Otherworld: A Son of Two Real...

By dcarden314

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What if the fantasy world you grew up reading was real? What if your father wasn't an overbearing writer, but... More

Prologue: "Two Worlds"
Chapter 1: "Guidance"
Chapter 2: "The 403-B Club"
Chapter 3: "The Girl with the Red Hair"
Chapter 4: "The Best Book Ever"
Chapter 5: "No Relation"
Chapter 6: "The First Date (part 1 of 2)"
Chapter 7: "The First Date (part 2 of 2)
Chapter 8: "The Letters"
Chapter 9: "The Other Woman"
Chapter 10: "The Great Marcus Ward"
Chapter 11: "The Truth About Guildron"
Chapter 12: "Nothing is Ever Simple"
Chapter 13: "Breaking News"
Chapter 14: "In Flight"
Chapter 15: "The Circus"
Chapter 16: "Marcus Ward's Final Work"
Chapter 17: "The Other World"
Chapter 18: "Fight or Flight"
Chapter 19: "Reality"
Chapter 20: "The Warlock"
Chapter 21: "Inquisition"
Chapter 22: "Like Pulling Teeth"
Chapter 23: "Stories of Old"
Chapter 24: "My Father, the Hero"
Chapter 25: "Public Execution"
Chapter 26: "Archer"
Chapter 27: "Alba"
Chapter 28: "Mistaken Identity"
Chapter 29: "Midnight Confessions"
Chapter 30: "Life Saver"
Chapter 31: "Ghost Town"
Chapter 32: "The Way Back"
Chapter 33: "Homecoming"
Chapter 34: "Breakfast"
Chapter 35: "The Fake Knight"
Chapter 36: "Saying Goodbye"
Chapter 37: "The Family Business"
Chapter 38: "Secrets & Lies"
Chapter 39: "Mightier Than the Sword"
Chapter 40: "Wildfire"
Chapter 41: "An Accident"
Chapter 42: "Ashes"
Chapter 43: "Helpless"
Chapter 44: "Into the Wild"
Chapter 45: "Two Lives"
Chapter 46: "First Draft"
Chapter 47: "Two Months Later..."
Chapter 48: "Sneak Attack"
Chapter 49: "A-Negative"
Chapter 50: "Bedside Manner"
Chapter 51: "Broken"
Chapter 52: "16 Months Later..."
Chapter 53: "Ghost Writer"
Chapter 54: "Party Crasher"
Chapter 55: "Party Crasher"
Chapter 56: "Game Plan"
Chapter 57: "Going Back"
Chapter 58: "Reunion"
Chapter 59: "The Prisoner"
Chapter 60: "The Patriot"
Chapter 61: "Out of Time"
Chapter 62: "Ruins"
Chapter 63: "On the Road"
Chapter 64: "Miscreants"
Chapter 65: "The Contact"
Chapter 66: "Wayward and Hungry"
Chapter 67: "Just As You Promised"
Chapter 68: "The Lord Mayor"
Chapter 69: "The Traitor"
Chapter 70: "Safe Haven"
Chapter 71: "The Face of the Resistance"
Chapter 72: "The Feast of Fulfillment"
Chapter 73: "Unwilling Martyr"
Chapter 74: "Father & Son"
Chapter 75: "An Act of Treason"
Chapter 77: "Wild Card"
Chapter 78: "Separate Ways"
Chapter 79: "Quiet Stars"

Chapter 76: "Latchkey"

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By dcarden314

Despite the half-dozen armed guards surrounding them, Jack thought everything was going perfectly to plan.

They'd gotten much further than he expected, making it all the way into the White Palace's inner bailey before the guards spotted them. Within seconds, they had been surrounded and arrested, but not before Alba had bloodied a few soldiers. They had been stripped of their weapons, including Brigand's Bane and all twelve of Alba's knives, and led into the White Palace under heavy guard.

Now, they rode the familiar lift up into the Palace's highest tower, where Lord Chancellor Cera was waiting.

Glancing over, Jack saw Alba eying the guards on either side of her, noting gaps in their armor and the position of their weapons. Her hands wavered at her side and he knew she was just waiting for an opening. She would probably disorient one guard with a jab to the chin, snatch his dagger, and use it against another. Except, if she did that, she would ruin everything. Catching her eye, Jack squinted, knotting his brow. Her shoulders dropped and she glared back with a look that said, Don't make me regret this.

Turning his head, Jack found Kate staring ahead, her face frozen in fear. He tried to catch her eye but she seemed to have retreated inside herself, blocking away any thought of where they might be headed. He offered her a smile anyway, though she did not see it.

As the lift raised them into the domed portal room, Alba uttered a curse. Jack's heart sank. His confidence in the plan wavered.

The room was bathed in the sapphire glow of a hundred dead eyes. In the center of the room, amid the sea of entranced magicborn, Cera stood next to the arched portal in a spotless white robe. Next to the burning braziers, flanked by two bodyguards in full armor, stood King Korda Wayland, his hand resting on the pummel of Brigand's Bane. He wore chainmail under a red surcoat and his face drew out with a grim expression. If he remembered any of the promises he'd made to Jack earlier that week, he didn't show it.

The lift jolted to a stop and Cera lifted his arms like a conductor. "Now, at long last, we can begin."

A dangerous hunger burned in Cera's eyes as he watched the three prisoners step off the lift. However bad Jack wanted to win, Cera wanted it more.

The guards gave Jack a rough jab in the back and he walked forward, through the blue haze. Jack saw an old man on the table next to him, his mouth agape. Then a young boy. Then a beautiful woman. On and on they stretched, bathing the dome in an aqua glow.

As they approached the clearing in the middle of the room, Cera put on a playful smirk. "Were my instructions misinterpreted? You didn't have to sneak yourselves into the city. I know Talon's a coward, but I at least expected him to deliver you in person."

"I came to you on my own," Jack said, forcing himself to look away from the bodies. "I want to make a deal with you."

Cera's smirk wavered and he crossed his arms. "Very well, state your terms."

"I know how to open the portal."

Cera huffed. "You claimed as much last time we were here."

"I wasn't willing to open it for you then," Jack said, slipping into the lie with practiced ease. "But Talon lied to me about his prophecy. I'd rather deal with you than be his pawn." Cera still didn't look convinced so Jack motioned to Alba and Kate. "Would I have brought them if I was going to trick you?"

"What do you want in return?"

"Talon is a fool but the rest of the Resistance shouldn't pay for that. I'll open the portal and guide you through but you have to call off your army. Leave the island in peace and release these magicborn. You won't need them after I open the portal, right?"

"I suppose," Cera said, narrowing his eyes. "Very well. We have an accord." He extended his hand and Jack stepped forward to shake it. The moment Cera's fingers closed around his, Jack's skin stung like someone had poured boiling water over the hand. He choked a breath in pain but Cera held firm and pulled Jack close. "But do not cross me again, Jackson." Jack heard a sizzling and smelled the rotten stench of burnt flesh. Cera squeezed, nearly crushing bone, then released him. Jack stumbled back, crashing into Alba, who grasped him firmly under the arms. Kate rushed to his side, grasping his injured hand, but when she held it up to the light, the skin was a smooth, healthy pink.

"You're okay," Kate gasped. "He didn't hurt you."

"Just a taste," Cera said with a confident grin.

The pain receded and Jack's vision refocused. He stood straight and Alba carefully released him. "Let's finish this."

With a curt bow, Cera motioned to the podium, upon which the empty book sat. "By all means, Jackson, work your magic."

His legs shaking, Jack walked to the podium and opened the book to its first empty page. He could feel Cera's anxious breath on the back of his neck. Jack glanced back to Alba, whose eyes darted up toward the guard besides her. The man stood just over her shoulder, all of his attention focused on Jack and the portal. Anytime you're ready, Alba's face seemed to say.

"I need a knife," Jack announced.

Cera snapped his fingers and one of the guards produced a tiny blade, barely more than a butter knife, but sharp enough to do the job. Metal plates rustled as Korda's bodyguards instinctively lowered their hands to their swords. Through Korda's unflinching scowl, Jack saw one eyebrow raise. Jack held his gaze for a heartbeat, then flicked his eyes down to Brigand's Bane. Korda lowered his eyebrow.

"Get on with it," Cera hissed.

Jack held his hands over the empty book and placed the knife's edge on his left palm. He closed his eyes, mapping out the room. He pictured Cera, Kate, Alba, Korda, and all of the soldiers. They would have to move quickly as soon as he opened the portal. There could be no mistakes.

"You may want to step back," Jack told Cera.

No one noticed Alba's muscles tensing, like a spring being pulled back, waiting to launch.

"I'm staying right here," Cera said.

Jack sliced into his skin and closed the fist against the blood.

"Have it your way."

Opening his hand, Jack slammed his bloodied palm onto the empty page.

Remember son, only you can open the way.

The explosion enveloped everything, all sound, all vision, all sense. It was explosion, not of fire, but of magic. Sheer energy blew outward from the portal, pushing tables back and knocking everyone away. They fell onto the floor, into tables, on top of magicborn. Even Cera was lifted from his feet and thrown into a tangle of unconscious bodies.

Except for Jack. The moment the portal burst open, he felt the magic pour over him, through his skin, into his muscles, rooting him to the floor like a tree defying a storm. After the blast cleared, the stone arch was no longer empty. A dark cloud pulsed against every law of physics and logic. Thin fingers of light pierced the cloud from every possible angle, peaking through for an instant before the cloud churned inward. On the other side, just a few feet away, was Earth.

The two braziers barely held onto their flames against the explosion. But the room was still plunged into near-darkness. Jack suddenly realized why. Across the room, hundreds of magicborn blinked, rubbed their eyes clear, and looked around with tired faces.

Alba recovered first. Still flat on the floor, she elbowed one guard in the throat and, grabbing his dagger, stabbed the other in the chest. In a single leap she was on her feet, helping Kate up.

Ten feet away, the tangle of tables and bodies exploded out. The magicborn yelped in confusion while others nearby fled screaming as the tables crashed to the floor. Cera leaned on one knee in the center of the explosion, his eyes locking onto Jack. But then his face fell as he saw past. "It's open." Alba and Kate ran for the portal and Cera shouted to the king, "Stop them!"

Korda Wayland drew Brigand's Bane and Jack turned to face him. The King considered Jack for a moment, weighing this one last chance to change his mind. But then he threw the sword across the expanse, its hilt tilting forward. Jack caught it easily and gave the king a two-finger salute. Korda's bodyguards stepped in front of their king and drew their own swords, but stepped no further.

"Traitor!" Cera spat.

Kate and Alba were almost at the portal and Jack stepped forward, wielding Marcus Ward's sword, his eyes daring Cera to stop him. In a few seconds, they'd be back on Earth.

Cera licked his lips. "Stop."

The room vanished in a flash of white hot pain. Jack collapsed. He dropped the sword. He couldn't feel his hands. Did he still have hands? He thought he felt the ground smack against his forehead but it was only an afterthought to the pain.

Through a dark tunnel, Jack could see Kate curled up in a ball on the floor, her hands cupping her head, screaming without a sound. Alba was beside her, thrashing wildly on the floor. Even Wayland and his guards were down. With more effort than he had ever mustered in his life, Jack turned his head to Cera. The warlock extended a single hand toward them. He laughed. "If only your father could see you now, Jackson. How disappointed he would be."

A sound like lightning crackled through the room. But it wasn't part of Cera's magic. It existed outside of the pain, on its own.

A figure appeared behind Cera. The warlock felt his presence. His smile wavered.

"You're the disappointment, Cera," Talon said.

Cera blinked, stunned.

Talon gripped the hilt of his sword with white knuckles and punched Cera in the jaw.

The moment the warlock fell, the pain vanished. Jack leapt to his feet, his heart pumping adrenaline through his body.

Cera rolled upright and reached out his hand to Talon, who clawed at his face like he'd just walked into a spider's web. "Don't bother, Cera." He shook his head, regaining focus. "Those tricks won't work on me."

"Good. I've been dying for a fair fight." Cera got to his feet and drew his own sword, a wicked-looking curved scimitar. Jack instantly recognized the blade from the third War of the Roads book, where Cera won it in a duel with a pirate king. Cera gave the blade a dramatic spin and rush forward.

Alba helped Kate up again and they met Jack at the portal.

"You better be right behind us," Alba said. "Or I'll come back and kill you myself."

"I'll see you in a second," Jack grinned.

Kate and Alba held hands and jumped through the portal. The cloud devoured their bodies, rippled for a moment, then returned to its amorphous form.

Sparks flew as swords collided. The metal blades shrieked like lightning. Both men stood their ground, throwing their full strength into each attack and each block. But Cera moved more quickly. Or maybe Talon was just older. The warlock's blade found an opening and sliced through Talon's left arm as he tried to duck away.

"Talon!" Jack shouted. He didn't need to win.

But Talon stumbled back, testing his fingers. Just a flesh wound. He gestured to an empty table next to him and it flew across the room. Cera calmly raised his own hand and the table exploded into a brown mist of splinters.

"You should have taken my offer," Cera said, jabbing at Talon. "Once the portal was opened, I could care less what happens to your island. It's a shame you'll die anyway."

"You always did talk too much," Talon said, raising his sword. Cera met the blade and easily parried, ramming his shoulder into Talon's side and pushing him to the ground. Cera moved in for the kill but Talon motioned just in time to send another table hurtling at Cera's back. The warlock anticipated, fell to on knee, but not before the table grazed his shoulder, ripping the white robe.

Jack cupped his hands around his mouth. "Rufus!"

Talon finally looked past Cera. Jack nodded to the portal and mouthed, "Let him go." Talon's brow furrowed. He didn't understand.

Jack swung Brigand's Bane up to his nose, close enough that he could kiss the hilt of the sword. His father's sword. The sword Rufus had given him. "Trust me."

With a tilt of his head, Talon saluted back and struggled back to his feet. Blood dripped from his left hand as he readied himself for the next attack.

But when Cera stood, he let his sword dangle at his side. "Enough." He glanced to the side and one of the magicborn flew through the air at Talon, screaming helplessly. Talon dropped his sword and reach out both hands, slowing her descent and setting her down gracefully on the floor. The moment the woman landed, Talon reached back for his sword but Cera was already on him.

It was a strike Talon could have easily matched. Jack saw it happen. After the last two years, watching Talon fight was like watching a choreographed dance, recognizing each movement and transition. When Cera brought his blade down, Talon angled his own sword a fraction of a degree off. Not enough of a mistake to be fatal, but enough to turn the tide. All of Cera's force was directed down, through Talon's hilt, into his forearms. It pushed him back, past his center of balance, forcing him to step back to compensate. But his feet misjudged each other. Talon stumbled back, arms flailing, nearly losing his sword. His body rolled as it fell and he scrambled under a table as Cera's next attack came down inches from his back.

Cera swiped his hand and the table lifted off the ground. Talon's arm and chest were dark with blood. Cera must have cut deeper than he realized. With no time to get up, Talon prepared to fight from the ground. He may be able to block Cera's first attack, but one way or another, this was the end.


Sword poised to strike the killing blow, Cera looked behind him.

Jack tore the blood-soaked page from the book and threw it into the brazier. The portal wavered, the clouds churning more quickly, light flashing more sporadically. "Don't get left behind."

Cera forgot Talon, forgot Jack, forgot everything. He ran as fast as he could toward the portal, waving his hands, clearing bodies and tables out of his path. All malice and fury left his eyes, replaced with pure hunger. This was the only thing he'd ever wanted.

The portal sputtered and the churning cloud began to slow. Jack stepped backward until he felt a cool mist cling to his neck.

The last thing he saw before the shimmering light enveloped everything was Cera's fingers reaching out, grasping furiously after him.

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