blind. | styles (hariana)

By theharianadimples

681K 18.8K 21.2K

Harry Styles is known as "The King" in the world of university fraternities, and he has the same charismatic... More

l. A New Beginning
ll. A Special Kind of Something
lll. She's Out of My League
lV. I Got a Bad Boy I Must Admit It
V. Boyfriend Material
VI. Marked Territory
VII. Subliminal Lusts
VIII. Angels and Demons
IX. Midsummer Night's Dream
X. Last First Kiss
XI. Desperate For Love
XII. It's a Date
XIII. Hope
XIV. Plan B.
XV. Undecided Actions
XVI. Guilty
XVII. Getting Warmer
XVIII. The Unknown
XIX. This is Wrong
XX. One More Time
XXI. Like Poison
XXII. Good Girl
XXIII. The Secret Underground Garden
XXIV. The Good and The Bad
XXV. Cracked Mirrors
XXVI. Come What May
XXVII. I Want Ten
XXVIII. I'll Love Her Well
XXIX. The Truth Is
XXX. Lies Require Commitment
XXXI. Light the Fuse
XXXII. Light in the Horizon
XXXIII. Inbetween Realities
XXXIV. Deceit to Protect
XXXV. The Truth Beyond the Lie
XXXVI. Girl I Adore You
XXXVII. The Seductress and The Seductee
XXXVIII. It's a Metaphor
XXXIX. A Handshake with a side of Charm
XL. Love Beneath All
XLI. One and Only
XLII. Nice Guys, You Can't Trust Them
XLIII. It is What It is
XLIV. The Risks in Our Peril
XLV. Plethora
XLVI. Habeo Parva Verpa
XLVII. I Love You, I Do
XLIX. An Encounter
L. I Like My Choices
LI. Old Lovers, New Lovers
LII. The Making of The Love
LIII. A Million Tenderness
LIV. Love Casualty
LV. An Imperial Fixation
LVI. Our Secret Love Affair
Author's Note
LVII. Bad Meets Good
LVIII. Lesser of Two Evils
LIX. Allegiances Unmasked
LX. Love, Lust, and Desolation
LXI. Fucking Rad
LXII. Talking About My Girl
LXIV. The Proposition
LXV. A Silver Lining
LXVI. Turn Any Corner, There's Something New
LXVII. Even As Young As We Are
LXVIII. Pain is Just a Consequence of Love
LXIX. Play Me a Memory, The Whispers in Your Head
LXX. Stand Here and Burn Into My Skin, Your Lips Feel Like Home
LXXI. To All The Infinities Not Just One
LXXII. Baby, I'm Yours (Till The Poets Run Out Of Rhymes)
LXXIII. The Look of Love, The Rush of Blood
LXXIV. The Serendipitous Affairs of Two Heartbreakers
LXXV. Call It Your Day Number One (In The Rest of Forever)
LXXVI. Blind.
Blind 2
Blind Mixtape

XLVIII. A Little Bit of My Heart

7.7K 225 304
By theharianadimples

A/N: Vote please :) Important author's note at the end. Enjoy x

~ Ariana ~

            I smiled faintly as I traced my fingers along his jaw. "I love you too Harry." I repeated as I ran the tips of my nails against his wet lips. He'd remained frozen since I first admitted to him my love that belonged to his own and he still hadn't spoken.

            "You do?" he finally asked, his voice merely a whisper as I nodded silently. "I have for a while actually, I was just too afraid to tell you."

            "What were you afraid of?"

            "Rejection." I sighed. "Common fear of most people, however you wouldn't know that. No one could reject you without gaining a few scars." I mildly referenced to his luck with girls, however I also meant the kids who he'd scare into the shadows.

            "On the contrary my love, I was afraid you'd reject me too."

            I chuckled in disbelief. "You were afraid?"

            I was uncertain of his honesty by this point. The man I knew would laugh in the face of fear. In fact he was like monster's inc; he needed the fear to give himself power and energy.

            But oddly enough this was the same man who graced me with a potted centerpiece from a cafe when he asked me to the winter formal.

            Harry's chest rumbled as his laughter filled the room. "For the first time in forever, yes I was afraid. You seem astonished."

            "I just didn't expect you to be afraid. I guess I just thought that maybe you didn't feel the same way." I said.

            "Justifying my thoughts exactly, which is why I didn't say anything. I've been thinking about it for a significant amount of time lately that its reached the point where I could tell you I love you and have it feel like the hundredth time I've spoken it."

            Harry's arm curled around my stomach, inching me closer to him as he sighed deeply. "You're a special one Ariana, I can see it in the way you deal with life like it's a game at a casino. You may have been lead on to believe that I'm not scared of anything or that I don't care about anything, but that is false. I cared for myself, and I cared for my boys. But I care for nobody but you now."

            I laced my fingers with Harry's and smiled into the crevice of his neck.

            "You don't have to be afraid anymore." I reassured him.

            Harry's breathing quickened as he sat up slightly.

            To my surprise his finger lifted my chin up, and once again my lips were met by his- slightly rushed but still full of passion.

            I breathed heavily through my nose as I cupped his cheek with one hand, the other instantly finding its way through his curls to grip tightly at the nape of his neck. His one hand went for my cheek as well, while the other laid harmlessly on my thigh.

            He was careful to not crush me, but his persistence had him pressing himself closer to me with every second that passed. My emotions felt like they had left the building, and the only thing that remained was Harry and I.

            As Harry slipped his tongue through my parted lips, his lifted my leg over his waist which easily let him push his body closer and closer to me.

            I felt like I was on fire. Something was ignited in my body and it wanted to escape.

            The feeling was raw and it hurt. Something between my thighs tingled and subconsciously I opened my legs as to relieve myself of the mysterious pain.

            Harry moaned as he slipped himself between my legs. His lips parted from my own for a pure second as he muttered. "Shit Ariana I fucking love you."

            I giggled faintly as the heels of my feet rested on his bum. "I think I may love you more." I murmured as I ran the pad of my thumb across his cheek.

            I felt Harry's tongue run across my lips, making me yelp is surprise. "Harry!" I laughed.

            "No I think I might love you more." he remarked.

            "Well I know I love you more." I challenged.

            "Okay, but I've always known that I love you more." Harry kissed my nose, making me giggle. "I'll give you this one Styles."

            "You don't need to give me anything but your love and tiny angel kisses." He sang as he rocked himself against me.

            "Harry stop!" throwing my head back as I laughed.

            Harry stopped all together and sandwiched me against the sofa. "Harry." I whined. "Get off!"

            Harry didn't make an effort to move and to make matters worse he was snoring. "Harry you better not have fallen asleep on me."

            I knew Harry had this sleep thing where he could fall asleep anywhere at any time, but this was just ridiculous.

            A minute of silence later, Harry spoke.

            "Ariana I'm fucking tired." he moaned.

            "Then go to sleep, in your room." I told him.

            "I wanna cuddle though." he muttered. "Ariana cuddle with me."

            "Get off me first, then."

            Harry finally rolled himself off me, but he had now switched positions with me. I was now lying on top of him with no means of escaping as he had me encased in his strong arms.

            "Harry I-" another round of snores cut me off, and I inevitably gave in and rested my chin on his chest. "I love you."

            "I love you too." he murmured in his sleep, making me smile faintly.


            No amount of cluttering could wake a sleeping Styles. I figured out that much when I easily escaped his arms and roamed the kitchen, amongst other areas of his flat.

            It was well into the morning now I assumed, as it felt like I'd just woken up from a year long nap. Those kind of naps you need to cherish once you hit university.

            I was trying to familiarize myself with his flat, and so far I knew the location of my room, his room, the lounge area and the kitchen.

            Harry's flat wasn't too large, but it did leave a bit of a lonesome essence from knowing only Harry and Louis shared a place like this. I felt like I was exploring the Amazon; there were things everywhere- things I can't even see!

            It lead me to understand why he and Louis didn't bother staying at their flat during school. It was a complete utter mess.

            "Oh fuck!" I yelled in pain as I stubbed my toe once again. Table, doorway, chair- who the hell knows.

            "Classy." a voice laughed, startling me.

            I turned to the voice and muttered. "Fuck being classy, my toe hurts."

            "You're so cute it hurts." Harry whined as he wrapped his arms around me. He lifted me off the floor and carried me to God knows where.

            "Where are you- oof" I landed on something soft- thank god- and judging by the sheets drenched in his sweet smell I must be in his room, on his bed, in quite a compromising position might I add.

            "Good morning my love." Harry chirped as I chuckled. "Good morning to you too Harold."

            "So since it's early four in the afternoon-"

            "It's that late already?" I asked in confusion.

            "Let me continue! As I was saying, since it's nearly four in the afternoon I was thinking we skip ahead to our dinner date that I so carefully planned last night."

            "Okay, what time are you we going?" I asked him.

            "Around eight."

            "Sounds good." I nodded. "Wow, four in the afternoon? Really?" It honestly felt like it was still ten in the morning- like I slept through a whole day.

            "Yes love, four. That gives you four hours to make yourself look beautifuler- I mean, more beautiful not fuller but yeah you get it."

            "Alright, you better step aside then because when I went on my first date I spent two and a half hours getting ready." I warned him as I pushed the palms of my hands against his chest. I rolled myself up onto my knees and crawled off his bed cautiously.

            "I'll never understand why girls spend hours worrying about making themselves look good rather than spend hours worrying about what they're going to say during the actual date. Human confrontations are actually nerve wracking."

            "Coming from someone very flirtatious that's a strong comment there." I smirked.

            "Flirting is different. You just compliment the person on things they normally don't notice and like but you notice and like. For example Ariana, I know you hate it when I kiss your nose because you never nose where I'm going to kiss you. You scrunch your nose up and you giggle and push me away, and I love it because it makes me want to kiss you even more."

            I raised my eyebrows in thought. "That was a good one."

            "And it's completely true. So don't bother trying to make yourself look like some photo shopped Victoria's Secret model. I'm not interested in how you look or smell or whatever, I'm interested in the sassy angel trapped in your cute little body."

            Once again Harry kissed my nose and I giggled, scrunching up my nose as I pushed him away. "Okay I get it, now let me go so I can get ready!"

            "Alright, alright." Harry laughed as he lead me out of his room and into mine. "Oh and before I go just once more thing, I'm going to pick you up at around seven thirty."

            I paused on confusion.

            "But Harry you don't need to if we're staying at the same flat." I trailed off.

            "Just listen for the door at around seven thirty, okay love?"

            "Whatever you say Styles." I breathed as Harry pulled me in for another kiss.

            "Good, now you may go." Harry said as he released me from his arms. I laughed silently as I closed the door behind me.

            Whatever Harry had planned for tonight, I knew would probably be the most unpredictable memory I'd ever feel lucky to have never forgotten.

            I sighed and smiled to myself as I walked blindly to my unhealthily large stack of dresses I had already set out the night before. I was aiming for a cute yet sultry look for this date tonight- you know something that says I'm twenty three and ready to "fuck shit up" but also have the social life of a teenager.

            In wake of my incapability to really know how I looked, I resorted to facetiming the one true friend I knew I could always count on.

            I pawed at my phone in despair trying to contact this girl, but eventually I pulled it off. Technology man.

            "Is this thing on? Ariana can you hear me?" my lovely best friend yelled as I chuckled. "Yes Alaska, I can hear you. Where the hell are you, why is there so much noise?"

            "Oh sorry I'm at a party right now." she laughed. "You're missing out babe, total knockoff without you here."

            "You know I'd never go to a party with you." I shook my head. I'm probably the most antisocial person ever, human interaction that involves rubbing your arse against a person's crotch doesn't seem like something I'd like to spend my weekends doing.

            "I know, but still. Anyways, why did you decide to phone me at this hour?"

            "What time is it there?" I asked.

            "I don't know, like five in the morning I don't know."

            I gasped. "Alaska Conner Peterson what the hell are you thinking, partying at five in the morning? Are you with the twins?"

            "No Belle and Chris left ages ago. It's just me here." the noise in the background was starting to die down, and I assumed she had entered a room that was quieter.

            "And Melanie?" I asked.

            "She didn't come, she had a date with Jackson." Alaska whined, signifying her disappointment that the third of us three musketeers wasn't with her.

            "Holy crap, they're still together?"

            "Yeah they're so cute, it actually makes me sick." Alaska muttered. I sighed and started to speak, but inevitably stayed quiet. Alaska was probably one of the toughest chicks I knew. She took nonsense from nobody and was quick to defend herself along with the people she cares about no matter what.

            Our little group of friends weren't popular, nor were we unknown. In fact we were somewhere in between the lost system of cliques and misguided friendships, but we were sisters.

            Alaska used to date this guy named Dallas; they were the cutest item and I swore at one point Alaska and I were sure she and him would be together forever. They practially had their entire future planned out.

            He wasn't popular or invisible, but he was like one of us- an in betweener.

            It wasn't until senior year of high school did Dallas completely change. By change, I mean he'd fallen through the cracks of being an in betweener and into the wretched hands of the populars.

            Alaska was devastated.

            He went from calling her his beautiful star to a fuck machine that pays by the hour.

            Since then she resorted to changing her name, look, and attitude. She calls it "Alaska's Revolution: A Five Volume Novel on How to Get Over Your First Love"

            "Well I'm happy they're still together." I chuckled.

            "So why'd you call? By the way, nice face you got there." she flirted as I shook my head in laughter. "Really, because I'm not wearing any makeup. And I'm calling because I have dress issues; the usual."

            "Au natural, just how I like it." Alaska continued. "But holy shit really, you have a date then? Who is it? Do I know him?"

            "You're a charmer, you know that Ash." I laughed. "And yes, I do. You don't know him, because a certain someone didn't visit like she promised!"

            "Ew don't call me Ash." she muttered. "And I had a good reason for not visiting!"

            "Really Ashley, what was the reason?" I mused.

            "I was broke!" She remarked.

            "I'll forgive you this time Ash."

            "Stop calling me Ash, Ashley or any variation of that name. My name is Alaska." she forced.

            "Okay, okay, don't get your knickers in a twist. Moving on, help I need to find a good dress." I whined.

            "Ugh you call at the worst times Ariana, I swear." She clicked her tongue. "Okay fine so what look are you going for?"

            "Cute yet sultry." I nodded.

            "Words of a virgin of course." she teased. I pouted, "Hey not fair, I just started dating alright."

            "Word of advice, if he mentions 'skipping to dessert' just hit him in the balls for me."

            "Why?" I asked her confused.

            "Nobody is allowed to say those three words to any home girl of mine unless it's actual dessert. Especially my virgin home girls."

            "Jesus Christ Alaska." I slowly caught up to what she meant.

            "I'm just saying. I don't know this guy, and I'm not there to protect your ass."

            I smiled at her widely. "Oh Alaska."

            "Shut up, send me a picture of him when you can. Let me evaluate and see if this little brotard is worthy of my best friend's ass."

            "Alaska!" I laughed again. "Help me pick out my dress!"

            "Okay, okay, show me what you have so far."

            I nodded and lifted up each dress, for a total of four.       

            She hummed. "I think the pink one if a bit too cute and not sexy enough for that sultry look you want. The midnight blue one looks pretty sexy, try it on."

            I dropped the phone onto my bed and picked up the dress. I stripped of the clothes I was currently wearing, and put on the dress. I picked up the phone again and held it towards me.

            "Other way sweetheart." Alaska laughed.

            "Oops." I turned the phone over and pointed it at me. "So?"

            "Boobiana moment." She warned. "He'll be salivating for sure, but we want him to salivate from imagining what could be beneath the linen of your dress. Does he have any kinks?"

            I rummaged my mind for anything that could help. I smiled slightly as my cheeks grew hot; lace.

            "Uh he really likes um lace."

            "Damn, you've got yourself one of those men." Alaska breathed heavily as I shrugged and nodded. "I guess so."

            "Well we can rule out the white prom looking dress, which leaves us to the red lace dress. Put it on."

            I did as she said and switched to the red dress. I showed her again, this time hopefully pointing the camera in the right direction.

            "Fuck I could eat you out right now if I was there. You got me questioning my damn sexuality Ariana, wow. You are definitely wearing that on your date."

            "What about shoes?"

            "Black pumps." She said.


            "Natural curls, but pin your bangs back." she instructed.

            "And finally, makeup?"

            "I'll let this one slide and allow you mascara and lipstick and whatever jazzy things you wanna plaster on your face, but not too much."

            I nodded in agreement and grinned. "Hey thanks for the help Alaska."

            "No problem babe, call me anytime you have another pre-date outfit drama." she laughed.

            "Please visit soon." I begged her.

            "You too, and send me a pic of your boy toy!" she yelled.

            "I will okay, love you."

            "Love you too, have fun." she chirped before ending our facetime call. Damn I miss her already.

            I sighed and threw my phone back onto my bed.

            Shower time I sang to myself and I slipped off the dress, grabbed my boobs, and skipped into the bathroom.

            Three musical numbers and an encore later, I stepped out of the shower and started to get dressed.

            I should label my undergarments so I know which ones are part of my grandma collection and which ones are in my stripper for the night collection. I thought to myself as I rummaged through my pile of clean underwear.

            I pulled on my dress and nearly broke my limbs trying to zip it up on my own. I refused to receive anymore help from Harry, especially when he'd just waltz in and tug the dress right off.

            Once the dress was on, I moved on to my hair and face. I dried my hair using a blow dryer while angrily singing along to some Taylor Swift. I voted for her to win a country award for her rock ballad, which I found kind of hilarious.

            I followed through with what Alaska said to do and did my makeup lightly and carefully. I pinned my bangs back and I stubbed my toe yet again, causing me to scream and for Harry to nearly crash through the door if it hadn't been locked.

            "Are you alright?" he asked worriedly.

            "I'm fine, just stubbed my toe again!" I reassured him. Harry's laughter died down as he walked away. I whimpered as I grabbed my heels and put them on, ignoring the pain of my newly stubbed toes. The things I do for this boy.

            I figured since there was still probably an hour or so left until Harry would come to pick me up, I'd crash onto my bed and lay there for a while. I remained unmoved, and resorted to listening to music on my phone.

            As the music played and calmed my nerves, I found myself getting lost in my thoughts once again. Harry was right, people should spend more time worrying about what they're going to say during a date rather than how they look.

            From what I understood Harry put a lot of effort into our date tonight. Hearing him so disappointed this morning that we slept through it made me feel guilty because it was I who offered to listen to my audio books while we waited.

            But that didn't diminish his excitement for tonight. Harry wanted our date to be perfect and to go exactly as he'd planned it, but in reality we could just go to another drive in movie and it'd still be a perfect date.

            Nonetheless I was excited to see this supposed romantic side of Harry. I knew stepping into this relationship was a big risk, given what everyone at school had been saying about him, along with what I'd already known from Marcel.

            They say Harry is a monster, but I know he is capable of love.

            I smiled knowing I was able to discover that myself, through his words and his touch. He was something else, something I didn't know existed until he came along.

            "It's seven twenty, I'm going out now. I'll ring you in ten minutes!" Harry yelled over the music as I nodded. "Okay."

            I sat up and fidgeted with my hair once more, fixing whatever had fallen out when I dived onto my bed.

            "You can do this Ariana." I muttered to myself as I fixed my dress which was slipping off. It wasn't strapless but God forbid Harry sees what I'm wearing underneath this. I still wasn't sure if I wore my cute underwear or not. Better not risk it.

            Ding dong - Oh God, he's actually doing this? I chuckled as I exited my room and walked towards the door.

            I opened it wide and smiled. "Harry, let me just get my coat an purse." I mused as I leaned to my left and felt for my coat on the rack. Along with it was my purse which I put on over my coat.

            "You look absolutely beautiful my love." Harry spoke as his fingers tugged on my coat, bringing me closer to him. "These are for you."

            I felt Harry place something rather large in my hand. It was wrapped in plastic and smelt wonderful. "Flowers, for me?" I smirked.

            "Your favorite kind." he mused. "Daisies."

            "What, no potted plants?" I joked. "These smell lovely." I added.

            "I've upgraded." he remarked. "Now you settle there and look pretty while I place these in a vase." he mocked my voice as he took the flowers from me and brought them inside.

            I laughed faintly as I let him, waiting by the door for Harry to return.

            "To end off this horribly cliché start to our not-at-all-cliché date, if you could just hold onto my arm so I can escort her majesty to her carriage."

            I shook my head in disbelief as I took his arm. "Lead the way sir."

            "My pleasure." his voice was deep and silenced once he pressed his lips to my cheek.


            "You know something is different about tonight." I spoke up.

            "Really, like what?" Harry asked.

            "Well for one thing I swear to God you're wearing after shave." I teased, knowing Harry would be quick to defend his smooth-as-a-baby's-bum face.

            "Hey I'm starting to get a bit scruffy." there it is.

            "Really now?"

            "Yeah, look feel." Harry quickly grabbed my wrist and brought my hand to his face. I ran my hand along his chin and jaw and nodded slightly. "Huh, you're right."

            "See." He mused.

            "Well I think it's adorable." I said.

            "I'm not adorable, I'm hot- sexy even." he rebutted.

            "Yeah you really turn me on when you take twenty minutes trying to put on your jeggings. Ever wonder why we're always nearly late for class?" I bantered as he huffed.

            "Okay first of all they're not jeggings, they are jeans that happen to be very tight. And second of all, they show off my shapely stems and hold my junk together." he scoffed.

            "Whatever you say Styles." I chuckled. "But really, you smell nice."

            "Like how pizza tastes? I'll never forget that you know." he laughed.

            "Shut up, I was half asleep."

            "You were trying to eat me." he said.

            "Don't act like you don't like it." I mused. "I don't hear any complaints when I do this."

            I leaned over the cup holder and tilted his head. I licked a bold stripe along his jugular and nibbled on the place below his ear knowing it was his 'happy' spot.

            "Jesus fucking Christ!" He swerved the car, causing me to clutch my stomach and laugh as I pulled away.

            "I knew it." I smiled to myself as I sat back in my seat again.


            "Okay just follow my lead." Harry said as he locked his car. The sudden beep had me nearly leaping onto Harry who resorted to laughing at my reaction. "Revenge." he mused.

            I shook my head and took his arm again.

            The drive lasted about an hour, and to be honest I was even more excited slash nervous than before. All Harry has told me in the past hour was that I needed to be prepared to run when he'd say so.

            Am I a little bit worried, yes.

            Harry and I entered the place we were eating at, and was met by majestic harps, violins and pianos. Harry pulled me closer to him as he ascended further into the place.

            "Remember, whatever you do don't tell them your real name." He warned as I nodded.

~ Harry ~

            "Bonjour, reservations?" A thick French accent interrupted my short speech to Ariana and I looked up, smiling confidently at the man dressed as if he was ready to meet the Queen.

            "Yes, 8 o'clock for the Smith's." I said as the man nodded and looked through his thick bible like book.

            "Ah yes, follow me Mr. and Mrs. Smith." The man said as he ushered us both to follow him.

            "Mr. and Mrs. Smith?" Ariana whispered.

            "Sorry I was thinking of Brad and Angelina at the time, but just you wait there's a reason why we're using different names." I explained to her quietly.

            The man stopped at a nice intimate table by the window which showed a great view over the River of Thames.

            "Here you go." I said as I pulled out Ariana's seat for her to sit. She giggled and did so, and I tucked her back in.

            Before the man left, I pulled him aside.

            "Hey could you get your musicians to play this song at exactly nine o'clock?" I asked him as I handed him a piece of paper. "Sir that's extra." he said as I furrowed my eyebrows. "Erm I'll take it." I said, pulling a bill from my suit jacket's pocket before handing it to him.

            "Very well sir." he grinned as he walked away with the note in hand.

            I sighed and returned to the table.

            "Where did you go?" Ariana asked curiously.

            "Sorry, just had to speak to one of the workers." I told her as I sat down. I glanced down at the table and sighed. "Damn that's a lot of forks and spoons, and plates, and glasses- what the hell do you even use for what?"

            "I know you, you go from the outside in." Ariana said. "I think."

            "Well, we can be confused and lost together." I chuckled as I picked the menu.

            After figuring out what we were going to eat, I waved my hand in air in desperate need for a waiter's attention. One came eventually and took our order.

            I opted for their special which was some fancy ass looking steak drenched in their special sauce with a side of mashed potatoes and salad.

            Ariana ordered from one of their vegan dishes; a Barely risotto with porcini mushrooms.

            The anticipation was intense, more for Ariana on both of our behalves.

            The myth of someone's senses becoming more dominant if they were missing one or two was true. Ariana kept going on about how she couldn't wait to eat her dinner. She said the whole restaurant smelt like heaven to her.

            "Here you are mademoiselle et monsieur." Our waiter returned with our dishes in his hands, placing one in front of Ariana and the other in front of me.

            "Would you like any of our selected wine and champagnes?" He asked as I curled my lip. "Hmm, give us a bottle of your finest wine." I told him.

            "Very well. he smiled, clasping his hands together. "This must be a very special occasion, oui?"

            "Yes, it's our anniversary tonight. We've been married for a year now." I smirked as Ariana gasped quietly.

            "Ah young love, tres belle. I'll bring you your wine shortly." The man chuckled before walking off.

            "So we're married now? How come I didn't get an invitation to our wedding?" Ariana raised an eyebrow at me as she took a sip of her water. "Where did you find this place anyways, it sounds really expensive."

            "An old friend of mine mentioned this place a couple of times. Best part is if you come in on your anniversary night, you get half off your bill." I said as Ariana nodded understandingly. "Oh I get it now; the whole married thing."

            "Yeah, I hope you don't mind."

            "Not at all." She grinned.

            Soon the waiter returned with our wine. It was quite aged and looked like it costed a shit ton of money, but I really wanted to go all out for Ariana given it was her first actual dinner date.

            I poured her a glass, then one for myself.

            "To us." I smiled, raising my glass. "To us." She repeated, raising her glass as well.

            I took a sip and licked my lips. Ariana did the same, but not before grimacing. "Whoa, that's some good wine."

            I laughed at her adorable expression and figured it must have been her lack of drinking that had her not used to the taste of the wine. Nevertheless she finished her glass, and eventually asked for another.

            As we ate, I mentioned again how beautiful she looked. I was astonished at how little she needed to do in order to make me fall for her just a little bit more.

            Her coat was by her chair, revealing the red laced dress I bought her the other day. I couldn't just sit there and not appreciate her beauty, especially if there's an inevitability that I'll never see her again.

            She cheekily mentioned my attire for the evening as well. I was wearing a rented tux, but I paid good money for it in order to ensure that she was most impressed. Although she couldn't see me, I gave her a pretty good idea of what I was wearing.

            "A bow tie, how cute." she smiled.

            Ariana brought up the topic of our final project which actually slipped my mind for the past couple of months.

            "Would you say your opinion on me has changed, or has it stayed the same?" She asked me.

            I'm immediately brought back to the day I first met her.

            ''Oh my God I’m so sorry!'' The person worriedly yelled as they bent down to pick up their things. I was fuming and glanced down at whoever ran into me. ''Well maybe if you watched where you were going you wouldn’t have to say you’re sorry.'' I spat.

            The person stood up quickly and to my surprise this person was a girl. I smirked as I leant in towards her instinctively. ''But I can forgive you easily if you do something for me.'' I said. 

            ''I’m sorry but um I was just looking for the main office, could you possibly show me?'' She said as she looked down at her shoes, finally finding them interesting as I took a moment to really look at her. 

            She was tiny, to say the least; probably a freshman. Judging by her American accent, she was one of the girls coming in today from America but she was nothing I expected. She was dressed in a white sundress with it just barely passing her knees, her book bag slung over one shoulder with a hand resting protectively on it and a metal rod in the other.  

            I couldn’t see her eyes behind her dark sunglasses, but the natural glow in her smile was unlike any I’ve seen thrown at me. 

            Realizing she was still waiting for an answer I cleared my throat and walked past her. ''Fuck I’m gonna be late- look, just go down the far end of the east wing and it should be the door to your right.'' I said as she nodded slowly. ''Alright... but-''

            I didn’t bother listening to her any further and began to run down the campus fields, hoping I at least didn’t miss form.


            I rolled my eyes and pushed past everyone, but was stopped by a tiny hand. I looked down and grunted. ''What the hell do you want?'' I snapped at her as she dropped her hand from my arm. ''N-Nothing... just wondering if you could show me to my next class.'' She stuttered as I groaned and shook my head. ''Ask someone else to take you.''

            ''But I-'' ''Listen, I bet you’re a nice girl and all but I really can’t take you to class.'' I cut her off as I began to walk off.

            ''At least tell me your name.'' She said. ''We are partners after all.''

            God can this bitch get a fucking clue? I’ve been nice enough to her already.

            ''Harry.'' I told her, holding my hand out for her to shake. She nodded, smiling as she reached for my hand but missing it just barely before she took hold of it, shaking it lightly. ''My name is Ariana. Nice to meet you Harry.''

            I frowned at the realization of how rude I was to her then. I hadn't even known Ariana for five minutes and I already despised her, but I couldn't let her know that- that I was more than willing to bully her and use her for my own pleasure. It'd lead to a whole other discussion that I wasn't ready to launch myself into.

            "I'll be honest I didn't like you. I mean, you did bump into me on the first day and I got kind of annoyed because you made me late, but now-" I didn't even know how to describe it.

            "Fuck I don't even know how but you made me fall in love you." I sighed. "Everything, your giggle, your smile, your heart, everything made me just want to be with you. I never cared about someone like this in a while and honestly it scared me. I didn't want to care but what I didn't know was that I always did. Even when you were with Marcel, I already cared about you. I was a monster, but you tamed me."

            I finished and observed Ariana quietly, who smiled faintly. "I didn't like you either Harry. It wasn't just because of what everyone said about you, but you just didn't appeal to me at the time. Marcel made you out to be someone who didn't care, I guess he was right. But somehow I fell in love with you too. You showed me that a monster is capable of love too." she grinned.

            And just on time, the music changed and the song I had requested started to play. Ariana's face contorted to one of pure happiness. "Oh my God I love this song!"

            "I know." I smirked as I pushed myself out of my chair.

            "Huh?" Ariana asked, confused.

            "You mentioned you loved Ed Sheeran so I thought, what song could possibly be Ariana's favourite? So I did my own research and found out that this is your favourite song, from your favourite book that's going to become your favourite film." I smiled proudly as I took her hand.

            "So will you do me the honors and dance with me?"

            "I can't dance Harry." She giggled as she stood up anyways.

            "Neither can I." I shrugged as I pulled her closer to me.

            I rested my hand on her waist while the other hand onto her hand which I brought up to kiss. "I love you." I told her as she smiled. "I love you too Harry."

            She rested her head against my chest and started to sway along with me to the song. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. "Thank you."

            "Thank you for what?" I asked her in confusion.

            "For caring." She sighed happily.

            "No problem, my love." I smiled as I kissed the top of her head.

It's just another night
And I'm staring at the moon
I saw a shooting star and thought of you
I sang a lullaby
By the waterside and knew
If you were here, I'd sing to you
You're on the other side
As the skyline splits in two
Miles away from seeing you
But I can see the stars
From America
I wonder, do you see them too?

So open your eyes and see
The way our horizons meet
And all of the lights will leave
Into the night with me
And I know these scars will bleed
But both of our hearts believe
All of these stars will guide us home

            "You know Ariana, a little bit of my heart will always belong to you. Not a piece, but a bit because things break into pieces and you lose them and I don't want to lose you."


First and formost I'd like to apologize for the update delays. If you don't follow me on instamgram, twitter, or on here then you probably don't know what's going on. I'm still in school and exams are next week so I've been studying a lot. Also throughout last week and this week, my final projects were due. But thank you to all of you who have been so patient and kind, I made this chapter longer for y'all. And finally this weekend I'm going to be in new york for five days so I don't know if I can get y'all an update or not ut I'll try my best.

Nonetheless I still hope you have voted and enjoyed this chapter. So much love to y'all always, and be sure to follow my instagram (@harianadimples / @blindfanfic) and my twitter (@harrygrxnde). Also, oh my God we're almost at 100K reads which is pretty crazy. Thank you for always being you. xx

- Abigail :)


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