Andi Mack One Shots

By Spiderninja_1

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This is my One Shot series for Andi Mack. I write ship-related stories, but I also do funny plot ones as well... More

Warmth (Jyrus)
Faking It (Jyrus)
If Only (Jyrus)
Shallow (Jyrus)
Athletes (Juffy)
Letting Go (Jyrus, Jandi, Candi)
Witty Banter (Muffy)
In-Tents Camping (Jyrus)
Halloween Night
Lockdown (Jyrus)
Sleepover Shenanigens (Jyrus)
Moments I've Never Had
Money Flow (Jonah/Amber)
You Like Cyrus (Cynah)
Eliminate (Jyrus)
Eliminate 2: Spy in School (Jandi)
Pushing Back
Ambulance (Jyrus)
Black Friday
Mind of a Matchmaker
Two Lovers and a Bullet (Box)
You're Not Alone (Jyrus)
Immortal (Jyrus, Jamber)
Corrupted Purity (Ambi)
Tradition (Jyrus)
-Lesson In Fanfic Writing-
Swapped (Cyrus/Andi)
Swapped - Part 2 (Cyrus/Andi)
Swapped - Part 3 (Cyrus/Andi)
New Year, New Moments (Jandi)
Alpha and Omega (Carty)
Witchcraft (Jyrus, Jandi)
Will You...? (Celiam)
The One I Haven't Told (Jyrus)
Alter Ego (Jyrus)
I Don't Like You (Cyrus/Iris)
Talking To A Ghost (Jyrus, Jamber)
That Magical Kiss (Jyrus Month Special)
Our Last Dance (Jyrus Month Special)
Chasing Cars (Jyrus Month Special)
Collab (Jyrus Month Special)
Shoutout To You (Jyrus Month Special)
Late Night Ride (Jyrus Month Special)
When I Fell For Goodman (Jyrus Month Special)
When I Fell For Beck (Jyrus Month Special)
When We Fell For Each Other (Jyrus Month Special)
Trapped By Myself (Jyrus Month Special)
Rotten To The Core (Jyrus Month Special)
Everything Becomes Nothing (Jyrus Month Special)
A Gay Stereotype (Jyrus Month Special)
Seven Minutes (Jyrus Month Special)
Double Life (Jyrus Month Special)
Don't Let It Go To Waste (Jyrus Month Special)
Vice And Virtue (Jyrus Month Special)
Support From A New Face (Jyrus Month Special)
Not Her, But Me (Tyrus)
Bravery (Tyrus)
You're Not Listening - Part 1

Cast a Spell (Jyrus)

441 18 9
By Spiderninja_1

Cyrus flicked his wand towards the pebble on the stump. "Wingardium Leviosa!" Nothing happened.

He tried again. "Wingardium Leviosa!" Once again, nothing. "Dang it! Why won't it work?"

Another voice said behind him, "It's because you're saying it wrong." Cyrus looked behind him to see a boy in a Slytherin cloak, which made him tense up.

"It's LeviOsa, not LeviosA."

Cyrus tried again. "Wingardium Leviosa!" This time, the stone floated up for a few seconds, and then drifted back down. "Oh my gosh! It worked! Thank you so much..."

The boy grinned. "Jonah. Jonah Beck."

"Cyrus Goodman. You don't seem like a bad person."

"What makes you think I'm a bad person?"

His eyes darted down for a little bit. "You're in the Slytherin house."

Jonah said reassuringly, "Cyrus, not everyone in Slytherin is a bad person."

"I knew that. It's just, I have a lot of bad experiences with a lot of them."

Jonah put his hand on Cyrus' shoulder. "If anyone in Slytherin gives you a hard time, tell me, okay?"

Cyrus nodded. Jonah looked at his wand, and said, "Do you like butterbeer?"

"Yeah! It's my favorite drink!"

Jonah waved his wand, and shouted, "Accio butterbeer!"

Two bottles of the drink flew through the sky and landed next to Cyrus and Jonah. "Would you like to have a drink?"


Cyrus took his last sip, and said, "This was really fun, Jonah. Maybe we could do this again?"

Jonah smiled. "I'd like that a lot. If you want, this could be... our spot."

"Yeah... maybe this could."


Who here has read the 7 books? Not the movies, the books!

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