Lose My Mind (Nathan Sykes Fa...

By Jays_PissRocket

111K 1.2K 171

"Just leave me alone!" I try and storm away but a gentle, yet firm hand grabs my wrist forcing me to turn aro... More

Coming Home
Movie Night
New Friend
My Day with Nathan
That Was Unexpected
Meeting Logan Part 1
Meeting Logan Part 2
Sleeping With The Enemy
Red Carpet?
Girls Day
Not an Update
"I Found You"
"For The First Time"
A Good Day For Love To Die
You've Made Me Lose My Mind

Getting To Know You

5.1K 57 2
By Jays_PissRocket

Still on Jay's back, we walk into their building. It's absolutely amazing! The walls are white and the rooms are accented with dark furniture, it's very fashionable and I'm glad I'm going to be staying here. I start to slide off of Jay's back, but he doesn't allow it and continues to carry me throughout the apartment. 

"Jay put me down!" I grumble but, he just continues walking till we reach the stair case. I bring me face around his head so he can see me out of the corner of his eyes. His baby blues flick toward me and a small smile appears and his full lips.

"This is your stop love. I'm very uncoordinated as it is, and I don't want to fall with you on my back. Max would kill me." I laugh as he finally allows me to side off his back.

"It's all good Jaybird!" I grab his hand and drag him up the steps with me.

We get to the top level and I look for an empty room that I'm going to be staying in. I walk down the hallway still holding Jay's hand and reach three doors. Two are closed and one is open and calling my sweet name, I drop his hand and run into my new room and flop on the bed. 

"See you already claimed your room, huh?" I look up see that Max has taken the place of Jay. I place my elbows under me and use them as supports. I pat the bed next to me and Max rushes over jumps right on top of me!

"Ommf, you know Maxi, you aren't the weight of a feather." I say attempting to push him off. He just stops fighting and uses his body as dead weight. I see that he's close enough to tickle, I discretely move my hands to his side and start tickling the big baby.

"Ahahahaha Becc's stop! Sto-- Aahahahaha," I finally have to stop because I'm laughing too hard. He finally gets off of me and we lay there together just enjoying each other's company. I take in his scent and realize how much I've actually missed him. I roll over and lay my arm across him in a sort of half hug. 

"I've missed you Max, I know we talk every month. But actually being here is so wonderful, thank you." I say sighing into his chest and enjoying the moment.

"I've missed you too Becca, no need to than--" Max gets cut off with a flying Tom landing on top of him. I pull back in shock and start laughing and fall off the bed. I laugh even harder until I realize I smacked my head against my night stand.

"Fuck, that hurt." I say and slap my hand over my mouth. Two pairs of eyes creepily make their way to the edge of the bed. Big brown eyes and green eyes like my, I look into them and see complete shock. I put my hand to my head and see I'm bleeding too.

"Becc's did you just swear?" I look up to Max in shock.

"Yes, yes I did. But we have a bigger problem at the moment. I'M BLEEDING YOU FOOLS!" I scream showing them my hand and forehead. Max jumps off the bed as the others rush in to see why I screamed. He moves his hand toward my head and I slap it away.

"Don't touch it! To be quite honest you're not gonna be much help. Just move" I look and see some hurt in his eyes but don't really care. I push myself up and past him to go to walk out of the door. I look and see four worried faces in front of me. 

"Hmmmm do you really think standing in front of the door is going to help stop the bleeding?" I say sarcastically and they all move except Nathan whose giving me a death glare. 'What is this kids problem?' I walk up to him and stop right in front of him not more then an inch away. I look up at him and return his glare full on.

"Do you have a problem?" I feel the venom in my words and secretly smile to myself.

"Yeah I do actually. Who do you actually think you are? Coming into this house- our house and acting like you own the place. If you haven't noticed we really don't want you-" Before he can finish I punch him in the nose. 

I can hear the gasps behind me and know Max is gonna rush over any second to stop me from hitting him again. I look at Nathan and see the shock in his face, along with anger. If I wasn't a girl I know he would've hit me back.

"Let me tell you something Nathan. The fact that you have a problem with me and don't even know my story is quite shady. You really need to get over you 'Ego', if you talk shit, where I'm from, you get hit. And another thing, if they didn't want me here they'd tell me. Now move!" I shoulder past him and out of the room with tears in my eyes.

I rush into the bathroom, slam and lock the door and go over and look into the mirror. I see the small gash on my head and exhale a breath I've been holding in. I run over to a small closet and pull open to doors quickly looking for a face cloth. I see a bright blue one, grab it, and rush over to the sink to get it wet. That's when the banging started.

"REBBECA ELIZABETH GEORGE YOU OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!" Max screams still banging on the door. I ignore his yelling and dab my forehead carefully, I hear a small argument and Max stomp away.

"Rebbeca, can I come to make sure you're alright?" I sigh knowing I can't say no to that Irish lad out there. I slowly walk over to the door and unlock it. I walk away and hear Siva slip in and lock it behind him. I don't look at him because then tears will fall and I don't want that.

"Rebbeca, let me look at it," I shake my head violently. I can't let him see me like this. I look around and see there's nowhere to hide. I sigh as I feel a hand on my shoulder forcing me to turn around, his fingers go under my chin forcing me to look up at him. I keep my eyes close, knowing if I opened them that I'd be crying like a baby.

"It seems to be small and you've cleaned it up quite nicely..... Becca those things Nathan said aren't true, we do want you hear. We don't know what his problem is, I'm so sorry." I finally look up and the tears steadily fall and I'm wrapped into a hug by my new favorite person at the moment.

Nathans POV

"I'm gonna kill you, you little prick!" I'm still standing there shocked that she hit me, I suddenly see Jay and Tom in front of me holding Max back. He looks so angry, I've never seen him this angry actually.

"Nathan, just go so we can calm him down alright?" I look at Siva and just nod. 'Why am I getting yelled at? She punched me!' I walk away and head to my room to call my girlfriend Jessica. I get into my room, slam the door and jump into my chair.

I pull out my phone and dial her number. It rings three times and I hear her voice and I start to calm down a bit.

"Hello?" It sounds like I woke her up, I look at the clock and see it's 11 am.

"Hey Jess." I sigh waiting for her to ask what's wrong. 

"What's wrong Nath?" Bingo!

"Maxs' sister is staying with us and she's just horrible! The boys are falling all over her and she's acting like she's the queen or something! I told her that no one wants her here and then she punched me! ME! Nathan Sykes! Can you believe her?"

I can hear some shuffling on the other side of the phone and whispering. 'What the hell' I listen and can hear its a male voice. "Call me later" I hear her say muffled like. 'Her hand must be over her phone'.

"I'm sorry babe, what did you say?" she asks like nothing just happened

"Who was just there?" I ask fuming knowing that she's going to lie to me.

"Uhh no one silly" I can hear the worry in her voice and that's it.

"We're done Jess, you're cheating on me again I know you are. I'm not sorry so bye!" And with that I hang up and realize that I know have two more people that hate me.


I look at Siva and smile. We've been in the bathroom for awhile about an hour and a half and I've finally stopped crying. Siva stands up and puts his hands down for me to grab. I grab his huge hands and he helps me up. 

"Thanks Seev, I feel a whole lot better now." I say giving him one last hug as I walk towards the door with him following close behind. I unlock the door and walk out slowly to be tackeld by Max, we fall to the ground both laughing our heads off.

"Max, you can't just tackle me. I have to be prepared!" I laugh as he gets up taking me with him. He pulls me into a hug and I feel others wrap their arms around us too. I laugh knowing that I have another family. I wiggle my way out and stand there with my hands on my hips.

"So it's around 12:30, what is there to do?" I ask with a huge smile on my face. They all smile back and look at each other as if thinking the same thing. I look to see Tom's face light up to see that I'm looking at him and I blush. 

"NANDOS!" I jump in surprise. I smile and nod and hurry to my room to grab some clothes so I can shower. I kind of skip to my room and run into someone, I look up and see Nathan looking down at me. His expression unreadable.

"Excuse me" I say looking at my feet and brush past him into my room. I look around and I know I shouldn't be all worked up but I am. I walk around and see that my stuff is already up here and I get an evil idea. I hurry up and run over to my suitcase that has all my dresses in it and know which one I'm going to wear! 'Max is gonna kill me now!' I laugh as I grab the essentials and go to my door. I quickly peek out and see no one's around and I hurry up and rush over to the bathroom and clothes the door.

The shower really helped calm me down and now the nerves set in knowing how mad Max is going to be. I dry myself off quickly and wrap my hair in the towel. I pull on underwear and my bra then look at the dress infront of me. 'Please don't kill me Max, this is just to make Nathan even more mad.' I slip on the dress and it fits snugly into place. It's a light blue so it shows off my Florida tan. I then proceed to do my hair and add a little bit of eye make up so I don't look like a zombie.

I go to the door, peek out to make sure no one's there again, I'm clear and I sprint to my room. I thankfully don't run into anyone this time. I go over to my shoe bag, pull out a cute pair of heels. I walk over to my purse bag, grab a cute black purse and slip my phone, head phones, and my wallet in. I grab a pair of sunglasses and take a deep breath.

"Come on Bec's! We're leaving!" I exhale my breath and fill myself with confidence and walk out of my room. I plant a smile on my face as I make it to the stairs where everyone is waiting for me. I look at their faces and all of them are of shock. 

"You guys are going to catch flies" I say as I walk carefully down the stairs until I'm in front of them. The heels give me a good two inches so now I don't have to look up as much to see their faces. Max finally realizes what I'm wearing and his face scrunches up and I laugh.

"You do it just to make me crazy don't you?" he asks giving me an unreadable look, I just smile and kiss him on the cheek and make my way to the door with an extra swing of my hips. I laugh knowing that they're staring.

"I hear in some places it's rude to stare boys" I say with a smirk and hear people being smacked on the head. I hear the others behind me as we make it to the car we'll be riding in. "SHOT GUN!" I yell and run to the front seat. I turn and all of them look at me like I'm crazy, "It's an American thing!" I laugh and hop into the car waiting for the others.


We arrive at Nandos in a matter of 10 minutes and in that time span I can already tell that when they're all together they are the most annoying group of people. Ever. I hop out of the car and tap my foot impatiently waiting for them to stumble out, one after another. Finally they're all out and Max walks over and wraps his arm around my shoulder and we walk into Nandos.

We sit at a back booth and I get squished in between Max and Tom. On the other side of us is Jay, Nathan and Siva. Nathan is sitting right in front of me and it takes everything in my power to not splash my water all over him. I feel Tom place his arm around me without Max noticing and I smile, I look over and see Jay and Nathan giving him looks of, is that jealousy? Before I can think anymore about it, our waitress arrives.

"Hello, and what would you like to eat today?" I look up and see that she's about my height and age with long brown hair and pale skin with lifeless brown eyes. Her and Nathan look at each other and her eyes change from lifeless to hatred. 

"Um, can I have the mild chicken please?" I ask, she snaps out of her death glare to look at me. She takes in what I'm wearing and seeing Tom's arm around me, seeing me not as a threat. She just nods her head and the lads order what they want. 

"Well that was odd, why was Jess looking at you like that?" I look over to Jay and see that he's talking to Nathan. He looks up at me and I for some odd reason blush but put my attention back to Jay.

"Well, I called her this morning and I could hear another guy in the background." He looks so sad while saying this that I really can't stay mad at him anymore. Everyone is quiet and the silence is getting awkward and I have to change it. I pick up my straw and rip of the top and move the paper that's on it down about an inch. No one is paying attention to me, and I decide to stick the straw in my mouth and blow the wrapper at Nathan. 

It hits him in the cheek and surprisingly he has a smile on his face. I look around like nothing happened and I feel a wrapper hit my nose. I laugh and I can see that everyone else is getting in on the game. Jay goes to shoot his wrapper at me but Tom stops it like a ninja and I cheer! He puts his cheek over and I kiss it.

"My ninja in a turtle neck and jeans. You're my hero!" This gets a laugh out of everyone, the waitress Jess I guess her name is comes back and give us all of our food. While giving Nathan his, she pours it all over his head. I look up at her in shock and back at him who just hangs his head. No one says anything.

"Are you guys kidding me?" I say as I bring my legs up so I can get into a standing postion.

"Rebbeca Elizabeth! Get down!" Max shouts grabbing me wrist trying to pull me back down.

"Maximillian Alberto I will not!" I say using his middle name. I rip my wrist out of his grip. I stand on the table and all of them are looking at me. I don't care, I walk over to the edge and hurry up, slip of my shoes and gracefully drop down. I slip my shoes back on and walk over to the waitress.

"Hey! Yeah you Jess! You can't just go and pour someones steaming hot food over their head. Are you mental? I mean Jesus!" I walk up to her and see thank's to the heels I'm taller then her. I feel everyone looking at me and this is my moment to make a scene. 

"He's my ex, I can do whatever I want." She say smugly looking at me like I'm crazy.

Without really thinking I say the next few words and wish I could take them back. "So you think you can pour stuff all over my boyfriend cause he's your ex? Well that must mean it's okay for me to do this." I grab a plate of food off of her tray and pour it all over her. The look on her face is priceless and I walk away feeling satisfied. 

"We should probably go guys" I say looking at her face and reaching across Tom to grab my stuff. I grab it  and start to walk out when I get lifted up by Tom and he starts running with me. I scream with laughter and just put my head into his shoulder.

He finally stops and I realize that it's just us, he wraps his arm around my shoulder again and we continue walking. We walk in silence for awhile and I realize that the others, are behind us finally. Max pushes Tom away and I laugh.

"Thank you for what you did back there." I jump at the sound of his voice. I stopped walking and turn around to see Nathan looking at me. It looks like he tried washing his food out of his hair but he missed a lot. I walk over to him and start pulling bits of chicken and what not out of his hair, I make faces and he laughs and I forget the others are there. 

I clear my throat and place a large smile on my face. "Anytime, sorry about saying you were my boyfriend. If I could take those words back I would. But not my actions! Her face was priceless." I put my hand up for a high five and he looks at me like I hit him again. He just storms past me, I feel someone grab my hand and look up to see Jay. I keep hold of his hand and Max doesn't protest, I feel a jacket go around my shoulders and see Siva looking down at me. I smile and nod.

"Guys?" I ask and they all look except Nathan whose already about 30 feet ahead of me. I look at them and I fight back tears, thinking of what Anna would've said. 'If you cry make sure it's for a good reason. Not because someone is a bully' I smile at the thought.

"Can you tell me why I'm still wearing these shoes?" I ask with a laugh. It's not what I wanted to say but it's better then what I was going to say. They all laugh and Jay offers his back for be to climb up on and I hop up. 

"ONWARD HOME!" I yell and I get laughs as I chill on the back of my soon to be best friend

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