Lose My Mind (Nathan Sykes Fa...

By Jays_PissRocket

111K 1.2K 171

"Just leave me alone!" I try and storm away but a gentle, yet firm hand grabs my wrist forcing me to turn aro... More

Coming Home
Getting To Know You
New Friend
My Day with Nathan
That Was Unexpected
Meeting Logan Part 1
Meeting Logan Part 2
Sleeping With The Enemy
Red Carpet?
Girls Day
Not an Update
"I Found You"
"For The First Time"
A Good Day For Love To Die
You've Made Me Lose My Mind

Movie Night

4.9K 69 9
By Jays_PissRocket

We arrive at home with me still on Jay's back with Tom carrying my shoes, and Siva my purse. On our way back to the apartment, Tom tried putting on my heels and almost died. The walk back home was peaceful thank's to Jay making me laugh and humming a jolly tune.

By the time we walked in the door, Nathan was already home and you could hear singing from his room. I slide off of Jay and hug him from behind as thanks. I realize that we didn't really eat so I skip to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Hey Maxi?" I call. While waiting for and answer I open to fridge and see that nothing is prepared and I don't feel like cooking at all. I go over to the cabinets and pull out a bag of chips and begin to munch on them.

"Beccy?" I turn and practically fall off the counter.

"MAX! PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!" I throw the bag of chips at his half naked body and run from the room. Seeing your brother in only boxers when he's like 22 isn't a great sight. I run with my head down when I run into another body. I look up to see a shirtless Tom and unintentionally put my hands on his chest.

His chest is rock hard, firm with muscle. I slowly make it down to his abs and realize what I'm doing and push him away quickly. I can't look at him because my face must look like a tomato.

"Why can't you guys wear clothes, LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE!" I yell and hurry up and push my way past Tom and run to the stairs. I take the stairs two at a time and hurry my way down to my room. I rush past the room next to mine and realize it's Nathans. I stop and press my ear against his door, his voice is muffled but I hear enough and listen to the song that he's singing.

"So kiss me and tell me I'm the one

There's no other, no other one you want

Baby, kiss me, make sure you close your eyes

Or we fall down

Yes, we fall down"

I find myself opening to the door, the door knob cold in my hand feeling like ice touching a hot frying pan. I slowly turn the knob and continue to listen to the singing, almost falling in a trance as I do so. Finally the door is open and I'm hit with the smell of Calvin Klein Eternity. The scent is intoxicating and I find myself walking forward when a hurt voice cuts through my trance.

"What are you doing?" I quickly look up and see a very upset Nathan looking back at me. I look into his eyes and see they're red and puffy from crying. I take in his full appearance, he looks knackered, I mean worn out. His hair is all over the place and he isn't wearing a hat.

"Um are you going to answer me?" I shake my head and make eye contact with him again and give a small smile. I walk over to him and give him an awkward hug because he's sitting in his chair. He tenses at my touch and I pull away quickly and take a step back making eye contact with him again.

"I'm sorry about today. It just wasn't fair what she did to you; pouring your food on you, or cheating on you. I mean no one deserves that, no matter what." I say looking at him with a smile still on my face, he looks up at me and he smiles back and my heat does a flip? Why on earth would that happen? Must be hunger.

"Thank you Rebbeca." I realize that, that's all he is going to say and I turn on my heel and walk out. I take a sharp left and hurry into my room to take off this dress and get changed into something extremely comfy. I start to unzip my dress when there's a knock at the door. I look around for something to cover up with and decide that the comforter will just have to do.

"Hold on a sec" I answer rushing over to the bed and tripping over my suitcase doing a somersault. I face palm and stand up grabbing the blanket and wrapping it around my tiny body. After I make sure I'm completely covered, I walk over to the door and open it to see a smiling Jay.

"Oh hey there Jay, what's up" I ask while trying to blow some hair out of my face. He laughs and brings his hand up to my face and gently pushes it behind me ear. I sigh as a thank you and wait for him to answer. Thankfully he decided to keep his shirt and pants on.

"Well lads and I have decided that we're going to order pizza and watch a few films. Is that okay?" I look up into his crystal blue eyes and I can feel a goofy smile spreading across my face. I just nod and hurry back into my room before I say something completely stupid. 'What is my problem?' I sigh and hurry over to my pajama suit case and look through it for something to wear.

It takes about a good half hour until I'm content on what I'm going to wear. I picked out a tank top, plaid bottoms and a pair of slippers (external link). I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror and plant a smile on my face. I wash my face, brush my teeth (it's a habit) and brush my hair up into a messy bun. 

"Will you hurry up in there?" I hear someone call from the other side of the door. I walk over to the door and see a very unhappy Siva standing there with pizza in his hair. I bite my lip to hold back my laughter as I look him over.

"All done, ummm I'm not even gonna ask." I say quickly. Once he enters the bathroom I laugh histerically as I make my way down into the living area. When I get down, I see chaos!

Jay is hiding behind the couch, while I see Tom with pizza all over his chest and Max throwing more at him. I try and take it all in and start to get overwhemled with all the madness. I feel a presence beside me and I can tell it's Nathan due to the cologne.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!" I yell and this gets the attention of everyone. I feel Siva behind me now and I feel Nathans gaze on me as well. I walk down the steps slowly taking in the whole mess and situation even better.

"I can't believe this to be honest. Who do you think is going to clean this up? Sure as hell not me!" At this I look at Max and Tom. Both of their heads are down in shame and I feel accomplished but keep going.

"You both are adults, I mean yes food fights are fun. But at this time? Were you dropped when you were a baby! And no not into a bucket of sexiness." While talking I make my way over to Max and grab a piece of pizza off of the couch. I make it up to my older brother and see that he has a smirk on his face. 'Oh really?' I take the slice of pizza and slam it onto his head and rub it around.

"Now Max, you and Tom are going to clean up while the rest of us are going to eat like civilized individuals. You monkeys will hopefully have it all cleaned by the time we're done. So I'd start now if I were you." I say while turning on my heel and make my way into the kitchen. I hear three pairs of feet behind me and I smile large knowing I have won.

"I AM THE MASTER COMMANDER!" I yell and hear them laugh, I even think I got a chuckle out of the sour puss himself. 


Finally after about an hour of waiting me, Siva, Jay and Nathan walk out of the dining area to see that everything is cleaned up. My bro and Tom are sitting on the couch talking about what movie we should watch. I walk over to an open love seat and plop myself down and listen to them bicker.

Tom: "We should watch Transformers!"

Max: "We've seen that a million times already. How about we watch Resident Evil?"

Tom: "Maxikins, your sister is here. She's probably going to be afraid of that movie"

Me: "Um excuse me Tom, but I happen to love that movie! But you're both wrong we should watch 30 Days of Night!"

After I put in my opinion they all agree. I smile and go over to grab a blanket off of the back of a chair and come back to realize Nathan is sitting on the love seat. I stand there biting my lip, not wanting to ask to sit next to him. I fear he'll say no and make a big deal out of things. 'Oh well'

Me: "Hey Nathan, mind if I sit with you?" I ask. I feel all eyes on us and I feel like we're on a soap opera. "Nathan and the Girl Who Needs a Seat!" I look down at him and see that he quickly nods and I sit down quickly and turn my back to him.


During the movie I was the only one laughing at "scary parts". I'm not the typical girl that gets afraid of scary movies. I live for those moments, when your heart rate accelerates and the adrenaline gets pumping. 

The movie is finally over and it's only nine, so we decide to put on Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen for Tom. I snuggle into a new position because the old one was getting quite uncomfortable. I shift and wiggle till I'm finally comfortable and realize I'm leaning against Nathan's knees. I wait for him to make a comment but nothing happens and I bring my attention to the movie. I feel my eyes start to droop and in no time I'm asleep.


"Rebbeca, wake up." I feel someone shake my arm and I snuggle deeper into my mattress. 'Why do you smell like boy?' I hear laughter and finally open my eyes until I see I'm not in bed but on someone. I blink a few time and look up to see everyone passed out. 

Tom is using Max as a pillow while Max is half on half off of the couch. Jay is curled up on the floor and Siva in the arm chair. 'I'm forgetting one' I suddenly realize that my "Mattress" must be Nathan. I slowly shift my head up to the smiling face of Mr. Sykes. 'Why is he smiling?' I smile in return and try to get up but he keeps his arm draped over me. 'Didn't he just want me to wake up?'

Nathan: "You were talking in your sleep, asking why I smelled like boy" He chuckled and I'm glad it's dark or he'd see my blush slowly making it's way up my face.

Me: "Umm, Errr. I-I thought you were my mattress" I mumble burying my head back into his chest. I feel it vibrate with his laughter and poke him in the rips to make him stop. I look back up at him and admire his beauty... I mean eh whatever it's cause I'm tired.

"Well I should really get to bed I guess." I say awkwardly stretching. I attempt to get up again and realize he moves his arm so I am no longer being held down. Once I successfully stand I stretch properly bringing my arms over my head. I feel the cool air touch my stomach, and a pair of eyes watching me stretch.

"Haha thanks for being my pillow tonight, sorry about that." I awkwardly laugh as I make my way to the stairs. Nathan is right beside me the whole time and we climb the stairs together slowly. 'Hmmmmm'. We finally make it to the top and I realize I have to pee extremely bad. 

"Well I have to use the bathroom before I go to bed. Again thanks a lot Nathan, you're a really great pillow." We laugh at my attempt at a joke.

"You're quite welcome. You're a great human blanket" We laugh again, its funny how things are really funny when you're tired. The next thing he does shocks me. He hugs me, as in full on arms around the neck and mine about his waist. It feels nice, he's warm, smells nice, and has a sense of security about him.

"Good night Rebbeca. Sleep well" and with that we depart. Him making his way to his bed room, and me making my way to the bathroom while as red as can be.

WOOOOOOOH CHAPTER 3!!!!!!! Haha I hope ya'll liked it! Leave a comment please!

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