By leonanakynmythic

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Alien action More



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By leonanakynmythic

Two days later, it was midnight, when Crawford called all the heroes to the main base immediately. When all of them reached, they found Crawford in a terrorized state.

"What is it, Chief??" inquired Dharam quickly.

"Lugia has fired the satellite laser in the middle of the city, he's . . . he's destroying everything," announced Crawford.

"Oh God!!" exclaimed Sonia, while Dharam and Veer just stood frozen.

"Oh man!!! What now Chief??" asked Israr and Joshua together. Then looked at each other and smiled, at saying the same thing the same time.

Crawford recovered himself into a calm state, and instructed,

"Israr, Veer and Caspian go to the city, and save as many people as you can. Dharam, Sonia and Joshua will stay here, in case I need them. NOW MOVE!!!"

"Yes Chief!!" they all replied together.

The organization helicopter left Israr, Veer and Caspian at the city center. When they reached there, they witnessed it all, it was a total disaster. The laser kept moving around destroying a lot of properties. As it seared around, it created huge amount of vibrations, that were so strong that the three heroes were hardly able to stand properly. The ground was shaking tremendously. The local people were fear struck and kept running here and there, scared, pushing each other, causing huge amount of commotion. Some people were badly trapped building structures. Caspian teleported into the structures and brought people out safely. Veer used his speed to save people from the laser, and falling debris of the buildings. Although it was very tough for him to run straight because of the vibrations, but yet he gave it all he had. On the other hand, Israr rescued people trapped inside fires, using his own flames to cover himself. This kept going on, but still the situation wasn't coming under control. Crawford, Joshua, Sonia and Dharam watched Caspian, Veer and Israr's determination, and work, through the satellite television, but they felt really helpless.

"I can feel those vibrations till here . . . . God I wish I had something to measure those vibrations . ." remarked Dharam, banging the table with his hands.

" Dharam wh-what do you mean??" asked Crawford curiously. At that everyone's attention came over Dharam.

" Its . . . it's the vibrations you know . . . I mean, the land is like a conductor you know . . . ahh how do I put it," said Dharam, trying to think how to explain it to the others, while the others stood confused.

"Hmmm ok here's how I'll put it," began Dharam, " you see the vibrations caused exactly at the place of the laser and the place from where Lugia's controlling the satellite are the same . . .its- its because controlling the satellite from the Earth causes vibrations at the place its operated. If we have something to measure the vibrations exactly at the place of the laser, we could enter it into computer under seismic earth readings and- and we actually may find where similar vibrations are coming and that would be Lugia's location."

" Woah," grasped Sonia.

"That was brilliant Dharam, but what do we have to measure vibrations??" said Crawford, and everyone got down disappointed.

"HELLO!!!! I'm right here!!!" shouted Joshua.

"What Joshua???" inquired Dharam, over Joshua saying such a silly thing, at such a time.

"Dude I can measure those vibrations!!!" announced Joshua very excitedly.

"WHAT???" grasped the others, jumping in excitement.

"Yeah, I can measure earth vibrations . . . after all I'm the master of land!!"

On hearing that a peculiar grin grew over everyone's face.

After that the organization helicopter took Joshua to the same site, where Israr, Caspian and Veer were. He saw it all too. It was a terrible scene, such destruction, such violence. At once Joshua jumped down the chopper, and ran to Caspian.

"Caspian, take me to the laser, as close as you can, now!!" requested Joshua.

"What??" grasped Caspian, "You cannot be in a sane mind, after putting such a request at me. It would not be appropriate at all for me, to take you there, you hav-"

"DUDE!!" interrupted Joshua, talking loudly, so he could be heard, over the voices of all the commotion and the laser, " just take me as near as you can, trust me, we have a plan."

"As you wish!!" commented Caspian, and teleported him very near to the laser. Joshua bent down on one knee, and put his hands on the ground and started to feel and read those vibrations. Caspian stood behind him, his hands over Joshua's back to teleport any moment, with him. As Joshua began to read those vibrations, Caspian looked at the laser, it was so red, the color got reflected on his face, and it generated so much heat, that Joshua and Caspian had already began to sweat.

"Got it!!!" shouted Joshua, "Caspian now!!", and Caspian teleported him far from the laser.

The laser was getting too much into the public, so Israr shouted over to Veer,

"Veer, divert the laser away from the public area!!"

"On it!!" shouted Veer, running at a really high speed in the process. Then a brilliant idea hit him. He stood at a place, and shouted over, in his loudest pitch, looking up in the sky,

"Hey Lugia . . . man you stink . . . you're the lousiest villain I've ever seen!!!"

All of a sudden the laser started moving towards Veer. He smiled and nodded at Israr, and ran at impossible speeds. He diverted the laser from the city into the water. He actually ran above the water, he didn't sink. He ran above the water so fast, that the water almost split into two. Then Lugia understood the heroes were up to something, so he switched off the laser. In the meantime Joshua send the vibration measurement to Crawford. Dharam entered then into the computer's seismic database, and found out Lugia's rough location, in terms of latitudes and longitudes.

"Guys," announced Crawford, over the microphone, "Come back to base."

The gang returned back to base. Caspian, Israr and Joshua looked very worn out. There were burned holes on their uniforms, and black smoke over their faces and hands.

"So Chief, what's the deal??" asked Israr wiping his face, with his hand, the white band on his left hand, and the crown chain in his neck were still intact.

"Well, what we have here is . . . that Joshua's found out Lugia's location!!!" announced Crawford proudly.

"Jolly, good show, old chap!!" commented Israr over Joshua, and he looked down in shyness. Then Israr came over and put his weight over Joshua from behind, and showed his hair, and everyone smiled, and Joshua felt really appreciated.

"But . . . but . . . but!!" spoke up Crawford, "we have his location in terms of latitudes and longitudes, and the area that we have is a very vast one. We don't know where to start searching, he could be anywhere there!!"

"So . . .," said Israr, " we'll search each and every building, every tower or whatever till we find him."

"That's idiotic Israr . . . we don't even have the time for it!!" commented Sonia, and Israr stared at her.

"That won't do Israr, if we start searching randomly, at that big area, Lugia will know, we can't let that happen, we'll lose the element of surprise," explained Dharam.

"Come on guys," expressed Israr, "we have his rough location, lets go, why are we standing here, doing nothing??"

"Israr its not as easy as you think," said Crawford.

"You have to understand the delicacy of the situation," said Dharam.

"Come on dude, listen," said Veer, to Israr, and then a debate started around, and Joshua and Sonia, just stood staring with their eyes wide open, having nothing to say, or not knowing whose side to take.

Suddenly, the lady operator entered the room, and announced,

"Sir, there's a call from a hospital, they say the girl has regained consciousness its on line three."

Crawford reached the phone quickly, and answered it,

"Chief Crawford – that is very good – has Inspector Antonio been told – okay – we're on our way."

He disconnected the phone, and informed,

"The girl, who was said to be kidnapped by Zane, has regained her conscious."

"Great!!" commented Israr.

"It's a relief to hear that. We should head over there fast!!" said Dharam.

"Yes," said Crawford, "Dharam, Sonia lets go!!"

"Hey why Sonia, I wanna come!!" interrupted Israr.

"Why, do you want to see how the girl looks??" asked Sonia smartly.

"Hey, its nothing like that okay!!" he replied.

" Oh, yeah, I forgot, you already have your dearest!!!" she said, and everyone started laughing.

"HEY!!" shouted Israr loudly, and stared at Sonia.

"Israr, I am taking Sonia, because, we are going to see a girl alright!!" said Crawford finally, and then they left.

After that, Israr, Joshua, Caspian and Veer, simply sat discussing stuffs, Israr leaning over the table, with his hands and head.

"I wonder, how that girl looks like!!" commented Veer, looking at Israr.

"Come on dude, not you too!!" shouted Israr, and everybody laughed a bit.

"What if that girl turns out to be Zane's girlfriend. I mean why did he protect only that girl in particular. And from knowing him and his history, I don't suppose he would kidnap anybody. He's a good person," brought out Joshua.

"Well, owing to all what he had to suffer in the past, I understand why he's out of the way . . . confused. But I too believe so that he wouldn't kidnap or abduct anyone. And about the mention you made about that girl being his girl friend, it might be or it might not be," said Caspian.

"Imagine, when Caspian has a girlfriend, how would she be, how would she look," said Israr.

"No, no, no," interrupted Caspian, "for me, beauty doesn't matter, it's the nature that matters most!!"

"Beautiful thought!!" appreciated Veer.

"Yeah man!! Really, very good!!" said Israr, "and imagine Veer, has a girlfriend, and she turns out to be very bossy!!!"

"Hey, I would never allow myself to be controlled by a girl alright!!" cleared Veer.

"Oh, really!!" we'll see, said Israr, and hit Veer shoulder lightly, and everyone smiled.

"Too much coming out from someone who's mad behind Ash, isn't it!!" said Caspian.

"Hey, I'm not mad behind Ash okay!!" Israr tried to clear.

"Did I happen to mention your name Israr, did I!!, I simply said someone who's mad behind Ash, why did you have to clear??" corrected Caspian, and everyone started laughing loudly, and in a bit Israr started laughing too.

"But they are really good by nature, Cecelia, Ash and Serenity. They accepted us as your friends very fast, and always behaved in a very mannerful way, even though me, Veer, Dharam and Sonia were new to them," said Caspian politely, and Joshua and Israr felt very proud.

It was late till, Crawford, Sonia and Dharam returned, and found Israr, Joshua and Caspian sleeping on the chairs of the briefing room. Dharam and Sonia went over, and started waking the gang,

"Guys wake up, its really urgent!!" they exclaimed.

"Hey guys, what's up???" asked Israr, slowly waking up, and heard a lot of commotion and movement in the organization.

"What's all that??" asked Joshua.

"Those are the soldiers, we're moving out for an attack. We have Lugia's location!!" announced Crawford.

"WHAT??" shrieked out Israr, Caspian and Joshua, completely recovering out from their sleep.

"Yeah, we know exactly where he is. Actually the Lugia's location that Joshua, you found out was completely correct. There's an old abandoned military base it in, that is where he is," informed Sonia.

"But how did you know??" asked Joshua curiously.

"You see that girl that we went to see told us that," replied Crawford.

"And how did she know Lugia's location??" asked Israr.

At that Dharam came front and started to explain everything clearly,

"Now listen, that girl's father used to be a cook there, at that military base, before it got shut down. He used to take his daughter there with him sometimes. But unfortunately he died. And that girl went there, in just good memories of her father. There she found out that, Lugia was using that as a base. Some of Lugia's robots noticed her, and started chasing her, that is where Zane intervened. Now is the story straight."

"Fair enough!!" replied Caspian.

"Come on, get ready, we're getting him now!! But beware, its not going to be easy. Lugia's robot will be heavily guarding the place, and also Lugia will not be an easy villain. However the fate of the world lies in you children's hands, now make us all proud!!! " demanded Crawford, which filled utmost confidence within the heroes.

Then Israr turned, facing the others, and began to speak,

"Come on guys, this is what we've been training so hard for. We'll give it everything we've got, and we won't give up no matter what happens, right guys!!!"

"RIGHT!!!" shouted the other heroes together and nodded their heads confidently.

"Okay then, any questions??" asked Israr.

"Yah," said Sonia, "who made you our boss anyway??" and everyone laughed.

It was really getting dark. Four helicopters stopped a little distance away from the old abandoned military base. The heroes, and the military personnel jumped down from it through the ropes. The military personnel, were completely packed and ready, with heavy duty guns, armor, and every other stuff that could come in handy. They started walking together forward, when the military Captain O' Neal, showed his fist, and everyone stopped moving, and they hid themselves over the mountain, and analyzed the whole area around, Captain O'Neal looking all around with his binoculars, trying to find an open spot. But it was a surprise to them, there were uncountable number of Lugia's robots guarding the whole place.

"Captain, what's the plan of action??" asked one of the soldier.

"Its pretty tight, we can't go in, being stealth. We have to drive a sudden attack," said the Captain, "Gather everyone around."

Everyone, the military personnel and the heroes gathered round, and the Captain started explaining drawing figures over the ground, with a small wooden stick, "Alright listen up, we're gonna keep this silent, fast and effective alright. First team go through that caverns and engage the robots on the left, second team on my right, third team on my back, we go for a straight attack, and create space for the kids, alright. NOW MOVE OUT!!"

"Lets roll!!" announced Israr confidently.

"Captain, target at 3 'o' clock!!" one of the soldier shouted, and everyone picked their guns and aimed at the right. There was some figure coming towards them from the dark.

"Stop or we'll shoot," shouted one of the soldier, "stop, put your hands up, and kneel down on the ground." But the figure didn't stop.

"Stop now!!" shouted the Captain. The figure stopped walking, and the moonlight revealed it. It was Zane.

"Stop he's with us!!" shouted Israr and Dharam, and blocked the military personnel. Zane came to them and announced,

"I'm here to help," and the heroes were happy at that, but the Captain interfered,

"You don't have clearance, I'll have to take you into custody, until this is over."

"Then why don't you call Crawford, and get my clearance, Captain!!" demanded Zane bravely. The Captain stared at him, and then called and talked to Crawford. And then he spoke up,

"Alright kid, you're in, join the strike with the other kids."

"NOW MOVE!!" he yelled, and the military personnel, started towards Lugia's robots fast but cautiously.

"Okay . . . LETS ROLL . . . again!!" announced Israr. All the heroes laughed and ran forward.

It started, the military personnel started shooting at Lugia's robots, and the robots fired back. The heroes went it. Zane ran ahead, and started fighting those robots. More of them started coming, and Zane was having a very hard time handling them. He looked around at the heroes. They were all seated down on the ground, and seemed to be enjoying the scene.

"What the heck are you guys doing??" shouted Zane.

"Hmmm.. weren't you the one who told that we are really weak. . . we didn't even possess enough finishing power . . . and that we should take a vacation forever, because you could defeat such aliens even with your eyes closed, and hands tied behind your back!!!" said Israr, relaxed.

"What . . . shut up, now's not the time for it!!" shouted Zane, using his dark cut at the robots. Suddenly from a little far, a robot tried to aim his weapon at Zane. At once Israr stood up, and created and threw a fireball at it, knocking it off, and announced proudly,

"At a lot of times, we may joke with our friends, but we will never let any harm come to them."

"This is it, guys!!" said Veer, and then all the heroes stood up, completely determined, and ran towards the enemies.

"How's the score, Sonia??" asked Israr running fast.

"Five, for each robot you destroy," she replied.

"Make it ten," he replied, running ahead of the others, "it'll be easy to calculate, when you lose!!"

"Why does he always gets the last dialogue, that shuts everyone down!!" she exclaimed swiveling past a robot. Dharam used his current bolts and destroyed a lot of robots, while Sonia used her flower cannon, and Joshua used his crushing technique. Veer was on a whole new level. He ran really fast crashing into the robot one after the other, and destroying them in the process. They continued doing the same. Israr concentrated his flames on his hands and legs, and started spinning, and formed the 'Fire Tornado', and destroyed the robots.

At one point Caspian was completely surrounded by Lugia's robots, and they shot their weapons at him. The other heroes were surprised and tried to rush their. It was all fuzzy, they could not see anything for some time. And when the air cleared what they saw was astonishing. Caspian was completely unharmed, he stood at the same place, completely calm, and it was like, bundles of black smoke, a lot of them, were revolving around him, protecting him from every attack. Then he waved his hand forward , and from the bundle of smoke, brilliant shinny knight swords appeared, which had a ruby at the hilt, they seared forward and plunged into the robots and destroyed them. Then he waved his hand sideways, and the swords moved around and plunged into other robots. After that he dashed his hand into one of the smoke, that was revolving around him, and pulled out a brilliant knight sword from it, then he kept teleporting and cutting through the robots. After that he reached by Israr, Joshua and Veer.

"Dude, that was such awesome power, why didn't you ever use it before??" asked Joshua very curiously, causing an earthquake in front of him.

"Well, if I am to be truthful, I would say, I didn't find an appropriate scene, to use these powers in our earlier battles," replied Caspian.

"Well you could have at least told us you have such a cool attack!!" shouted Israr, punching right through a robot, after flames had come all over his hand.

"Well you never asked!!" replied Caspian, teleporting and slicing through two robots and returning back to Israr's side.

"Great, is that so," mocked Israr, "Joshua do you happen to have any other attacks we didn't know about??"

Joshua raised two land pieces and crushed a lot of robots between them, and replied,

"Yah, I can sing very well!!"

Veer, Caspian and Israr looked at Joshua, and then at each other and laughed, kicking and punching the robots surrounding them, at the same time.

"And Veer, what about you??" asked Israr.

Veer used his twin tornado in the meantime, and pushed the robots far away, and then replied

"Well, I can create a wind tornado, just the same as your fire tornado,"

At that suddenly Israr and Veer stared at each other. Then they held each others hands, and started spinning together. It formed a really devastating fired hurricane, and destroyed a lot of Lugia's robots, into bits. Then they stopped spinning, and dashed forward, towards the entrance.

"See, I think my scores more!!" commented Israr over Sonia, as all the heroes ran forward.

"You cheated, you teamed up with Veer, so that doesn't count alright!!" she shouted.

"Okay fine, I'll take into count, only half of the robots, me and Veer destroyed, that'll be fair," mocked Israr.

"Shut up!!" she shouted, irritated, and everyone laughed, and ran forward together.

There were more of those robots approaching.

"You kids, get in there fast, we'll take care of the robots!!" shouted Captain O'Neal, firing over the robots. The heroes agreed, and dashed inside. They started searching all the corridors and rooms, although it was Veer, who did most of the search really fast, with his speed, announcing,

"Nope, nothing here – nothing – not this one too. . ." at every door, every room he checked within seconds.

Finally they entered the main control boey. Lugia was there, standing with all pride, standing angrily. Behind him was a computer attached to the satellite jamming device. It was the computer with which he was directing the satellite laser.

"You kids, never stop interfering, do you??" he shouted.

"Sorry force of habit!!" replied Israr, Veer and Joshua, and watched each other in surprise and laughed, on saying the same dialogue the same time. Now Lugia was angrier than ever, and ran towards the heroes, and they all began to fight. The heroes fought completely as one, including Zane. It was as if, they had been practicing that together for years. They fought completely as one, while one defended Lugia's punch or kick, the others attacked him. When he tried hitting one, the other would defend him, and the third would hit Lugia. It was unimaginable teamwork.

However, Lugia was way tougher, he beat through their teamwork and hit them a lot, and then started using his mystic powers, injuring them a lot. He clutched his fingers apart, and gathered some kind of purple energy, which formed into a ball, then he touched it towards Israr's chest, and pushed. Israr watched it completely shocked, it all seemed to happen in slow motion. The purple ball touched his chest, and it burst, causing an explosion, and Israr was thrown back revolving and spinning in the air, high above the other heroes and he crashed into the wall badly, and fell down hard, facedown. The other heroes turned back to look at Israr, and when they suddenly looked front, and it was shocking. In that span of moments, Lugia had prepared two of those purple balls, clutching the fingers of both his hands. Then he combined those balls, and it became really huge. Without giving it a second, for the heroes to react, he threw the ball at Caspian, and as it exploded Caspian was thrown back, and he fell over Veer and Dharam really badly, injuring them also. Joshua and Sonia stood completely shocked, and had no clue of what to do. Suddenly in anger, Zane dashed forward towards Lugia, jumping from over Caspian, Dharam and Veer in one single giant leap, and swerved past Joshua and Sonia and started fighting with Lugia. It was marvelous, he fought Lugia almost equally, they kept punching and kicking and escaping each others attacks. At just one small open moment, in which Zane launched a punch at him, Lugia moved to the left escaping it brilliantly, then held both of Zane's arms tightly, twisted them round, and then kicked him on his stomach hard, and he fell down back, rolling on the floor, until he reached to a halt. Sonia and Joshua ran to aid him, and picked him up.

"Keep him busy!!" he whispered to them. Then he stood with his legs stretched, and his right hand out. Suddenly black smoke started erupting out from him, and started to form a figure. Joshua and Sonia turned towards Lugia, and stared at him angrily for injuring their friends. Sonia stretched her legs and hands backwards, and bent her knees a little. Then she pulled her hands forward, her palm facing outwards, "Flower Cannon!" she shouted, and a blazing shot lunged towards Lugia, the density and color of the attack reflecting over his face. But he stood completely still and calm. When the 'flower cannon' neared him completely, he just practically slapped the 'flower cannon' and it went and crashed into the wall on the side. Then hurriedly Joshua jumped up high, and punched the ground shouting, "Mega Quake!!!". It caused a massive earthquake around Lugia, and shattered the ground completely. But it didn't harm Lugia at all. He jumped and stood at the shattered pieces of land, his legs stretched. Then in a flash he pulled out his gun, and aimed at Joshua. Joshua gulped loudly, and stood completely frozen,

"Not again!!" he said to himself, sweating, deciding what to do.

Lugia stared at him, and then changed his aim towards the 'Dark Leon' Zane was preparing, and he shot at it. Zane's 'Dark Leon' was not ready, and when Lugia shot at it, it became out of control, and exploded, with a huge sound, blasting into Sonia, Joshua, Zane, Veer, Dharam and Caspian only. Black waves and smoke erupted around, and it was Zane who took most of the damage.

Lying on the ground, Israr looked at the other heroes, all of them just lay on the floor, unable to get up. Using every inch of strength he had left, he stood up, loosing balance twice in the process. He kept his hand down as a support, and stood up vaguely straight. Noticing that, Lugia walked towards his, and punched him hard in the stomach, and Israr fell down on his knees groaning in pain. But then, he stood up again, everything was very fuzzy, he couldn't even see properly, annoyed at Israr, Lugia clutched his fingers again, forming the purple sphere in his hand, and this time he threw it right at Israr's face, and he dropped down on the ground flat.

After a few, Israr turned around and looked at his friends.

"Don't give up!!" he announced hardly able to speak, coughing terribly.

"Just let it be," screamed Lugia, "and don't bother getting up. If you get up, I'll harm you and your team mates even more. Surrender to me. Just give up."

Israr punched the ground saying, "NO" to himself. But the heroes including himself were completely beat up.

"Don't give up!!!" shouted Veer, rising on his feet back again slowly, leaving Israr in absolute surprise.

"Yeah, we won't give up," said Joshua and got up, and so did Caspian, Sonia and Dharam. Looking at them Zane got up too. Lugia turned around and looked at them shocked,

"How come, you're still standing!!" he grasped.

"We won't give up no matter what happens," announced Joshua, "that's what we learned from Israr. We've seen him from time to time in fights, in practice, every time he fell down, he got up, and every time he got up, he grew stronger. He will not give up, and neither will we."

"Yes," exclaimed Sonia, "and apparently that is the only thing we've learned from him!!"

Israr laughed at that, and got up, slowly, back on his feet. Now Lugia was more surprised that ever.

All the heroes stood in one line, side by side, and announced,

"TOGETHER!!!", and Joshua caused an earthquake, Israr used his 'Dragon Slayer', Caspian directed his knight swords towards Lugia, Sonia used her 'Flower Cannon', Veer used his 'Twin Tornado', Dharam used his current bolts and Zane used his 'Dark Obliterate'. All those attacks went in together and hit Lugia. A huge blast occurred destroying almost half the military base. Lugia was pushed back very hard, and he fell over the computer and damaged it. Sparks came out of it. Lugia was completely out, injured. His black armor cracked into pieces, and blood squirted out from him. He was on the ground . . . motionless. . .

All of a sudden the satellite laser, fired straight down, and started moving towards the military base, it was really bright and devastating. The military personnel that came with the heroes, started to retreat from the place, to the mountain. Dharam ran to the computer and tried controlling it, but the controls were completely destroyed.

"The focal axis of the satellite has changed, and the laser's heading straight towards us. I can't do anything!!" he announced.

Israr ran towards Lugia, and Zane stood behind him. Lugia lay on the ground, the armor on his chest and thighs cracked into pieces, his black uniform torn at several places, and him covered in blood.

"We have to get you out!!" announced Israr and bent towards him. But Lugia did not allow him to.

"You – you kids-s have w-w-won the free-dom of this planet," he announced, hardly able to speak, "I tried everything I had within me – for my planet . . . my people - . . . and n'now I can die with - with pride."

"You kids were very good!!" he appreciated, raising his hand forward, to shake hand with Israr. His gloves also had got holes in them, from all the fight. Israr brought his hand forward, to shake his hand, but just then, Lugia's hand fell on the ground, and his eyes got shut.

"The LASER'S COMING!!!!" shouted Sonia loudly. Caspian touched Sonia, Dharam and Joshua and teleported with them, to the mountain. Veer caught Israr and Zane's hand, and ran very fast to the mountain. All the heroes and the military personnel had reached the mountain safely. They watched the laser sear forward, and destroy the military base completely to bits. It even destroyed the computer and the satellite jamming device, and with its destruction, the laser lightly blinked twice and shut off automatically.

The heroes and the military personnel stood still and silent over the mountain, still not able to believe what they had achieved.

"So - . . . we won!!" said Sonia softly. Then all of them realized that they had defeated Lugia and saved the world. They all shouted together in excitement, laughed, hugged each other and gave hi-fi's and even jumped together in joy. After that the heroes just stared at each other proudly, and Caspian looked up in the sky, as if he was thanking the God, then smiled at the heroes.

Crawford who was watching everything through the satellite tv, jumped from his chair and shouted in excitement, raising his hand up high in the air.

The sun started to rise over the mountain. The heroes and the military personnel watched it together standing side by side, together. It was really beautiful, a very pleasing sight to be remembered forever, and it marked a new beginning: a new sun rise and new beginning.

After that Zane started walking away.

"Where are you going?? Aren't you coming with us?" asked Dharam.

"I'll always be around when you need me!!" he announced, without even looking back, and walked away, waving his hand once.

The helicopters came and brought them back to base. They were all very happy. Crawford came running to the heroes and congratulated them a lot.

"That was the most gracious battle I've ever seen," he announced, "you've all done a good job . . . a very good job . . . the world will be forever indebted to you!!"

"Naah . . . just trying to protect the people we love!!" said Israr and Caspian together, and stared at Joshua. Joshua suddenly felt shy, and then they started laughing. But Sonia, was confused, at what they meant, and over that, how they were able to say the same dialogue the same time. Then everyone laughed more, and celebrated a lot.

Later, the heroes were bandaged almost everywhere, hands, legs, forehead . . . but their happiness was far more and they didn't even care about the pain.

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