When Two Worlds Collide (On H...

By CrazyForYou92

5.2K 57 17

Vanessa Abbott,18, was living the dream. She was the opening act for a nearly sold out tour, she was dating o... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 1

760 8 5
By CrazyForYou92


This is my first fanfic, and yes the concept is a little waky, but I was tired of the same old girl hates one direction but suddenly bumps into them and falls in love thingy, so I decided to give this a go. ;) If there are any errors I appologize I'm new at this!! I hope you all enjoy and please give me your feedback! Comment, fan, vote, and all that jazz ;D <3 HERE WE GOOOOO! 


“VANESSA! HURRY UP! THE BOYS ARE ALREADY IN THE CAR!” my boyfriend of three months called from the hall. Patience! People around here need to gain some.

“OH CALM DOWN I’LL BE THERE IN A MINUTE!” I called back in response. 

“She’s gunna need a lot of make-up to cover up that face of hers” I heard someone mutter followed by a loud crack as if someone had just been smacked in the face.

“Jeez sorry...” 

I rolled my eyes and reached over for the Mascara. I quickly finished touching up my make-up, simple, yet natural. I had on a nice green button up dress that I paired with some black wedges and decked myself out with a whole lot of jewelry to top it off. I sprayed a protective layer of hairspray around my naturally curly auburn hair, gave myself a satisfying once over in the mirror, then prayed to god that my hair wouldn’t turn into a giant poof ball by the end of the night. Done. I let out a small sigh and headed out the small bathroom and out my room’s door.

“Finally! I thought we where going to have to drag you out of the room.” Zayn said.  

I locked the door and quickly made my way over to him intentionally skipping past Harry. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in for a long kiss, fully aware that Harry was awkwardly watching us from the side.

“Sorry babe, if I’m going to be on national Tv, I need to look good.” I stated simply.

“You always look good, you're gorgeous.” He said looking into my eyes. God those eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes. I tore my gaze away and looked out towards the elevators. I knew if I looked at them any longer I would have melted to the floor. 

“Yeah yeah, we’re gunna be late.” I said tugging him to the elevators. He grinned. 

“Dress a little short their eh?” Harry said from behind. Short!? Are you kidding? 

I spun around and walked backwards looking him over once.

“Pants a little tight their eh? Ever heard of breathing room, oh wait you don’t need it” I said mimicking his tone.

He rolled his eyes as I turned back around. Zayn gave me slick high five then took my hand in his. Vanessa 1, Harry 0. Let the games begin. We waited for the elevator to come up and quickly got inside. I reached for the lobby button but didn’t make it in time. Harry had beaten me to it. I glared at him, Harry 1. When we reached the lobby the elevator dinged and let us out. Zayn snaked his arm around my waist and we walked out the entrance. We made our way past the crazy fans waiting outside and as we got closer to the black van, I could hear the rest of the boys chatting. Louis, of course, being the loudest. The door swung open before I could get my hand on the handle.

“Fiiiinnnaallllyy!” Louis sang. “I thought I was going to have to call the police!”

I began to give my explanation but was cut off.


I gave him a hurtful look as I climbed into the car next to him with Zayn closely behind.

“I’m sorry kind sir, please, please forgive me! It wont happen again I promise.” I pleaded with puppy dog eyes and pouty lips.

He starred at me for some time, deciding what my fate would be. Oh Jeez. 

“Fine.” he said. I began to clap excitedly. “Don’t let it happen again.” He added giving me a stern look.

I nodded my head vigorously then moved to hug him.

“S’CUSE ME!” someone said shoving me aside before I could, then plopped down in the seats behind us.

“Rude.” I said glaring at Harry. He flashed me a Cheesy smile. 

Rolling my eyes, I turned back around facing the front. Zayn had slipped his arm behind  me and I gladly moved into his chest resting my head on his shoulder. I sighed as he kissed my forehead. The boys resumed their usual chatter while Liam, who was in the front, turned up the music. My head snapped up as my favorite song began to play. 

“OHHH THIS IS MY SONG!!” I screamed and began to sing along to New York state of Mind. 

All the boys just starred at me.

“What? Thats my home town they're talking about right there!” I said excitedly. They all shrugged and began to join in with me. By the time the next song came up we were all pretty fired up and began dancing like mad and singing from the top of our lungs. When Good Feeling began to play I looked over and locked eyes with Louis. He nodded once. Shit was about to get real. I pointed to him and he began to do his classic stop the traffic let em through move. The rest of the boys Ohhh’d and started to take sides. 

“LETSS GOOO NESSAHH!” Zayn cheered.

“SHE CAN’T BEAT THAT MAN!” Liam yelled.


I shot Harry the death glare and he shrank back into his seat. Oh its on...

I began to go crazy with the Cabbage Patch dance move then waved my hand in front of my face.

“YA CAN’T SEE ME!” I yelled.

Louis gasped and pulled out his second line of defense. Pat the dog and screw the lightbulb. I saw it coming and tried my luck with some moves I got from John Travolta off of Saturday night fever. All the boys erupted in laughter and Louis shook his head in defeat while the rest of the boys joined in. I was giving a round of high fives to all the boys, and just as I reach Harry I ducked my hand low and gave him a light slap to the face instead. I stuck my tongue out at him.

“Your gunna pay for that...” He said in a sinister tone. I faked a scared look then turned back around. 

“THATS MAH GIRL!” Zayn yelled and pulled me down for a big hug.

“Yeah whatever” Louis said. He just sat there looking out the window all sad. I felt sorry for him. 

“Aww Louis I’m sorry...I can’t help it that I’m just amazing.” I heard Harry snort in the back. 

“Talk to the hand cuz the face ain’t home.” Louis said sticking his palm in my face. Sassy much?

“Ok, well can you tell him not to be mad? Louis will always rule beside me as the King of crappy dance moves. Always.” I said 

“Don't you forget it!” he said suddenly trapping my head in a head lock.

“LOUIS DON’T YOU DARE MESS UP MY HAIR!” I yelled. He reluctantly let go and grinned.

I glared at him and mouthed “watch it.” The car jerked to a stop and Zayn opened the door. A blinding rush of lights came flooding in all around us. Zayn hopped out and pulled me out after him. The rest of the boys filed out after us. I clutched Zayn’s hand and grabbed Niall’s arm for support since he was the closest to my left.

“Don’t worry I hate it too” Niall whispered in my ear. I looked up and he gave me a warm smile which I returned thankfully. 

We made our way down to the entrance of the building and once we where safely inside I let go of Niall and let out a sigh of relief. I was still pretty new to all this stuff and hated all the flashing cameras in my face. I felt like I was being trapped in a lab with everyone observing me. Which come to think of it, is partly true. Yet, at the same time, I signed up for all of this, it came with the package of fame.

“They're all here, should I send them in?” A woman in a black tee shirt with the ELLEN logo on the front said into the her head piece. She nodded then looked up and motioned for us to follow her.  “Right this way please.”  As we entered the studio I gasped and my stomach did a little nervous flip. The woman in black turned around and smiled.

“Ellen actually Isn’t available to greet you prior to the show, but she has talked to you all before so I hope you all don’t mind?” We all nodded. We had met and rehearsed a bit with Ellen before hand so we knew what we had to do, but I still couldn’t help but be nervous.

“Don’t worry, you will do great.” Zayn said with a reassuring smile.

I groaned.

“Aw come on! Ok fine, I’ll take you for Ice cream and a movie afterwards?” Zayn grinned tempting me.

“Hmmmmm” I mean how can I resist such an oprotunity? “OK!” I yelled. “Promise?”

“Anything for you.” His pointer finger and thumb pinched my chin lightly, tiliting me forward ever so slightly for a kiss. But before our lips could even touch, we where gently pushed apart.

“Ah. ah. ah. Focus.” I sent Liam a glare. “Interview, then you lot can make out all you want.” Zayn groaned and rested his head on my shoulder.

I patted his hair lightly and sighed. “I have to pee anyways I guess.” 

“Well don’t be too long, I think we head on soon” Liam folded his arms across his chest like a fatherly figure. I rolled my eyes and waved him off. 

“Yeah, Yeah I’ll be fine.” Daddy Directioner at his finest.... “See you guys on the Battlefield.” We saluted each other playfully then I made my way to the ladies room. Correction, I TRIED to make my way to the ladies room. I ended up having to ask for directions. Twice...

After marvling at the automatic hand dryers and fancy soap dispensers, I headed back down the hall that I came. On the way, I happened to spot a certain curly haired Hazza giggling with some Blondie. She’s quite pretty, I noted, but I wanna have some fun with this one. I sneaked up behind him just as he was about to reach for a slip of paper that she had held out.

“WATCHA DOIN!” I yelled in his ear. He yelped and flailed his arms around exposing the true spaz that he really is. I doubled over laughing as the girl slipped away in disgust. 

“WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?” He yelled trying to regain his ‘cool.’ I shrugged.

“Its funny.” I stated casually. He starred, then I noticed an evil grin start to tug at his lips. 

“What?” I asked uncomfortably. He leaned in close forcing me to back up against the wall. 

 “I would watch your back if I were you.” He whispered in my ear, his hot breath tickling my neck. I gulped not expecting him to come in such close contact with me. Before I could even think to retaliate, he was already striding down the hall like nothing happened.

 Well, that was weird. I shrugged it off and continued back down the opposite side of the studio. I looked around curiously, not being able to spot the boys anywhere. “Where are the boys?” I finally asked one of the crew members giving up searching on my own.

“Getting ready to go on stage.” He huffed not bothering to look up from his clipboard. 

 “What!?” I half yelled. 

 “Is their something you need?” He said lazily. Then he looked up. His face morphed into a mask of panic. 

 “Wait what are you doing here!?!? You're supposed to go on with them!!” He nearly squealled. Then he grabbed my arm, not gently I may add, and began to drag me to the other side of the studio where the five boys where already beginning to start dancing into view. They all gave Ellen their own hugs while the audience cheered and chanted their names. By the time I made it over, the boys were already settled on the couch.  

“Hold up! Aren’t we missing someone?” Ellen asked in confusion counting off the five boys. The boys looked around awkwardly.

Suddenly, I felt myself being pushed out and down the little walkway, the force of the push almost causing me to fall flat on my face. I looked up just in time to see the camera man whip around exposing me. I gulped. All eyes were on me.

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