Expressing Thoughts-J.D

By boritobabe

81.6K 2.1K 1.1K

This is the sequel to Repressing Thoughts so I would read that one first! Sage and Josh have just reconciled... More



963 24 1
By boritobabe

"What's she like?" I was sat cross-legged, clutching a cup of coffee. Jordan was on the floor with me, cross-legged, telling me about a girl he was talking to. It was late, mom and dad Dun had gone to bed and Josh had gone for a run.

"She's like, clever. Like, really really clever" he gushed, so far I had gathered that she had blonde hair, blue eyes and was short. "She went to Harvard, that kind of smart"

"Okay, wow. Is she nice?" I sipped my coffee as I pried into his personal life.

"Oh my goodness, the nicest. She's got all these beliefs about society but she's not like one of those people who made you feel bad about not doing as much as them. She's more like, down to earth" he described. I couldn't help but grin along with him as he spoke.

"Can I meet her?" I raised my eyebrows in excitement. He tried to hide the blush that crept up on his face but it was evident.

"I'm still trying to woo her, I can't introduce her to family yet" he said shyly. My heart fluttered as he called me his family, I knew legally I was going to be his family soon but it was cute.

"I can help you, be your wing woman! She can be your date to the wedding" my eyes widened as all the ideas rushed through my head.

"I just don't know how to ask her out you know, we talk and stuff but there never seems to be an appropriate time" he stressed.

"There never is, you just have to do it" I shrugged, I acted like I knew a ton about relationships but I was still pretty blind about it all.

"How did Josh first ask you out?" He asked. My mind raced as I tried to think of Josh and I's first date.

"It was different for us since we were together 24/7 on tour. I guess when we were in Edinburgh he kinda just walked up to me and said 'I'm taking you out'" I shrugged.

"And that worked?" He asked in disbelief. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah but Josh already had me at that point. Just ask, tell her you saw something showing at the movies and if ask if she'd want to join you" I suggested. Jordan bit his lip while he thought, suddenly a slam came from the front door and a sweaty Joshua walked in.

"Hey, you two having one of your weird bonding sessions?" He pulled out his headphones. Jordan laughed and stood up to leave. I stood up also because it felt awkward to be the only one sitting on the floor.

"She's giving me dating advice." He sighed and sipped his coffee.

"Bro, you gotta girlfriend?" Josh flashed a cheeky grin towards his brother.

"No" he mumbled as he turned around to walk towards the kitchen.

"Not yet!" I corrected him before I turned to Josh. "You never really asked me out" I confessed. His eyebrows drew together in confusion.

"Yeah I did, I asked you to come celebrate with me in my den" he started to walk upstairs and I followed him.

"Is that asking me out?" I challenged him. I followed him into his childhood bedroom which is where we were staying. He took his shirt off as he prepared his answer.

"Well after that we both kind of assumed we were a thing." He gave me a gentle kiss as he proceeded to undress himself so he could shower. "Then I made it official with my den" he winked.

"Yeah I guess" I sat on the bed and started to get ready for bed. I undressed myself and put on Josh's white shirt and boxers.

I sat cross-legged in the middle of the bed and played on my phone for a while. Jenna had sent me the photos of when we went sledding so I flicked through them, favouriting a couple I wanted to post. She also sent me a scan of the baby which I found adorable. It kind of made me broody, i wasn't carrying anything inside me.

When I heard the shower stop I walked into the bathroom so I could brush my teeth. Josh dried himself off while I scrubbed ferociously at my teeth. He rested his head on my shoulder and watched me in the mirror as I did so. He started to kiss my neck which made me giggle so I spat out the tooth paste and kissed him.

"I'm usually formal about these kind of things" he said out of the blue as he walked out of the bathroom. I sat myself down on the bed and watched him get ready for bed.

"What things?" I wondered out loud.

"Relationships. I used to get all nervous like Jordan and wait forever to ask someone out. You were the first time where I was in it straightaway" he put on a shirt and sweatpants before walking towards me. He placed his hands on my head and tilted it up so I was facing him. He laid a big kiss on me before getting into the bed the other side.

"I usually don't kiss on the first date" I teased, he propped himself up so he was sitting up in the bed as he spoke to me.

"There's a lot of things I hadn't done before you" he raised his eyebrows, i think he shocked himself as he spoke about it. I crawled over to him and straddled him so we were clearly both more comfortable.

"Like what?" I begged for more. I love when Josh relived memories, he was the best at storytelling.

"I had never built someone a den" he started. "I had never got in a fight" he pointed out.

"Thank you Aaron" I raised my eyes to the ceiling as if I were sending a message off. He laughed and shook his head. "Oh come on! It was hot!" I defended, he just continued to laugh.

"I had never made out in a pool...or at an outside movie theatre...or in the back of Tyler's car" I cut him off by laughing at how much we made out.

"I don't hear you complaining" I shrugged. His eyes widened and he threw up his hands in defence.

"I'm not complaining, the make out sesh's are phenomenal" he laughed.

"Heck yeah they are" I said proudly before kissing him quickly.

"Okay, I had never...almost had sex in a closet" I laughed loudly at this one.

"Almost being the key word there babe" I giggled. He rubbed my thighs with my hand as he tried to think of more.

"I had never travelled the world with someone I was completely infatuated with" he smirked, thinking he was being cute.

"Wrong. Tyler" I pointed out, he let out a hearty laugh but then nodded.

"Fine. I've never been spoilt by getting to travel the world with two people that I am infatuated with" he corrected himself. I giggled and kissed his forehead.

"Keep going" I started to play with his hair. It had no more dye in it anymore, it was completely brown.

"I had never let someone else dye my hair" he said as if he was reading my mind. I twisted his hair around my fingers and gave him a small smile. "I've never missed someone as much as I miss you when we're apart" His voice became soft as he spoke. I moved my hand to the back of his neck and kissed his forehead. He kissed my nose and ran his hands up my top, causing me to take off my/his shirt.

"I'm worried we might have to be apart more often" I confessed, he moved his body forewords and kissed my chest.

"Not if I can help it and if I can't help it we will get through it" he said to my skin. I pushed his head forwards and he started to kiss me slowly. I dug my fingers into his hair and rocked my head back. I let out a loud breath and Josh stopped kissing me. "My parents are next door" I couldn't help but giggle.

"I feel like a teenager, I haven't been that in a while" I grinned. He placed his hands firmly on my waist and flipped me over so he was on top of me.

"I can make you feel like a teenager again" he tried to me all sexy but it just made me laugh. "Shh" he tried to quiet me down but ended up laughing with me.

Currently celebrating the fact that Repressing Thoughts just hit 10k reads!! Thank you all so so so much (I'm assuming all of you have read it). These characters have become like my children, it's amazing to see that other people love these characters as much as I do. THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU ALL.

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