Our Heavy Burdens (Naruto Fan...

By 0Hidden_Voice0

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No one knew this would happen. No one knew Minato and Kushina would have twins. No one knew that the babies... More

Prologue: Birth
Chapter 1: Nariko's Beginning
Chapter 2: Gaara and Shukaku
Chapter 3: Leaving And Finding My True Self
Chapter 4: Run And Go
Chapter 5: Sage of the Six Paths
Chapter Six: My New Family, The Akatsuki
Chapter 7: As Time Goes On
Chapter 8: Steal And Learn The Flying Thunder God Technique
Chapter 9: The Horrors Of Puberty And Being A Female
Chapter 10: The Promise and Konoha
Chapter 11: The Agreement, Moving In, and Finding Naruto and Sasuke
Character Info
Chapter 12: Reckless Brother, and Becoming a Guard and Ambassador
Chapter 13: How My Brother Became a Genin
Chapter 14: Team Seven Will Be Uncooperative, I Can Tell
Chapter 15: Kakashi The Copy Cat Copies Dad's Teaching Style
Chapter 16: Drunkard, Dwarf, Cow, Oh My
Character's song list
Chapter 17: I Try To Make Moo and Haku A Kiri-Nin
Chapter 18: You've Changed......
Chapter 19: Oh Fuck Nah!
Chapter Filler: Akatsuki Halloween Special
Chapter 20: That Damn Pedo And His Hickies
Chapter 21: I Really Fucking Hate Danzō
Chapter 23: I'm Getting Sick Of All You Uchihas
Chapter 24: To Forgive And Forget
Chapter 25: Senjutsu
Chapter 26: Shizuka Tamashī
Character Info #2
Chapter 27: Welcome To The Family
Chapter 28: Being A Mom Is Hard
Chapter 29: Fear of Rejection
Chapter 30: Avoiding
Chapter 31: Odd Family Life
Chapter 32: Reunited Part 1
Chapter 33: Reunited Part 2
Chapter 34: Another Bell Test and Unknown Enemies Pt. 1
Chapter 35: Another Bell Test and Unknown Enemies Pt. 2
Chapter 36: Summit
Chapter 37: Training and Trap
Chapter 38: Torture
Chapter 39: Revelations
Chapter 40: Rescue
Chapter 41: Healing
Chapter 42: Little Talks
Chapter 43: Marriage

Chapter 22: Sacrificing Myself To Save The Others

670 24 0
By 0Hidden_Voice0

I've finally heal.
Naruto left with Jiraiya to find Tsunade and convince her to become Hokage. While they're doing that, I'm going to talk with someone from Suna and make a new treaty with them. Then I'm going to do the same thing with Orochimaru. I convinced Sasuke to let him have the Sharingans that Danzō had. He did so reluctantly, not wanting to have Orochimaru steal his body so he could stay alive longer. I sensed about a mile away that Kisame and Itachi were approaching. I'm hoping they won't cause any trouble while I'm away, or that Sasuke tries to go after them. That would be extremely troublesome. Besides all of that, I've decided that I'll be ambassador still, but I'll also part time be in the T&I. When Inoichi isn't there, I'll cover for him by using Ningen.
I'm currently almost at the meeting place for the new peace treaty. I'm keeping tabs of all the chakra signatures in and near Konoha, and I grow uneasy when I sense Kisame and Itachi start leaving. They encountered Asuma, Kurenai and Kakashi, and Kakashi's chakra is now unstable a bit, which means something happened. I couldn't back out right now, though. This is more important. However, I can sense Itachi and Kisame heading in the direction Naruto and Jiraiya are at. 'Shit.' I thought when I sensed Sasuke going after the two Akatsuki members. I tapped my foot impatiently, then covered up my flinch as a twitch when someone called me out."Nariko?!" I turned and saw Temari looking at me with a shocked expression before she went up to me and hugged me."Oh thank the gods, you're okay! Gaara wouldn't calm down and wanted to come back to Konoha to see if you were okay-" "Temari, please, can we finish this quickly? Something is about to happen, and I need to not be occupied so I can intervene." I interrupted. I'm really happy that Gaara is concerned about my well being, but my anxiety is overpowering it. Temari nods, then we both talk about the agreement before signing the contracts we have before putting them away. "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.........." I mutter in a panic. I sensed Jiraiya wasn't with Naruto, Itachi and Kisame are currently with him, and Sasuke is almost there as well. I bit my thumb before slamming it on the ground."Summoning Jutsu!" I said, and Shiro and Kuro appeared."Shiro, escort Temari back to Suna. Kuro, inform Orochimaru that we'll have to reschedule our meeting." I ordered, and they both nodded before Kuro poofed away."Wait, what's going on?" Temari asked."Akatsuki is going after the jinchūrikis. Naruto is their first target. I need to stop them before they do any damage." I told her quickly."Wait, Nariko-!" I couldn't hear whatever else she said because I had flickered to Sasuke's location, which was where all the nonsense was happening.
~third pov~
Itachi Uchiha had his younger brother, Sasuke, held up against the wall by the front of his shirt. Sasuke looked a little beaten up while Naruto lost his chakra due to Samehada, Kisame's sword, and said person and Itachi were untouched. Itachi was insulting his brother, telling him that he was weak still and didn't have enough hate. He was about to put him under a genjutsu when someone appeared between the brothers and kicked Itachi in the chest, hard enough to make him slam against the other wall. The person caught Sasuke and gently lowered him to the floor before she turned and glared harshly at Itachi, making him and his partner slightly flinch and cower, though Sasuke and Naruto barely noticed since they were a little fearful yet hopeful of her intervention."Nariko-chan!" Naruto cheered, and Sasuke was looking up at her with dazed eyes (no, he doesn't like her, he's just trying to process what the fuck just happened)."Itachi, Kisame. Just what do you think you're doing?" Nariko demanded darkly, anger showing in her expression and eyes. They knew that Naruto was her brother, yet they dared to lay a hand on him. Itachi knew that she was guarding his brother, and him and Kisame knew very well how protective she was about the people she cared about.
The whole Akatsuki knew. Once, when they were moving to a new hideout because Deidara blew it up on his first day to try to kill Tobi, they ran into some trouble. Nariko was standing by with Pein, using their Rinnegan, when they heard Deidara cry out in pain. Nariko and Deidara became friends as soon as they met, and she always stopped everyone from fighting; the explosion of the hideout was only because she was in her room at the time. Nariko immediately became furious, and used her Flying Thunder God technique to go from each Akatsuki members to eliminate their enemies. However, she left the one who hurt Deidara alive and summoned seven wolves, including Shiro and Kuro, to maul the man to death. She walked away satisfied and healed Deidara, and everyone immediately knew that she will take no one's shit if they hurt her loved ones.
"N-Nariko-" "No! Why the fuck are you messing with the people I consider my brothers!" She yelled at the two while interrupting Kisame. Naruto and Sasuke watched, not sure what was going on. Did the three know each other personally? Obviously, she didn't know what they were planning on doing to Naruto, and they seemed to fear her. The males became surprised at what she said, and Naruto nearly broke down. He's always wanted a family, and all he knew was that he had a sister somewhere. He was happy that Nariko considered him a brother, yet was also a bit jealous that Sasuke was as well. Sasuke was glad as well, but soon dots started to connect in his mind. He knew from studying all about the Fourth Hokage and his wife. He saw a picture of them with the information. Naruto and Nariko look very similar to them, and it was said that they had twins before they died. Nariko and Naruto have similar names, Nariko had the Fourth Hokage's last name while Naruto had the Fourth's wife's last name...... he was sure that they are the twins from the information, but he needs confirmation.
Nariko growled under her breath when Itachi and Kisame didn't answer."Take me to your leader." She demanded, making sure that she didn't slip that she used to hang out with the Akatsuki. She didn't want Sasuke or Naruto turning against her and then having the village turn against her."But-" Kisame went silent as her hand went up. Itachi looked unsure as Kisame sighed in defeat, then the two went up and gently grabbed her wrists."Hey, wait! Nariko-chan, don't, they're dangerous!" Naruto shouted, and Sasuke immediately stood when he saw Itachi touch her. She sent them a look to make them back off, then glanced behind Naruto."Jiraiya, make sure these two get home safely. I might be back later." She said, and everyone turned to look where she was looking. Naruto nearly jumped out of his skin as the sannin gravely nodded, and Naruto grabbed his shirt."Pervy Sage, do something! Don't let them take her!" Naruto pleaded, and Jiraiya looked at him sadly."I'm sorry, Naruto, but this has to happen." Jiraiya said softly. He knew what she was planning on doing. When they met, she trusted him enough to tell him everything about her life. She didn't say the Akatsuki's abilities, but she said enough for him to know that they care about each other enough to not hurt her and vise versa. Nariko smiled at them, and as Sasuke ran to get her they teleported away.
All of the Akatsuki members waited for Itachi and Kisame to return. They were in the sealing chamber where they would be extracting the bijū from their hosts. They all froze when they saw Itachi and Kisame with a pissed off Nariko with them."Oh, shit." Hidan blurted out, and they all felt the anger radiating off of her. However, she glared at the wide eyed Pein, who was so scared he couldn't breath. None of them want to face Nariko's wrath, and they all had hoped she wouldn't know that they were going after her brother and friend. They knew how much she cared for them, she spoke about wanting to find them for years. And now that she has, they all knew she wouldn't let them go without a fight."Pein." Nariko said lowly, and they all shivered at how dark and aggressive her tone sounded."Why did you have Itachi and Kisame try to kidnap my brother?" She asked, and they all were silent. Pein was looking everywhere but her, and the other members were nervously looking back and forth between them."Nagato!" Nariko snapped, and his eyes focused on her. Everyone except Konan were confused on who she was talking to, and Konan just stared wide eyed."Answer my question." She ordered, and Pein swallowed the lump in his throat before clearing his throat because he knew his voice would either crack or squeak if he didn't."The purpose of the Akatsuki is to create a war that will end all wars. In order to do so, we need enough money to support the organization, provide mercenary services to get all shinobi villages out of business, capture then use the tailed beasts to start and end wars, then once the major shinobi forces are eliminated, we can conquer every country in the world. There will be death, but it is needed to stop the conflicts in this world." He told her, and she narrowed her eyes."I don't really like that plan, but besides that, you didn't completely answer my question." She said, and he sighed." We're hoping that we can use the tailed beasts' chakra to make a powerful kinjutsu to end one side of a conflict so it could bring fear to the other side, which will stop the conflict all together. We've located all of the jinchūrikis, however we don't know where the Yin-Kurama is. Tobi has informed me that he knows that Naruto Uzumaki has Yang-Kurama and that Yin-Kurama was sealed into your father, and we assumed that he has returned, but we can't locate him." Pein replied, frustration slightly laced in his voice at the end. Nariko's eyes flashed with realization, which quickly left, and she glanced at Tobi.
Obito only said that to protect her, but he never told her of their intentions. He saw that she wanted to tell them the truth and stop them from their plans, and he pleaded with his eye for her to not do it. He didn't know what the others might do; he knew that Pein cared about her, but he could remove the feeling and try to kill her if he wanted to so the plan could continue. He regretted everything now: unleashing Kurama to destroy Konoha, joining the Akatsuki, letting Nariko join the Akatsuki, even letting the organization do this stuff. He knew that if Rin and his family were still alive, they would be extremely disappointed in him, and that made him feel even worse.
Nariko saw what Obito was trying to convey to her, and she gave him sad eyes and a forgiving smile. She then turned her sad gaze to Pein."I know where Yin-Kurama is." She said softly, and Pein immediately became interested. Hold up. Kid, don't do this. Kurama intervened. 'Sorry, Ku-kun. I have to do this to protect the others. I hope we get out of this alive.' She apologized, and before he could say anything else, she blocked him."Where is he?" Pein asked, and her sad smile widened.
Everyone tensed when tears started to fall from her eyes."In me. I'm a jinchūriki." She told them quietly, and they became even more tense."....... what?" Konan asked, everyone was too shocked to respond."I'm a jinchūriki." Nariko said louder, her expression hardening and her eyes swirling with sadness and anger."You all want to capture and use the bijū. In order to do that, you have to extract them from their hosts. That kills them. If you want Kurama, you'll have to kill me." She reminded them, and their moods dropped."If you all are cold-hearted killers that kill without mercy, if you want to complete this plan, then you have to kill me. Well?" She raised her voice at the end, making some of them jump out of their skin, startled. A thud was heard where Sasori was, but no one dared to look away from Nariko (just to clarify, yes, Sasori did hit his head because he jumped while wearing Hiruko)."Go ahead. Take Kurama away from me. Kill me!" She told them, and everyone had sadness and pain in their expressions. She was staring and talking directly to Pein, and he was trying to hide his emotions."KILL ME!!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, then broke down crying. She cried as all of the emotions she's been holding in was let out. All of the need for her family, all of the sadness for watching her brother grow and she couldn't be by his side, all of the want to be with Gaara, to help him become a better person and to love him unconditionally. All of the burdens that she has to endure and the pain it's giving her, like holding the world on her shoulders and no one can help her. Kurama's chakra enveloped her in defense, and that's when everyone in that room knew that she indeed had Yin-Kurama. Her crying slowed and her expression became aggressive as she looked at the demonic statue of the outer path."If you won't do it, then I will." She growled, before her eyes, which were currently Kurama's, changed forms.

Nariko began doing hand signs for the sealing, activating the statue. Everything stopped though, and in shock, Nariko froze before flying in a direction unwilling."Universal pull." Pein said monotonously. Nariko shut her eyes tight and waited for the hard impact, but her eyes flew back open when she fell into someone's embrace. Everyone stared stunned as Pein hugged her with shut tight eyes."I will not kill you. I cannot and I will not. You are my daughter, and I love you too much to harm you." He told her quietly, his voice cracking a bit from getting so emotional. Nariko's eyes widened, and she soon started crying again. She buried her face into Pein's shoulder and hugged him back, her sobs muffled by his clothes."We will change our strategy, and go a different path. We will not harm the jinchūrikis." Pein announced, and everyone nodded and looked fondly at Nariko, who was crying in relief and happiness. The chakra around her faded, and she deactivated her Rinnegan before she and the Akatsuki jumped off the statue before Pein dismissed it, and they watched as it faded away, along with the darkness in the organization.

A/N 3/20/18 yeah I completely fucked up. I know that the characters know that Nariko's a part of the Akatsuki, but let's just say that she forgot because I myself forgot this. I thought it was in like chapter 23 that it states that they forgot, but it actually starts here. *sigh* Son of a bish.

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