World's Apart

By klutzy17

57.5K 1.5K 364

All Jack knew was that he loved her...and one day, any way he could, no matter what it took, he'd make it bac... More

Here In Your Arms
A Long Way From Home
In His Wake
Yesterday's Tomorrow
The Two Of Us
Together Again
For Old Times Sake
A Night To Remember
Farewell Kisses
The Wheel Keeps Turning
Back To Square One
Bye Bye Birdy
The Waiting Game
As The Snow Falls
Christmas Kisses
Winter Wishes
One More Good Day
Right Back At It
Auld Lang Syne (Part 1)
Yesterday's History
The Phone Call
Fools Gold
A Mother's Words
Through The Rain
I Will Love You
A Lesson in Love
The Last Time
Till Death Do Us Part
Old Friend
Into War
Flight Of His Life
An Ocean Of Blue
Forgotten Shoes
Living Nightmare
No News is Good News
The Love Of Two Hearts
The Long Night
J Is For...
By And By
Jack II
Jack III
Love, Lies And Death
In Minds Eye
New Beginnings

Auld Lang Syne (Part 2)

834 23 22
By klutzy17

The main hall was bustling and crowded. The tables were pushed back and huddled together, leaving space for a make-shift dance floor that was now bursting with dancing bodies. Couples spinning and twirling wildly to the loud music that blared through the old speakers. Streamers and banners were draped from the ceiling and everybody in the hall wore silly party hats and waved flags and rattles.

It was loud and hot and as Jack sat around the table with some of the other men from his squadron, he unbuttoned his top shirt button and pulled the tie loose from his neck, letting him breathe more easy.

The atmosphere around him was thick and stuffy and the smell of perspiration and tobacco smoke hung heavy in the air. His mind was spinning, the beer he'd drank and the buzz of the people around him played on loop.

Farrier slammed down another two pint glasses onto the table before slumping down heavy beside him.

"Having fun?" He chirped.

Jack rolled his eyes "Buckets," he quipped sarcastically.

Farrier laughed once, shaking his head "It's a party, you should lighten up Collins," He sticks a cigarette between his teeth, strikes a match in one swift motion and lights the end. 

"Learn to live a little," Farrier mumbles as he takes a long slow drag on his cigarette. 

Jack tuts and clasps his hands on top of the table "And what would you have me do?" 

Farrier leans forward and points the cigarette at Jack "Stop wallowing in self fucking pity for one-"

"That's not fai-" 

"Shut it," Farrier cuts him off "And second, 1940  is less than an hour away; you might want to make the most of this year. Might be your last," he sits back and takes another long drag on the cigarette.

Jack grabs his pint glass and gulps down his beer; his mind replaying Farrier's words over and over. It had only been a few days since he'd arrived at RAF Uxbridge and already training was intense. His long days were filled with early starts, drills, plans and strategies. It was the same routine all day, every day and it was starting to grind him down. When he felt low his mind wandered to Ali.

He thought about her delicate face and her soft hair. He imagined the smell of her sweet perfume, mixed with the gentle smell of mint humbugs on her breath. He willed himself to remember their time together, dancing in front of the fire on Christmas Day evening, falling asleep in each others arms, laughing in the snow and of course asking her to marry him.

The thought of that day made his stomach flip even now and an involuntary grin spread across his face as he set the empty pint glass down.

"What are you grinning about?" Farrier eyes him quizzically as he stubs out his cigarette and flicks it into an ash tray.

Jack sits back heavy against the chair, the beer suddenly rushing to his head. His voice is slow and lazy when he speaks.

"Thinking about my girl," he drawls, smiling.

Farrier laughs once "Are you drunk already?" He reaches forward and grabs Jack by the chin, tilting his head from side to side.

Jack pulls away, a lazy smile playing on his lips.

"Well lad look lively, here come's your girl," Farrier nods behind him and Jack spins round.

Erica had just entered the hall with a group of other nurses. Her white short sleeved dress that rests along her knee, hugs her waist closely. Her dark hair falls in curls around her shoulder and her lips are painted a bright rouge colour. Her eyes search the busy room and find Jacks; she smiles and offers him a small wave.

He turns away, heat flooding his cheeks.


"She's not my girl," Jack mumbles through his teeth.

Farrier makes a confused face "I know...I said here come the girls. I didn't say anything about your girl," 

Jack recoils as more heat floods his face. Why had he imagined that Farrier had said that? The embarrassment consumes him and he stands hastily and hurries away from the table.

"Collins!" Farrier calls after him but he doesn't turn back.

In his haste to leave the hall he pushes through the throngs of people and collides head on with another person.

"Ummph," he huffs as a body slams against his chest "Oh sorry-"


"Erica?" He takes a step back from her and awkwardly rubs the back of his neck when he see's that he's caused her to spill her drink over her.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," he stutters.

Erica shakes her head as she brushes the excess liquid off her dress, shaking her hands "Yeah you looked like you were in a pretty bad hurry," 

Jack squeezes his eyes shut momentarily trying to shake the embarrassing thought from his mind. When he opens his eyes, he feels calmer and reaches for a napkin from a nearby table.

"Here," he gently dabs the white material of her dress before softly dabbing the side of her face.

"Thanks," she whispers once she's more dry.

Feeling much calmer, Jack rocks awkwardly on his heels, his hands buried into his front pockets "I'm sorry I've ruined your dress. How can I make it up to you?" 

Erica purses her lips and thinks for a moment "You could start by asking me to dance?" 

Jacks stomach leaps and his heart flutters fast against his chest but he offers his hand to Erica regardless "Would you like to dance Miss Lennox?" he smiles politely. She takes his hand and he leads her through the crowd towards the dance floor.

Pulling her close he can feel the damp material of her dress pressed against him. Their bodies are close as they sway in time with the music and she rests her head against his chest. Her hair smells sweet; not at all like Ali's, but of vanilla and  strawberries. She lifts her head to look up at him as they continue to sway. He pushes her back gently and she twirls as she holds his hand above her head. Her white dress and long dark hair swishes around her and hugs her body close as she pivots in quick circles.

"Ten... Nine...Eight...Seven," The crowd starts to countdown to the New Year.

Erica continues to spin happily as she hold his hand. Jack watches her mesmerised. 


Jack puts his other hand out and catches Erica, halting her spinning. Her brown hair rolls down her shoulder in unruly waves and her blue-green eyes are dark as they look up at him. He pulls her towards him, one arm around her waist as she steps closer.

"Two...One...Happy New Year!" The crowd cheer.

Her arms snake around his neck as his lips crash onto hers. She reaches up onto her tip toes and rakes a heavy hand through his hair as his lips dance against hers. His other hand digs into her hip as the familiar slow burn rises in his stomach.

She pulls back suddenly breathless "Happy New Year Jack," 

"Happy New Year Erica-" he mumbles quickly before leaning back down and hungrily reconnecting their lips.

A/N: OOOOHHH what has he done?! Hope you enjoy this chapter, please please please let me know your thoughts. Thank you all for your vote ups, comments and reads!       R.

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