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Od voidhales1242

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NEW STORY: Season 2


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Od voidhales1242

Chapter 5: Living Nightmare

Chapter Song: Out of my League by Fitz and The Tantrums

"You were just the right kind. Yeah, you were more than just a dream. You were out of my league. Had my heart beat racing."


             Scott and Isabella ran out of the school hand in hand. The couple were right next to the numerous lines of buses and were currently running down a path between two lines of the buses. The two were too in love for their own good and it was like a moment frozen in time as they ran happily together.

"Come on." Scott said pulling Isabella's arm along with him as they ran hand in hand.

Isabella laughed as he tugged her hand and anxiously looked back at her with a cute smile, " Where are you taking me?"

He continued to pull Isabella towards the front of the buses," Somewhere we can be alone."

Scott then stopped Infront of the glass doors of the bus and stood there holding Isabella's hand softly in his.

Isabella laughed softly and said matter of factly, " We are alone, Scott."

"Somewhere we can be more alone." Scott smiled playfully down at his girlfriend and then pushed open the doors to the bus.

Scott looked back at Isabella, pulled her hand along with him, and started leading her onto the bus. He pulled her up the steps slowly before pulling her down the aisle with him.

They walked to the very back of the bus before Scott sat down on the edge of a seat. Isabella looked at him in confusion as she stayed standing before slowly letting go of his hand and sitting in a seat across from him. Isabella made herself comfortable as she laid her back against the window sill. Scott and Isabella stared at each other with loving smiles for the longest time.

Isabella knew Scott wanted more than anything to crawl into her seat with her but they were playing a game, a game of teasing. He stared at her with desire and lust and she simply shrugged her shoulders and looked up at the ceiling trying not to smile.

Scott rolled his eyes playfully at the girl who had broke eye contact with him and smirked as he got up out of his seat. He walked over to her seat and gently pulled her face down to look into her eyes. His hand remained on her cheek as their eyes reconnected, both of them were done playing with each other.

Scott stared at the girl and admired the beautiful blue eyes he loved before slowly starting to lean over her. His face kept on inching closer until he finally connected their lips. Kissing Scott gave Isabella an excited feeling, like there were fireworks going off in her stomach and she loved it.

Scott's hands began roaming Isabella's body as he moved himself onto her seat to be closer to her, their lips still moving furiously together. Scott's mouth suddenly left Isabella's and moved to her neck. He slowly left kisses all around her neck. Isabella's eyes widened at the feeling, it was strange but she liked it. This was all new to her and she was having fun trying all these things with Scott.

Everything had been going great until Scott suddenly pulled away from Isabella as his breath became heavy. He didn't look okay in the slightest.

Isabella sat up quickly in the bus seat and said with worry coating her eyes, "What's wrong ?"

Isabella was scared she had done something wrong, she had never done this before and didn't know what she was doing. What if he thought her kissing had been bad? She couldn't handle it if he thought that.

Scott shook his head and ignored Isabella as he fully moved away from her and into the aisle. He closed his eyes tightly and threw his hands down on the two seats to his right and left, trying to calm his breathing. He didn't know what was happening, but it wasn't good.

Isabella cautiously stood up and began to walk to him but Scott shook his head again as he turned his head down to the ground.

"Get away." He growled under his breath keeping his head down.

Isabella recoiled in shock. She had no idea why he wanted her to get away. Especially after what they had been doing not only moments earlier. Isabella decided not to listen to him and continued to approach him.

"Scott?" Isabella questioned lightly in almost a whisper. She was urgently trying to help him, but she was afraid of what he'd say to her. She was praying it wasn't her fault that he was acting like this.

Unfortunately, Scott ignored Isabella and turned his head to his previous seat and grabbed that seat in his grip, allowing a space for Isabella to slip into the aisle beside him.

Isabella pushed herself out into the aisle and stood anxiously next to Scott. She began to pull at the sleeves of her sweater as she hesitantly walked towards Scott for the third time and said with a shaking voice, "Scott?"

"Get away from me." Scott yelled out angrily as he sharply turned to Isabella. Her eyes widened in fear as she saw his face. He had shifted and was staring at her menacingly. The only thing running through her mind were two words: Oh Shit.

Isabella quickly shook the fear away and began to think rationally about the situation. She could calm him, just like she did in the locker room. She just had to believe.

With a shaky breath Isabella tried to change her eyes into their alternative golden color...it failed to work. No claws formed on her fingers and her teeth didn't turn into canines, she felt no power flooding through her.

Isabella looked down at her clawless hands before looking back at Scott with fear returning to her eyes. She was in deep shit. She was in there with a werewolf who had no control and she was useless to stop him.

Scott looked down at her hands too and the gears start turning in his erratic mind. He had a helpless prey standing in front of him and it was time to hunt. He was no longer Scott, but rather just a werewolf. He began to stalk towards Isabella with intent to kill.

Isabella's eyes widened as he began to come towards her and she immediately started to walk quickly backwards, she was afraid for her life. As Isabella moved away from Scott he began to pick up his pace towards her, she wasn't going to escape him.

Isabella was panicking as he began to get closer and closer to her. Before he got too close she quickly turned around and began to sprint down the aisle. It was no use though because Scott's clawed hand wrapped around her ankle before she could really get anywhere. Isabella let out an ear splitting scream as she felt his claws dig into her ankle and drag her to the ground.

Isabella landed face down on the rubber aisle with a hard smack, her ears immediately began to ring. Scott's mouth salivated as he saw her fall helplessly on the ground and he began to drag her. Isabella began wildly trying to grab something to stop him from pulling her any farther, but it was no use. She was so nervous that her sweaty hands couldn't grasp any of the poles connected to the floor.

Isabella's face was dragging against the rough rubber aisle, scratching, bleeding and bruising occurred almost every second. Scott unhooked his claws for a brief second from her ankle to attempt to pull her up to him, but she took this as he moment to fight back. She had enough time to swivel her head and gather enough strength to kick him off of her.

As Scott recoiled, Isabella took that as a chance to pull herself off the floor and make a run for it. Isabella limped down the aisle as tears began to flow down her face. When she reached the steps leading to the door her feet gave out and she fell down the stairs landing next to the bottom half of the door. Isabella pressed her bruised face against the glass of the door and began to bang on it with hysterical tears running down her face, the door wouldn't budge.

The sound of ripping leather could be heard from where Isabella had left Scott and it sent a wave of shivers throughout Isabella's body. She stopped banging on the door and quietly pulled herself off the ground. She began to move halfway up the stairs before looking around the corner of one of the chairs to where Scott was.

Isabella saw him ripping a chair out of the ground of the bus, when he had succeeded he caught sight of Isabella's head peeking from around the corner and lifted it above his head in anger. Isabella's eyes widened as she realized what he was going to do and she ducked down just in time as the seat calming flying at her. She let out a scream as she fell down the stairs again and crashed into the door, it still didn't open.

Isabella groaned in pain before pulling herself onto her knees and beginning to try and get the door to open again. She was in full hysterics at this point and she couldn't control the tears falling from her eyes. Isabella pushed with all her might and got her fingers through the crack in the door. She tried to pull it apart as she cried even harder than she thought possible. She didn't want to die, she needed to get out before he killed her.

Isabella could hear Scott's breathing and growls coming closer to her and she kept yelling and trying to push the door open with all her strength. Isabella had created a large gap between the door of the bus and almost had it open when Scott's hand wrapped her around her mouth tightly. She tried to scream and her eyes widened in fear but it was muffled, it was no use, he had gotten her. Scott growled deeply before pulling Isabella up the steps and to the back of the bus-

"Bella, wake up!" Derek screamed as he shook his daughter's shoulders harshly. She had been screaming bloody murder and he had burst into her room only a few seconds ago. Isabella woke up with a jolt and she immediately sat up in bed as she tried to catch her breath. He had just gotten released that night to go home from the police station and now his daughter was having nightmares, he could only hope that they weren't his fault.

Derek took a seat on the edge of his daughter's bed and watched as his daughter looked around her room as if she didn't know where she was, he could hear her heart pounding against her chest. Isabella finally caught eyes with Derek and she could see he was worried about her.

Isabella took a deep breath and ran her hands through her messy hair and in the process she accidentally touched her face and felt that it had been wet. She had been crying in her sleep.

"Are you okay?" Derek had finally asked after giving her a few moments to contain herself as he stared at every inch of her face, trying to decipher what she had dreamed about and what had scared her so bad.

Isabella was really shook up, but she still answered her father as she stared at the white wall in front of her. Her face was blank and her tone sad as she said, " Yeah, it was just a simple nightmare that's all."

Derek looked at her with worry before shaking his head and placing his hand on her shoulder, Isabella looked at him with a blank face instead of the wall, " Bella, you were screaming and crying like someone had killed you. I don't think that's very simple."

Someone did kill me though. Scott killed me. Isabella silently thought.

Isabella quickly shook away the thought from her head before speaking to her father with a forced smile on her face, "I'm fine. I'm just gonna go shower."

Isabella then began to get out of bed making Derek move out of her way quickly before she walked into the attached bathroom with a yawn. Isabella smiled at her dad with a reassuring smile before hastily closing the door and sliding down it with her head in her hands. Isabella was still scared but she sighed in relief because it had all just been a dream. She had never had a dream that felt that real though, that's what scared her.


Isabella had turned her phone off on the way to school after she had picked up Allison so that her father couldn't bother her anymore. He had been persistent in his worrying and even offered to drive her to school and or to keep her home for the day, but Isabella had ignored every offer. Isabella had honestly felt fine after her shower, it had calmed her.

Even though Scott had been the villain in her dream coming to kill her she was still excited to see him and talk about their "hang out". It was after all just a dream.

Isabella had hoped her " hang out" with Scott wasn't just a hang out, she wanted more. Allison had listened to Isabella ramble about her dream and how Scott had hurt her, which led to her being afraid to go out with him.

Isabella had changed the events of the dream to keep her and Scott's secret, but she still mentioned the fact that Scott had murdered her on a bus.

Allison had immediately denied that Isabella's dream meant anything and convinced her that it was going to be okay, Isabella believe her wholeheartedly and she had completely flushed the dream after that. She was happier and excited to go out with Scott. It was after all their first date. It was her very first date.

All the nerves had been washed from Isabella's system...that was until she climbed out of the car and saw the crime scene in front of her school. Isabella ran over to yellow tape and stared in fear at the bus that stood behind it. A trail of blood ran out the back of the bus and the back emergency door had been torn off the hinges.

Isabella had tried to see if their was a seat missing from the back row like the one Scott had thrown at her in her dream, but Allison had rushed over to her and guided her away by her shoulders before she could.

Allison said nothing, she just simply led her friend away from the thing that just had to be a coincidence. There was no way that her dream had actually happened on that bus. Isabella didn't protest as Allison dragged her away. She simply walked with her and gulped down the lump in her throat nervously.

Maybe, she had just predicted something that would happen in her dream today or maybe it was just coincidence like Allison thought. The two girls didn't stay around long enough to find out.

Isabella and Allison burst through the blue double doors of the school and Isabella immediately groaned in disgust. The hallways were so crowded that day and it made Isabella want to puke, she didn't want to be trapped between these people. She hated being enclosed tightly. Isabella reluctantly began to push through the people as she and Allison held onto each other tightly.

As Allison and Isabella began pushing their way through the hallway the two got separated from each other. Isabella got shoved off to the side and smacked right into another body, all her books and things clattered to the floor. Isabella groaned as she looked down at her stuff that she would have to pick up before looking at who she had smacked into. It was Scott.

Isabella's eyes widened and she smiled at him nervously, the nightmare playing over in her head as she looked at him," Oh my god! You scared the hell out of me."

Scott looked at the girl in confusion and relief as he reached out and grabbed her hand softly, "You're okay."

Isabella could see that Scott was relieved, but she had no idea why he had been worried about her safety. Little did Isabella know that he had the same dream as she did last night and it scared the hell out of him. He thought he had killed his girlfriend and when he saw the bus that morning he had really thought he had did it.

Isabella shook of her confusion and bent down to pick up her books. She didn't need everyone's dirty shoes trampling over them. She didn't want to explain to Harris why she had a foot mark over the front of her chemistry book.

She chuckled as she began to gather stuff as she looked way Scott, " Once my heart starts beating again, yeah. I'll be okay after that."

Scott bent down next to her and chuckled lightly before helping her pick up her stuff. She picked up her French notebook off the ground as he gathered up her chemistry textbook and handed it to her.

Scott noticed the small black pen next to his shoe and he picked it up with a smile, it was the pen he gave to her on the first day. A pen she never forgot to bring to school.

Scott looked over at Isabella as she continued to grab her things and he was just relieved she was alive and in front of him.

Isabella looked up at him as she pulled all her books into her chest. Her eyebrows rose in confusion as he looked at her, "What?"

Scott shook his head and smiled goofily, " Just happy to see you."

Isabella's heart fluttered at his words and she felt butterflies in her stomach. Isabella smiled back at him before pushing herself off her knees and to her feet as she still held her books closely to her chest. Isabella was going to speak but she was interrupted as the principal's voice came over the intercom.

Every student had stopped and listened, they all were hoping they would be allowed to leave because of crime scene.

The intercom buzzed and the scratchy sound of the principal's voice rang throughout the high school, "Attention, students, this is your principal. I know you're all wondering about the incident that occurred last night to one of our buses. While the police work to determine what happened, classes will proceed as scheduled."

The students all collectively groaned before sluggishly continuing onto their first class of the day.

Isabella chuckled softly at the reactions around her before smiling at Scott and ruffling his hair," Save me a seat at lunch?"

Scott smiled and admired the beauty of the girl in front of him who was not harmed in any way that he had thought she would be, "Yeah."

Isabella then walked away from Scott with a small wave. As she began to walk down the hall she saw Jackson staring dumbfounded at his locker which was broken and barely hanging onto its hinges.

Isabella has no idea that this had happened because of Scott. He had been so worried about her when seeing the bus that he couldn't stop himself from punching the locker, not knowing it was Jackson's. He just got the luck of ruining his enemies locker on accident.

Isabella had begun to laugh at Jackson's misfortune because she felt he deserved it in a way after how he acted at the lacrosse game, but she held it back. She didn't need him to hate her and treat her like shit, even though Lydia would never allow it. Isabella simply kept to herself and hurried up the small set of stairs to her class.


Lunch couldn't have come soon enough for Isabella Hale. She couldn't wait to see Stiles' reaction when Lydia sat at a table with him today. She had invited Lydia, Allison, and Danny to sit with herself, Stiles, and Scott but of course Lydia being Lydia, she had invited her whole entire clique to sit with them. People followed them that she didn't even know the first name of.

Lydia and Isabella stood with their lunch trays in hand searching for where Scott and Stiles were sitting in the cafeteria, they always arrived early, well Stiles did. Isabella spotted them in the middle of the lunchroom and they looked to be in the middle of a tense conversation.

Isabella assumed it was something about werewolves and she didn't want to accidentally expose their secret by bringing Lydia and her friends over.

Isabella nervously stood beside Lydia as she too found out where Scott and Stiles were sitting and tried to back out of the situation, "Hey Lyds, they look like they're talking about something important. Maybe we should just go to our normal table."

Lydia flipped her hair over he shoulder and rolled her eyes as she turned to Isabella seriously, " No, you're not pulling this shy thing that you do. You never talk to anyone in our group besides Allison, Danny, Jackson, and I. We're going."

Lydia didn't wait for a response from Isabella as she began to strut over to where the boys were sat with her tray in hand.

Isabella grumpily began walking after Lydia as she grumbled under her breath," I'm not shy, I just hate 95% of your friends."

When Isabella reached the table, Lydia had already sat down and Stiles was staring at her in disbelief. Isabella smirked at Stiles knowing to well what was going on in his brain to which he responded to her with a glare. Isabella ignored him and stopped next to Scott.

Scott looked over at her with a nervous smile and laughed before slowly moving his backpack from the seat next to him so she could sit. He didn't know she would be bringing her friends to sit with them and it made him nervous. Little did he know she had regretted the decision to invite the three people that she had. Little did he know it was about to get worse.

"Thanks." Isabella said as she placed her tray on the table and sat down next to Scott.

Allison swiftly came over as soon as Isabella sat down and placed her tray next hers with a smile. Allison smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up, a way of trying to reassure her that this decision was good.

Isabella gave her an unsure smile back, she wasn't excited about all the people she could see approaching the table. She hadn't wanted to overwhelm the two boys who originally inhabited the table. This had not been her plan at all. Everyone in Lydia's group was now sitting around the table and Isabella could tell Stiles was uncomfortable, she felt like shit for making him feel like that.

He kept awkwardly nodding at the people next to him which happened to be a girl that Isabella didn't know the name of and Danny. Danny just stared weirdly at Stiles before ignoring him and beginning to eat his lunch.

Jackson had been the last to show up and every seat had been filled. To say he was unhappy that another guy was sat next to his girlfriend was an understatement.

"Get up." Jackson said sternly to the lacrosse player sitting next to Lydia.

The kid did not want to get up but he knew he had no authority to stand up to Jackson. He would be thrown out of the popular group before he could blink, so with reluctance he stood up and sighed annoyedly.

He swiftly grabbed his tray off the table and turned to Jackson," How come you never ask Danny to get up?"

Danny laughed and rolled his eyes as he said under his breath, " Because I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin slot."

Isabella had to cover her mouth with her hand to stop herself from laughing. The kid glared at Isabella before running away in embarrassment. Once he was gone and Jackson had took his seat Danny winked playfully at Isabella.

Isabella leaned over the table and held her hand out for Danny to high five. She seriously loved him and he was so subtly funny to her, she adored him. Danny smiled at her before giving her hand a crisp high five, he was pretty proud of himself too. Isabella slid back down into her chair and bit into the apple on her tray.

"So I hear they're saying it's some type of animal attack. " Danny said and shrugged, "Probably a cougar."

Isabella almost choked on the apple in her mouth at Danny's words which caused Scott to give her a look of worry. She waved him off immediately and motioned for him to not worry about her. She was surprised that they had thought it was an animal. She hoped to god it wasn't because that could still mean a werewolf.

Jackson leaned back in his chair nonchalantly and said cockily," I heard mountain lion."

" A cougar is a mountain lion." Lydia and Isabella said at the same time. Lydia has said it as if it was a fact while Isabella said it with annoyance towards Jackson.

Isabella smiled over at Lydia after they spoke in sync. She was proud that Lydia was showing how smart she actually was. She wasn't the dumb popular girl everyone took her to be.

Jackson stared at her like she was stupid which sent her back to being the typical popular ditsy girl people thought she was. She twirled her hair around her finger dumbly, " Isn't it?"

Isabella sighed and shook her head in disappointment. She knew the real Lydia that others didn't, she was smarter than all of them combined. She wished Lydia would stop trying to impress Jackson by acting dumb and useless, she wasn't going to get very far with that. She was way too smart to act so dumb.

"Who cares? The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's gonna die anyway." Jackson said without a care in the world.

He was acting like the Jackass they all knew and hated, or at least disliked strongly in Isabella's case. She couldn't hate him not when she could sense something inside him that didn't appear to the naked eye. He wasn't just the mean asshole he presented himself to be. There had to be something more to him.

Isabella glared at Jackson and growled slightly under her breath as she watched him cockily smirking. Scott immediately slid his hand under the table and grasped Isabella's hand In his.

He turned to Isabella and mouthed silently, "Don't."

Isabella stared at Scott in disagreement for a few seconds before reluctantly nodding her head and scooting closer to him as she put her head on his shoulder.

"Actually, I just found out who it is." Stiles says looking down at his phone.

Isabella's head snapped up from Scott's shoulder instantly as she listened to Stiles intently. She really wanted to know who had gotten killed and who killed him seeing as she had some sort of dream or premonition about the incident.

"Check it out." Stiles placed his phone down on the table with the screen facing the group and pressed play on a video. Everyone around the table leans in with interest and focuses on the video beginning to play.

" The Sheriff's department won't speculate on details of the incident but confirmed the victim, Garrison Meyers, did survive the attack. Meyers was taken to a local hospital where he remains in critical condition."

Isabella had shivers run down her spine as they showed the picture of the man who was attacked, he had looked so nice and happy. He definitely did not seem to deserve what happened to him.

Scott froze in his seat as he saw the guy on screen, it almost took his breath straight out of his body. He stared at the screen as he stuttered out to those around him, "I know this guy."

Isabella took her attention off the video and turned to Scott with confusion and worry, " You do?"

"Yeah, when I used to take the bus back when I lived with my dad. He was the driver."

Isabella frowned at Scott, she had no idea that this was affecting him as much as it was her. She had no idea that he was internally blaming himself for killing this man. He figured that was why he had that that dream, he had killed him.

Stiles and Scott looked at each other with stress written all over their faces and Isabella caught onto it immediately. The two boys also reeked of anxiety, it was a very intense smell in Isabella's nose. She sensed that Scott's stress came from knowing the victim, but she was confused as to why Stiles held the same expression. What did he have to do with the situation?

Isabella had been looking between the two boys with a questioning glance but neither one had even looked at her or noticed her looks. Isabella had planned to question them, but she was interrupted.

Lydia rolled her eyes and picked at her food, she was bored with the conversation. She didn't really care about a dead person she didn't know and she didn't care if Scott knew him or not.

"Can we talk about something slightly more fun, please? Like-" She stopped twirling the fork she had in her hand, "Oh!"

Lydia put the fork down and continued with excitement as she turned to Isabella, " Where are we going tomorrow night?"

Isabella dropped the fork she had in her hand. It clattered down onto the plate loudly as Isabella looked at Lydia with confusion. She knew she had not made plans with Lydia, she had made plans with Scott. She swore she told Lydia before lunch.

" You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night, right?" She asked looking straight at Isabella from her seat at the table.

Isabella now knew what Lydia had meant. Since Isabella had told Lydia she assumed that she, Jackson, Scott and Isabella were all hanging out, which was far from what Isabella had originally planned.

Isabella gulped nervously as she looked at Scott with a look of guilt, " Um, we were thinking of what we were gonna do."

" Well, I am not sitting home again watching lacrosse videos, so if the four of us are hanging out then we need to do something fun." Lydia said as she clapped her hands together and leaned into Jackson.

Isabella took a drink of her water and tried her best to stay out of the conversation. She should have never told Lydia her plans, she should have known she'd do something like this.

Scott looked at Isabella with his eyebrows raised. He had thought it was supposed to be just them, " Hanging out? Like the four of us?"

Isabella capped her water bottle and looked over at Stiles who was covering his mouth while cringing at Scott's words.

Stiles couldn't believe his friend was calling his time with the girl he liked merely a "hang out". You never wanted to just hang out with a girl like Isabella Hale.

Isabella had stayed silent and not answered Scott. She didn't really want to talk about it in front of Lydia. She didn't want to all hang out together, but also didn't want to hurt Lydia's feelings.

Scott continued to panic as he watched Isabella sit silently next to him. He leaned into her and whispered," Do you wanna hang out, like us and them?"

Isabella shrugged her shoulders indifferently. She knew she couldn't tell Lydia no because she would get what she wanted no matter what Isabella wanted," Yeah, I guess. Sounds fun. I could even bring Allison."

Isabella touched Allison's shoulder gently while smiling before gesturing towards Scott with a wave," And you could bring Stiles."

Scott gave Isabella a half smile and she could tell he wasn't too keen on hanging out with Lydia and Jackson. Isabella frowned and was about to ask him if he would rather he say no to them, but she was halted by Jackson speaking.

Jackson twirled a fork in his hands and stared at it with excitement in his eyes," You know what else sounds fun? Stabbing myself in the face with this fork."

Isabella smirked and leaned forward on her elbows as she said with excitement laced in her tone" Could you, Jackass? My dreams would come true!"

Lydia and Jackson both glared at Isabella and she just smiled back, she was happy with her comment. She didn't regret it at all, she had meant it. She'd buy tickets to watch Jackson stab himself in the face.

Lydia huffed and grabbed the fork from Jackson's hand before turning to him excitedly and grabbing his arm, " How about bowling? You love bowling! "

"Yeah with actual completion " Jackson said rudely as he scoffed and looked at Scott with a judgmental look.

Isabella slowly pushed herself forward to look past Scott and Lydia until she caught eye contact with Jackson. She stared at him with a challenging look and said sassily as she raised her eyebrows at him, " How do you know we're not actual competition?"

Not waiting to see or hear Jackson's reaction, Isabella turned her head to Scott," You can bowl right?"

" Sort of." Scott said with no confidence as he looked at his girlfriend guiltily. He wanted to be good for her, but the truth was he was a god awful bowler.

" Is it sort of or yes ?" Jackson said leaning forward and taunting Scott.

Scott looked at Isabella and saw the pleading look she held, he couldn't let her lose this battle with Jackson.

Scott sighed before turning to Jackson and with a new found confidence said, " Yes. In fact, I'm a great bowler."

Isabella smiled proudly at Scott's confidence to stand up to Jackson, but she knew he was lying. She had heard his heart skip a beat when he said great bowler. They were going to make a fool of themselves when Jackson learned the truth. Isabella sighed and looked down at her tray with a slightly upset expression.

Allison nudged her and gave her a reassuring smile," Hey, it's gonna be fine."

Isabella closed her lips tightly together and nodded her head, but she knew deep down tomorrow was not going to be what she had been hoping for.


After lunch ended, Isabella ran out of the cafeteria and attempted to catch up with Scott and Stiles. She needed to know why Scott had acted so strangely when Danny had brought up the bus incident. She knew it couldn't have just been that he knew the bus driver. It was something more.

She pushed her way through the mass group of people exiting the cafeteria which she might have been doing a bit too aggressively due to the many cuss words that were directed her way. However, she paid no mind to their complaints as she chased the dynamic duo of idiots that included her boyfriend and his best friend.

As soon as she got through the crowd of students, Isabella immediately caught sight of Stiles' buzzcut haircut and sprinted over to them.

Without warning, Isabella crashed into the two boys as she lost control of the speed at which she was traveling and yelled out to them, "Hey, guys! Hold up!"

Stiles shrieked in fear when he felt her small body crash into his and he fell to the ground with her body falling down on top of him. Scott was barely fazed as he teetered slightly on his feet and then watched his girlfriend and best friend crash to the ground.

Stiles immediately grunted as they fell onto the hard floor of the hallway and began to try and push Isabella's body off of him, " God woman, what do you eat? Get off of me!"

Isabella winced in embarrassment as she whispered a small sorry to Stiles and began to move herself off of him. When she was stable on her feet again, she gave Scott a quick smile of embarrassment before holding her hand out to Stiles who was still lying on the floor mumbling curse words to himself as he glared up at her.

Isabella held her hand out for about a minute for Stiles before she began to get tired of waiting for him to stop throwing a fit. She rolled her eyes and aggressively pushed her hand towards him again, " Stiles, if you don't grab my hand in the next five seconds I will never offer to help you again."

Stiles mumbled one more curse word under his breath before he angrily grabbed Isabella's hand and allowed her to pull his body up.

When Stiles was back on his feet, he immediately grumbled to himself and rubbed his head tenderly, " Was that necessary? You know I'm not like you guys right?"

Isabella rolled her eyes, " I'm aware. I didn't mean to, Stiles. I was running so fast that I lost control. I'm sorry."

Stiles was still salty but didn't want to be rude to the girl when he knew deep down that she was being genuine and hadn't meant to literally crush him, so he opted to stay quiet and crossed his arms over his chest.

Scott patted Stiles shoulder and said mockingly, " You'll be okay, buddy."

Stiles kept his arms crossed and grunted under his breath as he avoided eye contact with Scott, looking off to the side at some lockers, "Whatever."

Scott rolled his eyes and chuckled under his breath before turning to Izzy with a love stricken smile, " So, now that that happened. What's up?"

Isabella's eyes widened as she remembered what she had been in such a hurry to ask Scott about. Crashing into Stiles had almost made her forget what her whole purpose had been.

" Oh, yeah, that! I wanted to ask you about the bus incident. I could tell that it bothered you, it bothered you in more than just a ' I knew that guy'  kind of way. Why did you act so weird when Danny brought it up?"

Scott's eyes went wide as he internally panicked and shook his head, trying to figure out a way to not tell her while also not lying to her. She would know if he was.

" I-I..." Scott stuttered out but he couldn't get much more to come out of his mouth, he didn't know how to lie to her.

He knew he'd be caught, he wasn't aware of how to keep his heart steady. Especially not around her.

Isabella chuckled and began to play with some bracelets on her wrist, " Trying to come up with a way to lie to me? It's not going to work so I'd recommend just telling me. Trust me, whatever you say will not make me think any less of you."

Scott stared at the girl with reluctance in his eyes for a few moments before he sighed in defeat, he'd never be able to get out of this, not with her super hearing.

" I had a dream last night that I killed you on that bus and not just in a quick way. I literally stalked you-I hunted you down and slaughtered you. When I saw that bus I thought I had actually done it but then I saw you this morning and you were perfectly fine. I might not have have killed you but I think I might have done that to that man, it felt so real."

Isabella was in shock as she took a step back and looked at him in disbelief. He had the dream too, just in a different perspective. She had experienced herself as the prey and he had experienced himself as the predator.

Scott had thought that she was scared of him as he saw her reaction but those thoughts immediately left his head after Isabella spoke.

Isabella sighed in relief and shouted out for the basically the whole hallway to hear," Wait, you had that dream too? I thought I was going crazy! Thank god, I'm not the only one."

Scott immediately clasped his hand around her mouth, effectively shutting her up, " Shhh! We don't need everyone to know about it."

Isabella chucked to herself in an adorable way and slowly pulled his hand from off her mouth, " Oh yeah, sorry."

Scott shook his head and chuckled deeply, he couldn't be mad at her even for a second when she was that cute. Her little outburst actually helped defuse the tension that he would have felt upon hearing that she too had the same dream and had to experience him killing her. Scott barely even thought about it, she had that kind of effect on him.

Scott shook his head again as she watched her continue to softly chuckle to herself, " What are we going to do with you, Isabella Hale?"

Stiles scoffed under his breath and finally looked back at the couple, " Send her to Eichen House. That's where the nut jobs go."

Isabella smiled mockingly at Stiles and patted his shoulder lightly, " I guess you're going with me then Stiles. Don't try and pretend like you wouldn't be my roommate in there."

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