When Two Worlds Collide (On H...

By CrazyForYou92

5.2K 57 17

Vanessa Abbott,18, was living the dream. She was the opening act for a nearly sold out tour, she was dating o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 7

325 5 1
By CrazyForYou92

(A/N From now on when I use a word indicating possession it will be referring to the body that the person is currently in. For example if its Harry’s bodies hand and Vanessa says my hand. She means Harry’s bodies hand..Confusing? yes.)

Harry’s POV

I’ve often been asked in interviews what I would do if I were trapped inside a women’s body. Now, usually I would say look at myself naked in the mirror, or something perverted along those lines. Yet now that I’m actually in this position, I JUST WANT MY OWN GOD DAMN BODY BACK. 

“Miss Abbott?” I looked up from my hands. An older lady wearing a nurses outfit was towering over me. It took me quite a while to recover from what just happened. The nurses managed to give me some pills after I woke up to calm me down, but that still didn’t take away from the fact that I was stuck in someone else’s body.

“How are you feeling sweet heart?” she asked sweetly. Oh you know just got struck by lightning, swapped bodies with a girl who hates me, WHAT DO YOU THINK LADY!?

“Could be better..” I mumbled.

“Of course! Well, I have some good news!” She clapped her hands. I couldn’t help but glare at her, although I don't think she noticed. 

“It turns out that you don’t have any burns or serious injuries! Its quite remarkable actually!” she moved over to the other side of the bed and fixed my covers. “Conceder yourself lucky!” 

“Yeah, lucky my ass” I mumbled to myself. 

“I’m sorry deary?” 

“I was just wondering how Harry is doing with all of this?” I asked kindly flashing her Vanessa’s winning smile.

“Oh well he seems to be doing just as fine! You guys should be out of the hospital in no time!” She said happily. She shuffled back to the front of the room and grabbed a folder out of a clear pouch stuck to the door.

“Now I’m just going to get the doctor now that you are all calm. You stay put.” She winked and was out the door. Where else am I going to go? I looked down at Vanessa’s fingers that now acted as my own. I ran my index finger up my arms and traced the lines in the palm of my hand. So this is what its like being a girl huh? Then I looked down at my chest. Not bad.I was about to touch them when the door flew open. 

“Vanessa Abbott...” The man in the white coat from earlier was looking at the folder with his glasses on the brim of his nose.

“I’m Doctor Manning and let me just say how lucky of a girl you are! In fact you AND the boy. Not many people get struck by lightning and live to tell the tale!” He chuckled and walked over to me. “How do you feel?”  Lets think about this. I could tell him that I was really Harry Styles and just switched bodies with Vanessa and risk the chances of getting sent to the loony bin. Or, I could pretend to be Vanessa just until we are able to sort things out...Besides, I bet I could have some fun with this along the way. Its not everyday you get to be in the body of a gorgeous girl. I plastered a sweet smile to my face.

“I feel great.” I answered

“Good to hear! Now we should be releasing you from the hospital after tomorrow. I just want to make sure that you two are absolutely ok.” He said. I nodded.

“Alright well it is very late and I need you to get some rest young lady.” He said walking out the door. Then it occurred to me.

“WAIT!!” He stopped, his eyebrows creased. “What about my, I mean, the boy’s tour! The first show starts tomorrow!” 

“Oh I’m afraid you’ll have to talk to your manager about that. You either cancel it or push it back a day. I’m sure your fans will understand.” Then he shut the door.

“Thats right the fans...” I said to myself. Sure they will understand...I looked around for my phone. It was on the bedside table. I reached over with stiff arms and managed to snatch it without falling face first out of the bed. Wait this isn’t my phone. Oh right my phone must be back with my body, which means Vanessa probably has it. Lovely. I shook my head and turned on her phone. A picture of her and Zayn locking lip popped up as her screen saver. 

“Lucky Bastard...” I muttered as I opened up her twitter account. I was just about to log her out when I decided that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I quickly typed up a cheeky little message then logged onto my own account. I’m surprised twitter hasn’t crashed with all the messages that I’ve received. I did a quick scan through all, or rather, most of them. 


Mrs.Styles609: Prayin’ for ya babe :’) @Harry_Styles

Dina_Tomlinson: Lightning must be destroyed >:( @Harry_Styles @VanessaAbbott1 xx

1DNoticeMe: Oh my gosh! This is terrible!! Get Better Baby! @Harry_Styles

NiallersTeeth: NOOOO GET BETTER NOW! :’( @Harry_Styles

MaLickme78: :O this is horrific, I send my love!! <3 @Harry_Styles @VanessaAbbott1

LiamIStalkU: GUISE! I’m legit crying. LOVE YOU HAZZA! @Harry_Styles

CrazyForYou92: #GetWellHazzaAndNess :) @Harry_Styles @VanessaAbbott1

1DForLife: I hope you guys are ok :’) @Harry_Styles @VanessaAbbott1

LarryLivesOn69: What are the odds?!?! Get well! @Harry_Styles

WhatTheFlack: Does this mean our weddings off? xx @Harry_Styles

I couldn’t help but chuckle at that. I typed up a little tweet myself to calm everyone down.

Harry_Styles: Well today was eventful! Thanks for all the love! @VanessaAbbott1 and I are doing fine and @WhatTheFlack Wouldn’t dream of it ;) 

I pressed enter then logged off of Twitter. I let out a Yawn then closed my eyes. The doctors right, rest would be helpful. Suddenly Vanessa’s phone buzzed.

Or not. I grudgingly grabbed her phone and flipped it open.  “Hello?” I said, startling myself with her own voice for a second. 

“Harry!!?” My own voice whispered down the line.

“Vanessa?” I asked surprised.

“Oh thank god!! Listen we need to talk...Oh god it sounds so weird hearing my own voice down another line...” she whispred. 

“Your telling me! How the fuck did this happen?” 

“I don’t know! But it needs to be fixed before the tour kicks off.” She said.

“I Know...Look I need to see you. I’m coming to your room.” I said getting up carefully.

“Harry! You’ll get caught!” 

“I don’t care we need to talk this over face to face.” I opened my door carefully and poked my head out. The hall was empty.

“Ok. No ones in the hallway I’ll be there soon.” I said slipping out the door.

“Do you even no what room I’m in?”


“Oh...Ok, but be careful!!” 

“Yes Dear.” I hung up and could mentally picture her rolling her eyes down the line. I grinned and continued to creep down the hall scanning the room numbers. 314, 315, 316, 317, I laughed at the irony, 318, 319...320! I gently opened the door and swiftly went inside without making a noise. 

“Harry! How did you get here so quietly?” Vanessa asked.

“Girls are light on there feet?” I shrugged and sat on the edge of her bed. 

“This is so weird...” She reached out and touched my cheek. I reached out and touched hers. We starred into each others eyes for a few minutes not daring to break the silence. Finally she spoke.

“What are we going to do?” A tear fell from her eye and I scooted toward her to whip it away with my thumb.

“Hey, Its going to be okay. If we where put into this mess we can fix it.” I rubbed her back.

“But what if we can’t Harry? We can’t just pretend to be each other.” She said still sobbing. Is that what I look like when I cry? Nice...

“Well we are going to have to try. Just until we can figure out how to fix this mess.” I said not to confidently myself.

“How...” She looking into my eyes again.

“I...I don’t know. We may have to do some research...we can’t be the only people this has happened to...” I said shaking my head.

“Harry, if this has happened before then how the hell have we not heard of it?!” 

“Nessa, if someone walked up to you and said they switched bodies with someone else, how would you react?” She thought about it.

“Stranger things have happened...”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know Harry! But bottom line is we need to fix this!’ She said firmly. “You have a tour and I don’t even know all of your music.”

“I’ll have to teach you, and besides, you’ve rehearsed with us millions of times.” I said lifting her chin up.

“What about Zayn.” She whispered. I could see the hurt in her eyes. It made me feel sorry for her. Even though I still had feeling for her myself, I still hated to see her upset.

“I don’t know love. I’ll do my best to make it look believable for as long as I can, but as soon as he tries to make a move I’m ending it.” I grinned

“Alright, l guess we have no other option. Just don’t do anything funny Styles.” She shot daggers at me. I smirked, same old Nessa.

“Well how am I supposed to change clothes?” Her eyes widened. “Or take showers?”

“Oh god I didn’t think of that.” She ran her hands threw her hair. “Shit...”

“Well its not like I haven’t seen it all before.” I said grinning. “And I know you’ve seen it...”

“That doesn’t mean I want to see it again!” She snapped. “And plus, what about my time of the month?”


“Mother natures gift?”

“OH DEAR GOD NO!” She lunged for my mouth and  

“It looks like we’ve got a lot to talk about Miss. Abbott.” She smiled.

“That we do Mr. Styles” I grinned.

We spent the whole night giving each other key information to our lives, wither we wanted to hear about it or not.

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