By leonanakynmythic

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By leonanakynmythic

Few days had passed, after the Nemesis incident. Everything seemed really gleeful and lively around. Israr, Joshua and Caspian spent the time, joking, talking to each other and even practicing fighting together as one, so that they could deliver maximum damage to their opponents.

Israr and Joshua had told everything about themselves to Caspian, and a deep understanding started to grow among them.

"So what's your story??" asked Israr, to Caspian, that same day.

"Well . . . if I should . . ." began Caspian, "I didn't find royal life interesting . . . what I would want to express to you is that . . . it is something that you do forcibly. You are forced to follow a regular time table each day, learning fighting, talking, walking, and eating elegantly . . . and the gentleness you are told to carry . . . I found it was dishonorable. . . and so I left all of it, and walked away . . . and finally am here."

Israr and Joshua listened to all of it, and then reacted by just giving a single smile.

"How does your power work??" asked Joshua curiously, "did you have to work really hard for learning to control it??

"Not deciding to be untrue to you, it was very tough, when I was young. But as I grew up and my experience increased, I learned to teleport better. If I may say, I can teleport at places, in an instance. But only those places, that I have in my mind or those that I can see," informed Caspian.

Caspian stayed in a room in the organization, even when Israr requested him to come and stay with him in his house, a lot of times. But he denied it saying it was dishonorable. However making regular visits, or staying for a night or two, seemed appropriate to him.

The next day, Cecelia and Joshua set out, to buy groceries. It got done fast, because Joshua was a great help. They began to walk back. Joshua holding a brown paper bag in his arms, all the groceries in it, and a loaf of bread and the egg tray visible from it at the top. Joshua wearing his grey jacket, and Cecelia wearing a pink turtle neck t-shirt, cream pants and a short cream jacket. She feeling happy, at Joshua helping her out, and he even didn't let her carry the paper bag, and carried it himself the whole way. As they walked, Cecelia asked,

"So Joshua, how's Serenity??"

Joshua was surprised for sometime, then felt shy, and began to say,

"She's really talented, and she is so understanding and caring," as he continued speaking, he became excited, and started speaking everything lifefully, "you know she even told me a new restaurant's been opened at the corner of the third street, and that she wanted to go to it."

Hearing all of it, Cecelia felt really glad of both Joshua and Serenity, and then she explained,

"hmmm . . . so she told you she wished to go to that new restaurant. . . Joshua that means she wants you to take her there."

"Does it???" asked Joshua confused.

"Yes Joshua," she said, "girls are complicated. They say less, but expect the boys to understand everything..."

"Ohh. . . so that's it. I'll take her there then, alright!!!" announced Joshua excitedly.

"Ok then . . . I have an idea, I'll call Serenity to my house. You can tell her then!!!" she said, and Joshua accepted happily, nodding his head, and smiling.

Later that day, Joshua entered Cecelia's house. She and Serenity were seated on the sofa talking. As soon as Cecelia saw him, she began to laugh silently, but then controlled herself, not to let Serenity feel, anything fishy. Joshua was at the door inside. He saw Serenity, and feeling courageous, he began to walk towards her. But as he drew closer to her, his courage started dimming, and by the time he reached her, his confidence had completely disappeared, he wasn't able to decide how to ask Serenity, to go out to that restaurant with him. He just stood in front of them fumbling. Feeling embarrassed, he apologized in front of them, and ran out of the house. Serenity felt worried at his behavior and Cecelia as well.

Joshua walked on the footpath, sadly, his head down, repenting on himself . . . repenting how could he be so cowardly over asking Serenity . . . repenting on why he had behaved that way, thinking what Serenity would be thinking about him now.

"Hey Josh!!!" echoed Israr's voice.

Joshua turned around, to look; Israr and Caspian were there, standing at a fast food restaurant. Israr wearing a green and yellow hooded t-shirt and blue jeans shorts, and Caspian wearing a purple and blue shaded thin sweater, a white muffler around his neck and grey pants, and he looked really handsome. Joshua rushed to them. Israr looked at him seriously and asked,

"Josh what happened??"

"Naaah . . . nothing," he replied, acting casually.

Israr gave him a sharp look, and asked again,

"Josh what's the matter hmmmm??"

Joshua realized that he had to stop his casual acting, as Israr had understood, something was wrong. Joshua was really glad, for having found such good friends. He looked at Israr impressed over his understanding. After a brief silence, he spoke,

"I wanted to take Serenity to a restaurant with me. I went to ask her, but made a fool of myself . . ."

"Wooooow!!! So you wanted to take her to a date!!!" interrupted Israr.

"Its not a date, I'm just taking her to a place she wants!!!" shouted Joshua.

"Okay. . . okay" said Israr, trying to relax him. Caspian and Israr looked at each other and laughed.

"Then what seems to be the problem. If I may ask the cause of your sadness??" asked Caspian.

Feeling shy over his unaccomplishments, he replied,

"I just don't know, how to tell her to come with me."

"Aaaah, that's such an easy thing!!!," remarked Israr.

"Remarkably easy!!" added Caspian.

Trying to act in a royal manner, Israr bent a little in front of Caspian, and asked,

"Why don't you show him how it's done your highness!!!"

"Okay, it is for my friend . . . I shall demonstrate it to you," replied Caspian, "if you want to ask a girl out, all you have to do is compliment her a lot, and give her a lot attention!!!"

He noticed a girl sitting at the table, wearing a green shirt and a matching skirt, waiting for her order of fast food, she just gave. Caspian went to her and said,

"My apologies, if I am invading your privacy. I was just passing by, you know, but your beauty is so pure, I just had to stop to admire you."

The girl looked at him, for sometime, and then made him sit at her table. However Caspian's looks were more than enough to impress her.

"It is a nice weather today. Isn't it? Marvelous though. The sky seems very clear. But nothing compared to your beauty I must admit. A lot of beauties created by nature, I find you profoundly breath taking. I am overwhelmed to say even the flowers look up to you as a sign of true beauty . . ." and Caspian kept on continuing.

The girl kept listening and listening to him. Then suddenly she interrupted him, saying she would be back in a minute, and walked away from the table. When she was out of site, Caspian turned towards Israr and Joshua, showing them a thumbs up, and smiling widely.

Twenty minutes had passed, but the girl did not return, and Caspian kept waiting patiently. Then Israr came to him and revealed,

"Dude, the girl's gone!!!"

"What how disgraceful!!" yelled Caspian, and got up of the chair.

"Guess it's my turn for demonstration!!" announced Israr, acting very coolly, "you know for taking girl's out, you need to show them how important YOU are, alright!!"

He walked to a new girl, who arrived at another table, and began, "you know you should consider yourself really lucky, that I'm here talking to you!!"

"Excuse me!" uttered the girl.

"Oh no no, you don't need excuses to talk to me. I'm here in front of you. And my ears are just for you. Your words are expressing that they are happy to reach my ears. You are really fortunate enough, that I feel inclined and interested in you thoroughly. Say what, let me show you the new restaurant at the third street," he quoted.

"Oh is that so," expressed the girl, coming nearer to Israr, "there is something I need to show you too," she said, and slapped him tightly, and walked away taunting loudly,


Joshua and Caspian broke into laughter, and Israr just stared at them steaming, holding his cheek.

Later the same day, Israr and Caspian were walking by the new restaurant, and saw Joshua and Serenity seated there, looking at each other lovingly. After a while, they called Joshua a little far, and Israr asked excitedly,

"So you finally asked her out. Cool!!! Whose idea did you use, mine or Caspian's??"

"None of yours," replied Joshua innocently, "actually I used Cecelia's idea."

"What??" asked Israr, "okay well what was her idea??"

"It was simple, she just told me to GO and ASK Serenity casually, and I did!!"

After that Joshua went back to his table, to Serenity, and Israr and Caspian walked forward laughing at themselves, but feeling proud of Joshua at the same time.

The next day, Israr, Joshua and Caspian reached Cecelia's house, where Ash and Serenity were already present. Cecelia began to announce her plans of a picnic or a camp together, and everyone stood facing her. Israr and Joshua were a little far, and started whispering to each other.

"Hey bro, do you like Ash??" asked Joshua.

"Oh please!!!" exclaimed Israr, laughing, closing his eyes, and moving his head on the other side, "she's a disaster warning you know!!!"

"Oh is that so. . . should I tell her that, you got slapped by a girl??" asked Joshua, and Israr jumped over him, and grabbed his arm, and kept his other hand over his mouth. Joshua moved Israr's hand, from over his mouth and said,

"You like her dude!!!"

Israr looked at Ash for sometime, and began to think,

"Me and Ash, no way please!!! I only enjoy troubling her alright," he said.

But he couldn't stop looking at her, even when he didn't want to. He couldn't understand the feelings he was experiencing, her beauty was so pure, and she was a beauty without any equal.

As Cecelia continued to bring out more of her ideas, Israr walked towards Ash and stood beside her, and put his elbow over her shoulder, leaning over her. Ash stared at him, and pushed his elbow away. He kept his elbow again, and she pushed it again harder. After that Israr stood looking down, sadly. Then Ash gazed at him for sometime, and then put her elbow on his shoulder, and stood leaning over him. Israr looked at her in surprise, and she smiled back at him lovingly, and he smiled back at her. And they stood the same way, the whole time.

A while later, everyone gathered for dinner. The boys sat on one side, and the girls on the other. After some time, Serenity got up, to bring more dishes from the kitchen. Israr got up and sat at her place quickly, between Cecelia and Ash. They both stared at him in surprise, so he said,

"You know, a great scholar has said that a person always likes to sit beside a person he likes."

When Ash heard that, she felt shy, and put her face down.

"Oh yah . . . who is that great scholar?" asked Cecelia, acknowledging Israr's mischief, by looking at him, "scholar Israr, right!!!"

Israr nodded his head saying 'yes', and everybody laughed at him.

"Go to your place!!," demanded Cecelia angrily, and Israr went back to his place. There was complete silence, after Cecelia's words. Suddenly after a few seconds, everyone started laughing at Israr. Cecelia laughed closing her eyes. Her laughter was very delicate, but very attractive. Ash remained shy, laughing a little.

After dinner, Cecelia continued discussing about her plans, which finally ended in going for Bowling on Israr's request, and then shopping for bangles, with just the girls, on Serenity's request.

While everyone were busy getting ready, Joshua pulled Israr in the corner by his sleeve, and asked him, whispering in a low tone,

"Bro, why bowling??"

"Because . . . . we get to hold them!!!" replied Israr very smartly and stylishly.

"Ummm . . . hold them???" asked Joshua innocently, scratching the back of his head.

At that Israr stood behind Joshua, and held his arm from behind, and smoothly moved it down to the elbow, and then to the fingers, uttering,

"Here Serenity, let me show you how to throw the bowling ball, my dear!!"

Suddenly Joshua reacted in excitement,

"Dude, I understand now. We get to hold the girls really close, pretending that we are teaching them how to throw the bowling ball. Wicked cool dude, you rock!!" and Israr stood nodding his head, his hands on his waist and a smart but naughty grin wide spread over his face, which appeared on Joshua's face too.

Later, Israr walked around Ash to create more mischief, but suddenly her phone rang, and she flipped it open and answered,

"Yes mom . . . don't forget to take your medicines . . . yes I'll be back soon" and then she flipped her phone close, and put it in her pocket.

After that Israr went to her, and inquired,

"Are you going shopping with Cecelia and Serenity?"

"Yes!!" she replied.

"Okay then, you are going to buy orange colored wooden bangles, alright!!" he instructed.

"Oh please, never!" she declared, "first thing I won't listen to you, and second, you really have a poor taste of bangles!!!"

But Israr didn't respond to it, and mocked,

" I don't believe you are going shopping and that too for girls items!!" and laughed.

"Shut up..dufus!!" she shrieked.

"Stop calling me that!" complained Israr.

"Dufus, dufus, dufus!!!" she repeated.

"YOU!!" shouted Israr, and started chasing her, and she ran forward shouting. They ran around the dinning table a couple of times, then jumped over the furniture. Israr kept chasing her, and they ran all over the house shouting and also laughing. As she ran, she suddenly lost her balance, over the edge of the sofa, and was about to fall. But Israr caught her in his arms, and they just stared at each other's face, for a long time, in the same position, completely lost, and Ash's reddish brown eyes looked exceptionally beautiful, her face sparkles, soo enchantingly beautiful. They were bent a little, Israr's hand around her waist, and her hand around his neck.

Suddenly Israr came back to his senses, and left her, and she fell down on the floor.

"Boy, my image is gonna be destroyed!!!" said Israr.

Ash got up on her legs, and kicked his leg, turned and walked away angrily. Israr kept jumping, holding his leg, shouting,

"Ow. . . ow . . . ouch!"

But when Ash walked far, Israr stopped jumping, as if he didn't have any pain, and he just stared at Ash walk away, her pony tail, swinging left to right, as she walked.

The gang reached the bowling alley. There was a lot bowling, food and music going around. Caspian booked themselves one of the bowling alley, and also took charge of the scoring sheet.

The first one to throw the ball was Cecelia, and it went pretty good, as she knocked eight pins in her first throw, and the remaining in her second. The next was Serenity. As she moved forward towards the bowling ball, Israr indicated Joshua to go hold her and teach her how to throw the ball. But Joshua felt too scared and kept repeating in whispers,

"I can't Israr, please . . . I can't."

"Go now . . . or you won't get a chance to hold her, once she throws the ball, go Josh, go!!" repeated Israr, but Joshua just simply couldn't find the courage. As they continued arguing, Serenity threw the ball. Israr stared at Joshua angrily and turned his face away. Joshua kept staring at Israr, then kept looking down, repenting on himself, saying why am I soo shy, when will I ever learn to be brave, what do I do, man!!!

The bowling ball that Serenity threw, went forward slowly and vaguely, then passed away, knocking just one pin down. Everyone seemed a little disappointed over that shot. A few moments later, Serenity turned and looked at Joshua, and in a very sweet tone she requested,

"Joshua could you please teach me to throw the ball!!"

At once Joshua looked at her in astonishment, his eyes wide open, she looked soo pretty, so delicate . . . so pure. Then he looked at Israr, his eyes were wide open too in surprise. Then a wide smile grew over his face,

"GO!!!" he announced happily, and pushed Joshua towards Serenity. It was at that moment, that Joshua realized it was Israr's smile that gave him strength each time.

Joshua held Serenity's arm from behind, and smoothly moved his hand down to the elbow, and then to her fingers, and they threw the ball together. Suddenly Cecelia turned and stared at Israr, obviously guessing it was all his teaching. Israr simply smiled back at her innocently, and she laughed inside, and moved her head side ways thinking over Israr's exceptional doings.

The bowling ball that Joshua and Serenity threw together, rolled forward fast and surprisingly knocked out all the pins, leading to a perfect score, and everyone howled in appraisal. Serenity looked at Joshua proudly. Her eyes had such praise, such deepness, such meaning. . .

Next it was Ash's turn. Joshua curved his head, indicating Israr to go to her. He nodded, and started walking towards her coolly. But even before he could reach her, she threw the ball, and it knocked out all the pins, brilliantly. Israr stood startled, frozen in his place, completely amazed. Joshua broke into absolute laughter, and Israr just stared at him, narrowing his eyes. Even Cecelia started to laugh,

"Not you too sissy!!!" exclaimed Israr.

"What's going on??" asked Ash curiously.

"No nothing, really," cleared Cecelia, trying to control her laughter.

Then came Caspian's turn. I was rather quick. He threw the bowling ball, knocked out all the pins in the first throw, the he gave himself a full score, and then moved away.

Finally it was Israr's turn. He held the ball with his fingers, took his position, aimed for the pins, and threw the ball. The ball dashed forward, then spinned to the side, and went away, without barely touching any of the pin. Everyone looked at him in surprise, most of which was Ash with wide opened eyes that said, "HOW COULD YOU MISS SO BADLY??"

Israr started laughing foolishly and announced,

"I . . . I . . ac- actually play in the big league you know, I'm actually ummmm. . . kinda used to bigger bowling alleys and heavier balls!!"

At that Cecelia stared at him, her hands on her waist, and he just smiled back at her foolishly.

After that, as the game continued, Ash and Caspian were on the lead, and Israr was on the lead from the down. Everytime he threw the ball, it would miss really badly. And every time that happened, he grunted in anger, and when others stared at him, he just smiled back foolishly.

It was another round, and Israr's turn again. He walked over to the alley, picked up the ball, and took deep breaths, and with full power and confidence he threw the ball, and it missed again.

"Aaarrgghhh!!!" he shouted, and walked over to the small circular dinning table and kicked it really hard. The table tilted over a guy, pushing him forward, and by mistake he spilled all his soda over a girl standing a little distance from him. Suddenly the girl's boyfriend arrived and punched the guy, but in that process he hit another girls head with his elbow. Instantly her father sprinted in, and punched the boy, pushing him over the other tables, and spilling food over everybody. After that it turned into a catastrophe. Everyone started fighting, beating each other.

The gang just stood watching all that. "Oh Boy!!" grasped Israr, "Oops!!!"

"This is utterly terrible for people to behave in such an uncivilized manner, I must protest," said Caspian.

"Yah right, especially because the reason why it started, is standing right beside us!!!" said Cecelia, and everyone stared at Israr.

"Yikes . .!!" erupted Israr.

"Lets get back to the game, shall we. ." suggested Caspian, and they all turned towards the game. It was Israr's second throw. He picked up the ball, but didn't seem confident, it seemed as if he had lost all hope. Suddenly Ash held his arm from behind, and smoothly moved her hand down to the elbow, and then to his fingers. Israr was completely shocked. He looked at her, absolutely lost. Joshua and Cecelia looked at them stunned, but happy. But Israr was on a whole new level of being surprised. He looked at her. She looked so beautiful. . . exceptionally beautiful. Ash held Israr's fingers, and they threw the ball, however Israr wasn't applying any force, he was absolutely lost into Ash. The ball rolled down accurately and knocked all the pins down, and Ash jumped in excitement, and jolted her hand backwards announcing "YES!!"

After that Israr wasn't himself anymore. He stayed lost the whole time, watching Ash. Watching her, completely lost in her. He didn't play anymore, just stood staring at Ash. The way she played, the way she enjoyed, jolting her hand backward exclaiming, "YES!!" whenever she knocked out all the pins, and most of all the way she held him. It was all so beautiful. Israr felt, as if these were really precious moments that needed to be cherished for a very long time.

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