Oliver (Vocaloid) x Reader

Autorstwa Panda_chan12

17.7K 532 2.9K

Working on a new description and this book is being rewritten ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I know that Oliver is... Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Special Chapter: It's your birthday!!!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 27.5
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
So sorry ;-;
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 37

435 11 162
Autorstwa Panda_chan12


Kaito: FUCK YEA!

Miku: B-But you're gonna make him go craz-

News lady: ATTENTION, There is a mad man robbing all the ice cream stores!

Me: Oh shi-

Miku: see?


3rd POV~

The whole day was weird. Both Oliver and (Y/N) would exchange glances to each other but look away embarrassed from remembering what happened on Valentine's Day.

(Y/N) sat down at her last hour, she sighed getting out her papers, "Ok everybody! I asked the principal if we can practice after school and they said yes! So we will be here till maybe around seven o'clock?" Miku announced to everyone.

Everyone groaned in despair, "But I wanna go home!" Everyone started chanting random things.

"Usually I eat when I get back home! YOU'RE GONNA STARVE ME TO DEATH!"

"I hate it here! Why do I have to stay in hell longer?!"

They all whined, Miku twitched in annoyance, "I know you're all upset about this! But we need to practice for the concert! So shut your whining! It's ear wrenching!"

"But I have to feed my............fish! Or else she'll die!" Rin gasped placing both hands on her cheeks.

"Yea! Her imaginary fish will die! She'll have to do CPR on it!" Len smashed his fists on the desk.

Rin paused, "Can you do CPR on a fish?"

Len shook his head, rubbing his head, "What do you think?"

"I'm assuming it's a no..."

Len clapped slowly and sarcastically, "Good job for figuring out that difficult question!"

Rin glared at him before sitting down, "Well I need to...Save James! He might drown!"

"How in the hell would a bird drown?!" Len questioned.

"JAMES IS GONNA DROWN?!" Oliver yelled frantically.

Rin nodded, "He might! You never know! H-he might have uh...fell in the bird bath!"


"...We'll just ignore those three..." Miku eyed them, while rolling her eyes, "For the rest of you we'll be working all evening so I suggest you guys get lots of water!"

"Who made her the teacher?" Gumi whispered to (Y/N), (Y/N) shrugged.

"Mrs. Leath did." Miku answered proudly, "She thought that I was so smart that I had to be teachers aid!"

Rin gasped in shock, "Hey I'm smart too! Why haven't I become teachers aid of lunch! Through out my whole school year I've had an A+ in lunch."

"You can't get an A+ in lunch!" Len looked at her with a disbelief face.

"Oh yes you can! The tests are unbelievably easy!"

"Is the tests just eating the food?"

Rin nodded while giving a toothy grin, "Yup!"

Miku cleared her throat, getting everyone's attention again, "So first off we should you know have a break now then when school is out we can work our asses off!"

Everyone eyed her, "You're crazy!"

"I know..." Miku admitted.

They all turned around, clearly not wanting to be here, "I should have stayed home." Gumi whispered, regretting that she had come.

"What should we do in the mean time then?" Len asked.

"Well let's see, it's just us that are gonna stay here right? Wait no Luka and Gakupo and possibly Teto might join." Miku placed her finger in her chin.

"Teto-chan!" Everyone cheered, "She has returned!"

"Yeet!" Fukase yelled from outside of the door, Len opened the door, "The hell are you doing out here?!"

He walked over, already plopping himself onto a chair while putting both feet onto the desk, laying back, "Well since Oliver here is gon' stay here for a while, might as well join the gang bang!"



"Can I record it?"

"Who's all joining?"

"What is wrong with all of you?!"

"Can I be on botto-"

"OK! LET'S NOT TAKE A BREAK AND WE'LL JIST START WORKING NOW!" Miku yelled covering her 'innocent' ears.

"So what are y'all doing?" Fukase casually asked.

"Working." Miku replied coldly.

"Working on what?" Fukase raised an eyebrow.

"A plan."

"A plan for what?"

"A plan on how to kill you."

"Oh we got a badass over here!" Fukase raised both hands up, surrendering.

Miku rolled her eyes, "I hate you." She growled.

Fukase smirked at Miku huffing in annoyance, "Now what are y'all really doing?"

"Well practicing I think?" Rin replied.

"Is it for that concert thingy?"

"Yep! It's in a week!"

"Well y'all better get crackin'."

"Now why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in YOUR class?!" Miku placed both hands on her hips.

Fukase shrugged, "You can do anythin' if you give lil Luka a can of tuna~"

"Unbelievable!" Miku yelled.

Kaito then took a step closer to Miku, "Can I go?! I want ice cream!"

"No!" Miku yelled without hesitation.

"But it's my birthday!"

"Oh wait it's your birthday?!" She turned around, her eyes widened from the surprised news.

"Yep!" Kaito chirped.

"Well you can spend your birthday here!" Miku pointed at herself and everyone.

"But there's no ice cream!" He whined.

Miku scoffed, "Is that all you care about?"


"Don't you wanna spend it with your friends?!" Miku asked surprised.

"BUT THERE'S NO ICE CREAM!" Kaito yelled it again but louder.

Miku sighed, "Since I'm nice! I will allow you to leave! But you will work harder than the others!"

Kaito smiled, "Great! Well...can I have some money?"

Miku eyes widened, surprised, "What?! No! You just asked to leave! You never mentioned any money!"

Kaito rolled his eyes, "I suppose I have to take the hard way..." He then went to pushed Miku out of the way, causing her to fall, he then ran to her desk. Grabbed her wallet. And in a flash he was gone.

"Did he seriously just rob me?!" Miku got up chasing after him but unfortunately she was too slow. Gumi did an impact on her leg.

"How much did you have in there?" Rin patted Miku's shoulder sympathetically.

"About five hundred..." Miku whined.

"Five hundred?! Why are you caring that much around?!"

"Well I go to the mall after school a lot!" Miku yelled in a obvious tone.

Rin rolled her eyes, "I never understand why girls spend so much money on makeup."

Miku shrugged, "Well now I'm broke as hell. For now that is."


School was out, everyone watched as other students were leaving the school, they wanted to leave too.

"Ok now that everyone left we can practice!" Miku got up from laying on the floor, earlier she wanted to challenge Gumi, seeing if she was really a karate master. That was the biggest mistake ever. Gumi kept making Miku fly around the room, she even cracked the window!

"Oh god!" Rin freaked as she was checking her pockets for her son, "MY PHONE!" She checked everywhere. She checked her pockets, her bag, her jack pocket, Len's pocket. "OI WHY ARE YOU DIGGING IN MY BAG?!" Len yelled getting ready to snatch his bag from her.


She panted as now she was having a mini heart attack, "WHERE IS IT?!"

"Do you remember where you last put it?!" Gumi asked worried.

"Well the last time I was on it was in my-....HISTORY CLASS!" She quickly ran out of the room.

"Why does she get to go?!" Meiko whined.

"She's gonna come back." Miku said nonchalantly.

"Do you really think so?"

"That little-"


Rin ran up the stairs, she quickly pulled out her student I.D. card and scanned it at the scanner for it to open the door. She quickly shoved it back in her pocket. She raced across the hallways, making papers that were in the floor to fly in the air, she examined every door trying to recognize her History class door. It was in the middle of the hallway, Rin burst through the door. The room being pitch black, the window the only source of light. Though the light was dim as it was cloudy outside. It might rain soon.

Rin speed walked across the classroom, going to her desk in the back of the room. She crouched down looking inside the wooden desk, where she hides her phone from the teacher. She let out a relieved sigh, doing a quick prayer. Thanking Him for allowing her to find her son.

"Here you are..." She mumbled before hugging it, she checked her phone seeing loads of notifications across her screen. "Wouldn't hurt if I checked them right?" She pulled out the chair, taking a seat while browsing through her phone.


"Why is it taking her so long? History class is just upstairs." Miku looked up at the ceiling.

"Maybe she's lost?"

"She might have went to Hogwarts?"

"Maybe she saw some oranges and is eating it now?"

"She took off on a magical unicorn!"

"She's reading fanfiction!"

"She knows da wae!"

Everyone shouted out different opinions, "Ok I'm no longer asking for all of your opinions." Miku mumbled, "Well I suppose we'll have to rehearse without her."

Everyone groaned before lazily standing up, "Ok so I have a list of who will be performing at the concert. The first one is me, of course." She giggled, "Second is Len. Third is Rin. Third, Gumi. Fourth, Luka. Fifth, Meiko. Sixth, SeeU. Seventh, Gakupo. Eighth, Oliver. Is that good?"

Everyone nodded in agreement of the list. Some where secretly wanting to say something but didn't want to say nothing as Miku would lash at them. She's like a tiger, ready to tackle you down at any moment.

"Have you started rehearsing now?" Luka suddenly entered the room with Gakupo and Teto following.

"Nope! You're right on time!" Miku smiled.

Luka smiled in relief, "I thought we were gonna be late! Though it was strange as when we were walking here, there were no signs of teachers or workers anywhere! So we're the only ones here!"

"Strange... I thought teachers stay here and you know grade papers or something." Miku placed her hands on her chin, thinking.

"I know right? But apparently in the office their was a note saying something about teachers having a meeting somewhere else?"

"Wonder why there were so many substitutes today!" Miku yelled surprised, as today she had about 4 substitutes today.

"I love substitutes!" Meiko chuckled, "Cause you can basically just say, 'No that's not what the teacher told us to do! She said we can do nothing today!' hehe works every time!"

Luka ignored her, "Plus there's gonna be a big storm tonight so I won't be surprised if the..." Suddenly as Luka was speaking, a big lightning stroked, making the ground rumble a bit, "...lights went out." Which exactly what happened.




"I like it like this!"




"EVERYONE TURN ON YOUR PHONE FLASHLIGHTS!" Luka yelled, everyone quickly grabbed their phones without hesitation. Turning on their flashlights, "DON'T SHINE YOUR FLASHLIGHT IN MY EYES LEN!" (Y/N) yelled shielding her eyes.

"I'M SORRY!" He cried out apologetic.

"I can't believe it! The lights went out!" Miku yelled out in disbelief.

"Well what are we supposed to do now?" Len asked.

"Well if the lights went out which means the power did also...since the school doors are protected by electricity, means that they are sealed tight. So we're stuck in here until it comes on..."

"Can't we break the window?!" Gumi yelled, preparing a karate kick.

"Nope. They're bulletproof glass which even a simple karate kick won't do no damage. You'll crack it but not shatter it." Luka answered, "I wonder if the lightning hit the power lines outside?"

"Well the power lines are about 3 miles down, the lightning was maybe about a mile away so I don't think the lightning actually hit the power lines." Len said while checking out the room, it was creepy.

"So what turned off the power?"

Everyone shrugged, "Well maybe we can check the power generator? Does anybody know where it is located?"

Everybody shook their heads, Luka didn't even know. She's even the school president!

"WAIT-" Len suddenly freaked out, "WHAT ABOUT RIN?!"

Everyone gasped, "She's still upstairs!"

They all ran out of the choir room, racing towards the stairs which was down the hall. Running up the stairs, worried and anxiousness filled their hearts, they reached the door but unfortunately that was an electric door. Meaning the only way to get in was to scan your student I.D. but since the power was out, there was no way through that door.

"DAMMIT WHY DOES THIS SCHOOL HAVE TO BE SO SECURE?!" Len slammed his fist at the door. It was good to be this secure but in this situation it was hell.

"Our only hope is to check the power generator." Luka sighed, heading down the stairs.

"Shit! There's no signal!" Miku shrieked, staring at her phone.

Everyone started to whimper in fear, "What are we gonna do?!"

"SeeU-chan, can you come with me to find the power generator?" Luka asked, SeeU nodded before walking off with her.

"Why did she leave us?!" Gumi yelled frantically.

"Maybe she's annoyed of our shrieking?" Meiko suggested.

"Blame the tea pot over there!" Fukase pointed at Oliver.

"I-I'm not a teapot!" Oliver yelled.

"Yes you are! You were screaming like one in the back! Mate you probably killed my ears!" Oliver huffed, turning away from Fukase.

"Maybe there's another way upstairs?" Len mumbled to himself, he quickly ran off.

"Len wait!" Miku called out to him but he didn't glance back nor answer back.

"I got him!" Gakupo ran after him.

"Why is everyone splitting up?!" Gumi cried, "Don't you all watch horror movies?!"

"Don't worry Gumi-chan!" Miku patted Gumi's head, "We'll be ok!" She smiled warmly, trying to reassure her, "We just need to find some other way out..."

Miku then clicked her tongue, an idea popping into her mind, since Gumi is a black belt in karate maybe Miku can test something? "I got it! Follow me!" She grabbed Gumi's hand and left, dragging Gumi along with her.

"Now everyone left!" Fukase yelled, flying his arms up in the air.

"What do we do now?" Teto asked, trying her best to hide her fear.

They shrugged, they all had no ideas on what to do. Luka and SeeU went to check the power generator, Len and Gakupo went to find another way to get to the second floor, and Miku and Gumi went god knows where!" Fukase yelled.

"Well you can figure something out, Imma check around this school! It looks cooler when dark!" Meiko gushed while walking off.

"No wait Meiko-chan!" Teto called out but she already left.

"We're stranded now..." (Y/N) said while taking a seat on the stairs.

"With no lights..." Fukase added.

"No service..." Oliver added.

"No food-" Teto was cut off by Fukase sudden gasp, "NO FOOD?! ARE YOU SURE?! IMMA GO AND CHECK!"

Fukase suddenly ran off, "WHERE YOU GOING?!" Teto yelled.


"That baka!" Teto mumbled before running off with him, who also was worried about the food.

"It's just us now..." (Y/N) mumbled, loud enough that Oliver could heard.

Oliver hummed in response. The place was dead silent now, all you could hear was distance running and...screaming? Oliver leaned closer to the door leaning up to the second floor, "What's happening in there?!"

(Y/N) placed her ear against the cold metal door, hearing a girl screaming, "I THINK THAT'S RIN!"


"I DON'T KNOW!" Both of them tried to pry the door open but it wouldn't budge. "RIN-CHAN!" (Y/N) yelled, while banging on the door.


Rin's POV~

I heard distant yelling from downstairs. I wonder what's going on? I turned off my phone, the clouds covered the sky barely Illuminating any light. I turned on my flashlight from my phone, looking around at the creepy class. The posters of creepy old men staring me down, giving me the chills. Yea I definitely should convince Mr. Silent man to take those pictures down. "Especially you Hamilton! You have got to go! I don't care if you're the Secretary or Treasury for George Washington! Really you should have choose a better hair style! That makes you look gay! Ha!" I laughed out loud, was i going insane? I'm talking to a poster. Nah probably not. I slowly made my way to the door, I looked down the hallway. Shivers went down my spine as it was pitch black.

I took a step, my heels echoing with every step I made, it echoed all the way down to the hallway. I shivered from the coldness, I forgot my jacket downstairs. I slowly made my way to the door that lead to the first floor, I pushed against it but it didn't budge. I tried scanning my student I.D. but it didn't make that annoying beep. I looked around, seeing nothing but darkness, "L-Len?" I called out, "If this i-is a prank, I swear I will k-kill you..."

My voice couldn't help but quiver, suddenly something fell, sounds like it came from the end of the hallway. Something loud, like a desk was knocked over. I shrieked in fear, "LEN!" My breathing starting to hyperventilate, I quickly jogged back to the history class. I screamed as a loud lighting hit the ground making a loud crash, the bright light of the lightning quickly brighten the hallway, allowing me to see for a quick second.

I froze in fear as soon as the hallway lit up, I saw a black figure standing at the end of the hallway. I shrieked in fear, dropping my phone. I quickly reached down and grabbed it, shielding my eyes from the brightness that was blinding me. I shined it up, the figure was gone.

I took a step back, my hands starting to tremble, making me almost drop my phone again. The classroom at the end of the hallway was open, as if it was a sign to enter.

My curiosity yearning me to go towards room. I walked slowly towards it, my mind racing with millions of thoughts, giving me a headache. I leaned onto the lockers for support, I was getting a bit dizzy.

I reached the door, I bit my lip preparing for whatever is gonna happen...or you know what?

I quickly ran back to my history room, I'm not going to be a dumb idiot and check what the hell was that! I certainly won't die today! I ran under the teachers desk, hugging my knees together. Turning off my flashlight immediately.

I placed my head down, trying to make me as small as I can get. In a distance I could hear something, like a metal object being dragged against the lockers. The sound getting louder and louder every second. My heart pounding in my chest, my breath quivering, my body began to tremble.

I could hear the person outside of the door, knocking slowly, "Ding Dong I know you can hear me, open up the door~" she sings. My eyes widen as that voice is so familiar, it definitely was a girl. But who? "I only want to play a little~" she continued to sing.

She opens the door, she tapped whatever she had in her hands against the wall, "I know you're in here Rin-chan." She whispered, loud enough for me to hear.

"Come on out~ Your friends are desperately searching for you. You should go to them. Why are you cowering under that desk?"

Oh shi- I bit my lip, I bit it so hard that I can taste a bit of blood, "Why are you ignoring me? Aren't we friends?" She asked in a frightening tone.

Her voice quickly went back to that soothing but had a hint of sinister tone, "Come on~ hurry. We need to get to your friends. Or else they'll leave you forever."

She stepped closer, her heels echoing. She then harshly lifted the desk up, flipping it over. Papers flying everywhere, I screamed before racing to the door, I desperately tried to open it but it wouldn't budge! I slammed myself into it, it slowly moved but if I kept going I wouldn't make it. She would reach me.

My phone was at the desk, probably broken. I looked back, her figure stood there chuckling at my fear. "You're so funny Rin-chan."

She walked closer to me, my eyes narrowed at her, I looked down, seeing that she was holding something. A knife.

I walked quickly around the room trying to get far away as possible, a few desks hit my sides making me groan in pain. I rubbed them but kept going, she followed me while giggling.

"Why are you running? You look funny when running." She asked, dragging the knife across the desk. Making a horrible screeching noise, I covered my ears in terror.

I turned around as she was right next to me, I screamed before tripping over a chair that was behind me, I crawled to a corner. Whimpering in fear.

"Ahahahaha you're so pathetic!" She laughed, suddenly she paused, "I wonder. Why does senpai hang out with you? I mean like you're nothing! You're just a pathetic wimp! You've done nothing to earn his attention! While I had to work hard just to earn a single glance from him! You on the other hand get to talk to him everyday! I have to rely on others to help me speak to him!" The knife began grinding harder onto the desk, my ears could bleed at any second.

"W-what are you talking about?!" I finally spoke. She then stomped her foot into the ground, "About my senpai! You shouldn't be with him!"

She crouched down, "How is it? People who have sinned live carefree, while others who haven't are locked up, why is that?" She placed the knife under my chin, the cold blade making me shiver. Lightening stroked, the light beaming in, letting me see her face. My eyes widened, "****?!"

She laughed, "Surprised? Well since you know who I am, I'll definitely have to kill you now!"


So sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger...

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