Reality check (Complete)

By Lips1ikesugar

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Alicia has been in a Coma for the last 12 months following a deathly car accident , when she wakes up she rea... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seveteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty [Finale]
Sequel ?

Chapter Twelve

103 1 0
By Lips1ikesugar

A/N: Yaaay, i got some new fans *Thanks for fanning me* and more readers :D Thanks for the support. I Dont think I mentioned this in the last chapter but, I will upload two chapters today (chapter 12 & 13) Because tomorrrow am going out for the entire day and I wont be able to upload anything on that day, so Yaay for you two chapters in one dayy :D


Chapter Twelve:

Before I knew it, winter break was over along with all the piano lessons. I was now back at school and making my way towards first period.

The piano lessons had gone really well and I managed to learn the song. Sure, it wasn't perfect-Harvey emphasized this-but I was ready.

Even my relationship with Harvey was getting better. We were sort of like friends now but I still felt awkward around him. I don't know if I could ever forget what he did for me. It seemed that he felt a bit awkward too.

Walking into my Science class, I made my way towards my seat with Steve. I saw him stare into space as I stood in front of his desk.

"Morning!" I greeted cheerfully.

Steve did not respond. I raised an eyebrow.

"Morning!" I said a bit louder. Still, nothing.


Silence. I was getting impatient.

"STEVE!" I smacked his head, causing him to come out of his reverie.

"HUH? WHAT?" He blinked. "Oh, sorry. "

"Uhh, right. So what's with that day dreaming?"

"Nothing. I was just thinking."



My mind immediately flashed to the scene in the cafeteria on the day of Frost Fest. I also remembered that Steve and Janice weren't talking at her party either. A smirk crawled up onto my features.

"You asked Janice out, didn't you?"

"WHAT THE HELL?" Steve widened his eyes. "How did you know?"

"Sooo," I ignored his question, "How'd it go?"

"She tried to run away…"

My smile faded from my face and there was an awkward silence.


I looked down at my shoes until an idea hit me. I looked up at Steve's blushing face.

"Want me to talk to her?"

Steve brightened. "Could you?"

I responded louder than usual. "Yeah! Sure! I'd love to! I mean-"

"Miss Silverwood!" Ms. Glory scolded, "Class started two minutes ago. Please take your seat!"

"Oh. Sorry!" I sat down next to Steve and began muttering. "Old hag…"

"What was that?" Ms. Glory frowned.

"Glad bags! Yeah…my mom uses them…"

"Right. Well, please refrain from disrupting my class."

"Yes, Sir." I winced at my mistake. "I mean, Ma'am."

Ms. Glory continued glaring, but went on to teach the lesson.

Upon my entry to Comm. Tech, I glared at Andrea before plopping down in my own seat. A puff of smoke appeared and in the seat beside me, the white ninja sat, staring.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded.

"Ninjaaaaa…" The white ninja answered.

I glared. So now he goes back to saying only one word!

Andrea turned around in her seat and sneered at me. "Are you talking to yourself?"

"Do you have a problem with that?"

Andrea rolled her eyes. "Whatever. You're so delusional."

"Not as much as you," was my lame comeback.

"Excuse me?"

"You're excused."

"Ugh. Freak." Andrea turned back in her seat as I glared at her back. Finally, Mr. Zakeen entered class.

"Alright, Class," his voice boomed, "I want to talk to you about the upcoming annual ski trip. It's a three day, two night trip and we're asking any grade elevens and twelves who are interested to sign up."

A random boy in the back raised his hand. "When is it?"

"It's next week and we're going to the Black Pine Ski Resort. If you want more info, come see me at your lunch period. Any questions?"

There was silence.

"Okay. Anyways, your marks have been updated. They have been posted near the door. For the rest of the period, I expect you to finish up your movie reviews."

Mr. Zakeen then was seated back in his desk and I sighed loudly. I looked at the white ninja.

"You any good at editing?"

"Ninja." He replied happily.

I grimaced, getting to work.

The period went by very slowly but soon enough, it was time for lunch. As soon as I had entered the cafeteria, Janice came up from behind and tackled me.

"HI!" She sang.

I rubbed my back. "Ouch! Why do you keep doing that?"

"Doing what?" Janice had the most innocent face on. I sighed.

"Never mind."

Dragging me to the table, we both sat down with our friends. For some odd reason, Harvey seemed to be missing. I suddenly felt a bit of disappointment.

"So," Janice began, "Did you guys hear about the ski trip?"

I bit my lip. I had never gone skiing and from what I had seen on TV, it didn't seem very safe.

"Ski trip?" I asked warily. "As in, strapping sticks to your feet and sliding down a mountain of frozen water particles at a high velocity?"

Everyone stared at me, dumfounded. Still, I managed to keep a blank expression on my face.

"NINJAAAAA!" The white ninja suddenly appeared and began to run across the cafeteria. As he closed in on our table, I stuck a foot out. The white ninja tripped and fell flat on his face.

I burst out laughing, banging the table hysterically. My friends continued to stare at me quizzically.

"She's finally cracked." Andrea spoke.

I managed to stop my hysterical laughter and turned to give a weak glare at Andrea.

"Uhh…right." Steve raised an eyebrow.

"So are you going?" Janice asked hopefully.

I shook my head. "No."

Janice gaped. "WHAT? WHY?"

"First of all, I find that it could be very hazardous towards my health. Secondly, I don't think I'm financially fit for this trip."

"I'll give you money." She offered.

"No, don't give me money!"

"Then I shall call your mommy."

"My mommy? Who are you? My teacher?"

"No, I'm your daddy."


"Teehee!" Janice stuck out her tongue at me. "Anyways, you're going."

I banged my head on the table. There was no point in argueing with Janice. Reluctantly, all of us went to Mr. Zakeen's room and retrieved permission slips.

Plopping down my backpack in the hallway, I slipped off my coat and shoes.

"I'm home!" I called out to my mother. Walking into the kitchen, I sat down at the dining room table and watched as my mom was cleaning dishes.

"Hi mom."

I was ignored.

"Mom?" I asked again.

Finally, my mother turned around, arms crossed over her chest. She looked disappointed. Hmm…I wonder…

"So. Janice called me." Was all she said. I cringed.

"She actually called?" I widened my eyes in disbelief.

"Yes! She told me that you weren't planning to go on the school's ski trip."


"Why aren't you going?"

"Mom, there are countless reasons why I don't want to go!"

"I can't believe you would try to miss such a great socializing event! You need this!"

"But it costs so much money!"


My jaw dropped. Finally, I recollected.

"I'm the daughter and you're the mom. Shouldn't you care?"

"You know, we're not as poor as you think!"





"YOU'RE GOING!" My mother finally ordered.





"Uhh…then you don't want me to go?"

My mother's face suddenly grew blank. "…Huh?"

Mwuahaha! I had confused her!

"A-HA!" I pointed at her accusingly. "GOT YOU!" I ran upstairs before she could reply, shutting the door of my room.

Suddenly, a thought struck me.

"I didn't get what I said either…"

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