Forbidden (A Luke Castellan L...

By WriterManiac1

405K 12.3K 2.3K

Avery Hawkins had been orphaned nearly her whole life. But when things started to look normal for her, everyt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Contest!! *CLOSED*
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 34
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Author Note
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Author Note
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 92
Chapter 92

Chapter 61

4.8K 122 68
By WriterManiac1

A/N: Alright, now that we have a winner I actually have a real update!! Finally, I know!! I Really am sorry about not updating for so long. It's been a really, really stressful week. ): I decided to make it up to you guys with an extra long chapter!! And I just have to thank every one of you guys!! You seriously are amazing!! I LOVE reading all of your comments!! Oh my Gods i love reading them!!! I seriously love you guys!!! Also, i'm sorry that i haven't been replying to all of your comments. I make it a goal to reply to all of them but for some reason, Wattpad isn't letting me reply to them so i'm sorry. I want to, but not matter how hard i try, it won't let me respons. If you have any suggestions on how to fix it, please help me!! Now, lay back and enjoy this chapter!! Remember to keep voting and commenting!!

Avery’s POV
            I was in a halfway asleep, halfway awake state when I felt something jab into my stomach. “Owft!” I yelped, grabbing my stomach as I bolted upwards, smacking my head on the top bunk. I groaned, holding my head and slowly slumped down into my previous laying position, moaning in pain.
            When I finally opened my eyes, they met intelligent bright blue eyes, staring down at me. “Sorry, little star.” Luna said, her eyes gleaming with an embarrassed smile.
            “N-No.” I managed to say groaning once more from the pain in my stomach that she was still standing on. Her legs felt like needles jabbing into me. “It’s fine.” I finished.
            Luna’s eyes brightened as she took her sharp feet off my stomach. I let another groan out as I said a quiet ‘thank you’ then propped myself unsteadily on my elbows.
            I blinked a few times then looked around to see everyone sleeping still. “W-why did you wake me up?” I asked then yawned. “It’s so early!”
            “Chiron wishes to speak with you.
            I froze, remembering last night and Gleeson catching Luke and I past curfew.
            “D-Did he say why?” I gulped.
            Luna shook her head.
            “O-Okay let me get ready then.” I said taking the sheets off my legs. Luna jumped off the bed while I gathered my clothes and hair things then walked to the bathroom to get ready.
            After I had showered and put on my makeup- which was really only mascara- I brushed my hair then braided it in my signature braid down my back. I just finished when I heard a low and loud growl followed by a male scream.
            I rushed out of the bathroom to see Luke ready to slash Luna with his sword. “Luke!” I yelled as I raced forward to stop him.
            Luna turned her head to me then raced towards me while Luke screamed. “Avery!” if the other campers wouldn’t have already left to breakfast, they all would have been woken up for sure.
            My wolf barreled towards me, jumping on me and pinning me down. “Stay down little star.” She hissed at me then jumped off to race over to Luke, with a howl sounding like she was leading a charge
Luke rolled out of the way while Luna skid on the wooden floor, trying to get traction on her paws.
I stood up, “Luke stop! Luna don’t!”
Neither of them listened as Luke raced towards me and stood in front of me, putting an arm in front of my protecting me. Before I could think of how sweet the action was on how he was trying to protect me, I yelled my swords name and jumped in front of Luke, my sword clashing with his just as he swung for Luna.
“Avery? What are you doing?” Luke yelled at the same time Luna asked, “Little star, what are you doing?”
“Put your sword away Luke.” I commanded, putting some charm speak into my voice so he would have to listen. Then I said, “Stand down Luna.”  
Both of them obeyed but were still tense, ready to spring at any moment.
I sighed from relief and put my sword away. “Luke, meet Luna, my wolf and Luna, meet Luke my friend.” Then I turned to her. “Who I like.”
“What?” Luke asked. “You have a wolf? Since when?”
You have not told him about me?” Luna asked, sounding slightly offended.
Turning to Luna I said, “I was getting around to it. Luke and I were in a fight so I could never really introduce the two of you.”
“Oh my gods! Did you…You just talked to it didn’t you?” Luke asked sounding like he thought he was losing his mind.
It?” Luna growled.
“He didn’t mean it like that Luna.” I assured her then turned to Luke. “Luke this is Luna. I met her after Capture the Flag. And um… yeah… I can talk to her.”
Luke suddenly looked really interesting. “Does she understand you?”
I nodded. “Luna was the one that saved me from Clarisse and her buddies.”
Turning his head to Luna, Luke said. “Thank you, for doing that.”
A blush formed on my cheeks from how sweet that was. I walked towards him and wrapped my arms around him while he smiled and did the same to me.
Do I not get to know who he is?” Luna asked impatiently, pawing at the ground.
I pulled away from Luke and apologized, “Sorry, Luna. This is Luke. He’s um….” I blushed and looked back at Luke, what are we?”
            “I’m her boyfriend.” Luke smirked then looked over at me while I bit my lip and agreed.
            “Yeah except…it’s kinda a secret so if you keep it between us…”
            Luna nodded. “I shall keep your secret.”
            “Thank you.” I breathed out.
            She nodded again then turned towards the door giving me an urgent look. “We must hurry, little star. Chiron said that he wished to speak with you as soon as possible.”
            “Right, sorry.” I turned to Luke and hugged him. “I’ve got to go. Chiron said he wanted me so I’ll meet up with you later, okay?”
            Luke looked hesitant but nodded. “Alright, bye.” Then he placed a kiss on my forehead that made a grin spread on my face.
            “Hurry now.” Luna said, scratching on the door. When she looked back she realized that Luke and I were going to kiss and she quickly ran over and placed her between us, pushing me backwards. “He said urgently, little star.
            I rolled my eyes. “Fine.” I huffed then yelped as she shoved me harder towards the door. “Bye Luke!” I managed to call before I opened the door with Luna racing off towards the big house.
“You could have been nicer.” I called out towards her while we ran.
            After a long period of time waiting, I realized that she wasn’t going to answer and rolled my eyes. “What did Chiron want to talk to me about?” I asked, changing the subject.
            “He did not say. He only told the satyr, who told me, that he wanted you as quickly as possible.
            “Fine.” I said then started to run faster until we stopped at the Big House. Luna sat by the door, knowing that she probably wasn’t allowed.
            My eyes looked up at the huge wooden door. I gulped as I looked at it then walked up the porch and knocked on the door. Hearing a muffled ‘come in’ I turned the knob and walked it to find Chiron in his wheel chair sitting across from a girl that looked about 12 or 13.
            The girl’s head turned towards me to show beautiful, dazzling dark blue eyes with long wavy dark brown hair. She wore black skinny jeans with a white tank top with a beanie on her head while she bit her lip nervously, shifting ever so slightly.
            “Hi.” I smiled, trying to be friendly but she shied away and seemed to try to disappear into her chair. I could understand that though.
            “Avery,” Chiron said, making me turn to him. “I’d like you to meet Rachel Anne Hemmings, the newest camper to Camp Half Blood.”
            I turned back to the girl and waved, a smile on my face. “Hey, I’m Avery Hawkins.”
            “Hi.” The girl said shyly and I nodded to her then turned back to Chiron.
            “So what did you call me in here for?” I asked, trying not to let my voice shake. I just prayed to the Gods that this wasn’t about Luke and I past curfew.
            “Well,” He said and wheeled towards me, “I know that you’re fairly new here yourself and that you know how it was like to be the newest camper, so I was wondering if you would be so kind as to show Miss. Hemmings around the camp.”
            “That’s it?” I asked, trying not to sound so hopeful but Chiron must have heard the hope in my voice as he chuckled.
            “Were you expecting something else?” He asked, his eyebrow raised with amusement written on his features.            
            I straighter and shook my head. “No.”
            “Good, then you shall show Miss Hemmings around the camp?”
            “Sure.” I answered then jerked my head towards the door, signaling to have us leave. “Come on Rachel, I’ll show you around.”
            She hopped off the couch and was about to follow me out the door but at the last second she turned to Chiron first and thanked him to which he smiled kindly then allowed her to follow me out the door.
            I let Rachel walk out the door first while I shut the door- that was my first mistake.
            While I was shutting the door, I head Rachel scream to which I immediately flew into action, my sword already formed in my hands while I stepped in front of Rachel, shoving her to the side. She fell on her knees on the grass just as I was barreled over by Luna. “Gods, Luna!” I groaned, “Get off me.” I shoved Luna off me while Luna simply stayed by my legs when I stood up, her eyes narrowed at Rachel and in a ready position.
            “Who is she?” She asked, still not relaxing her eyes, making Rachel take a step back.
            “Okay, first,” I told her, turning to Luna, hands on my hips. “I told you that I can handle myself. When there’s a threat, I’ll tell you. Campers here aren’t a threat. I’ve told you that! Alright? Now seriously, I thought you could like ‘sniff out danger or whatever’.”
            Luna sniffed and gave me a side ways glance and a wolfish shrug. “I do. However it’s never bad to make sure.”
            I slapped a hand on my forehead. “Honest?” I asked then sighed, “Just listen to your nose first okay? If they really are trouble then I’ll deal you, deal?”
            At first, Luna didn’t answer, she only looked from me to Rachel, her tail wagging side to side. Finally she rolled her eyes, “Fine.” She growled.
            “Thank you!” I said flinging a hand in her direction. I turned towards Rachel who was now five steps back, her blue eyes wide.
            A small, awkward laugh left my lips as I rubbed the back of my neck, “Sorry about that.” I apologized, a guilty smile on my lips.
            “No, I-it’s fine.” She said, her voice shaking.
            “Well I guess I should introduce you two. Rachel? This is Luna, she’s my… wolf…I guess?” I turned to Luna. “Are you my pet?”
            “No.” She said scrunching up her face.
            Turning back to Rachel I said, “She’s my pet.” Luna rolled her eyes but her eyes sparkled with a smile. “And Luna? This is Rachel. She’s new at the camp.”
            “Hi?” Rachel said with a question in her voice. She sounded like she thought it was stupid talking to an animal. She then confirmed my suspicions by giving me a look and whispering, “Why am I talking to her? She can’t understand me can she?”
            Luna scoffed, “Of course I can you insolent little-” I glared at her and she shut up heaving a sigh and laying on the ground, defeated.
            When I turned back to Rachel I debated on the easiest way to tell her, “Luna actually can understand you.”
            “What? How? How would you know that?”
            I laughed then tried to hide my smile as I thought about how crazy this would sound. “Cuz she told me.” I said, trying to bit my lip to keep from smiling.
            Rachel looked at me like I was crazy and I started to crack up, “Okay sorry I should explain more. You see, I have a gift to be able to talk to her. So like you shouldn’t be able to talk to her and understand her, but I can. Either way though, she can understand you. Does that make since?”
            Surprisingly Rachel shrugged her shoulder, not looking fazed. “It’s not the strangest thing that’s happened today.” She said then walked over to Luna and pet her head to which Luna made a noise of content, nuzzling Rachel.
            I like this kid. I thought in my head, a grin on my face
            “So!” I said and started to walk to which Luna and Rachel followed. “Tell me about yourself, Rachel.” I said, looking at her from the corner of my eye.
            “Well,” Rachel said, sticking her hands in her pockets. “I’m twelve years old, I’ve moved from foster home from foster home because I was… ah…. always getting into trouble.” She looked at me sheepishly.
            I shrugged, “Happens to a lot of us. I was basically kicked out of every school in New York.”
            Her eye brows raised in surprise, “Seriously?” She asked.
            “Yup.” I answered nodding. “I wasn’t really my fault though, I just got in the bad situations all the time. I got blamed for things I didn’t do. It’s a common things for Demigods. A lot of us get into a lot of trouble. Demigods have lots of traits too… speaking of which, do you have ADHD or are you dyslexic?”
            “Dyslexic.” She said, nodding. “Why?”
            “Well, Demigods brains are high wired for Greek so English is harder for us. There are also kids that have ADHD, like me. We’re so fidgety because we have heightened senses and a natural aptitude for battle. It keeps us alive.”
            “Neat.” Rachel smiled.
            I laughed, “Pretty cool. Being a Demigod has its perks but- Gods, there are definitely bad things.”
            “Like what?”
            “Well, I don’t know if you know this already, but for one thing, there are monsters. Demigods have a special ‘scent’…I guess. Monsters can track us by our scent and kill us.  The more powerful you are, the more monsters you attract. Most the time, we don’t tell you who you are until you reach Camp because once you know you’re a Demigod, your scent gets stronger. The Camp has a boundary around it that doesn’t allow monsters to enter without permission from a camper.”
            “What kind of Monsters are there?”
            “A lot actually. You’ll learn all of them in Monster Training class but for the most part there are: Harpies, Hellhounds, Furies, Gorgons, and a lot more. I don’t really want to tell you any more cuz,” I looked around worriedly then turned back to her, “Names have power. For the most part, we have nicknames for them. Like a fury,” I looked around again, “We call them the ‘Kindly Ones.’”
            “Makes since,” Rachel said as we continued to walk in silence again, me pointing out things as we walked as well as some of the campers waving to us from the volleyball court.
            “So,” I said, “How did you get here?”
            “Oh um…” She stuttered, looking uncomfortable.
            “It’s totally fine if you don’t want to tell me, we’ve all got hard things.” I assured her.
            “No,” She said, “I trust you, I just….well… I’ve been in foster homes almost all my life, and I didn’t stay there long. I finally found a home that I really loved but… My foster brother died in a car crash. My foster parents were devastated and I just felt like I was too much trouble for them so I…I ran away. I didn’t want them to have to take care of me too, I was too much trouble.”
            My hands were in my pockets as I nodded, understanding. “Who was your mortal parent?” I asked.
            “I’m sorry?” She asked.
            “Chiron told you who you are right?”
            “Yes, he said I was a Demigod; part mortal, part God.”
            “Correct, so who was your mortal parent? Was it your Dad or your mom?”
            “Mom.” Rachel answered. “She kinda went bonkers from drugs and I was taken from her cuz she could hardly take care of herself let alone a one year old. She was a famous singer so I guess the popularity got to her head.”
            “I’m sorry,” I said and she nodded in appreciation.
“It doesn’t really matter. It isn’t like I knew her very well.”
“So if your mom is mortal, that means that your Dad has to be the Godly side of your family. I can’t really be sure who your parent is though, you’ll just have to wait until you’re claimed.”
            “Oh right sorry- when you’re claimed, your Godly parent basically tells everyone that you are their kid. The camp has cabins for each God. Zeus, Hades, Athena, all that. Whoever your Godly parent is, you stay in their cabin. Make since?”
            “Yeah, yeah it does.” Rachel said then looked up at me, “So who is your parent?”
            “Well…” I said, trailing off. “The Gods are really busy, Rachel, so some kids don’t always get claimed right away, sometimes it takes weeks, years, never, you never know.”
            “So…?” Rachel asked, not fully understanding.
            “I haven’t been claimed yet.” I told her, regretfully.
            “Oh.” She said, the air between us becoming awkward. “Where do you stay when you aren’t claimed? Do you just sleep in the stars?” She asked after a long silence.
            “Gods no!” I laughed, “No, Hermes, he’s the traveler God, he takes care of all the unclaimed kids. I’ll show you there as we go throughout the tour.”
            I followed on my word and after the tour I stopped in front of the Hermes cabin, “Welcome to Cabin 11!” I smiled and opened the door to let Rachel walk in first. When she walked in she looked in awe at how big the cabin actually was, and how crowded. It was only when I closed the door again that everyone turned their heads towards us.
            “Regular?” Travis yelled.
            “Or Undetermined?” Connor asked, trying to cut off a piece of Rebecca’s hair from the bunk above her but she turned around and smacked him in the face sending him falling from the bunk and on the floor.
            “Undetermined.” I said and just like when I was brought to camp, everyone groaned. I rolled my eyes and put a hand on Rachel’s shoulder, “You’ll meet everyone later but right now we need to get you a bed.” I turned to everyone. “Anyone got an extra bunk?”
            I sighed, “Alright, we’ll just have to get you a sleeping bag, so you’ll have to sleep on the floor like a few of the other kids. Lindsey?” I asked and her head popped out above me from the highest bunk making Rachel fall on the floor holding her heart, startled.
            “Yeah?” Lindsey asked, her green eyes glimmering while she looked over Rachel, as if she was a new target for her scams.
            “Show Rachel around here would you?”
            “Sure.” She said then scrambled around up top until she slid down the latter and grabbed Rachel’s hand. “Come on, newbie, let’s go find you some clothes and maybe play a few…games.” She smiled deviously and I knew exactly what that meant. I was about to change my mind and have another one of the campers take Rachel but Lindsey drug Rachel away towards the door at full speed, dodging the person that opened the door in the first place.
            “Whoa!” Luke said, appearing from behind the door and holding up his hands while he moved out of the way before the 12 year olds trampled him over. He turned to me, his face surprised, “Who was that?”
            “New camper.” Everyone groaned in unison and he nodded understanding.
            “Let’s hope that Lindsey doesn’t get her to play poker with her.” Luke chuckled and I laughed.
            Lindsey had this huge thing about poker. The first thing that you should know about Camp is to never play a chance game or wager anything against the Hermes kids. Lindsey had run practically everyone dry until they realized to hide their money from her. No one had been able to beat her yet, though I think she cheats half the time but then again, I should expect that from the Hermes cabin. Lindsey’s huge thing was scams. If she asks you to play a game, say no! She’s the biggest scam artist in the camp, maybe the world. She even convinced Mr. D to play a game with her, which almost resulted in her becoming a grape from Mr. D loosing.
            Luke turned to the campers. “Alright, cabin 11, we got canoeing in 5 minutes. Last one there has to duel with me in sword training today.” He grinned and immediately the Hermes cabin flew to life, everyone tripping on each other to not be last so they would have to deal with Luke’s sword.
            In a matter of seconds, everyone had filled out of the cabin, racing towards the gym leaving me laughing and Luke smirking. “You’d think they don’t want to spar with me.” Luke joked and I laughed. He turned to me, his face serious, “Why weren’t you at breakfast?”
            “Oh, Chiron called me and asked if I would show Rachel, the new girl, around. I guess I forgot about it.”
            Luke smirked, “Good thing I stole an apple for you.” He dug into his pocket and tossed an apple at me which I caught with both hands.
            “Thanks.” I smiled and rubbed it on my shirt then took a bite.
            “Sure, no problem.” He said and then walked behind me and wrapped his arms behind my waist from behind, rocking me slightly.
            Luke dipped his head to the crook of my neck and left a kiss on the skin right below my ear causing me to shiver as he continued to kiss my neck while he rocked us back and forth. “Someone’s going to see.” I whispered, slightly out of breath from the sensation of his kissing along my neck.
            “Fine.” Luke mumbled and moved his head to rest his chin on the top of my head, still not letting go of me.
            “We’re going to be late.” I reminded halfheartedly, not really wanting to leave.
            At first he didn’t listen but finally he moved his head and turned me around. I tilted my head to look up at him to see a smirk on his face. “First give me a kiss.” He said.
            I smiled and rolled my eyes but bent up on my toes and gently pressed my lips on his.
            Just as I was about to lean back down, however, Luke’s hands shot out and grabbed each side of my head, keeping me there. He smirked as he kissed me. I rolled my eyes but kissed him back while he pressed our lips together hard. When we finally pulled away I opened my eyes, my breathing hard.
            “Whoa.” I said, a huge grin on my face.
            Luke laughed and pecked my cheek then went to kiss me again, a smirk on his face, but as much as I wanted to kiss him, I ducked out of the way and held a finger to his lips. “We seriously have to get to the canoeing lesson.” I said, “You’re cabin counselor, you can’t be late. Plus,” I smiled and teased, “I don’t want to be the one that has to spar you.”
            He chuckled then opened the door and bowed deep, “Then lead the way, my lady.”
            I curtsied, “Thank you, my Lord.” I said and Luke smirked, looking up at me from his bowing position.
            “My Lord.” HE repeated, his smirk growing on his face. “I like it. You should call me that more.”
            “In your dreams.” I told him, smacking him playfully on the head as I walked out the door.”
            A deep chuckle came from Luke, “You don’t want to know what I dream of you, Avery. I’ll give you a hint though, you don’t wear those clothes…or anything.” He smiled suggestively and I had to scold him.
            “Luke!” I said, my cheeks burning from his meaning.
            He laughed and started to walk out of the cabin with a smirk while I called to Luna. “Come on, Luna. Do you want to come?”
            “Where are you going?” She asked, trotting up to the side of me.
            “The lake. We’re going canoeing.”
            Her face scrunched up, “No thank you. Hermes kids aren’t the ones to trust, especially around water.
            “True.” I said, nodding my head to the side.
            “Avery?” Luke called, walking backwards and waving me on.
            “Coming!” I yelled back then turned to Luna, “I’ll see you later than, okay?” She nodded and I jogged up to Luke while we talked as we walked towards the lake. When we got there, all the younger campers had their life jackets on while the rest of the older campers were getting out the paddles and the rest of the supplies.
            “Who was last?” I asked, smiling.
            “Travis.” Connor smirked.
            His twin turned to him, “No it wasn’t! It was you!”
            “Was not!” Connor argued.
            “Yeah it was! I tripped you so that you were the last one!”
            Knowing he was caught, Connor looking around frantically then finally realizing he had no chance, charged Travis who was laughing by the dock. At the last second Travis saw him and screamed as both boys tumbled into the water with a huge splash.
            All the campers laughed while both boys surfaced, gasping for breath.
            “You’re an idiot!” Travis said and tried to dunk Connors head in the water, both of them trying to drown the other.
            I looked over at Jacie who smirked, nodding at me. “Cannon ball!” We yelled together and raced towards the water both jumping in next to Travis and Connor. When we surfaced we were laughing while all the older kids smiled, looking at each other and ran into the lake just as we had. The younger kids knew it wasn’t safe so stayed by the dock and started to splash us with their feet and hands. Soon, a full on water war had broken out. Somehow, one of the Hermes kids managed to get a bucket and started to throw the water at any camper in sight.
            Everyone was laughing and I looked back up at the dock to see Luke who just rolled his eyes. I smirked and swam over to him, “Come on in, Luke.” I said. “Or are you scared?” I teased.
            He rolled his eyes. “We’re supposed to be canoeing, not swimming.”
            “You’re no fun.” I pouted then turned over to Jacie and a few of my friends who all nodded, knowing exactly what I was thinking. “Help me up then,” I said, holding my hand out for him to take while a few of my friends jumped up on the dock and got behind him, ready to push him.
            “Fine.” He grumbled and took my hand but before he could pull, I pulled as hard as I could along with the people behind him, pushing him in, having him tumble into the water. When he surfaced, he was sputtering water while everyone burst out laughing. 
            “Oh you’re going to get it now.” He growled, smiling. I squealed and tried to swim away but not before he grabbed my waist and dunked me into the water. I screamed before I held my breath just as my head went under.
            I managed to get loos from his grip but before I could scramble up on the dock, he grabbed my leg and pulled my back under.  Another playful scream left my lips as I dodged Luke and this time made it to the dock. Luke, somehow, managed to grab the bucket and submerged it into the water. I screamed again as I pulled myself up the dock and started to run away, just as Luke gripped the bucket, taking it out of the water filled to the top. Just as Luke was about to throw the bucket I laughed saying a playful, “Stop!” while I closed my eyes, turning my head away while my hands were up to protect my face from the water.
            When I didn’t feel anything I opened my eyes and relaxed my muscles slightly, but still ready for Luke to throw the bucket at me. When nothing happened still, and the whole place got silent, I blinked in surprise and slowly turned around, curious onto why I hadn’t felt anything. When I turned around I gasped, taking a step back, my hands still up to protect my face.
            Straight in front of me I saw that Luke did throw the water at me but it was paused midair about a foot away from me.
            Completely shocked, I dropped my hands and suddenly the water dropped to the ground, splashing the dock with water.
            My eyes widened and I looked over at Luke and Jacie to see that their expressions matched mine.
            It was only when we heard loud hoofs race across the docks that I turned around to see Chiron. “What happened here?” He asked, “I thought you were going canoe…” He trailed off when he saw my face. “Child what’s the matter?” He asked.
            Not knowing how to respond, I stayed silent and glanced over at Jacie and the rest of the cabin to explain.
            “She suspended the water in midair, Chiron!” Travis finally exclaimed.
            Chiron blinked in surprise, taking a small step back. “What?” He then looked at me, “This is true?”
            I looked down at my hands and looked back up at Chiron. “I don’t know what happened.” I said, stunned.
            This time, Chiron turned to Luke. “What happened, Luke?”
            Luke jumped off of the dock and walked towards Chiron, his face just as shocked as the rest of the campers. “Travis is right. I went to throw a bucket of water at her and she turned around, held up her hands and said ‘stop’. Then the water immediately stopped and… and then she put her hands down and the water fell to the floor again. What does this mean?”
            Chiron’s eyes scanned over the campers, looking off balanced, which only worried me more. He glanced up at the sky and then said, “Everyone go get cleaned up in the showers,” He turned to me, “You as well Avery. Then come to my office.”
            With that, Chiron turned around and trotted off full speed towards the big house.
            I swallowed and turned to Luke, his expression matching my worried one. I blinked and looked back at Chiron’s figure fading away.
            What was happening to me?

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Follows the Disney+ Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. If you have read my other Percy Jackson books: The Daughter of War and Son of Hermes, you...
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[Please excuse cringy writing. I started this a long time ago] After the war and camp is cleaned up, a daughter of Poseidon shows up at camp. Josie a...