness. That only made her stomach tighten as she walk through the door. Closing the door behind her as she turn her head to the fine art director. He looks older in his late fifths while the other one look younger by then him.
They both stand up as they shook hands with Demi as they had a smile on their faces. Taking a seat again as Demi notice that they had a file with her name on it with many loose paper on it. Mostly likely more information
about her music history. But what could they have gotten it as she didn't have any music class this year.

"Hi Demetria. I'm Phil McIntyre and this is my partner Simon Cowell. We're the directors of the fine arts school."

Demi watch Phil's hand as it move between him and Simon. Demi smile at them as they began talking her nerves began to fade away as they complement her on how much they loved her voice.

"The songs that you send us. Are those originals ?"

Simon ask as they had a computer with her videos ready to play. Demi couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah they are. I wrote Nightingale a few months back while Stop The World I wrote during winter break."

Demi said as she felt proud that they were originals songs. She watch as both of the man smile as they look at each other.

"That amazing. Most of the videos we got were of covers. We were surprise on those who wrote their own music."

They began to explain on why they liked the lyrics so much as Demi could see the passion behind them. She hope that they could see the passion in her eyes.

"We would like to have you in the music program. We have so many classes for the music program that we hope you like. Of course there's still one last audition that you need to go through. Once that once is over we will let you know if you have truly made it in. Right now you have a better chance then the other that were on the list in your cafeteria."

Phil said as he handed Demi a folder with more information and when her last audition would take place.

"For your last audition you can sing at least three to five songs. We're going to have a concert for it in two week. So starts practicing Miss.Lovato."

Demi thanked them both before walking out of the room as she felt so excited. They handed her a packet with the school's information and when and where the last audition would take place. Leaving the office as they gave her a paper to her next class. Throughout the rest of the day all she wearing was her beautiful smile on her face.
Making her way to Harry's class as she told Perrie that she didn't feel good and just wanted to rest at home. Demi took a longer way to Harry's class as she hope not to bump into Liam. Even if he knew about what's going on, she felt bad for him.
Turning the into the hallway as she could see his classroom door shut. She just blend into the kids who were leaving the building now. Her hand slowly found the door handle as she quickly twisted it and walk into the classroom.
He was cleaning his white board when she entered as she couldn't help but smile. Looking at his desk as there sat the papers with the work that the other students turned in only moments ago. His desk was messy filled with papers and with his teacher edition of the English book. He never really like using the book but knew that there were stories that they needed to go through. He had no choice but to teach them. His coffee mug sat the farthest away from any paper, lacking any kind of risk of getting the work dirty. Harry always ended up finishing his coffee by the time third period started.
Letting the door close behind her as she watch his green eyes turn towards her giving her butterflies in her stomach. Her heart skip a beat when he showed her his famous smile with his dimples poking out on his cheeks. He drop what he was doing as he walk towards her with quick long steps. Soon he was in front of her placing hair behind her ear as he cup her cheek. Bring his head down as he captured her lips that tastes like cherry as he couldn't help but smile into the kiss. He felt her hands on his chest as he wrap one of his arms around her waist, melting their bodies together. Tilting his head to the side wanting to deepen the kiss as Demi stop it as she place her head on his chest. Harry look down at her as he couldn't help but giggle. She always acted so shy that he found it adorable.

"How did the interview go?"

Harry asked as Demi look up at him with a smile on her face.

"Great, my last audition is two weeks."

Demi said as she got out of Harry's grip before taking off her backpack. Placing it on top of her old desk as she return her arms around Harry. Harry instantly place his hands around her as he brought her closer to him. He loves feeling her body presses against him.

"The principle told us to wait on putting in any new grades until after the fine arts thing. So we would know how many students we are losing. It's feels like a waste of time. It's too many weeks without doing anything."

Harry said as he place his hand behind her neck making their foreheads touch. Looking into her brown eyes as he couldn't be any happier knowing that he got her back.
He was in hell without her.

"If I were to lose you again. I don't know what I would do with myself."

Harry said as he knew that it was all true. How little did he know that she was his drug. He only recently notice that when he tried to take his own life wasn't just because of Kendall. He couldn't live with the fact that Demi wasn't on his side anymore. Even if she's only been in his life for a few months, it felt like a lifetime.
Taking a look to her half open backpack as he could see the fine arts packet almost falling from her bag.

"Be careful with your stuff baby."

Harry said as he pointed to her bag. Demi turn her head to see her bag almost falling from the chair. Getting out of Harry's hands as she grab her bag and fixing the zipper. Seeing the packet that had information on the last audition as she took it out before returning to Harry's arms. Smiling at him as she open the page to the information about the whole thing.

"They told me that I could perform five songs. I was thinking about doing the one that you wrote for me. What do you think?"

Harry's smile big as his dimples were poking out from his cheeks.

"That would be lovely."

Harry said as he felt butterflies in his stomach. He couldn't be happier as his smile showed it. He had a huge grin on his face as his eyes sparkled with just looking at her.

"I can't wait to hear you perform and hear your wonderful voice. You need to start practicing, baby. "

Harry said as Demi only smile at him.

"I know. Just hold me tight. Being close to you might help me with writing songs."

Demi said as she place her grip tighter on him. Harry followed her orders as he look deeply into her eyes.

"You're everything to me Demi. Don't ever forget that."

Harry before closing the space between them as he place his lips on hers. Moving perfectly as time escape both of them. If only the world would stop for them to be together forever.
Demi was taking off her shoes as she close her bedroom door behind her. She had a big smile on her face as she could still feel his lips on her. There was this tenderness that didn't feel like leaving. And she hope that it wouldn't leave.
Pushing herself off the door as she walk to her bed.
She knew that with so little time she had fallen so fast for her teacher.
She loves it when he would kiss her. Even if it was just a quick kiss, she would always still feel him. She hope that he would never let her go, even with the upcoming future.
Laying on her bed on her back as she couldn't help but giggle.
She even often wonder if this was truly love and if it was she hope that he would never break her.
Getting up from her spot as she went to go get her journal and her pen. Opening up to a clean page as she began to write down what she was thinking.

Before I fall to fast. Kiss me quick but make it last. So I can see how badly this would hurt me when you say goodbye. Keep it sweet. Keep it slow. Let the future pass and don't let go.

She stayed in her room for the rest of the day as she kept on messing with her journal. Only leaving her room to take her nightly shower and to have dinner with her dad.
She kept on going between her journal and her guitar as she began to try to mimic the sound she was hearing in her head.
She loves how the song was just so peaceful and soft. She couldn't help but just smile as she thought back at Harry.

"But your so hypnotizing you got me laughing while I sing. You got me smiling in my sleep. And I can see this unraveling.
Your love is where I'm falling
But please don't catch me. "

Demi sang as she really just hope to fall even more in love with Harry. Within months or years to come ahead, there was this future where she saw them together.

"If this is love please don't break me. I'm giving up so just catch me."

Demi sang the last lyrics as she wrote them down into her journal. She was smiling so big as a warm feeling sat in her stomach.
Hearing her door open as she looks up from her place from her bed. Her dad had a smile on his face as he looks proud of her.

"It's always so nice to hear your voice. I can't wait for other people to hear it."

He walk into her room before sitting down on her bed. Demi showed him the paper with the lyrics as he read over them.

"I want to write more songs before my final audition. They really liked the original stuff. So maybe I'll find the time to get creative. So this is one out of three. I already plan that I'm going to do two covers. So that would take place between the five that I can do. So three out of five done, two more to go."

Demi said before letting out a yawn. Looking over at her nightstand as it was close to ten at night. Her dad got up from her bed as he return the paper to her.

"Alright, now get some rest sleepily head. I talked to Paul and he said that he'll be driving Nick down for the last audition."

Her dad said before leaving her room.
Demi looks down at her journal as she grab the pen she was using as she wrote Catch Me for the title of the song.
Demi put away her journal and her pens before crawling back to bed.  Turning off the light as she fell asleep with a big smile on her face.

Demi was waiting outside for Perrie as she had her journal in her backpack. She surprise herself last night on how fast she wrote the song. Maybe thinking about the person who inspired the song really helped her.
Nick had send her a text message when she woke up telling her to get online when she returns from school.
Watching Perrie walk to her as she saw Perrie's mom yelling at her from the door to zip up her jacket. Demi only smile at the scene as Perrie rolled her eyes at her mother as she was taking her bike down the driveway.

"Good morning to you."

Demi said as she couldn't help but laugh at this moment.

"Oh shut up. Come on we're going to be late."

Perrie said as Demi only laugh before heading to meet the boys. Demi was telling Perrie about the song and how fast she finish it.

"I finish it in hours. I'm surprised on how fast it came together. Well the lyrics at least. I still need to finish the actual instruments parts. It's going to be mainly guitar and towards the end I might change it a bit."

Demi said as she could see the boys up ahead.

"That awesome Demi. My mom and I are going shopping for an outfit for the finals for the whole show. She told me that tell you so you can tag along. Just tell your dad a ahead of time."

Perrie said as Demi tell her what her dad said though a text. Meeting up with the boys in their usual corner before starting a recess with them.

"Also that what we were arguing about when I left the house. The whole outfit thing, I said as a joke that I wear something risky. She started yelling at me and lectured me."

Demi only giggle as she could imagine her dad doing the same. Looking in front of her as she could see the boys ahead of them. Perrie and her gave up on the recess after 20 seconds after it started. Letting the boys be boys as they just stayed behind having girl talk instead.

"My friend Nick is going to be here. We should hang out with him as a whole. Maybe go out to eat at that diner in town."

Demi said as Perrie couldn't wait for the process to start. Reaching the school as nearly everybody was talking about the fine arts school. It had this warm buzz as you could feel everybody's excitement. Walking down the walls as they made their way to library as they could hear the word photoshoot coming out of every single kid's mouth.
As they reach the library they saw a big poster about the finale audition and about the two directors. There was an paper on the bottom of the poster with read finale audition. Demi quickly grab one as her and Perrie made their way out of the crowd. They kept on walking away from the crowd as they both read the paper. It had the amount of covers they could do and what they could sing. Nearly everything as long as it's school appropriate.
Feelings butterflies in her stomach as she couldn't wait for the concert.

"This two weeks need to go fast. I can't wait for the whole concert to begin."

Perrie said as she saw the boys by the cafeteria. Pulling Demi as they walked towards them as she needed to make a list of songs that she needed to do.

Idk what to do.

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