Shy to Social (Hyuuga & Uchih...

By XxSmaxeLxX

120K 3.5K 2.6K

Hinata Hyuuga comes back to Konoha High school after living in America for 4 years!! Has she changed? And has... More

Shy to Social (Hyuuga & Uchiha Love Story!)
Boys, Girls, and Gym! And a little Hardstyle Shuffling on the Side!
Black Hummers, and Strawberry Milkshakes!
Caramel Machiatto and Thongs! Part 1!!
Caramel Machiatto and Thongs! Part 2!!
Enemies and Kisses Part 1
Enemies and Kisses Part 2
Starting Over
Dear Mother of God.
First Impressions
Yoga Pants. Fucking Yoga Pants.
Raspberry Tarts
Snake Man
Movies And Kisses
Cousins Wrath
Snake Man 2
Far Away So Free And Alone

Confidence and Fighting! Oh My!!

8.1K 262 223
By XxSmaxeLxX


Slamming my fist down on the clock it smashed into pieces. I looked up surprised.

"Heh heh...whoops.."

Flinging the covers off I sat up and stretched. My muscles unwound and pleasure rippled from my toes up my legs, my back and finally through my arms to my fingers. Yawning contently I lazily got up and turned on my iPod. Love Addict by Family Force 5 blasted out of my speakers as I walked into my personal bathroom and took a quick shower. Drying myself off, the song switched to Judas. Reaching into my drawer I pulled out dark denim skinny jeans, a black tank top, then a loose pink tank with neon green and electric blue kisses on the hem. Slipping it on, I went back into the bathroom and dried my long blue, black hair. It was naturally straight so I didnt have to worry about straightening. Putting on some blue and silver stud earings along with rainbow rhinestone barbels for my cartilage piercing, I went down stairs. (Hinata has 6 piercings in total.)

Neji and Ten Ten were downstairs having coffee. TenTen smiled lazily at me. Both her and Neji had unusally tousled hair and their clothes hung loosely on them. 

Nothing suspicious at all...


"How long did you guys stay up?"

They both blushed simoutaneasly. Raising a brow at them I poured myself some coffee. Glancing at the clock I realized I had an 20 minutes before I had to leave for school. 

" gues we stayed up till...about..2? 3?"

Neji nodded quickly along with TenTen. 

"Uh huh. Right."

"Soo...hows your shoulder?"

TenTen smiled suspicously as if trying to change the subect. Taking a sip of my coffee, I rotated my shoulder a few times.

"Pretty good."

"Thats good. I cant belive that Ino would punch your shoulder with a spiked glove!"

Neji stared at me seriously.

"Hinata the next time Ino or someone does that, I want you to fight back."

TenTen punched Nejis shoulder with fake anger.

"Neji! You dont just tell someone to get into a fight!"

Neji brushed TenTen off casually.

"This means honor, and you cant back down from a challenge! Hinata, only fight if they swing first!!"

I sweatdropped at Neji. He seemed pretty riled up about it.

"Oh, and Uchiha wont always be there for you."

Gulping down the rest of my coffee, I smiled at Neji.

"I know that."

Putting my mug into the dishwasher, I slipped on my black plaid airwalks. TenTen and Neji followed as I slid into the front seat of my black camaro with red race stripes. Neji and TenTen both sat in the back. Pulling out of the driveway, I made a quick bee line for high school, occasionally going through a red light, since no one was even there.

Pulling into the school parking lot, we got out and mixed with the swarm of students making their way into the school. Once I got into the school, I made my way to my locker. Opening it, I grabbed my books and other things. Slamming it closed, Kiba showed up leaning against a locker next to mine. Giving a soft smile, I tried to walk past him, but his arm blocked my path.

"Hey Hinata."

He purred my name seductively, looking me up and down. 

"Is there something you need Inazuka?"

He faked hurt sarcastically.

"Just call me Kiba. I'm no stranger."

"Ok, fine. Can you please move now Kiba?"

He chuckled, never keeping his eyes off me.

"Sure, If you'll go to Sakuras party with me."

Wow, how desperate are you?!

Shoving past him, I made my way to english.

"Keep walking.."

I shivered with disgust as I felt his stare on me as I made my way down the hall. Once I entered english, I quickly went to the back of the room and sat down next to Sasuke. He glanced at me, as I gave a relieved sigh. 


Looking over at him, I smiled.


He studied me silently, before looking at my shoulder.

"Hows the shoulder?"

I gave him a thunbs up.

"Feels like new."

He smirked before facing the front of the room, his attention on Kakashi Sensei. Swerving my attention on Kakashi also, I noticed Sakura glare at me from across the room. I winked at her before looking at Kakashi.

"Soo, for todays assignment. We will be doing this in partners, you have to write a report consisting of your partner. I have talked with Kurenai-Sensai and she agreed to merge this assignment and her assignment. So in other words if you dont complete this project, you get a F in this class and in her class."

A round of groans went off, but Sakura raised her hand all perky.

"Kakashi sensei, what project will we be doing in her class?"

He looked up from his Makout Paradise and looked at Sakura with a sigh.

"An art project. That being said, you have the entire period free for discussing the project with your partner."

Everyone began to talk and gossip while Kakashi-Sensei went back to reading his Makout Paradise. Then Sakura went to the front of the room, her chest puffed out in pride. With a cheesy grin she held up some pink fliers.

"So! I'm having a party this Friday, and everyones invited! The theme is sexy club and it starts at 7 o clock til 2 in the morning! I'll take questions now."

While everyone was shooting away at questions I felt Sakuras eyes land on me.

"Hinata! Would you please come to my party?"

Now everyones eyes were on me, waiting for my answer. Even Sasuke was looking at me!

"Sorry. I have nothing to wear and I think I'm busy."

 Sakura looked flustered for a second

"You have nothing to wear? Is that all?!"

I nodded. She then smiled all fake.

"Oh well how about you come over? You can borrow a dress!"

"Sorry, but no thanks."

The room was silent as everyone looked between Sakura and me.

"But this is one of the most important parties of the school year! Im one of the richest and most popular girls in school! Going to this party decides your social status! As a rich and popular girl you would understand!"

Sakura held back her temper as she tried to get me to go. Standing up I looked Sakura in the eye.

"This party is not a priority for me. You being rich doesnt mean jack shit to me. Neither does social status. Oh and just because my family's rich doesnt mean you can group me with your posse of people who only use their parents money for stupid parties and toys, instead of relying on their own abilities to make their own money."

Sakura stood there embarrassed, as a round of ohhhs went off.

"So what is your answer? Miss Richer Than Me?!"

Sakura spat at me impatiently, swerving everyones attention on me waiting for my answer. 

"The name is Hyuuga. If you had any IQ points left Miss Haruno you wouldnt be in this situation. I'll think about it."

The bell rung, and Kakashi gave a short clap.

"Thank you for that exciting scene Hyuuga, Haruno. But could you at least do that in Debate?"

Gathering up my books, I gave Kakashi a short nod.

"Will do."

With that I walked out, leaving a fuming Sakura and a amused Sasuke behind. Putting my books in my locker, I found a note. It was written in pink loopy handwriting, and I read it with an uneasy feeling.

Meet me at the football field during gym. Dont pussy out!

Crumbling the note in my palm I slammed the door again, briskly walking the locker room. Once I got dressed into my tight uniform, I walked out into the football field to see the entire gym class crowded around Sakura and Ino. Temari and TenTen were yelling at them, but once they saw me everyone went silent. Inhaling softly I confidently walked towards them. Both of them glared but Sakura smiled slyly.

"I hope you got the note."

Tapping both my shoes against the concrete, I pulled my hair back into a ponytail.

"Yes I did. And pussying out isnt on my agenda."

Now everyone had formed a circle around Sakura and me. 

"Sasuke isnt here to save you, and beating you into your place will be all the satisfaction I need. Just like in elementary school."

"Id like to see that happen."

She gave a growl before lunging at me, aiming a punch at my face. I stepped to the side dodging her hit and punched her in the side. She whizzed around with a soft cry, and aimed another punch now for my stomach. Grabbing her wrist, I pulled hard flipping her over. She had the air knocked out of her as she hit the pavement hard.

"You bitch!"

Now Ino had intercepted and did a high kick for my face. Blocking her with my forearm, I quickly grabbed her ankle and kicked her other leg bringing her down. Now she was on her back and also gasped for breath. Kneeling beside her, I hit a point on her neck instantly knocking her out. Sakura had gotten up now and sent a few rapid punches at me.

Adrenaline and excitement now took over and my instincts from years of martial arts and street fighting to save my friends had now gone in overdrive,

Dodging them narrowly, I turned to her side and rapidly punched in several places on her rib cage and below her shoulder. Sakuras right arm went limp and she looked horrified for a second. With a cry of rage she punched me in the face with her other fist. Pain exploded in my cheek as I stumbled back a few steps, By now everyone was rooting us on to keep fighting and surprisingly no one had tried to stop it.

Blind rage now was my fuel, as I lunged at Sakura and with inhuman speed I rapidly hit all the pressure points in her torso. She stumbled backwards her body numb. But her face still worked and she spat at me.

"Come on! Give it your best shot! I'll even give you the first punch bitch!!"

Sakura had clearly gone crazy, and she laughed maniacally, taunting me.

"I'll take you up on that offer!"

With a final blow, I did a uppercut punch to her jaw. She fell unconsciously with a moan, along with Ino. Oohs and Omgs went off as I stood there out of breath. The bitter taste of iron filled my mouth, making me spit out blood and saliva.

"Hey! Move! Whats going on?!"

Naruto and Sasuke made their way through the circle and looked at me surprised and shocked.

"What..just happened while we were gone?"

Naruto asked cautiously as I wiped my bloody lip. Sasuke's eyes narrowed at Sakura and Ino's unconscious bodies.

"Naruto, I think Sakura telling us that the principal wanted us was just a cover up so she could beat up Hinata."

"What?! Why would Sakura do that?!!"

The adrenaline was now gone and pain was all I felt beside the buzz of light headedness. TenTen came forward and rested a hand on my shoulder.

" ok?"

I quickly glanced as Sasuke to see concern in his eyes as he looked at me back. Shame and guilt somehow made its way into my heart and I felt my stomach drop.

"Im going home."

"Not until I have a talk with you Miss Hyuuga."

Principal Tsunade stood in front of me, a dissaproving glare on her face.

Oh come on!


Sakura, Ino, Sasuke, Naruto and me were sat down in Principal Tsunades office. Lacing her fingers together, she gave us all a hard stare.

"Who did it?"

We all looked at Sakura and Ino, who sheepishly looked back through their band aids and bruises.

"Sakura you may be my favorite student but this is unforgivable."

Sakura looked down ashamed. Tsunade then looked at me. Looking back at her we stared down at each other till she finally spoke.

"I'm surprised Hyuuga. You didnt seem like the type to cause trouble."

"Its self defense Principal Tsunade. And they were the ones who caused trouble."

"Im sure they had a reason-"

"If I may interrupt, I understand that since Sakura is your favorite student, you tend to let her off the hook or lessen her punishment. Students should be treated equally even when it comes to consequences."

She looked surprised for a second. Everyone else in the room gaped at me in shock.

"I believe that the punishment would be detention for a week if we were to lessen charges. That seems suitable doesnt it? Since she's having a party this weekend it seems appropriate."

Tsunade held back a reply before finally nodding.

"Very well miss Hyuuga. I will have Sakura and Ino have detention for 1 weeks."

They both exhaled with relief.

"But whats Hinatas punishment?"

Now Sasuke stepped in with his cool attitude.

"Hinata was the victim in this and like she said it was self defense. She doesnt need a punishment for defending herself."

Tsunade nodded in agreement with Sasukes's statement.

"Hinata you will have no detention, and you may all leave now."

Everyone got up and bowed but Tsunade interrupted.

"Sakura..I am very dissapointed in you. I hope this will never happen again, you know better."

Sakura looked ashamed for a moment, but with a smile she held up her head.

"It will never happen again Principal Tsunade."

"I hope not."

With that we all walked out, and when the door closed Naruto let out a gigantic sigh of relief.

"Holy chunky monkeys with bejesus on the side, that was scary!!!"

A chuckle escaped my lips as I started to laugh with Naruto.

"I know right! Scariest moment in my life!!"

"Id be to if I were you! Did  you see your face?! Priceless!"

"At least I actually said something 'Mister I-look-Constipated!!"

"Wow! I was like a deer in headlights! Did you see dem fiiinnneee boobies? Once in a lifetime opportunity to see them up close!!"

"Ok now thats nasty."

"Thats just cause your a chick. Unless you like big boobies! Wait! You already got big boobies!!!"

A pink blush coated my cheeks as I punched Naruto in the shoulder.

"Dobe shut up your making her uncomfortable."

Naruto turned to Sasuke and smiled all cheesy.

"Ohhhh Sasukes got the L word for Hinata!!!"


"What? No the other L word."


"Sasuke thats just weird."

"Idiot I'm just messin with you!"

"Uh huh suuuure."

"Dont you suuure me."

"I will suuure you all I want!"

"Thats it!"

Sasuke now pulled Naruto into a headlock, making me, Sakura, and Ino sweatdrop at them as Sasuke yelled at Naruto to say uncle.

"Dammit say uncle!!!"



Omg, its finally done! This is my bonus to you guys since I swore not to upload until vacation  but BabbiiPanda and Unicorn5Luvers comments made me upload so yeep. ;3 

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