Oliver (Vocaloid) x Reader

Oleh Panda_chan12

17.7K 532 2.9K

Working on a new description and this book is being rewritten ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I know that Oliver is... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Special Chapter: It's your birthday!!!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 27.5
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
So sorry ;-;
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 39

244 9 185
Oleh Panda_chan12

Hhhhh I am so so so so so so sorry for not updating this...This is the longest i haven't updated! I'm sorry! I may or may not have had any ideas on this...b-but I'll try to update more often!

(Don't play music yet)

3rd POV~

"Rin we brought foo-"

"FINALLY!" Rin yelled annoyed, she huffed as she eyed Len and Gakupo who were carrying the bag of precious gold. Food.

Len slammed the food down onto the nurses desk, "You know. For someone who was stabbed in the right shoulder you're surprisingly seem well!"

"Maybe you should place a butterfly there or something instead of being suspicious about my behavior." Rin snapped back, "Geez you're a strange human." Len sighed while grabbing whatever they stole from the memelord.

Rin chuckled, "Aren't we all weird humans?"

"You're the weirdest human I have ever met. You even dress abnormal." Len smirked before grabbing something that looked like a granola bar. Len looked to the side, examining it before giving it to his lunatic sister. Expiration date: 1-26-17. Len coughed, surprised that this was expired since last year! "Hey Rin, want a granola bar?"

"Sure whatever is fine. Oranges would be an exception but this'll do." She held out her hand, waiting for the blonde to place the bar into her hands. Len smirked, doing a little bow he gladly placed it in her hands.

Rin opened the packet, looking at it in disappointment. She quickly popped one into her mouth, she began to chew it oddly, she gave Len a disgusted look, "This tastes weird." Rin said as she continued chewing.

"Well I got it from your home so I wouldn't be surprised."

"My home?"

"The trashcan."

Rin quickly grabbed a tissue and spat out the chewed up granola bar. She glowered at Len, she then threw her granola bar at Len's head, "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"

Len chuckled rubbing the area, "Well a thank you would have been nice!"

Rin scoffed, "Thank you?!" She quickly threw her tissue into the trash.

"You're welcome!" Len winked.

Rin groaned in annoyance, "Why do I even try with you?"

"You don't even try! That's why you're failing school!"

Rin shrugged, "I mean it's not like I care or anything. Why would I try in hell?"

Len rolled his eyes, "Well pretty soon your stomach will feel like hell after that granola bar." He spoke nonchalantly before walking out of the nurses room.

Rin growled, she sat down onto the nurses bed, "Some nurse..."


"Haaaa Miku-chan! I think I got it! The window is breaking!" Gumi panted out, still attempting to break the glass. Miku popped up behind her shoulder, holding her phone with the flashlight gleaming brightly, illuminating Gumi's way, "Is it really?! Finally we can get out of this hell!" Miku cheered eagerly, they've been stuck here for an hour. Gumi desperately trying to break the solid glass, little by little the glass began to crack. Slowly.

Miku began to fidget, she began to become impatient and agitated, "Why does that have to be so thick?!" Gumi smirked at that complaint, "That's what she said- OW!" Miku slapped Gumi's head, "NO TIME FOR JOKES!" Gumi growled before slapping her back, "NO TIME FOR BEING A BRAT!"

Miku gasped, "Nan to iimashita ka?!" She looked at her offended.

Gumi sighed, "Great I've broken you. JUST LIKE YOU BROKEN THE CHANCE FOR PIKO GETTING A V4!" Miku stood there in shock, "..." She responded with just glances.

"Now will you please go back to your position queen? Your servant is currently working their ass off trying to break this glass while dealing with an idiot behind me. So please stop shaking the flashlight so much~" Gumi cooed. She was getting more annoyed by Miku's complaining. Rarely Gumi is ever annoyed but Miku just crossed the wrong path. The wrong diddly darn path.

Miku quickly stopped her shaking and held the phone still while Gumi who was a panting mess, trying so hard to break the window.


"Well...Hm." SeeU placed her index finger on her chin, trying to figure out what's wrong with the machine. Luka peeled over, "What's wrong?"

"Well...there's some sort of sticky liquid dripping from here." SeeU let a drop fall onto the tip of her finger, she tilted her head examining it closely, "It has a strong smell...of alcohol?" She raised her eyebrow, she turned facing Luka waiting for a response.

Luka kneeled next to her, "It does...but Meiko was with us the entire time in the choir room."

SeeU looked behind it, "Hm well it didn't go inside so it shouldn't affect this machine that much. Maybe just a simple clean up and the power will turn on. Then we can all get out."

Luka nodded in agreement before heading out with her.


"The cleaning closet is down the hallway right?" SeeU asked. Luka nodded. Both opened the closet til-

"Jesus Christ it's Jason Bourne." Fukase said in a monotone voice.

"HIDE YO KIDS HIDE YO WIVES!" Teto yelled before hiding the bleach behind her.

SeeU and Luka stood there in disbelief, "Mwo?" "Nani?"

"Run." Fukase yelled, grabbing Teto's hand and running off. Luka and SeeU stared wondering what just happened.

"Let's not question that."



Len walked around to the dark hallways, his footsteps following his trails. He sighed, he was curious as where Rin hurt herself. He then found a stream of blood trailing into one of the classrooms. He stood there trying not to be frightened by the creepy sounds of the trees scratching against the windows, loud screeches of thunder booming echoing through out the skies, and a certain music box playing in the distance. A music box? Len thought.

(Begin the video now~)

The music began to play a melody. The soft sounds began to grow louder every second. The tune being perfectly in sync with Len's heart. A fast pace. The melody ranged in Len's ear. As if it was telling him something. But in tune language. He began to move, walking slowly. As if he wasn't in control of his body.

He followed where the music was leading him to. The music box echoed throughout the hallways, growing louder each second. It was so mesmerizing. As if it was a trance. A trance you never want to get out of, a trance that will make you bid your soul.

Len turned the corner, a door wide open. As if it knew Len would come. He peaked inside. The room was pitch black, nothing in sight at all. Only darkness. The music box still playing, no where to be seen but you could hear where it was. Len stepped in the dark ominous classroom. The music grew louder, filling his ears, he couldn't hear nothing more. Only the music. His thoughts going blank as if this music was controlling him. He touched his back pocket for his phone. He cursed himself as he left it with Rin. She better not go through it-

Len rested his hands on the wall. Letting it guide him through his path. The music still going, slowly stopping. Len felt very ominous about all this. Stepping into a dark room with a music box playing? Something as if a horror movie would do.

The music began to grow quieter, quieter and more quieter. Until nothing more made a sound, only Len's shutter breaths could be heard. "Ahahaha~!" A woman laughed.

Len gasped, "H-ha!"

"Did I scare you my dear?~" The woman giggled before jumping off of something making a huge thud. "Don't be scared! I won't hurt you! Definitely not you."

Len listened carefully to her, she sounded so familiar, "Who are you?" He asked. The woman chuckled, "How can you not recognize your own lover?"

Which one is she?- "W-what?"

The woman giggled before stepping in front of Len, he could feel her presence right in front of him. The smell of pumpkin spice filled his nose.

She poked his nose making Len gasp, "You're more cute up closer!"

She sighed in awe, "Once they're all gone you can be mine. Forever. Nobody won't touch nor look at you. Only me." She giggled more. She the began to twirl around the classroom, giggling. Len listened carefully to her steps. Wanting to know exactly where she was at. She danced and spin across the room, twirling around gracefully. After a few minutes she stopped, she stood in front of Len once again.

"Why did you make me like this Len?~ Before...I was a normal girl...with normal dreams...never have I ever once desired a person in my life...never have I ever wanted  nothing more but to crawl into the skin of whom I love...to touch myself with your stuff that has your DNA on it...to chain someone up...what have I become Len-kun?~ You made me like this...you made me fall for you...thank you." She chuckled, Len lips parted. Too stunned to speak.

Her chuckle began to grow louder, turning into a insane laughter, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA! LEN-KUN I WANT NOTHING MORE BUT TO BE WITH YOU!" Five minutes went by. Her laugh soon calmed down to her panting, "Len-kun...You're more quiet...speak~ I mean you'll be speaking to only me forever! Mind as well get use to it now!"

Len shook his head, trying to comprehend what was happening.

"Did you like that song I've written for you? The one that lead you here?" She suddenly spoke, interrupting his thoughts, "The song that the music box was playing?" Len said quietly.

The woman nodded, "Mhm! That tune has been blasting inside my head for so long! Made my ears bleed for a prolonged time! Does it make yours too? If it does...may I lick it all up for you?"

Len stood in silence.

She then grasped his hands tightly, her warm hands intertwined with his. He tried to pull away but it only caused her to grasp harder. "Oh Len-kun... We could do this forever you know? Be with each other...for eternity...but you chose to stick with her instead. I mean why? Why stick with a selfish brat? You could've been with me." She whispered softly, "But it doesn't matter. You're here. You're all mine now. No one can get in the way."

As she spoke, images began to flash inside Len's head. Each image flashing each of his friends killed in a brutal way. The images that haunt Oliver's being. Len gaged and desperately pulled his hand away from her. She tightened her grip, sinking her nails into his skin. His skin slowly peeling off, leaving spots of blood. The images repeating over and over, the music playing in the background with...laughter? Len had enough of this nightmare. He pleaded to her, telling her to let go. She only replied with a chuckle.

The last image showed a florescent woman, dressed in pure white. From her hair to her gown. Her pale skin, her violet eyes illuminating brightly. Her sinister smile. Everything about her seemed wrong. She hugged tightly to a rabbit, black scribbles as eyes giving it a horrifying look.

She then mouthed something Len couldn't hear, the music blasting out loud in his hear. Making his ear almost bleed, Len shut his eyes. With one last tug, he finally escaped the woman's grasp. He looked at her once more, still not discovering who she was. He ran. He ran out of the classroom, into the hallways. He ran as fast as he can, away from that wicked person. Away from whatever was that. Away from whatever he just seen.


"There we go!" SeeU cheered as she wiped the last droplet of alcohol off the machine. "That should do it! The power should turn on soon!"

Luka smiled gratefully, "Thank you SeeU! I wouldn't know what to do without you!"

SeeU threw the towel into the trash, clearing her hands from the dust that was on the floor. Luka and SeeU soon left, checking around to see if everybody was still alive.


"MIKU! MIKU! MIKU! MIKU!" Gumi yelled excitedly.

Miku popped up from behind her, "YES?!"

"IT'S BREAKING! IT'S GONNA SHATTER!" Gumi cheered before speeding up the process of breaking the glass.


Gumi clapped, imitating Miku, "I KNOW RIGHT?! I KNEW YOU WOULD BE ANNOYING!"

Miku stopped before smiling nervously, "Ehehe~ well I uh...sorry! I was just anxious of getting out!"

Gumi smiled back, "I know~!"


Rin got up, her shoulder still feeling like hell, but Rin hid it with a smile. She just laughed at her pain, not wanting her brother to stress more or even worry.

She got onto her feet, before hearing something vibrate on the table next to her. She picked up the object, realizing it was Len's phone. He was getting text messages. How is he getting messages? There is no signal!

Rin stared at the screen with a perplexed face, luckily she also knew Len's password. Banana. It was so easy to figure out.

Rin scanned through, finding endless girls phone numbers, pictures of bananas, some of...Oliver? I knew he was gay-

Nothing sparked Rin's interest so she ended up taking pictures of herself. Hm...maybe I should embarrass him...

Rin quickly found some gel in the nurses drawer, she quickly ran to the restroom.


She came out, her hair spiked up, the rest of her hair tied in a ponytail. She did a quick quirky smile, she looked exactly like Len.

She grabbed Len's phone, taking pictures once again.

First picture had Rin who spreader her index finger and middle finger apart, placing next to her chin, placing her tongue in the middle.

Second picture has Rin who folded her fingers into a fist, she placed it onto her left cheek, blowing a bubble into her right cheek. Doing a certain pose.

Soon the lights came on. Everything turned on, blinding Rin. Rin gasped, covering her eyes. A few minutes passed, she sat there like somebody just threw a flash grenade at her.

She regained consciousness, looking around. Seeing a printer on the desk. Rin smirked before connecting Lens phone with the printer. Printing out a certain picture.

Rin then grabbed the picture that was just printed, the page still warm. She placed it next to her, lowering the camera. She did a certain gesture near her crotch, she quickly took the picture and stared at it with an amused face.

She pressed send, sending it to all the girls. As if instant, hundreds of them blocked him. Seems like they don't like Len masturbating to a picture of Oliver.


Fukase was currently dabbing as a celebration from the lights turning one. Teto who was doing the Renate Bliss dance. The song, 'Rockstar' playing.


Oliver was currently with (Y/N) cheering that the lights were on. (Y/N) felt a bit sad since he was scared of the dark, Oliver huddled close to her. His warmth and soft breaths eased her, his cute yelps when thunder strike down, his 'trying not to be scared' acting was adorable. He keep telling (Y/N) not to be scared of the thunder when she actually wasn't..it was Oliver who was the one but (Y/N) thought it was cute that he was trying to be brave for her.


Meiko and Haku were currently BOTH drunk. Both passed out into the floor, countless bottles of sake everywhere. Where do these girls get them?


Miku and Gumi who have escaped, running around the yard. Not knowing the power is on, they ran off into the streets yelling, "FREEDOM!"


Everyone soon left the school, being happy as ever. Gakupo who had Meiko slung over his shoulder, carrying her like a bindle. Len who was dragging Haku on the floor with Fukases help, Fukase originally took the pledge but was too weak to drag her.

Kaito who currently bought every ice cream from the stores with Miku's money and is now scarfing it all down.

The next day~

"(Y/N)-CHANNNNN!" Rin called (Y/N), running up to her. She quickly stopped next to her, panting as if she just ran a marathon. "You ok Rin-chan?!" (Y/N) asked, watching her with worried eyes.

Rin nodded, "L-Len...h-h-hide me!" She hid behind (Y/N), trying her best to curl up into a ball.

Len rushed around the court yard, he looked furious, "(Y/N)!" He ran up to her, his fists clenched, "Have you seen Rin?!"

"Well hello to you too Len!"

"A-ah sorry where are my m-manners talking to a pretty lady huh?~" Len chuckled nervously, he still was mad but he quickly hid it, "Mornin'.....h-have you seen Rin?" He spoke with his teeth clenched.

(Y/N) shook her head, Len sighed before showing him his phone. (Y/N) stared at the screen, seeing erotic pictures of him, "Well those are some 'interesting' pictures!"

Len scoffed, "No...that's not me..."

(Y/N) tilted her head, "Hm?"

"It's Rin....she dressed up as me and sent these pictures to thousand of girls! Now they all are blocking me!" He pouted. Rin did a quiet snicker, covering her mouth even more. "J-just tell me when you see her ok? She didn't even do it right anyways-" Len quickly realized what he said before burning up. "You get what I mean..." He walked off.

A few seconds later, Rin jumped up, "Thanks! I owe ya one!" She winked before skipping off. (Y/N) watched her skip off...a few seconds later she tripped...falling onto a person.

"RIN-CHAN! ARE YOU OK?!" (Y/N) yelled running to her, she stood over Rin. Grazing over her, Rin popped up. Smiling brightly, "YUP YUP!"

(Y/N) sighed in relief, she looked at the person who Rin almost squished to death. "O-owww!" They whimpered. It was Ma-ri.

"Oh Ma-ri! You ok?!" (Y/N) lend her a hand, helping her stand. She soon noticed that there was a bandage on her face, near her nose. (Y/N) gasped, "What happened?!"

Ma-ri shifted uncomfortable, "W-well...earlier...A-Ay-ri tripped me because I was too close to her... So yea... B-but I'll be fine! Don't worry!"

"Ay-ri did this?! Ugh I really hate her so much!"

"Don't we all?~" Rin added.

Ma-ri chuckled, "It's alright really. I'm used to this. I'm used to her...hm I don't want to say abuse because that isn't the right word but I'm used to her 'love' as you can say."

"She shouldn't be treating you like this...that is not what sisters do." (Y/N) said while helping her get the dust off of her outfit.

"It doesn't matter...no matter how much I tell her to stop or even tell my mother...it won't. So why complain if it won't never cease?"

(Y/N) and Rin were lost at words, trying to conceive something. Anything.

Ma-ri chuckled again, "Well I better be off now...I only came here to grab my homework for the day...if I stay here...students are gonna think Ay-ri did this then they'll hate her even more...I can't have that so...I must go home." Ma-ri smiled brightly walking off, waving at the two.

The girls wanted to stop her but she was gone. Already out the court yard, "Well then..." (Y/N) sighed.

Rin cleared here throat, "Ay-ri must've did a pretty good damage on her nose I mean like really..."


"(Y/N)!" Oliver suddenly poked her sides making her jump and yelp, "O-Oliver?!"

"Ah! I-I'm so so sorry! I-I didn't mean to scare you!" Oliver stuttered, his cheeks training red.

(Y/N) smiled, "I-It's ok. You scared me pretty good but it's good!"

"Y-you sure?"


"You guys are making it really hard to stay on my (Y/N) x Len ship right now...D-dont make me ship you too!" Rin stomped off, trying to find another hiding stop that Len won't know.

"Ship? Is she going on a ship? I like ships! I know a lot about them!" Oliver smiled brightly.

"You do?~" (Y/N) asked.

Oliver nodded, "Mhm! My.............father used to work with ships a lot...we moved a lot by the shores...they're really fun to ride. The soft rocking of the boat, the calming sound of the waves, fresh sea salt in the air. Ah I wish I could go back in time. I want to see the beautiful oceans again. It's really a sight when you see a whale jump from the water. Especially at dawn, the beautiful glistening water droplets dazzle everywhere make it extraordinary scene. Also dolphins as well, they're really cute." Oliver seemed to doze off on his words, he wasn't stuttering like usual. He seemed like an entirely different person. (Y/N) didn't want to interrupt as she liked the fact Oliver is talking more and more and is opening up. She wants to know more about Oliver and what he really is like.

Oliver finally stopped, his eyes widen before shaking his head. He glanced at (Y/N) then quickly turned back, "I-I must be stuttering nonsense aha! U-um..." He twiddled his fingers.

"No no you weren't! I'm actually really interested in the ocean now that you say it." His eyes shimmered with excitement. "R-really?!"

(Y/N) nodded, "I would love to see a whale jumping or dolphins!"

Oliver suddenly had an idea, "M-maybe someday we could go on a boat ride......o-only if you want to that is! If y-you don't then that is totally fine aha!" He smiled nervously.

(Y/N) clasped her hands, "Of course!" Oliver smiled brightly, "O-ok!" On the inside...he was screaming mentally.


I'm so sorry for not updating in awhile...school is over this Friday for me so once it is, I will have more time to update!


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