Militant (Sequel to Warrior)

By wintergirl08

83.2K 3.5K 1.1K

I guess you can say that I am unlucky. At least that is what I call myself. The one guy I ever liked has me f... More

Militant (Sequel to Warrior)
Life Full of Books
Wake Up Call
To Be a Lost Boy
Home Office
Lost Girl
Terrible Spy am I
A Change in Attitude
My Mother's History
Prove It
Hit and Miss
Just Like Chuck
My Mistake
Dream of 3 Cases
Light Them Up
Surprises Everywhere
Bring Her In
Unlucky Lost Boys
A Chat with Alex
She's Back
Warning Call
Nursery Rhyme
Untold Plans
Sick Girl on the Run
Pay Back
Long Time No See
Causing Trouble: Alex Style
A Distraction
Too Far
Truly Trapped
Skull Island
Knives Are a Girls Best Friend
A Power of Colors
Alex's Camp
Thinking Tree of Hell
Good Always Wins
A Strange Kid
The Demon is Out
Find the Demon
Wrong Story
Light 'em Up
The Queen of Neverland

Welcome to Neverland

2.8K 117 25
By wintergirl08

**Lottie POV**

The night was cold and a stiff wind followed me down the street as I ran after Jack. In the beginning I tried calling out to him but he would not turn around. I finally decided to just follow his shadow.

After a half mile or so I wished I could have brought my jacket since I started to shiver from the wind. Jack on the other hand did not seem upset what so ever over the cold. He just continued to walk down the road.

We had walked for a while now when I noticed that we were not the only ones on the street anymore. Other boys were walking close by with wild looks in their eyes.

I turned back to Jack and grabbed his hand. He turned around surprised.

“Jack what are you doing? Please just come home, I don’t want to be here anymore.”

“The music… Can you hear it? Following the music…”he muttered quietly as he stared down at me with the same strange look in his eyes. He then took my hand off of his and continued to walk with the other boys.

Music? What music? I thought. I was getting more worried the farther we walked. Maybe I should just go home. My parents will be worried if they find my bed empty I thought. 

 No, my family would not care if I left. My family was just bad. My mother who was so strict and my father never understood what was going on.

I new feeling seemed to bubble up inside me as I thought about my family. I felt freedom. I felt like I was rebelling from them and truth be told, I liked the feeling. The music seemed to turn on in my ears almost immediately following the feeling.

It was a pipe and it was calling me to it.

This time I did not even think about catching up to Jack. I felt like I belong here. I felt like this was my new group. The group of kids started to head into the woods and that is when the feeling seemed to drift away from me.

Woods means training practice in my mind. And I hate training practice.

Half of myself wanted to follow the boys, the other half seemed to wake me up from the daze and tell me to leave now while I still have the chance. But then I saw Jacks shadow slowly disappear in the dark and I made up my mind. I was going after Jack.

I kept silent as I walked along in the forest. The further in the woods we went the more excited and frightened I became. The rest of the boys seemed to get excited once we reached the forest, as if they were getting ready for something big.

We had walked another mile or so in the dark forest when I saw it. Flames. A camp fire. But what was going on at the camp fire. I saw lots of shadows running or wait were they dancing around the fire? The music continued to guide me to the fire but my will seemed to stop myself from walking again.

“Go back! You don’t understand the dangers you will face if you go on! Leave before he notices you!” A voice in my head spoke out.

“No I have to go after Jack” I whispered to myself. By this time I was in the back of the pack of boys.

I started to walk again and noticed boys go to one of the trees by the fire where a pile of masks lay. I picked one up and quickly tied it around me head. One of the boys dropped his hoodie on the ground as he grabbed a mask and did not pick it back up. I picked it up and put it on. Now I was warm and the hood hid my hair.

I ran after the boys who came to the fire and started to look for Jack again. I had to get him out of here fast. I thought. But I could not tell who was who. They all had masks on.

We all started to run around the fire and for once I was happy to do so. The amount of energy whipping through me seemed to be too much to handle and the music seemed to force me to dance anyway. We ran and jumped around the fire while the piper sat in the middle, playing his pipe.

It must have been past three when he finally stopped and when he did so; I felt all the worry come back to me. I have to find Jack. Where is Jack?

“Welcome new Lost Boys!” The piper spoke out from under his clock. All the boys responded with yells and laughter. I stood there surprised at what he just said. Did he just say Lost boys? I swear if this is some sort of cult then my mom is so going to kill me. I decided to stand still and blended in.

“Today I am going to relieve you of your misery here down in this world. Would you like to come with us?” He asked in a yell and again his response was of boys cheering.

The piper laughed and took from his neck a small bottle filled with something that resembled sand. He placed some in his hands and threw it across the group of boys and myself. Immediately I felt myself being lifted in the air, and as I looked down I was terribly afraid to notice that I was right. Thankfully however, instead of freaking out and screaming from terror, I just clung to the person next to me who soon after elbowed me off him.

I quickly apologized and looked back at the hooded figure as he too rose from the ground.

“Follow me.” He ordered. Boys shouted out that they agreed and together we all moved forward in the air with ease.

We were headed straight for the sky and we kept going up fast until I no longer wanted to look down again. When I thought we were going to suffocate from lack of air, the boy in charge told us to now fly down.

Was he trying to test us to see if we were afraid of flying or something? I thought.

We are just going to go back to the forest where we started. I was wrong. I looked down and instead of seeing Maryland, I was staring at a small island covered in trees and surrounded by water.

When we finally landed, I was greeted with a face full of dirt and thankfully I noticed that I was not the only one who did so.

We stood in an area with a big campfire and trees surrounding it. Where am I?

The boy in charge took off his hood and stared at us with a smile on his face.

“Welcome Lost Boys to Neverland!” he announced.

Oh gosh… What did I get myself into?

Yay! Peter Pan is back!!

Ok so yesterday I decided to go back and reread Warrior to see if I have to include anything from there into this book and thats when I noticed something that really annoyed me.

I am sure that almost all of you noticed the Divergent scene in there with the knife and I am serious that I can't believe I wrote that chapter that way. It really bothers me. I had not read the divergent book then when I wrote the chapter however when I wrote it, it was during the time when the trailer for divergent came out and I remember my favorite part being when Four threw knives at Tris.. Don't ask me why I like it so much becuase truth be told, I have no idea.

However I thought that no one would notice if I made a scene just like that. Boy was I wrong. 

Another thing that bothered me was how I mixed up Nightlock and Dreamshade... Please tell me I am not the only one who has done this before.

So anyway the reason why I am bringing my stupid mistakes to light is becuase I am going to go edit the whole book again and change little things and maybe even add things somewhere along the way.

I have a few friends who like to edit so maybe they will help me but yeah I was just wanting to let you know so if you ever look at an old comment that you wrote telling me how bad apart of my writing is and then realize that the mistake is no longer there anymore well.. yeah I fixed it :)

So I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Lots of Love


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