Love & Boxing 2 (completed)

By Queen_Ransome21

48.2K 1.5K 286

Sequel to Love & Boxing ..... Avriana Peason and Brently Manes had a relationship but obstacles got in their... More

Characters: Parents
Its uppp!!!


1.8K 66 16
By Queen_Ransome21

So guys I'm just going to start this where my last book epilogue was at cause it fits good in with this chap. If you didn't read that part you don't have to read it But without further ado..... LETS GET IT!!!

Avriana P.O.V.

I felt a tear escape but I wiped it away. I should go pay my brother a unexpected visit.

I feel as this is not the address but it is..... Nice house though

I was very scared to get out the car. Was this where my brother lives now? My twin brother? For us to be twins we sure don't stay around each other alot.

I guess cause were fertile twins. I took a deep breath, getting out of my car. I shut the car door, walking towards the front door. When I knocked on it I felt like turning back around.

The door opened to my bestest friend EVIE!!!!!

"ARVIANA!!!!" She screamed, hugging me like she haven't seen me in years.

Which was true..... "EVIE!" I hugged her back tightly.

We pulled out the hug and she grabbed me inside of their nice house. "Oh my god your brother is going to be so shocked"

"Speaking of my brother, where is he?" I asked, "Oh he's at practice he'll be back around 3"

"But it's 9 o'clock in the morning"

She laughs, "Yeah but his coach is like really strict. So! What are you doing here!" She asked, gesturing to sit down on the couch.

I sighed, sitting down. "Long story" I said and she nodded for me to continue.

I told her what happened when I arrived here. "So you are designing a dress for Lia, the slut that took Brently away from you?" She repeated. I nodded my head.

"What the hell?"

"I know when she hugged me I was in otter shock and I seen-"

"Xander" She spoke first and I nodded. "Yeah the little boy- Wait how did you-"

"Brently comes by time to time" She said.

"So y-you seen the little boy?"

"Yeah. Xander is actually like a little Brently. He's such a sweet kid" She chuckles. "But my Dog is there"

"Your talking about Maverick?" She asked and I nodded. "Avri.... I thought you gave Maverick back to him?" I looked at her and thought about it.

I kinda did..... I groaned throwing my head back. "Forgot about that"

"Did you see him?" She asked. Brently changed so much. He was a little built and he had nice hair.

"Yep, he looks so different" I turned towards her. "Yeah. But Lia isn't changed. You know she treats Xander like he's trash"

I looked at her in shocked. How can you treat your own like Trash. I shook my head.

"Wow, I can't believe that"

I heard her stomach growl and I laughed. "You want some breakfast?"

"Yeah let me get ready. You ready to take a tour of California?" she smiled. "Oh and here's the control to the TV" she went out the living room and up the stairs.

I turned on the TV and before I even turned it on the TV there He was again.

"Were on a interview with the famous boxer himself Brently Manes!" People screamed and hollered for him to come out.

This must be Prerecorded.

"Hi Brently" the women smiled at him and he smiled back, showing his teeth. "Hey Melissa"

"So how are you?" She asked him. "I'm good how about you"

"I am fantastic so how is the soon-to-be wife Lia Swann?" He chuckled, smiling.

I rolled my eyes and turned the channel.

Hopefully I don't run into him again.

Brently P.O.V.

I can't actually believe I seen her again. Avriana.... Avri.... Princess... My Princess... I seen her again. I missed her like crazy.

"So how's Brandon?" Lia asked mom, making me leave my thoughts. "Oh he's doing good. I think he misses his little bro" She smiles at me.

I smiled back, nodding. "Yeah I miss him too"

"Dellia! How's school?" I asked her. She shrugs. "Its okay."

"What about Gymnastics?" I asked her. "It's okay"

"Do you love Gymnastics?" Lia asked her. Dellia didn't like Lia but she tolerates her. She said something about her not being like Avriana.

"Mommy can I go play with Cherry?" Xander asked Lia. "Cherry? Didn't you tell me that's-" I cut mom off by answering for Lia. "You finished your food?"

"Yes sir" he looked at me across the table. "okay go ahead" he smiled, getting out his chair. "Mom can I go too?" Dellia asked. Mom nodded her head and she left out the sliding door to go play with Xander.

"What were you about to say momma?" Lia asked and mom was the same. She didn't like Lia but she tolerated her. She said the same like Dellia... She wanted to hear Avriana say momma and not her.

"Oh... Nevermind" She shrugged it off. My mom knew me like the back of her hand. She knew if I cut her off  or didn't want her to say anything she'll shut up.

"Was it important?" She asked. My mom looked at me and shook her head.  "No it wasn't but you're okay"

In my mind I sighed of relief. Because if she would've said what I thought she was going to say.... I wouldn't hear the end of the freaking shit.


All day I spent time with my family, I went to the Gym, Lia and I discuss the wedding, and I was tired as shit. I just wanted to lay down and go to sleep.

But the feeling kept bothering me...  No Avriana was on my mind all day since I saw her earlier. Shes changed Alot. She wasn't that girl that boxed anymore..... She was designing.... My fiancés wedding dress.

Ugh! I have to go to Asher's.




I buzzed the intercom about 5 times and nobody answered. What the hell? This time someone answer.


"Brently Manes" the gate came opened and I drove in. I turned the car off, taking it out the ignition, and getting out my car. Not even locking it cause I mean I'm around a gated house.

The door opened and I notice no one was in here. "So who the hell answered?...."

"ASHER!!!" I yelled throughout the house. "IN THE KITCHEN!!!" He yells back and when I went in there I wish I was warned.

"Fuck!!!" The girl screamed out. He was fucking some girl. Bent over the booth table, fucking her hard.

"Dudeeeeeee!!!!" I groaned, covering my eyes not trying to throw up.

"What?" He groaned, you could hear the skin clapping-

"look I'm going in your game room" I ran out the kitchen going up the stairs to the third floor.

I was disgusted the whole time and I shivered a couple of times, before getting off the stairs.

After Asher cleaned up and whoever the girl was left, he came in the game room but.... We went to his weed room. Yeah, he has a weed room.

Which I think is ridiculous and which Is why I don't bring my son here cause Asher really has issues.

"How's life?" He looked at me while he smoked his blunt.

"Bad as ever. my mom and sister came, Lia keeps pressuring me about this damn wedding. I don't have time with my son and she even has my ex girlfriend designing her dress"

He stops smoking and looked at me dead in the eye. "Avriana?"

I nod my head.

"Dead ass" He said in a serious tone.

"Dead ass" I repeated. But what does someone Dead ass have to do with it? What does it mean?

"What does dead ass even mean?" I asked him. He just laughs a little, smoking his blunt.

"Jackie said that it can mean alot of things, but it really means "Are you serious?" I nod my head, understanding him.

"But Damn man" He puffed out the smoke.

"So... Is Avriana Single now or?....." I pushed him as he laughed, "I'm joking man. I wouldn't cross you like that. Bros before hoes for life" He smiled as I dapped him, smiling.

"But she wasn't a hoe" He nods. "Yeah I know"

"So how are you holding up?" I asked him.

"About Jackie?" He scoffed, "I'm great without her. She wasn't nothing to me. I don't care about Jackie Owens! I'm a free man with hoes coming everywhere fucking as free as I want them" He said confident in himself.

"So I don't care about her... She's not my problem anymore.. she doesn't want me I don't need her... I don't need her" I saw him have tears in his eyes, with one coming down his face.

Oh man... Now I really wish I wouldn't of brought her up. He won't admit he's in love with her cause he's scared. He should know what love means because for crying out loud... He's crying.

"Asher... Come on man" I Pat his back. He put his blunt out, putting his hands on his face.

"I think about her almost everyday and night. I miss waking up to her... I miss eating with her... I miss her cooking, her smell, her hair. Everything. Brently I messed up!"

I patted his back, "Asher... It will be okay.... You just have to stop doing what your doing"

"IM A FUCKED UP PERSON!!" He yells out and I sighed, feeling that he didn't go to his management class neither.

"You didn't go to your anger management class have you?" I asked.

"I haven't gone since Jackie and I split up"

"You haven't gone for a month?" Asher has anger issues since he could remember. The doctors said it would hit him when he would be around in his 20s because his dad had anger problems around his 20s. 

"No. I can't go there"

"Just go it'll probably make you feel better" He sighed, nodding.

"I'll go"

"Thank you" I smiled at him while he gave me a annoyed look.

"You're not welcome" He stated as I laughed.


I went back home only to see everyone was sleep. It was 10 o' clock at Night. I took a shower and just put on boxers and socks.

I walked downstairs, to get a bottle of water before I went to bed.

I went to the kitchen and got a water bottle but Wanda stopped me. 

"Brently?" Wanda questioned me. I looked at her to see that Avriana was here.

I stopped in my tracks and noticed we were staring at each other. "She left her jacket and everyone was sleep and you were in the shower. Do you know were Lessie puts the stuff at?" She asked me. I just stared in Avriana's eyes.

"Brently" She snapped her fingers in my face.

"Huh?" I looked down at her and she arched an eyebrow.

"Do you know where her Jacket is at?"

"Oh" I cleared my throat, "Yeah um... Avriana you can follow me" I started walking towards the storage closet with the box she usually has our junk in it. I pulled it out and set it on the table.

She rummaged through it, trying to find her jacket. "Here let me help" I put my water down on the table and  started helping her. Our hands kept touching and we kept apologizing to each other.

I think I had found it when I picked it up, only to see her grab her Jacket too. "Oh here" I chuckled, giving it to her.

"Thanks Brently." She smiled.

"You're welcome" I put the stuff back, even getting my water bottle and lead her out the storage room.

I lead her to the door and opened it. "Hopefully we'll see each other again" I smiled.

Why were we making this awkward?

"Yeah hopefully" She agreed, pulling her hand out.

"How about a hug?" I suggest.

"You're half naked" She stated as I looked at myself. I chuckled, looking at her.

"It will be okay you've touched my body before" I smirked as she giggled, shaking her head.

"Brently... That was a long time ago" She rolled her eyes.

I really had missed this girl... She use to to roll her eyes in bed too.

We were about to shake hands but I pulled her in a hug. She hugged me back.

She always smelled nice. Her scent made me think of home and what we could've had.

I didn't want this hug to end only to hear someone clearing their throat.

Please don't be Lia. Please don't be Lia.

I noticed it was Wanda and we pulled away. "See you later Brently" Avriana left out, and I closed the door.

"So you two had a thing together?" She asked as I nodded.

"A long time ago yeah. She was the love of my life"

"Aww good to know she still has an effect on you" She smiled, going up the stairs. I didn't even notice to what she was saying until it clicked in my head.

I don't even want to look down.

I groaned going up the stairs in bed with an erection.

A/N:CHAPTER COMPLETED!!!! And I hope you guys liked and love you guys!!!❤️❤️❤️

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