(Editing)The Light And The Da...

By Levi_is_da_wae

83.6K 1.8K 580

Hello. My name is Kayana Shiona.I am neither vampire nor human Welcome to my world. Twisted,cruel,disgusting... More

💥Chapter 1 -The Fire💥
Chapter 2 What am I?
Chapter 3 Training and Crowley
Chapter 4 More Crowley
Chapter 5 My demon
Character Info and Wiki and picture
Chapter 6- Mistake
Chapter 7- Bye Crowley. hello Lacus and Rene
Chapter 8- The Virus
Chapter 9 - Yuu and Mika
Vampire Rules + Extra special
Chapter 10 - A suprise for me?
Chapter 11- Crashing Planes.
Chapter 12- Cooking with the Hyakuyas
Chapter 13- Ferid Bathory
Truth or dare
Chapter 14 - Ferid's mischief
Chapter 16 - To Germany and Russia and the tragedy Part 2
Chapter 17- To Germany and Russia and The Tragedy
Chapter 18 - To Germany and Russia and The Tragedy part 4
Chapter 19 - Sanguinem
Chapter 20 - Escape
~ Chapter 21 ~
~ Chapter 22 ~
~ chapter 23 ~
~ Chapter 24 ~
~ Chapter 25 ~
Happy Birthday Lacus -Special
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Ferid oneshot
👑Chapter 28~👑
Chapter ?Recap
Hi! A/n

Chapter 15 - To Germany and Russia and the Tradegy

1.6K 32 4
By Levi_is_da_wae

Part 1

Kayana's pov

I was summoned by the queen of Japan. For what,I don't know.

My head felt a bit numb due to the fact I literally fell down 4 flights of stairs containing at least 200 steps.


I was still part human and even a vampire would have to at least feel that.

Well off with my self pitying.

My heels clicked against the floor as my purple eyes sent skull rotting glares at anyone who gave me a bloodlusting look. Disgusting and ontop of that they were hella creepy with those hoods.

The so-called fourth progenitor,me. Apparantly had extremely appetizing blood. One of the most exquisite. It was such a pity that I wasn't a livestock or a weak vampire. It had been said that I killed or tortured those who dared to oppose me and try to get a sip but it wasn't me. It was that hella possessive shit. You done know who it is.

Ferid Bathory.


"Krul Tepes-sama . I am at your presence." I stated trying not to cringe at me stating the obvious.I bowed before her and stood up after I was told to do so.

Her peircing red eyes gazed boredly at me. There was a stack of papers in the hands of three of her servants.

"Good. I need you to pack some belongings at once. I am sending you to Europe." She said in an authorative voice.

I nodded but questioned her

" what is my mission?" I asked

" Seeing as you are outside the most I am sending you to report to Urd Geales."

"...who now?"

She sighed

"The head of the progenitor council."

Shouldn't I be in the counsil to. I'm a friggen 4th.

"Oh ok. I see ,well I better start my packing then..."

Noo. That means no more Lacus,Rene,Crowley or Ferid. 😢.

Darn. And whose blood would I live off of.ill not drink from a human.

I shouldn't ask Krul. She'll just be like.

'You'll have to drink from a human.' And crap like that.

I turned and exited the room.




Boomed Lacus' loud voice startling the vampire guards but they couldn't scold him as he held a higher position than they did.

They couldn't  believe how casually he talked to me.

Rene also there gave a nod of aknowledgement.

"Kayana-sama." He greeted. The rest of the guards addressed me with my last name

"M'lady Shiona-sama." The other fuglies greeted with a bow.

I nodded at them and told them to be off with their patrol.

"Aye Laci-chan. (LACKY-CHAN)"

I hugged him tightly and also Rene with a monetone look caressing my features.
Rene is my prince charming.

"Where are you off too beautiful?" Lacus flirted while brushing his lips against my palm playfully

"I'm off to Europe."  I chirped back pecking his nose.

"Huh?" Lacus said tilting his head to the side cutely with a frown.

"I'm off to Europe." I repeated again.

"Huuuuuuh????" Lacus said again.

I patted his back gently.

"Yeah. I'll be gone for a while. Try not to miss me too much." I teased.

He pouted as I turned my attention to Rene and gave him a warm smile.

All he did in return was grunt but I saw his lips  form a small grin.

I sighed with a knowing smile  and ran my fingers through his soft and neatly combed raven-locks that hung loosely at the sides of face.

"Maybe I can keep one of you ." I suggested  taking in his soothing scent.

Lacus perked up to the sentence

"But...I can't separate the both of you so ...that won't do."

Rene's calm aura stayed as he spoke 

"It is fine Kayana-sama. But what should I do about the troublesome livestock?" . Ah, he has always be a responsible guard .

"Perhaps Welt  would like to have some of their blood?" I asked.

The said male twisted his nose up and scoffed in a disgusted manner.

"As If. I smelled those rotten squirts from a mile away. Only one of them was worth a taste ." He replied .

"Hm. So you tried one already? Would you like to keep him?"

He giggled.

"Well he is of no more. It was his fault though . He stomped on my toe so I sucked him dry." He carlessly spat out with the shrug of a shoulder.

I spared him a glance and took my fingers out of Rene's hair to outline his jawline instead. Due to my height I legit reached just below his chin but he tilted his head down for me. Awww.

"Well. I wouldn't have you punished since you made the others understand the severity of their punishments,correct?"

His lips twisted up into a sinister smirk.

" oh yeah. They were in tears." He remarked

I know I'm taking things too far. But rape is not something to just ignore. It's disgusting and I will not accept the fact that these older boys are taking advantage of the younger ones. Plus they hurt my Mika and my Yu.

"Well that's good. I trust that Rene has you on a leash,right. I know you get wild sometimes. Don't cha."

"Extremely." Rene added.

Lacus laughed at this in a mischeivous manner

"But it's so hard to.contain myself!" He objected.

"Yes but it's against the laws. If you got caught you could suffer serious consequences and I wouldn't be able to get you out."

I brought my hands back to my sides.

He shrugged.

"Oh. Do you need any escort?"

"I'll be fine . Now go on with your patrol. I'll be off."

With that I headed off.

I'm going to miss them very much.


The plane landed with a slight jerk making me wake up from my slumber.  I was told that I was  to meet a special assisstant courtesy the queen. She said as I was obedient and listened to her orders I was given something I once lost that was dear to me.
I had no response to that as I couldn't recall any object that I had lost.

"M'lady."  A gaurd with medium length blue hair said offering a hand to hoist me up. Well it would be bad to refuse.

"Thank you."  I replied and took it. I was then escorted out of the helecopter.

There is was. Europe. In all it's glory. The look it had was so...grand. even the vampire mansions.

In front off me stood ...

A tall. Very tall. Vampire who appeared to be rather dashing. Blonde hair with black spread accross almost like a line. It looked so exquisite. His face was ovalish and overall he would be someone in the sexiest man alive magazine. No shame, no regrets.

Standing next to him on his right was  a short. Extremely short- no offense. Cute little vampire.  Just like Crowley he has two toned hair. One side red and the other a silver blonde or almost white. He also wore a hat unlike the tall guy.

Then there was a . Oh damn, he's hot and he's adorable just like the shorty. But he's a tall one also.
Brown hair and red eyes. He has a lazy look in his eyes and apears to be laid back and bored. His stance is almost straight and his face isn't as serious as the other two, it's more playful if you pay closer attention.

Also. There stood a youndgvampire...who had on a hood so I don't know his description. But I'll see to that later.


So what to do. I don't remember their names

"Lady Shiona we have been expecting you." The lazy-looking one said now proceeding to stand up straightly.

Well no-shit.screw this what the fridge is his name!!

Oh wait!!I wrote is on my hand. Just take a small peek.

Stone face-Urd Geales. Face it. He has no emotions.

Stuffed toy- lest Karr. He's soo adorable

Cutie Pie- Ky Luc....

"Well I am glad to be in your presence, Lord Ky." Crap. Was that his first or last name. I'm screwed.

He grinned lop-sidedly

Am I allowed to shake his hands or woukd my head get cut off....wait. Calm yourself.

I turned to bow in the presence of the other two higher ups.

"Your highnesses."

Crap. That sounded shitty.

"You may stand Lady Shiona." Urd said coldly. Darn...he was one scary dude.

I did so gracefully and looked him in the eye as a sign of total respect.

"You will be here only for a week to give reports on Japan and to see if livestocks here are healthy ." Was all he said.

"Yes you highness." I responded taking another short bow.

I noticed the amusement in Ky's eyes as he observed my actions. But I didn't see what was so amusing about it. Wait...did I have something on my face?
Lest Karr also remained silent so I offered him a smile. But he just gave me a harsh glare. Yup. That left a hole in my soul.

😕the baby doesn't love me.  ;  (

"Ky. Take her to your mansion and have her stay there. She also doesn't drink human blood so you will give her some every day." Urd said placing his hands in the pockets  of his black coat.

Ky didn't question his superior.

"Yes Lord."

"Why doesn't she stay in your mansion?" Lest asked out of curiousity.

"I will be to busy to pay much mind to the young lady. So I put her in the hands of Ky who should be able to entertain the Lady and escort her."

A carrige pulled up. Wow they have those....

"One of our finest crafted carriges." Ky said grinning .

Urd and Lest left ,well how 'kind' of them ; (

"It's quite detailed."  I noted in awe
It had a Victorian themed style. Rimmed with gold and silver to give it the 'grand' look. Painted in white with dots of black and rose decor.

The windows were stained glass and open framed with more gold in a beautiful rose-like flower pattern with vines.

He chuckled and told a gaurd to take my bags to the back or the carrige as it arrived.

Carrying the carrige were two horses. Very well groomed if  I may add.

And they were so cute.

"My Lord. Do they have a horse stable?" I asked.

"Indeed they do. And they are working on other animals also such as sheep and cows for healthier food for the livestock."

I thought. Ferid has those foods. So where do they come from?????? Do they have stables back in Japan?oh. Probally they do from former human farms.

"Oh. That's smart. The healthier and spoilt they are ,the more willing they would gave their blood and the better their blood would taste and if they refuse you could use blackmail ..."

"Exactly!" Lord responded.

What rank is he though... I don't know his personality so I can't play dangerous.

"Follow this map and make the stops necessary." He ordered the vampire who just happened to be driving the carrige."

He climbed in first showing me a way tgat wouldn't have me falling in the mud and completely embarrassing myself. Oh he's such the gentleman.


"My mansion isn't too far from here. It's just a 45 minute drive." He explained. But obviously vampire speed would be much much faster

"Oh I see my Lo-

"No need to be so formal. You're higher ranking than I am so just address me as Ky or Luc.  I will call you Kayana-sama."  He said flashing me a charming smile. Kawaiiiiiiii

Me almost blushing to death. Yes.

"I-if you insist."

The veiw was absolutely stunning. I didn't know what Urd did,but...It certainly did wonders.

It was almost as if the place wasn't destroyed in the first place. He completely utalized the areas.


The carrige came to a hault and the door could be heard opening.

I was offered a hand yet again and yes I did take it. Again.

I stepped out the luxurious carrige just to be awed again at the sight of Ky's mansion.

It was beautiful.


almost completed.
Enjoy the chapter.
Special is next
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