Lose My Mind (Nathan Sykes Fa...

By Jays_PissRocket

111K 1.2K 171

"Just leave me alone!" I try and storm away but a gentle, yet firm hand grabs my wrist forcing me to turn aro... More

Coming Home
Getting To Know You
Movie Night
New Friend
My Day with Nathan
That Was Unexpected
Meeting Logan Part 1
Meeting Logan Part 2
Sleeping With The Enemy
Red Carpet?
Girls Day
Not an Update
"I Found You"
"For The First Time"
A Good Day For Love To Die
You've Made Me Lose My Mind


5K 57 12
By Jays_PissRocket

Nathan: "See I told you"

I slam the door behind me as I storm out of the room. I keep rethinking about everything that little bastard said about me. Calling me a "Spoiled little princess." 

Me: "How dare he? Calling me a spoiled princess? When I defended his ass." I grumble angrily as I make my way down a hall way and realize I'm lost. I look up and down the desolate hall and start to panic until I hear a very familiar voice.

Jay: "REBBECA! There you are, I followed you out right after. Are you alright? Nathan had no need to say that." He rushes over quickly and pulls me into a hug. I get surprised at first and finally grab him back to hold him closely. I take in his familiar scent and try to hold on to this moment for as long as possible. I again count his heart beat. 'One. Two. Three.' I count to 45 and finally release him. I pull away and look into his blue eyes and am about to speak when he speaks first.

Jay: "Come on, lets go for a walk." When the smile stretches across his face I immediately have one on mine too. He slowly goes to grab my hand, and I move it towards him so it's easier to grab. His warm hand engulfs mine and is huge compared to mine.

I quickly glance down and see the differences in our skin color. My complexion is the color of honey, a light golden brown; Jay's complexion is of milk, white and silky. I slowly take my thumb and start making circles on the back of his hand as he firmly locks his fingers with mine. He starts pulling me back down the desolate hallway to the exit.


Nathans POV


I look at Tom and Siva holding Max back. I then quickly glance at big Kevin who is talking to the announcer telling them that we needed to cancel. Everything seems like such a blur.

I watch Max as he tries to make his way to me. Pushing, pulling and climbing. Trying every way to get past the two man barricade that stands in front of me. 

Tom: "Nathan are you even listening to me?"

Me: "Huh?" I quickly snap my attention towards Tom who has left Siva to take Max out of the room. I look at Tom and can see the hurt in his eyes. 'What did I do to him?'

Tom: "Honestly Nath, I don't know what your problem is. Last night you seemed fine with her and now you act like she's the worse person in the world. You know what your problem is?" 

I quickly shake my head. 'What is my problem? Last night was great with her using me as a pillow and me using her as a blanket.' I think back to the memory and almost smile before I realize that Tom would think I'm smirking at him.

Tom: "Your problem must be your ego. You can't see over your fame... OUR fame! This isn't always about you Nathan." With that he storms out of the room leaving me and the announcer in the studio in an awkward silence. 

'Is he right? Is that why I'm treating her like that, because of my ego?' I slowly close my eyes and try to steady my breathing. As I concentrate on my breathing I hear the announcer clear his voice and start talking.

Announcer: "Well that's all we have time for today. Keep listening and we'll play your favorite hits here."

I continue to sit in the chair and think over the events. 'It has to be my ego, there'd be no other reason for me to act like that to anyone.' I close my eyes tighter and my heart rate starts to increase slowly. I start breathing harder until I realize why I did what I did. 'Oh damn...'


Rebbeca's POV

Jay: "So during the dream, I was actually riding Tia. It was kind of weird because she actually didn't have wings but, we were still flying. Anyway..."

I look up at the Nottingham boy and smile at his charm. His blue eyes light up as he tells the story about how he had a dream of being an Avatar. I really don't pay close attention but laugh when designated.

After we got out of the building through the back we started to just walk around the block. Our hands are still linked, with our slim fingers over lapping each other. It felt nice, not right, but nice. Having someone here to comfort me and help me with the pain that one person has caused.

Jay: "So Becc's tell me about your self? And don't ask 'What do you want to know?' I want to know everything." He looked down at me and smiled. I beamed a smile back up at him and took a deep breath thinking about how to start.

Me: "Well, where to start... Hm well, as you know I'm Maxs' sister. We've always been close to each other, when he was four I was born and he made sure to protect me from anything and everything. I remember this one time, when I was six just starting school and Max was ten we had break together. I was playing on the swings when some boy came over and pushed me off, making me scrape my knee really bad. I started crying and Max heard and rushed over to see what had happened. I told him the story and he went over to the kid and knocked him off the swing with a smile on his face."

I laugh fondly at the memory as does Jay. I remember the whole day like it was yesterday. The wind in my hair and face as I climbed high into the sky. The feeling of being pushed, free falling through the air and landing on my knee. I remember the burning sensation as the skin scrapped off and the warm blood that soon followed. The piercing sound of my wail as I feel the pain from the wound. The look of pure panic on my friends and Maxs' face.

Me: "Fast forward to four years later. My parents told us that they were getting a divorce and my mother was taking me with her to Florida to live with my aunt. I was crushed. I remember crying for days and days with Max trying to comfort me. He'd sing to me and I'd just cry more knowing that I wouldn't be able to see him sing again."

I sigh as tears prick at my eyes during the memory. I feel a slight pressure in my hand, a reassuring squeeze from Jay, encouraging me to continue. I take a deep breath and continue.

Me: "When we finally arrived in Florida, it was so bizarre. They were driving on the wrong side of the road, and had the weirdest accents imaginable. For the first week I wouldn't leave my room. I would look at old pictures of Manchester and cry knowing I couldn't be there. Max called everyday making sure I was alright and telling me to be strong. I'd always tell him I would and I keep that promise to this day. I stay stong for him."

We took a corner and I look at the streets before I continued. London is always how I imagined it to be. Big, flashy, and kind of rank smelling to be honest. I continue to look at the buildings and people and resume talking.

Me: "When I was around thirteen, my mom met Stan. I had it stuck in my mind that my mother and father were going to get back together. I tried everything in my power to hate this guy, but I couldn't. He went through a bad divorce and had a new born baby that he had to take care of. Anna. I finally began to realize that they were falling madly in love with each other and gave in. I now consider him my father and I love him with all my heart." 

I glance at Jay and see that he's listening intently to me. The only person who listens that closely to me is Max. My best friends don't even listen this well. I shake away the shock and continue tears already in my eyes. 

Me: "The few months after they finally got together were amazing. I turned fourteen and had an amazing family. Max and I talked every few weeks because he was so busy with school. About a month and a half after I turned fourteen, we were eating dinner when the house phone rang. I didn't think anything about it because that's normal for people to call."

I close my eyes. I open them quickly and blink back tears. 'Be Strong'

Me: "My mother casually got up and answered the phone. I sat there by myself at the table for about ten minutes before I got suspicious and got up to see what was taking her so long. I walked into the kitchen slowly and saw my mother on her knees silently sobbing. I ran over to her and pulled her into a hug and stroked her hair trying to calm her down. I asked her what was wrong, she wouldn't answer at first and that's when I got really worried. I remember her looking up at me, make up smudged down her face and her eyes bright red from crying. That's when she finally told me my father died in an accident."

I take deep breaths and blink furiously so no tears fall. I walk forward until I'm jerked to a stop. I turn around to see Jay looking at me with a sad look as he gently pulls me towards him. I don't hesitate and follow being pulled into his embrace and let the tears fall. I continue through sobs, knowing I have to finish the story.

Me: "I didn't know what to say or do after she told me. All I know is that after I heard those words fall from her mouth I ran to my room and pulled my suitcase out from underneath my bed. I started going through my closet and my dressers, grabbing everything and just stuffing it in. At that moment, nothing was going to stop me from going home to see my brother. I needed to see Max."

I pull away and whipe the tears from my eyes. 'Glad I didn't wear make up today'. Jay slowly grabs my hand again and we continue walking down a deserted street. In the distance I can hear the screaming of fans meaning that the guys must have finished with the interview.

Me: "I don't know how she managed to do it, but the next morning at six o'clock sharp I was on my way back Manchester. I rode with my mother to my left holding my hand the whole time. When we finally arrived, we hurried off the plane and rushed to get a taxi to take us to our old house. Once we got home, I saw Max standing outside and jumped out before the car had stopped moving. I ran over to him with superhuman speed and he was there, arms wide open to pull me into a hug as I cried into him."

I smile at the memory as we make another turn and I see we're about a half a mile from the studio. Jay looks down an offers a small smile for me to continue. I look ahead and continue quickly.

Me: "That night we talked for hours until I fell asleep in his lap. I remember waking up to him leaning against his head board snoring loudly. That day was the wake and the next day was the funeral. Those two days I didn't leave his side, well except when he went to the bathroom. I clung to him and he let me, knowing that he had to be strong for me. After the funeral, my mother and I flew home. I remember the look on Maxs' face as I walked away from him. So much pain knowing that I wasn't going to be there with him."

We're about 100 feet from the fans and I release my grip on his hand and he does the same to mine. We still walk close and make our way to the fans who get louder as they see us.

Me: "The next four years were hard but good. My mother got married to Stan, and I finally got a baby sister. Life was great. I was really popular at school, I played soccer- I mean football. I got straight A's and had an amazing life. During those four years Max got famous and the calls turned from every few weeks to every month or so. So when he called about two weeks ago and said he wanted me to live with you guys. I jumped at the opportunity to go home and see my brother."

I stopped talking because the screams were so intense. The others realized this too and stuck thier heads out of the van. Once they saw me they all rushed over except Nathan, who just stared at me with an unreadable expression.

Max: "Becca Boo!" Max is the first one over and pulls me to him. I hug back tightly not wanting to let go. I reluctantly do though. I let go and so does he and that's when Tom jumps in between us and pulls me into a similar hug and buries his head into my shoulder. I lightly squeeze him and he lets to go. Siva then pulls me into a light embrace and I feel all the troubles wash away.

Me: "I'm alright guys, really. I just hope that, if you feel like I'm a bother at all just let me know." I annouce looking into each of their eyes and they all slowly nod. I smile at them and walk past the fans who are asking a bunch of questions that I don't want to answer. 

I make it to the white van and go over to the passenger seat and lightly knock on the window to get Jayne's attention. She presses the button and the window, slowly but surely, goes down. I look up at her and see a small smile on her face.

Me: "I was wondering if we could switch spots for the ride home, if you don't mind?" I look up to her waiting for an answer. She holds up a finger and turns her back to me to talk to Martin. I stand there awkwardly and mess with the hem of my shirt waiting for an answer. 

After about a minute or so she turns around with a toothy smile and goes to open the door. I quickly take a few steps back so I don't get him with a large metal door. After the door is fully open she hops out with the smile still on her face, this smile though is now turning into a sympathetic one.

Jayne: "Here ya go. Look Rebbeca I'm so sorry for what Nathan said, I-"

I cut her off by holding my hand up. I look at her with sad smile and shake my head.

Me: "Don't apologize for his actions. If that's how he feels then so be it." I say with a bit of a chuckle at then end.

Jayne just smiles and makes her way to the back and I climb up into the front seat and close the door behind me. I grab the seat belt and sling it over my body and click it into place. I sit there and smile at Martin as he starts the car and pulls away from the station. 


The ride back the apartment was full of hushed talking and me looking out the window watching the city flow by. I decided to not listed to the conversation behind me. I knew that if I did, I'd be upset and I didn't want that. No one did.

Once we got back I was the first one out and quickly made my way around the van, and up the stairs to the door. I ignored the screams I got from the fans and impatiently waited for Max to come and open the door for me.

I see that they're all finally out of the van and stop to talk to the fans. I'm really in no mood for this and decide to sit down and wait for them to finish. I pull out my phone and check twitter and see I have one new follower. 'Who could that be?' I click my followers and my eyes bulge when I see the name.

@NathanTheWanted is now following you.

I stare intently at my phone trying to get over the initial shock. I start to blink rapidly. 'What the hell?' I look at the screen and start to panic. 'What do I do?'

I finally tear my gaze away from my phone and see that the fans are starting to thin out. Only about twenty or so are left and they look like they just got out of school. I quickly stand up and brush off my pants and walk over to the with a smile.

Me: "Hi!" I say enthusiastically and put my hand of for the girls to shake. They all turn to each other and give looks of confusion. They look at my hand and act like it's diseased and quickly turn away from me and start to walk in the opposite direction. 

I turn with a smile still on my face and walk over to Max whose staring at me dumbfounded. I laugh and put my arm around his waist and tug him along to the door with the others behind with the same expressions.

Max: "How in the world did you do that Becc's?" I turn to him and my smile gets even bigger if that's possible.

Me: "People in America and really forward. I knew it would scare them away if I went up to them and acted like a 'lunatic'."

I laugh and he finally catches on and starts laughing with me as he pulls out the keys and shoves them into the lock. He turns them back on forth, unlocking the door. I push the door open, walk inside, and turn to look at everyone.

Me: "If you guys need me I'll be upstairs in my room. I've had a rough day and just need some time alone. I'll see you all for supper."

And with that I turn on my heel without another glance at the crew and make my way towards the stairs. I feel their eyes burn into me as I slowly climb each step. I keep my eyes shut and make it to the top, where I speed walk toward my room. One by one tears fall slowly as I open my door, walk in and quietly shut it behind me. I then run over and jump onto my bed, crying myself to sleep.


Max: "Becc's come on. Time to wake up, you've been asleep for two hours now"

I manage to let out a groan of protest as he gently shakes my shoulders. I slowly turn my head up from my pillow and look at him with my eyes half closed. 

Me: "Please just go away" I close my eyes again. I can already tell they're puffy and red due to crying before going to sleep. I turn my head away before being rudely awaken again by Max jumping on my bed.


I groan loudly and kick him in the shin to get off. I slowly sit up rubbing my eyes furiously to get the sleep out of them. I slowly take my hands from my eyes to see four faces looking at me.

Me: "OUT!" I hear the scattering of feet and my door slam shut. I push the covers off of me and jump out of bed. I stretch my muscles slowly, enjoying the feeling of the muscles being pulled. 

I walk over to my dresser and grab my pair of sunglasses off and put them on. I turn on my heel and walk back over to my bed and grab a sweat shirt off of the edge. I pull it over my head and then make my way across my room and out of the door. 

I take a right and make my way down the hallway. I can hear laughing from the living area and know that no matter what I'm going to have to deal with all of them. I hear Tom's laugh over all of them, which means someone told something really "funny". I make it to the top of the stair case and see Jay and Nathan both look up at me. I just look down and quickly make my way down the stairs and walk over to Max and jump on him.

Max: "You know you look a lot lighter then you are" 

I playfully slap him on the arm then lean my head against his and slowly close my eyes.

Me: "Tell me Maxi, why'd you wake me up. I'm in no mood." I'll admit it, I'm grumpy. But after what I went through today wouldn't you? I don't look at anyone, I know they're probably giving me sympathetic looks, well except Nathan.

Max: "Tonight, my dear sister, you and I are going out to dinner with Michelle, Nareesha and Siva. So go get dressed into something nice because it's fancy. Now MOVE." 

Max proceeds to poke me in the side and I fall out of his lap laughing. He knows how ticklish I am and has been using it against me since I was a baby. I quickly get up as I feel the heat flood to my cheeks and rush up stairs and into my room to find something cute to wear. I already have an idea and go straight to the dresses suitcase. I run over and start throwing dresses every where, until I find the perfect one and rush over to the bathroom. 'I'm gonna look hot tonight'


 I dry myself off quickly so I can have time to do my hair. I pull on my one shoulder ombre dress, it's different color blues and hugs me quite nicely (external link). I look in the down at the sink and realize I left my make up bag in my room. I sigh loudly and just come to the conclusion I'll finish getting ready in there. I open the door to head to my room when it hits someone.

Me: "Oh my god I'm so sorry." 

I quickly peer around the door and see those green eyes looking back at me. I take in his appearance: He's wearing a dress shirt that fits him nicely, I mean it's not too small. He has the first three buttons undone showing off part of his chest. His hair is spiked up a bit and he's wearing dress pants with high tops. 

Me: "Oh it's you, well then I wish I would've hit you harder"

I snap out of it and glare at him as I stomp away and rush into my room. I slam the door behind me and rush over to my bag of make up and start applying to help calm me down some. 'Did I really just check him out?' I shake my head and finish getting ready knowing tonight is going to be interesting.


Me: "Alright guys, no staring this time!" I laugh as I make it over to the top of the stairs. I look down and see that yes they do stare. I shake my head and make my way down carefully so I don't fall.

Max: "Becca, you get more and more beautiful." 

I laugh as I make it to the bottom and get pulled into a hug.

Me: "And you sound more and more gay."

I start cracking up and so does Jay. I look over and see him holding his hand for a high five and I smack his hand with mine. 

Siva: "Alright, lets go. The girls are waiting." 


I yell and immediately wish I could take it back. I slowly turn my head towards them and see the huge smiles on there faces. I feel the blush creeping on to my face and I run out of the building before they can say anything. 

I walk out into the cool night air and realize that a jacket would've been nice. I glance around our street and see the lights from the buildings and cars around me. I do a small spin taking everything in and enjoying the moment. 

I open my eyes and look forward to see a limo waiting for us. A smile stretches across my face quickly as I rush over to the limo and pull the door open. I get in before actually looking around. It's aboslutely amazing, the lights that outline the ceiling. The seats are made of leather and shine. I take everything in and then the guys show up.

Jay: "Wooh time to go eat some delicious food!" 

Jay smoothly slides in next to me and I lean my head against him still tired from today's events. I look over and see that Nathan is yet again sitting across from me. I take in his appearance again and see that he now out on a tuxedo jacket. 

Me: "You look nice tonight Nathan."

I'm full aware of what I'm doing. I want to annoy him after what he did to me today. I meet his gaze and see that there is something there. I don't know exactly what it is.

Nathan: "You look gorgeous as always."

I sit up quickly and his hand shoots over his mouth. 'Did he just say that?' I can't take my eyes off of him. He looks at the others who all have eyes on him also. I realize I haven't answered and I can't be that rude. I feel my cheeks getting hot and quickly shake my hair infront of my face to answer.

Me: "T-Th-Thank you"

I finally manage to spit it out and look at the ground studying my shoes. 


We finally arrive at the restaurant and I must say it is quite fancy. We file out and I walk out last into the blinding light of cameras. I feel a hand on the small of back, I look back quickly and see it's only Tom. I shoot him a quick smile and walk forward before we get bombarded with questions. We finally make it into the quiet restaurant and Tom moves to my side, draping his long arm around my shoulders.

Me: "Tom?"

I look ahead paying attention to the people and what not. 

Tom: "Yeah love?"

Me: "How do your fans always know where you're at?"

I now look up to see his reaction. He faces forward and a look of extreme thought crosses over his features.

Tom: "I think some of our crazier fans find out, then decide to post it on twitter and facebook"

Tom looks back down to me and I just nod my head as we finally make it to the table. I look at the table and see two of the most beautiful women on this planet. Michelle is stunning, she has long dark brown almost black hair. She's wearing this incredible black and teal dress with teal heels that make her brown eyes pop. She only has her eye make up done which is all that needed to be done really.

Nareesha has the skin of Siva, a dark brown with a mixture of gold. Her hair is a dark brunett and her eyes are dark brown just like his. She's wearing this beautiful purple and blue dress, the colors mix together and it gives her more of an exotic look. 

I look at them and realize that I'm nothing compared to them.

Max: "Michelle this is my wonderful sister Rebbeca. Rebbeca this is Michelle, the love of my life." 

She slowly gets up adding to her elegance. She has a genuine smile on her face as she stretches out her arm towards me. 

Michelle: "It's nice to finally meet you. All he does is talk about you and how gorgeous you are. He wasn't lying."

I blush at the compliment and take her hands and shake it lightly.

Me: "Compared to you, I'm Max." 

We both get a good laugh at this while Max pouts and sits down next to her. They look amazing together, like they just belong. I feel a pang of jealousy, wishing I had something like that in my life. My thoughts get interrupted by Siva clearing his throat.

Siva: "Nareesha, as you heard this is Rebbeca. Maxs' sister."

I look over to her and smile. She returns the smile and we shake hands before I sit. I get stuck between Jay and Nathan. 'How wonderful'. 

A waitress comes over and asks us if we're ready to order our drinks.

Me: "I'd like an American sweet tea please" 

Max: "Rebbeca, you're 18 in the U.K. and you're going to order sweet tea?"

I look over at my brother and give him a quick glare. He knows how I feel about alcohol. I look at him and I keep the glare on my face. I'm in no mood today.

Me: "Max you know how I feel about any type of alcohol. So why don't you just shut up." 

The table gets quiet and Max returns the glare. We stare at each other for a long time until our drinks arrive. Max and I rarely get into fights but, when we do they're over something serious and it can get really messy.

I smile at the waitress and take a sip of my tea, I look over and see Max down his beer quickly and look over at me. I give him a look of disgust and decide to start playing with my napkin.

Max: "What's wrong Becc's?"

I look up at him increduously. How can he not know what's wrong! 

Me: "Really Max, you don't know what's wrong?"

He looks at me and it finally hits him as he puts his glass back down and pushes it away. Everyone including Michelle look at him confused and shocked that he put it down. I look into his eyes and see the sadness in them.

Max: "I'm sorry Becc's"

Me: "It's alright, I'm sorry for getting so worked up" 

I sigh and see that Nathan is looking at me from the corner of his eye. I try and ignore it but I just can't, I look over at him. He finally looks at me full on and I beam my best smile at him and turn my attention to the waitress that just arrived.

Waitress: "So what are you interested in?"


After mine and Maxs' little thing, conversation started to flow smoothly. We all laugh at our corny jokes and Nathan and I are actually having a conversation.

Nathan: "So what's your favorite color?" 

I laugh at his questions and point to my dress.

Me: "Blue, I thought I made it obvious"

We both laugh and I pull a flirty move and touch his arm as I laugh. We continue to ask each other stupid and random questions having fun and laughing at each other. We get interrupted by Michelle asking me a question.

Michelle: "You know Rebecca you've been in the paper lately"

I snap my attention to her and see that she's serious. I look around the table and they're all listening intently including Max.

Me: "Oh really? What are they saying about me? I hope it's not the whole 'Being Maxs' girlfriend. That's just gross."

We all laugh and I think I lightened the mood until she starts to talk again.

Michelle: "Haha no, it's actually about you and a member or should I say members' of The Wanted."

I shake my head not fully understanding what's going on. Everyone else seems to have caught on and their faces are grim including Nathans. 'What the hell?'

Me: "What are you trying to say?"

I ask standing up getting aggravated and the attention of everyone. 

Michelle: "No, no not me! People are starting rumors is all."

Shes avoiding the question and I slam my hands on the table and lean over to be in her face. 

Max: "Rebbeca, calm down. We know it's all a lie so don't worry."


I look at all of them and they hand their heads in shame. 

Me: "Well?" 

I can't believe no one will tell me what's going on. If there's a rumor about me I deserve to know right? Of course right!

Max: "People think that.... That you're- sleeping around with the band."

I jump back shocked. I look at Max and see the disgust and seriousness in his face. I start to walk backwards and try to form words.

Me: "I-Why-Why would they say that?"

I look at all the people and no one even looks up. I look to Jay who is holding his head in his hands. I then turn my attention to Nathan who is focused on something in front of him. My attention then goes to Tom who is playing with his napkin. Finally my attention lands back on my brother, I don't look at Siva because he went to the bathroom right before the conversation started. 

Me: "Why Max?"

Max: "I don't know...."

I look at him and feel my heart break. 'He's not even defending me' 

Me: "Oh, so that's it you don't know? You're not even going to defend your little sister Max? That's great of you, thank you. All of you! Good thing to know you all think of my as a dirty ass whore. I'm gone." 

I push my chair out of my way and hurry out to the exit. I can feel the whole place staring at me. Before I make it to the door I turn around to see them in the back not even going to follow me or try and stop me.

Me: "Oh yeah and now I'm going to be an attention seeking whore and say FUCK YOU!" 

I scream the last part and throw my hands into the air giving the finger to them. I hurry out of the restaurant, the last thing I hear before the door close is glass shattering and someone yelling my name.




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