Had I known

By Aseeyaaleeyu

34.6K 4.5K 205

A story of a stepmom that loved the children but eventually tore the family apart, how? Follow as I tell you... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 3

1.4K 209 10
By Aseeyaaleeyu

Hajiya why should I destroy my own family? Anti jiddu asked.

Hmmm..Anty J kenan, har yau baki waye Ba.waya ce miki yayan kishiya yaya ne? I swear if you don't take any action this children will be all over you, now you're safe that Khadija is married, now you have to deal with that stupid shameless girl Aydah, and Sauda and the biggest of all khalid, you know the moment Alhaji kicks the bucket all the money will be his, so you have to do something about it...she finished glaring at her.

Kuma fa hakane...Anty jiddu said and sighed.
What am I going to do now? She asked

First, you should try and separate Aydah and khalid. Make their father to hate them, try all your possible best, then if it works I'll tell you the next step, but if it didn't work then... she stopped and looked side by side then whispered "akwai wani malami a can kasa"

Aaaaa, kar muje can...don't you think it's risky? Anty jiddu asked her eyes wide like a saucer. Hajiya hissed and stood from her seat.

When you're wise enough to know what's going on around you, you can give me a call...she said and started walking towards the door.

Hajiya come back please...she said rushing towards her.
I'll try and do that when it doesn't work then we'll do the second option. She added patting Hajiya's shoulder.

A small smile crept on her lips and she whispered "serves you right" to her.
Na tafi, se anjima...she added.

Barin taka miki...Anty jiddu said and they walked out of her room.

If you know you haven't completed your assignment, follow me now, we're going to the place right now...the lecturer announced and walked out of the lecture hall.

Innalillahi, let me call ya khalid and tell him cause I know we won't come back early...Aydah said searching for her phone inside her bag.

Awwwwww, my ya khalid, my crush. Yeah you should call him because I know he'll be worried about you and I don't want to see him worry, I don't even know why he love you this much wlh, how can a person love this goat... Aysha (Aydah's best friend) blurted out.

She rolled her eyes before saying "wani ma ya samu irin yaya na"
Aysha hissed while Aydah laughed at her.

Innalillahi, my phone is dead, please let me use yours...Aydah said stretching her hands to her.

My phone is also dead, let's just go, around magrib if we didn't finish,then we'll look for a phone and call him.,..Aysha explained.

Alright let's go...Aydah said standing up from her seat.

He dialed her number for the hundredth times but it's  switched off. He went to their school for the seventh time today looking for her but he couldn't find her.

He drove back home pacing back and froth inside his room and pipping through the window time by time to check if she's back but she's still not home. Where could she be? He asked himself hitting his fist with the wall.

God damm it....he gritted hitting his hand even harder.
Where are you?...he added running his fingers through his hair in frustration.

Ya khalid Anty J is calling you... Sauda quietly told him and quickly walked out of the room. He hissed and walked to her room.

Toh zauna mana....she said irritated.

No, just tell me why you're calling me, I don't have time....he gritted and looked up.

She sighed...bata dawo Ba? She asked.

Yes...he huffed and face palmed himself.

And you're here worrying yourself, khalid, Aydah is a girl, she has boyfriends, waya sani ma ko yawan iskancin ta tatafi.....

Cut it here Anty jiddu....khalid snapped at her and she flinched.
I knew from the very first day that I've been able to differentiate between right and wrong, from the first day I could call my mother's name, and the day my mother died, you hated us, you hate seeing us happy, you don't want me to be taking care of Aydah, and wallah baki isa Ba, she's my amana,I'll continue to protect her till my last breath, continue deceiving yourself and my sisters but you can deceive me, you're always acting like you love us but I know you don't, so stay out of my life, right now and today if someone you'd tell me to choose between you and her, I won't think twice about it, I will definitely choose her, and I can take a bullet for her, get that into your thick head Anty jiddu, and again..... he said snapping is fingers in front of her face.

Even if she's gone to yawan iskanci,I'll save her and I'm going to find her now....he finished and stormed out of the room, she could swear she saw smoke coming out of his eyes.

Toh fa,abun naku babba ne, "zakuyi soyayyar aure ma"she smirked and picked her phone and dialed Hajiya's number.

Salamialsikum.....Aydah greeted entering the main living room.

Wasalsikumussalam....they all answered and khalid felt like a huge Amount of weight was lifted off his shoulder and he sighed in relief.

Hmmm..se yanzu kenan? Anty jiddu blurted out glaring at her.

Please...khalid raised his hands to her to keep quiet.

Where have you been to Aydah? We've been looking for you for goodness sake...Sauda cried out and rushed to her.

We..I..our lecturer...she stuttered.

Let's go...khalid said and started walking towards his room.
Her heart skipped and she looked at Sauda with pleading eyes while Sauda just whispered "just go, he won't do anything to you" to her.

She sighed softly and followed him to his room, Anty jiddu's eyes on her.
"Yara se iskance kuka iya" she heard her saying but she shrugged it off and opened his room with a shaky hand.

Daga ina kike? He asked immediately she entered the room. He was standing by the window looking at the beautiful view of Abuja while her head was low.

We went to finish our Assignment..she answered her head still low.

Why didn't you call me? He asked playing with a small ball in his hand.

My phone died...she said barely like a whisper.

And you can't use someone's phone? He asked and turned to look at her.she moved back a little her legs shaking. He never did something harmful to her but she's scared of him whenever he's angry with her.

I..I can't... I couldn't, I'm..I'm sorry..she stuttered her legs shaking.

What the hell do you mean by I'm sorry, you know that I'll be worried sick about you,why didn't you find a phone and call me?why ? Do you know how worried I was, why Aydah? He yelled at her moving closer to her.

She stood immobile tears rolling down on her cheeks.I'm..I'm sorry....she stuttered and broke down completely crying her eyes out.

He huffed running his fingers through his hair. He hates seeing her worried about something talk less of her tears.

Hey Sherrie it's..it's ok..stop crying please...he hugged her tightly while she cried on his shoulder.

It's ok..stop crying please mon Sherrie, please stop...he said his heart skipping, how could he be so stupid, why did he made her cry...he thought and hugged her even tighter.

Look at me Aydah...he said and she looked up to him.

I'm sorry ok, stop crying, or do you want to see your poor brother cry like a baby too? She chuckled and shook her head.

A small smile crept on his face and he wiped out her tears...
Good...so stop crying ok? Just try to inform me everything that is going on with you ok, I'm doing this to protect my sister, my Sherrie, I didn't mean to make you cry... he said playing with her fingers.

She smiled and muttered an "ok" and he smiled back and hugged her.

Have you prayed? He asked her braking the hug.
Yes...she answered and he smiled.

Now go and eat, I know you must be hungry then take your bath, say your azkhar and sleep ok?....he told her and they started walking towards the door.

"Ok" she said and he hugged her again muttering a "goodnight" before closing his door.

I know this chapter is boring😒 but I promise you you'll enjoy the next chapter wallah, insha allah, just continue to make me happy by voting, commenting and sharing and I'll continue to make you happy too.....

Wai bani da namesake ne🙄

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